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Thank u I understand clearly. By Ruchika Gupta The road not taken - Poem Class 9 CBSE English Explanation, Summary, Question Answers, Difficult words The Road not taken- CBSE class 9 English Poem detailed explanation of the lesson along with meanings of difficult words and literary devices used in the poem. Given here is the complete explanation of the Poems, along with summary. All the exercises and Question and Answers given at the back of the lesson This well-known poem is about making choices, and the choices that shape us. Robert Frost is an American poet who writes simply, but insightfully, about common, ordinary experiences Introduction to the Poem In the poem - ‘The Road Not Taken’, the road symbolizes our life. The poet says that the path that we don’t choose in our life is ‘the road not taken’. He describes his feelings about that choice that he had left in the past. The path which we have chosen, decides our future, our destination. The important message that the poet wants to give is that the choice that we make has an impact on our future and if we make a wrong choice, we regret it but cannot go back on it. So, we must be wise while making choices. Advertisement: Poem and Explanation Stanza 1 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; diverged: separated and took a different direction yellow wood: a forest with decomposing leaves undergrowth: dense growth of plants and bushes means the forest) Once the poet was walking down a road and then there was a diversion, there were two different paths and he had to choose one out them. The poet says that as he was one person, he could travel on one road only. He had to choose one out of these two roads Yellow wood means a forest with leaves which are wearing out and they have turned yellow in colour ? the season of autumn. It represents a world which is full of people, where people have been living for many years. They represent people who are older than the poet. The poet kept standing there and looked at the path very carefully as far as he could see it. Before taking the path, he wanted to know how it was. Was it suitable for him or no. He was able to see the path till from where it curved after which it was covered with trees and was hidden. It happens in our life also when we have choices, we have alternatives, but we have to choose only one out of them, we take time to think about the pros and cons, whether it is suitable for us or not and only then, we take a decision on what path we should choose. Stanza 2 Then took the other, just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same. fair: As good as the other one, claim: Better option grassy: unused wanted wear: had not been used The poet kept on looking at one path for a long time to check if it is the right path for him or not and them he decided and started walking on another path because he felt that the both paths were equally good. He says just as fair, so, he felt that both paths were equally good and started walking on one of them. He adds that maybe he felt that the path was better for him so he chooses it as it had grass on it which means that it was unused. Not many people had walked on this path earlier that is why this path was grassy. ‘And wanted wear’ means that it was not walked over by many people. After he walked on the path for some distance, he realized that both the paths had been worm out the same way. Both the paths were similar and worn out. Even in our life, we take any path or option but all of them have the same benefits, disadvantages, problems, challenges and we must face them. We think that we are choosing a better option, but it is not that way. Stanza 3 And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. trodden means walked over. The poet says that both the paths were similar that morning. Both had leaves on them and no one had stepped on them as they were still green in colour. He decided that that day he would take one path and keep the other path for another day, although he knew that one way leads on to another way. He knew that he could not go back on the choice that he had made. Similarly, even in our life once we choose an option, we must keep on moving ahead with that option and we never get a chance to come back and take the other option that we had left earlier. Stanza 4 I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence; Two roads diverged in a wood, and I ? I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference. sigh: deep breath hence: here, in the future He says that in the future, he will take a deep breath and say that once upon a time, he had reached such a point in life that there were two options for him and he travelled on that road which had been travelled upon by lesser number of people. That decision of his decided his future. Similarly, in future, when you grow up, then you will say that once upon a time, when you were young, you had two options. The choice that you made, made you what you became of it. This is a very strong message for all the students - that you should be wise and be careful while making choices out of the options that you have in your life because your future depends on the choice that you make today. Literary Devices used in the Poem - The Road Not Taken Scheme: abaab mbolism: two roads which represents two or more choices in our life 3. Anaphora: ‘and’ repeated at the beginning of lines 2, 3 and 4 literation: Wanted Wear ‘w’ sound is repeating ‘first for’ ? ‘f’ sound is repeating ‘though, that’- ‘th’ sound is repeating petition: ‘Ages’ is repeated. ‘Two roads diverged in a wood’- this sentence is repeated in stanzas 1 and 4. The Road Not Taken Summary The poet says that once, he was walking down the road and reached a fork. He could walk over one of the paths only. He took time to choose the right path. He inspected them to decide which was a better option and then chose the one which seemed less walked over. He kept the other one for some other day although he knew that he would never get the chance to walk over it. He would go further on the chosen path and not get a chance to go back on it. As he walked on the chosen path, he realized that both the paths were similar. He felt that his future depended on the choice that he made. Question and Answers 1. Where does the traveller find himself? What problem does he face? A. The traveller finds himself standing on a fork in the path. He is in a problem as he must choose one path and is unable to decide which one to choose. 2. Discuss what these phrases mean to you. (i) a yellow wood A. ‘Yellow wood’ refers to the forest which has withering leaves as in the season of autumn. It represents a world full of aging people. (ii) it was grassy and wanted wear A. It means that the path had a lot of grass on it. This means that it had not been walked over by many people. It had to be worn out by the steps of the people who walked on it. (iii) the passing there A. It means that when he walked over the path that he had chosen. (iv) leaves no step had trodden black A. It means that no one had walked over the leaves as they were still green. If they had been walked over, they would have turned black. (v) how way leads on to way A. It means that as we walk on a path, we come across more options and make choices further. We keep on walking ahead on that way. 3. Is there any difference between the two roads as the poet describes them (i) in stanzas two and three? A. The two paths were similar. In the beginning, the poet felt that one of them was grassy and had not been walked over by many people, but when he walked on it for some distance, he realized that it was like the other road. (ii) in the last two lines of the poem? A. Here, again the poet talks of his initial decision when he thought that the roads were different and chose the one that had been walked over by a lesser number of people.
