sharefile aprimewire Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn


&ref(,0,76,113_AL_.jpg); Cathy Yan; release date - 2020; Margot Robbie, Ewan McGregor. &ref() Thanks to the editor, for not putting the words Director of The Dark Knight trilogy because in nolan we trust. 4:14. Te envía saludos la ardilla -¿Cual ardilla? La que te quiebra la rodilla.
Seems like the trailer for CHICAGO. Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley qui n'aimaient. Birds of prey: and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn movie cast.

Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley quinn

How to make a failing movie. step one-generic slightly funny chick flick step two- share opening day with deadpool step three- very little profit. At Dailymotion BirDS oF Prey: And the FanTabulous EmaNcipatIon oF ONe 'Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation movie. BIRDS OF PREY: AND THE FANTABULOUS EMANCIPATION OFWhither. This gonna be AWESOME ? ?. &ref( &ref(,h_250,strp/birds_of_prey_movie_folder_icon_v9_by_zenoasis_ddm0p95-250t.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTEyIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNjg1NWY5OWEtNTI5ZS00NzRiLWJlNzMtYWFkMTE0MTJmMmExXC9kZG0wcDk1LTM5ZGM2YWQ2LWMwMjgtNGZjYy1hZjUyLWJiMTQ1NTAxYjAwZS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9NTEyIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.4BnhLh-UaolHGWEFECpXM08OaHb-xo2nTqyOvAo9Dn4)
Birds of prey and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn bbfc. Es genial que DC le de protagonismo a personajes como esta, se ve chingona. ojala no defraude -por que el jocker de Joaquin. es excelente. VamosHarley 100 like's me siento famoso xd. Birds of prey and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn merch. The scene where Sionis forces a poor woman to dance atop the table while getting her friend to strip her open was probably one of the most disturbing villain moments Ive seen. Guys terribly underrated, loved Ewan in this. Level 1 Game journalists support letting the Nazis win. 669 points 1 day ago No, box office failure is on the production/ marketing. You are not entitled to an audience for your film. You have to work to appeal to them. level 2 And it certainly didn't help part of the marketing for the movie involved an actor who brought up how terrible and misogynistic men are literally every chance he could. I figured they'd learn by now that insulting half the population isn't a solid marketing tactic, but then again we're talking about Hollywood who are too dense to see their hypocrisy while they talk down to Americans every time they have a microphone level 2 I legitimately never heard of this film in the lead up to it's release, I only started hearing about after it did badly. level 2 Ah, progressivism. Where men "are not entitled to women's time and emotional labor" but are expected to spend money, time, and presumably emotional labor on "right" movies that are all about women. level 2 It's like seeing a cargo cult springing up in the middle of civilization: They go through roughly the motions they think are needed, without any understanding as to why and how that stuff actually works, and they expect the same result as for the real thing: We made film, why film-goers no go see film? It film, film goers must go, that why they called film-goers. level 2 Comrade did you not buy your mandated State ticket to see the State movie? Present thyself to the Gulag immediately for REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEducation. level 2 I can't help but think part of this happening so much now is because the "everyone gets a trophy" kids grew up and are in these industries level 2 Come on, let's not blame marketing for everything. the scenario/direction of the movie is enough in this case. level 2 As someone who saw the movie, it literally wasn't for men. And I don't mean that it was some manhating feminazi bullshit. It was mostly a story about a woman who breaks up with her boyfriend and has trouble navigating the world without her boyfriend to protect her, before she learns that she is capable of surviving on her own. It was a solid movie and the theme worked fine, but it was absolutely not meant for dudes. Shaming men for not seeing this is like shaming women for not watching movies about single dads. level 2 My cousin, a 27 y/o female took me to see the movie, she walked out after 20 minutes. What did we learn from this? level 2 Yes, the marketing was horrible. The movie wasn't bad. Sure, Szasz got a bad rap, but otherwise was a good movie. Honestly, it was mostly R because of the fifty F bombs dropped. level 2 This is missed on Hollywood, they rather believe you can attack movie goers and they will make them watch it more. So many movies are failing, look at the recent Charlie's angles or Terminator movies, all flops, they have to rely on DVD/on demand sales to turn a profit for those films. level 2 You are not entitled to an audience for your film Watch my movie, bigot.
