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Coauthor: Khairul Azhar
Resume: everybody lies, the only variable is about what

Creator - Matthew Michael Carnahan; 2019; countries - USA; Runtime - 2hour, 6 minutes; Thriller, Drama; &ref(,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg)
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Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2019 Format: Prime Video “Dark Waters” Distributed by Focus Features, 126 Minutes, Rated PG-13, Released November 22, 2019: There’s a scene in the 1976 political drama “All the President’s Men” in which Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford as Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward need to request from a Library of Congress staff member every checkout slip processed in the past three years in one of the largest libraries in the world. “I’m not sure you want ‘em, ” the sympathetic librarian tells them, “but I got ‘em. ” And in the next shot, the camera slowly pans upward to see the two reporters beginning to sift through tables and tables filled with hundreds of thousands of library checkout slips, in an attempt to find a single clue which will help them to solve the mystery behind the Watergate break-in. There’s a similar scene in “Dark Waters, ” the new fact-based legal thriller from Focus Features now playing in movie theaters across the United States. In the scene, the intrepid attorney played by actor Mark Ruffalo requests from the gigantic DuPort chemical conglomerate records of research material related to the manufacture of one specific compound. In reluctant compliance with the request--as well as an effort to discourage any future investigation by the government--DuPort sends the attorney dozens and dozens of packing crates filled with records. And with a sigh, Ruffalo as the attorney hunkers down in his law firm’s conference room to begin the Sisyphean task of examining the hundreds of thousands of documents, one by one. Both scenes are important to their pictures’ narratives, enormously revealing background touches in unusually engrossing movies. The purpose of the segments is plain--that any result, is desirable enough, is worth working for. If “Dark Waters” and 2000’s “Erin Brockovich” were playing as a double feature at a drive-in theater, you might feel compelled to leave halfway through the second matter which picture played first. But sometimes surface resemblances can be misleading--while the two pictures have similarities and both are informative and richly entertaining movies, a major difference is that the older picture’s conclusion is more because the events of “Dark Waters” are still playing out. Adapted by screenwriters Mario Correa and Matthew Michael Carnahan from writer Nathaniel Rich’s New York Times Magazine article “The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare, ” in “Dark Waters” a successful and upwardly mobile attorney for a prosperous corporate legal firm places his carefully-plotted career on hold to help a rural farmer pursue a complaint of a local refinery’s waste water is poisoning his discovers that the case leads to the highest echelons of corporate America. If neither DuPont nor Teflon are among the sponsors for this year’s Academy Awards broadcast, don’t be surprised to find Mark Ruffalo’s name among the Best Actor nominees for his role in “Dark Waters. ” Ruffalo is the rare performer who puts his money where his mouth is--a dedicated social activist as well as a gifted actor. When the actor combines the two pursuits, people tend to take notice: 2015’s Academy Award-winning “Spotlight” is an example. In “Dark Waters, ” Ruffalo seems to be trying hard to blend into the ensemble--after adding a few pounds to portray the real-life Robert Bilott, the actor resembles Oliver Platt--but his talent, and his social conscience, shine through in every scene. “Dark Waters” is good, solid, smart motion picture entertainment. You have to work a little to keep up with the plot development--this is one picture for which your ninth grade chemistry will come in handy--and the picture’s conclusion isn’t completely reassuring. The ultimate message is as sobering and troubling as it is inspiring: ”THEY don’t protect us--WE protect us. ” But if you think about it, that’s what Jefferson, Hamilton, Adams, and the other founding fathers were telling us all along. Supporting Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway disguised in a succession of unflattering black wigs is wasted in a nothing role as Ruffalo’s brittle wife, but the reliable old pro Bill Pullman has fun in a showy little role as a seasoned and wiley small-town country lawyer who’s amused to find himself taking on big business for the first time in his career. And ubiquitous supporting