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Free Download The road not taken. Let be respectful and give Robert Frost his due. He is the author of the road not taken. Free download the roads not taken lyrics. Free download the roads not taken away. This poem is one of the best poem of my childhood. I love it.??. Free download the roads not taken movie. Ah, I had almost forgotten. I guess I'm going into the military after all. Free download the roads not taken full. @cupofsugarful I agree with you entirely here. It seems that this poem is rarely truly understood! It is a poem about a kind of active procrastination! It is, as Frost himself admitted later, about a man who always regretted whatever decision he ever made believing the untrodden grass on the other path was always going to be greener. In the film The Dead Poets' Society Robin Williams completely misunderstands the poem and consequently so did many who read the poem in the film's wake...
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Free download the roads not taken. “The Road Not Taken” is one of Robert Frost’s most popular and memorable works published in 1916. The poem puts forward the point that no matter what choice one may make, even a good choice, one will still look back and wonder what would have happened with a different decision. Frost has illustrated this with beautiful imagery of paths, a traveler, and a yellow wood. The Road Not Taken BY ROBERT FROST Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Analysis of Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” “The Road Not Taken” is one of poet Robert Frost’s most elegant and popular works. Published in 1916, this poem in many ways epitomizes the importance of following your own path in society, and how one cannot find their own potential if one follows someone else’s way. In the poem, the narrator, a conflicted traveller, describes how he has come to a split in a road through a “yellow wood” where he wishes he could travel both routes, but at the same time, he realizes that traveling through both roads is not a practical choice. This stanza presents the dilemma of having to make a choice where both the options seem appealing. The narrator looks down one path as far as he can see but decides to take the other. The narrator takes the road that has not been used, which illustrates that he was willing to try something different. Frost focuses on how our choices and hopes play a large role in our life. The narrator wonders about his lost opportunities as his choice takes him to one future and leaves another behind. He thinks the path he decides to take is not as used as the other, but really, the paths are about the same and the fallen leaves on both look very nice and fresh. He tells himself that he will come back and take the other road. But he knows that in reality, that is unlikely to happen. The poem is not about the road taken, but about the road not taken. Frost presents how sometimes we have to make a decision without being able to know or see clearly how life-changing that decision will be.
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Fringe The Road Not Taken Season 1, Episode 19 Airdate May 5, 2009 Written by J. J. Abrams Alex Kurtzman Directed by Fred Toye ← previous " Midnight " next → " There's More Than One of Everything " Cast | Transcript "The Road Not Taken" is the nineteenth episode of the first season of Fringe. Synopsis Edit Olivia experiences "awake dreams, " seeing elaborate visions of things not really there. While investigating a disturbing case of a woman who apparently spontaneously combusted, Olivia throws caution to the wind and explores her unexplained visions further. Meanwhile, Walter discusses key information about the Z. F. T. manifesto, and Peter reveals a secret that yields unexpected results in the case. Plot Edit The Fringe Division investigates the case of Susan Pratt, a woman who "spontaneously combusts" in the middle of a busy New York street. The team discovers that the victim is the subject of a Z. experiment to cultivate pyrokinesis. As they investigate, Olivia experiences "visions" while awake. Walter Bishop suggests she is seeing a parallel universe which has branched off from our own. Olivia Dunham and Peter Bishop visit an agoraphobic website designer named Emmanuel Grayson who is apparently aware of William Bell, the drug trials, and the coming war, although his credibility comes into question when he believes himself to be a character in the plot of Star Trek. Using information from her visions, Olivia tracks down the victim's twin sister, Nancy Lewis, who only moments before was kidnapped for more ZFT experimentation. Sanford Harris is revealed to be responsible for the crimes, and while closing in on him, Olivia gets locked in a room with Lewis, whose unstable pyrokinetic abilities threaten both their lives. With Olivia's guidance, the woman focuses her energy on Harris and incinerates him. Olivia finds out that the sisters were part of the same nootropic drug trial that she was as a child. She presses Walter to reveal why he and William Bell?were developing "supersoldiers, " but Walter only shares that it was for protection against some impending doom that he regrettably cannot recall. Meanwhile, Walter reveals that the ZFT manuscript was written by William Bell and that the copy of the manuscript that ZFT uses is missing a chapter dealing with ethics. He locates the original, but The Observer shows up and takes Walter away, cryptically stating: "it is time to go. " Nina Sharp visits Phillip Broyles to discuss the Observer and is later shot in her hotel by two masked gunmen using silenced weapons. Notable Quotes Edit Olivia: I feel like I'm losing my mind. Walter: Oh, I don't think so. If you were actually going insane, you'd likely have no idea what's happening. Take it from me. Walter: Matter is just energy waiting to happen. The average adult at rest contains enough potential energy to explode with the force of five very large hydrogen bombs. Peter: You know, theoretically, you're actually right. Walter: Ho ho ho ho! My son finally agrees with me. Agent Farnsworth, take a note of that. Peter: There's something strange in your neighborhood. Walter: Who you going to call? Olivia: What process? Grayson: To create super soldiers. Olivia: Super-soldiers. Grayson: Yes. Like Khan Noonian Singh. To defend us in the coming war. Olivia: What war? Peter: I'm sorry. The Khan? Grayson: Yes. Peter: As in The Wrath of...? Peter: Let me guess. This war, it's against... Grayson: The Romulans. Renegade Romulans from the future, here to change the timeline. The sworn enemy of the Federation. Peter: The Federation. That would be the United Federation of Planets. Peter: Hmm. And you know this because? Grayson: I am the son of Sarek. Peter: Which makes you Spock. Peter: Well, Mr Spock, thank you for your time. We'll let you get back to the bridge now. Grayson: Live long and prosper. Notes Edit The Observer arrives at Walter's lab and escorts him away. The clue for "The Road Not Taken" appeared in the previous episode, " Midnight ". The clue was a mysterious fire which breaks out on the bottom of the newscast, and additionally, a featured song in one of the club scenes was "Burning Up" by Ladytron. Also, in Olivia's 'vision' into Boston burning, there is graffiti in the building on the left of the frame that states 'He is here', possibly referring to William Bell being in another universe. When examining the woman's charred corpse, Walter Bishop is carrying a Slusho! cup. Slusho! is a fictional company created by J. Abrams for Cloverfield. The sequence with conspiracy theorist Emmanuel Grayson contains numerous references to Star Trek which serve as multi-level in-jokes. Emmanuel claims to be Spock, son of Sarek, and Spock actor Leonard Nimoy makes his Fringe debut in the next episode. He bears the same surname as the mother of Spock and wife of Sarek, Amanda Grayson. In addition, the series' creators were, at this time, involved in producing a new Star Trek movie which involves a plot similar to the one Grayson described. Emmanuel lives in number 1701. That's the number of the starship Enterprise. Lastly, the actor playing Emmanuel, Clint Howard, guest-starred in " The Corbomite Maneuver ", the very first regular Star Trek episode to be filmed in 1966. This episode suggests the plot for the JJ Abrams reboot of the Star Trek: "Romulans, renegade Romulans here to change the timeline. The sworn enemy of the federation. " The conspiracy theorist story about the super soldiers created for a war mirrors the plot of the 1st season and while it seems that Grayson goes on to a crazy Star Trek-inspired rant, the "Future Romulans, here to change the timeline" could be an allusion to The Observers and their plots to change the timeline in order to create their version of the perfect earth. Goofs Edit When Olivia has a vision of the alternative universe Broyles' desk is facing the window. But when Olivia is talking to Charlie the desk is in the background and it doesn't move. In the scene where the forensics team is going over Nancy Lewis' apartment when Olivia is walking towards Peter to help him cut the glass, and she's wearing blue gloves. When she holds the glass she uses her bare hands. The glimpses Olivia sees of the Alternate universe have her talking to an alternate Broyles and Francis but inside the FBI building. According to the alternate universe Broyles, however, the FBI ceased to exist a decade ago. Either Olivia saw a different alternate universe from the one we are familiar with, one with events closer to the Prime universe such as the existence of the FBI and Cortexiphan, or the alternate universe was not fully developed at this time. Charlie is seen placing a call on a cell phone. The scene that immediately follows shows Harris getting into an SUV. The camera then pans to Olivia, who uses a radio and says, "I got him, Charlie, he is headed West. " The scene then cuts to Charlie who is on a cell phone and says, "I'm right behind you" and there is an audible beep of Charlie ending a call. Music Edit "Traveling Riverside Blues" by Robert Johnson Cypher Edit V I S I O N.









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