I'm gonna tell my kids this was Youtube rewind. I have not seen the movie yet, but it bothers me, that every review I saw totally ignored the fact, that it is not a Birds of Prey movie. Every reviewer correctly reports, that it is a Harley Quinn movie featuring sidelined characters that might become the Birds of Prey one time (maybe even in comic book accurate costumes. When they announced a Birds of Prey movie, I was excited because I like that team and the premise of it very much. But then, the first trailer drops and it highlights Harley with quick shots of the other ones and I was bummed. Since then, every piece of marketing focussed only on Harley (who was never even in the team in the comics. I hoped, that this was just a marketing tool because of Margo Robbies status and Harley Quinns relevance to get butts in seats, because BoP might not be a well known brand for the general audience and the movie itself would be a well balanced BoP movie. But everything I heard so far from every major critic was, that it is a Harley Quinn movie - which would not be a problem for me if the movie was called Harley Quinn. I would have seen it opening night. But the title does not represent the movie. Imagine the first Deadpool movie would have been called X-Men - or how Deadpool came to be. Or they announce Man of Steel 2 and the movie is about Shazam! looking for Superman who has vanished and returns in the last 10 minutes of the movie. I will buy BoP an BluRay - because I am a completionist but a 2020's comic book movie called Birds of Prey should be a Birds of Prey movie with comic book accurate depictions of the characters.
Ever seen so angry that you skipped anger and went straight to laughing like a lunatic. The Joker. Birds of prey: and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn cast. Birds of prey and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn black mask. Birds of prey and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn 2020. Margot freakin Robbie is a force. I'm so proud of her as an Aussie but im even more proud of her as a woman - she has her own production company, uncompromising morals and the skill to hold her own amongst the classic actors of our generation. sorry yall im just emotional i love her go off sis <3333 GET THAT EMANCIPATION. Birds of prey and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn trailer 2 reaction.
I was confused when I saw the DC logo. Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley quinnipiac. Birds of prey and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn poster. Birds of prey and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn rating.
His laugh is perfect, literally everything about his performance seen in this trailer is perfect ? Joaquin was perfect for this. Just finished watching the movie, damn are the fight scenes good. Birds of prey and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn reaction. R.I.P School.
That breath holding stuff is next level. Impressive. Birds of prey: and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn. Birds of prey: and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn movie. Birds of prey and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn comic. Good movie up until the end. Had potential. Forget black widow, now I'm more excited about this. Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn. Birds of Prey Textless cover of Birds of Prey #8 (March 2011) Art by Stanley Lau Group publication information Publisher DC Comics First appearance Black Canary/Oracle: Birds of Prey #1 (June 1996) Created by Jordan B. Gorfinkel Chuck Dixon In-story information Base(s) Clocktower Aerie One Member(s) Current: Batgirl Black Canary Huntress Batwoman Former: Oracle (Gus Yale) Lady Blackhawk Big Barda Jade Canary Gypsy Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders) Judomaster Manhunter (Kate Spencer) Misfit Hawk Dove (Dawn Granger) Black Alice Power Girl Vixen Starling Katana Strix Condor Catwoman Poison Ivy Birds of Prey Cover of Black Canary/Oracle: Birds of Prey #1 (1996) Art by Gary Frank Series publication information Schedule Monthly Format Ongoing series Genre Superhero Publication date (Vol. 1) January 1999 ? April 2009 (Vol. 2) July 2010 ? August 2011 (Vol. 3) September 2011 ? October 2014 (Batgirl and the Birds of Prey) July 2016 ? May 2018 Number of issues Vol. 1: 127 Vol. 2: 15 Vol. 3: 34 Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: 22 and a Rebirth one-shot Creative team Writer(s) Chuck Dixon Terry Moore Gilbert Hernandez Gail Simone Tony Bedard Sean McKeever Duane Swierczynski Shawna Benson Julie Benson Artist(s) Greg Land Butch Guice Rick Leonardi Amanda Conner Casey Jones Ed Benes Joe Bennett Paulo Siqueira Nicola Scott