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Drama Liubomiras Laucevicius Audience score 47573 votes director Elem Klimov info Idi i smotri is a movie starring Aleksey Kravchenko, Olga Mironova, and Liubomiras Laucevicius. After finding an old rifle, a young boy joins the Soviet resistance movement against ruthless German forces and experiences the horrors Come and See directed by Elem Klimov is by far one of the most powerfully captured, heartbreaking, and eye-opening films I have ever seen. It made me sleep with unease for 3 nights straight. Klimov captured every emotion out of me in: I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I yelled, I clenched my teeth. This movie also teased my 5 senses: I tasted the mud in the swamp as Florya and Glasha were struggling to get across. I smelt the fire from barn in the small village, while people were burning inside, and Nazis were laughing. I heard the flies buzzing around Florya's home giving off a sense of death, decay, and abandonment. I saw Florya go from the primal immature young boy, to an old man in a matter of days. I could feel the hardship, the sadness, the love that Florya felt for Glasha, and the Resistance coming to life. Klimov's timing in making this movie is very pertinent because in 1985 the world was amidst a Nuclear Holocaust. This movie helps to show the reality of war, the resistance against war, and the toll that it has on every person. Aleksei Rodionov's cinematic elements really brought this movie alive. Each shot was filmed so impressively with illustrations and truth brought out in a significant matter. The death of the cow, the bombs falling out of the sky, the transformation of Florya was all captured effectively. Klimov was not afraid of exposing the truth no matter how foul and dehumanizing it was. Having Rodionov as his cinematographer helped assure that the story would not miss guide the viewer, rather assure the audience of the Nazi cruelty and the Russian Resistance. One scene in particular that was very emotional was the burning of the people in the small village. At that moment I had to hide my face and say to myself, this is just a movie?this is just a movie." Right as I turned back the camera zooms to the door and people are knocking at it vigorously, showing the reality of the situation and that people were actually in there. If Rodionov had not panned to the door, I could have blocked out the memory and the pain rather than having to feel even more uncomfortable and shocked, as they wanted us to feel. You can see the recklessness of the Nazi's and their inhuman ways in multiple encounters in this movie; they treat the Russians like animals, like scum on their feet. However the Resistance Movement of Russian comes to beat them. The last scene was cinematography at its finest, with the camera taking its own path to find snow on the ground assuring the audience of the defeat, because Russian's always win war when winter comes along. Florya played brilliantly by Aleksey Kravchenko is an interesting character. He passionately wanted a gun, and to fight in the war but is left behind. The war breaks out in front of him anyway and ends up changing his life forever. I don't think he realizes exactly why he wanted to fight until he saw in his very own eyes what had been happening. The Nazi's felt nothing from this little boy, as they felt for the old lady however he was a big part to their downfall and deaths. He never shoots his gun until the end when he fervently shoots the Hitler photo. All of his anger and rage came out in that last moment, which also showed a reverse montage of Hitler taking him back to when he was a kid, explaining that being a child is how everything starts. Florya is no longer was the 'newcomer' and after this long painful experience he decides to go with this people and continue the fight. The musical score and sound track also was a masterpiece in itself. The flies buzzing, the sound of the bombs stinging in Florya's ears, and taking the music from the beautiful Mozart to create an essence of dramatic cinema and is purely accomplished. This movie is by far a must see?If you thought you have seen the best of war films, think again. I highly recommend Come and See, to wake up your mind and realize the reality of the war.
What side was that pvt pyle. This movie have too much profanity. This film is absolutely brutal, if you're going to watch it pay close attention to the audio experience.
I need to rewatch this movie sometime, seriously one of the most brilliant and impactful films ive ever seen. ? ? , . Merry christmas ya dour git. Vendría bien que lo doblen al español y asi vemos una película de verdad y no una hollywoodence. 1:51:33 that's an infantry carrier. Three purple hearts and you can go back to the states. Download Free Idi i smotri Watch,Idi,i,smotri,Online,Vshare Idi i smotri Online Putlocker (idi i smotri) See page.
I'm so glad you finally did a video about this film. It is, perhaps, one of the greatest and most soul crushing movies I have ever seen. Perfect for the holidays. YouTube. Bunny says of Sgt Elias Guy's been here for 3 years and he gets the idea he's Jesus Christ or something. Same character as Father Elias in Apocalypse Now. The son of George Orwell. Hi from Turkey. I watched this movie at 1989 and yesterday. I'm crying for your 628 villages. And shells and bombs bury and soldiers and weapons. Sometimes equipment buried soldiers dut to they could not take all weapons because of lack of healthy soldiers and lack of cars. In the first war summer there were a lot of pockets...

Difficult and brutal movie but highly recommended. Also. since we know everything is real in this movie like the shock factor is genuine, the bullets are real, a cow gets for reals shot. does. this director really tell this actor to sexually abuse a real. idk what that critter is BUT IS IT REALLY HAPPENING CAUSE I CANT WATCH THIS ISH IF ITS ALLL REAL. Watch Free Idi i smotri.


This is my favorite movie of ALL TIME and I only watch the classics. WHEN I WAS 11 PLATOON CAME OUT AT THE THEATRES?. 10/10 movie. I liked it alot but i wish there was some more torpedo kills. BTW who died after they seen that all white, red Cross sanitater outfit during the lorient bombing scene. Most epic ss moments.









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