player Bill Camp has the role of a lifetime, so persuasive as the crusty West Virginia rancher whose problems set the plot in motion that the viewer might well mistake him for the real deal. Directed by Todd Haynes, “Dark Waters” is earning superb reviews from the critics, including an approval rating of 97% from Rotten Tomatoes and 93% from Metacritic. The picture’s been gaining momentum at the box office--originally placed into a limited release pattern in only five locations across the United States and Canada, the film expanded into 94 theaters during its second week and entered the Box Office Mojo charts in eighteenth place. Now playing in 2012 theaters across the US--about half the number as, say, “Frozen II”--the picture has risen to an impressive sixth place in the Box Office Mojo Top Ten. “Dark Waters” is rated PG-13 for some disturbing images, and strong language. Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2019 Format: Prime Video This is what cinema should be, but very rarely is... a film that deepens our understanding of our world and our lives with drama, script and performances. In the end, it might even save our lives. Thank you, Mark Ruffalo, Todd Haynes, you did yourselves proud. Reviewed in the United States on February 21, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase WOW!!! OUTSTANDING CINEMA!!! Heart-felt, well executed, powerful drama!!! All-star cast delivers first-class performances!!! Fact based thriller that will keep you glued to the screen!!! Mark Ruffalo did an outstanding job of being loveabley believable!!! In the vein of CLASS ACTION or A CIVIL ACTION,... yet horrifyingly true!!! PERFECT PURCHASE!!! For your family night explanation of the Deep-State!!! Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2019 Format: Prime Video "Dark Waters" (2019 release; 126 min. ) brings the story of Cincinnati lawyer Rob Bilott's long legal battle against DuPont. As the movie opens, it is "1975 Parkersburg, West Virginia" as we see several teenagers (one of them a young Bilott) go swimming in a lake that we later see being sprayed with chemicals. We then go to "1998 Cincinnati, Ohio", and Rob has just made partner at Taft, one of the large law firms in Cincinnati. Then a stranger shows up who is from Parkersburg and knows Rob's grandmother. The stranger, Wilbur Tennant, claims that chemicals have ruined his farm, he has the VHS tapes to prove it, and can Rob please represent him.... At this point we're 10 min. into the movie, but to tell you more of the plot would spoil your viewing experience, you'll just have to see for yourself how it all turns out. Couple of comments: this is the latest movie from Todd Haynes, whose prior movie, the excellent "Carol" was coincidentally also filmed here in Cincinnati (where I live). But that is where the comparisons stop. Here, Haynes brings to the big screen the long battle that Bilott fought against chemical giant DuPont. The film starts a bit tentative in my opinion, but after the first half hour, the tension doesn't let up as DuPont is fighting with all of its might against Bilott. This movie is a labor of love for Mark Ruffalo, who stars and also co-produces. I've seen a lot of the films that Ruffalo has made in his career, and I don't know that he's ever been better, playing the almost mousy yet determined lawyer. Anne Hathaway seems underused as the supportive spouse but as the movie goes deeper, her role expands. The movie was filmed in early 2019 in and around Cincinnati, and the downtown area is featured extensively, including Fountain Square, the Queen City Club, the Hall of Mirrors at the Netherland Plaza, etc. The movie had a red carpet premiere here in Cincinnati a week before it got a limited release. This weekend it got a wide release, and the Friday early evening screening where I saw it at my art-house theater here in Cincinnati was attended okay (about 20 people). This movie will create strong word of mouth, and if it manages to pick up some award nominations (as it is expected), this could have a decent run in the theaters. If you are interested in a tense legal drama where Mark Ruffalo shines, I'd readily suggest you check this out, be it in the theater, on VOD, or eventually on DVD/Blu-ray. Reviewed in the United States on February 19, 2020 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Watched it with my 13 year old daughter. We both loved it. The acting is impressive, the story tied and well-told, and the director respects and values its audience. The story is so important, everyone should see it, regardless of political opinion, education, etc... Unless you're part of the 0. 0001% who just don't care at all and have a dead mind and a heart of stone. Thankful for the real-life people that it depicts. You'll see.
