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Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The Doors ?HD

★★ ωωωωωωωωωωωωωωω
★★ ???????????????

Coauthor - Justin Kreutzmann
Bio: Justin Kreutzmann was born to the world of Rock ‘n’ Roll. In 1977, when Justin was eight, his dad gave him a Super-8 camera, and his path was set for life.

Countries USA / Director Justin Kreutzmann / 1hour 7Minute / Cast Exene Cervenka

Ray was the heart of The was The Doors. I mean, I love Jim and the other guys too, but Manzarek was the only one who kept going with his music an legacy until the very late months of his life. And I think if it wasn't for Morrison's death, The Doors would have been played in the 70's, 80's, 90's and 00' like the Stones. Ray deeply wished that.

Yet another out of proportion video, they looked squished guess stretching a video now means remastered, just saying. They were so lame back then about music. Anyone seen the movie Footloose. Watch Online Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The door locks. Watch Online Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The door cinema. I really believe that Ray had three brains in his head. He was a freaking genius. Jim was a great exterior face for the Doors. Ray was the really solid interior.
Watch Online Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The doors. Dick Clark obviously took their music seriously unlike some others. Great video! Blast from the past. The Lizard King lives on... Watch Online Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and thedoors.
Doors did so much incredible music in just five years, they're still selling albums- 100 million so far.

Put Billy Idol?in as the lead singer and change the name to the Doorknobs

I can hear Jim into that last raspy FAYOOOO 7:46. The audience don't realize that there are two gods in their presence. Ray what are you doing ahahah.

I like seeing artists come together like this

Totally worth it for Robby Krieger's solo. Dig the homage to Coltrane with the My favorite things quote. Vedder fits in. Ray left out LSD. Watch Online Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The door cinema club. Man this is deep.

SIXTIES NO TEN YEARS BETTER EVERYTHING CHANGED. I saw The Doors on stage back during the summer of '69 but these guys trying to do the same stuff without JM was downright pathetic. I knew one of the dancers, named Sunshine. Must be 65 years old now. . Podria escucharla toda la eternidad.
Always thought the intro sounded like What I'd Say by Ray Charles. Manzarek could project a movie on your mind with his voice. Ray Manzarek: Master Storyteller. Did I hear Peter Wolf at the end there. R.I.P. Mr. Ray Manzarek, our lives will never be the same.

Music does not get better than this. I get goosebumps when I listen to it. still... Learned one thing. the cameraman is NOT a guitar player. Watch Online Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The doorstep. Greatest song ' Break On Through (to the other side. Watch Online Break on Thru: A Celebration of Ray Manzarek and The door repair. I saw Ray at Yoshi's in SF a few years ago. We sat in adjacent booths for dinner. I feel that Ray was one of the greatest rock keyboardists his sound really defined the stantly recognizable and totally unique. Rock on Forever, Ray.
He is Manzarek, He can play with a calculator, if He wants. Yee haw! im digging this, sweet! Damn good for jus Robbie and John getting down. and, that drum Johns rocking on is awesome! i want one now, lol.











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