Whos watching this in 2029. Movie stream dark waters game. Awful, simply awful. Movie stream dark waters review. Movie stream dark waters map. Movie Stream Dark water damage. Movie stream dark waters 1. From Participant (Spotlight, Green Book), DARK WATERS tells the shocking and heroic story of an attorney ( Mark Ruffalo) who risks his career and family to uncover a dark secret hidden by one of the world’s largest corporations and to bring justice to a community dangerously exposed for decades to deadly chemicals. Corporate environmental defense attorney Rob Bilott (Academy Award®-nominee Mark Ruffalo) has just made partner at his prestigious Cincinnati law firm in large part due to his work defending Big Chem companies. He finds himself conflicted after he’s contacted by two West Virginia farmers who believe that the local DuPont plant is dumping toxic waste in the area landfill that is destroying their fields and killing their cattle. Hoping to learn the truth about just what is happening, Bilott, with help from his supervising partner in the firm, Tom Terp (Academy Award®-winner Tim Robbins), files a complaint that marks the beginning of an epic 15-year fight?one that will not only test his relationship with his wife, Sarah (Academy Award®-winner Anne Hathaway) but also his reputation, his health and his livelihood.
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Movie Stream Dark water quality. So, basically if I ever end up with a serious illness then I should take it up with DuPont? Sounds good.
SYNOPSIS: This is the story based on a real person named "Robert Bilott" and inspired by an article titled "The Lawyer Who Became DuPont's Worst Nightmare." Robert Bilott (Mark Ruffalo) is a lawyer who primarily defends chemical corporations until a farmer from his old town of West Virginia asks for help to prove that there are chemicals being dumped in the water that is the cause of large amount of cow deaths. Although unconvinced at first, through excessive research and digging, Robert begins to find horrifying evidence of something much worse than just a deadly chemical to cows, but humans and all creatures alike. DIRECTION: If I'm being honest, I don't have much to say in this realm. The direction by Todd Haynes was as technically solid as any other good film. Yes, just "good." The color palette was probably a little too dull even for the subject matter and really the film's strong points really lye in the writing and some strong performances. I feel almost any other director could've done the same job, if not better. WRITING: The writing is definitely a step up from the directing. The writing isn't perfect as there are some scenes that almost seemed unnecessary and just had me thinking "get to the story! Now, there is much to be said about how much time and effort it must've been to retrieve all of this information and translate it to script. Yes, it's been done before, ie: Spotlight, Zodiac, etc., but this is quite possibly one of the most important stories to be told today as this is something that is still affecting everyone. TODAY. It is based on the NYTIMES article "The Lawyer Who Became DuPont's Worst Nightmare" by Nathanial Rich, but obviously there was far more research than a 10ish page article. ACTING: The acting is definitely where the juice is at. This is where you take your regular beef sandwich and baptize it (In case you're not american enough to know what this means, it means you dump in in the beef juice. Mark Ruffalo gives a similarly excellent performance as he did in Spotlight. WOAH WOAH, I didn't say it was AS good, I said it was SIMILAR. Cool it, Mary. It's expected, but he really makes the film what it is. Anne Hathaway is great, as usual, but her role as the wife wasn't integral to the story. I understand showing he has a life outside of work with kids and a wife and showing the kid's grow older and older gives substance to the prolonged journey Robert is taking, but these were the scenes I felt could've been cut or replaced. Tim Robbins is in this and some other people and some other people. All did well, just kind've interchangeable. CONCLUSION: Mr. John "The Sexy and Over-qualified or something Critic Guy" Yanulis, you rated this film a 3.5/5, yet after reading your overly long review it seems like a high rating. What can I say? I like it Ruff and I'm a sucker for investigative films on important and interesting topics. Also, I prefer rating my films on a 1-10 bases, but I'm limited. So really for me this film is like a 6.6/10.
Movie stream dark waters movies. Stream dark waters movie. Oh it is not a coincidence that 2 Bernie Sanders supporters get together in this amazing movie. I think only with Bernie Sanders as president this case can be safely investigated - any other politician would just get paid off by the pharmaceutical industry. Imagine Biden lol. hilarious. American non Americans - democrats and non voters we have to all unite to get Bernie Sanders elected to save what is left to save. Tim Robbins if you read this - is there any transcript of your amazing speech you gave at Venice beach. Movie stream dark waters 2017. Movie stream dark waters live.
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