Michael O'Hare Claude St. Aubin Jesus Saiz Claire Roe Roge Antonio Creator(s) Jordan B. Gorfinkel Chuck Dixon Birds of Prey is the name of an all female superhero team (with an exception of Hawk) featured in several American comic book series, miniseries, and special editions published by DC Comics since 1996. The book's premise originated as a partnership between Black Canary and Barbara Gordon, who had adopted the codename Oracle at the time, but has expanded to include additional superheroines. The team name "Birds of Prey" was attributed to DC assistant editor Frank Pittarese in the text page of the first issue. [1] The group is initially based in Gotham City and later operates in Metropolis and then relocates once more to "Platinum Flats" California, a new locale introduced in Birds of Prey in 2008. The series was conceived by Jordan B. Gorfinkel and originally written by Chuck Dixon. Gail Simone scripted the comic from issue #56 to #108. Sean McKeever was originally to replace Simone, 2] 3] but McKeever subsequently decided to leave the project and only wrote issues #113?117; Tony Bedard, who wrote issues #109?112, briefly took over the title at issue #118. [4] Artists have included Butch Guice, Greg Land, Ed Benes and Joe Bennett; Nicola Scott began a stint as artist with issue #100. In 2011, the title was relaunched under writer Duane Swierczynski and artist Jesus Saiz. Despite the title of the series being Birds of Prey, the phrase was not mentioned in the book until issue #86, when one of the group's members, Zinda Blake, suggests that it might be a fitting name for the team. However, the other characters get sidetracked and do not respond to her suggestion. Oracle, the team's leader, refers to the group by that name in a conversation with the new Blue Beetle, Jaime Reyes, 5] and later within the series. [6] The core of the team is made up of Oracle and Black Canary, with other heroines forming a rotating roster sometimes for extended periods, sometimes for merely one adventure. After Black Canary's departure, Huntress remained as the staple member and field leader, alongside new "core members. Following the events of Flashpoint (2011) and the company-wide relaunch as part of The New 52, Oracle recovers her mobility and reclaims her former Batgirl identity, taking a brief hiatus from the team in the process. Despite the previously all-female central roster, male allies such as Nightwing, Wildcat, Savant and Creote frequently assist missions. In addition, Hawk and Dove briefly joined the team, making Hawk its first male member. With the 2016 company wide soft relaunch DC Rebirth, the Birds of Prey are re-introduced in the new title Batgirl and the Birds of Prey, initially featuring a team consisting of Batgirl, Black Canary and Huntress. Publication history [ edit] One-shots and initial series by Chuck Dixon [ edit] The title series began with Chuck Dixon's one shot Black Canary/Oracle: Birds of Prey (cover date 1996 / published December 1995. 7] Initially, the two heroines featured were Barbara Gordon (formerly " Batgirl. and Dinah Lance (currently "Black Canary. From the beginning, Canary was written as passionate and idealistic. In an interview with Comics Bulletin, Dixon described this choice as a fertile clash of values: Dinah's more idealistic approach is at the heart of this book. 8] Gail Simone era [ edit] When Gail Simone took over the series in 2003, she added the Huntress to the lineup. In her first arc, entitled "Of Like Minds" Simone let Black Canary walk into a trap set by Brian Durlin, known as Savant, and his assistant Creote. With Black Canary now critically injured and chained, Savant begins listing demands, the most significant of which is the true identity of Batman. [9] In the end, Huntress and Canary defeat their enemies, and form a team. Author Simone commented on the new lineup, saying that each character provided a foil for the two others: In this case, Babs and Dinah respect each other tremendously, and each is capable of great things the other is not. Dinah's not just Oracle's legs, sometimes, she's her conscience, or her muse, or just her best friend. And Oracle is far more to Dinah than just the mission controller. They trust each other, and out of that, there's a friendship that they believe in. Huntress. I see Helena as someone who is not a loner completely by choice. Dinah is so accepting and so open that Helena sees an opportunity to be part of something without having to force her way in. There's friction, because once Helena puts the mask on, she's really not very good fitting in. But she likes that they're giving her a chance. Whether she blows it or not, you'll have to keep reading. 10] Detail from the cover for Birds of Prey #80. Art by Ed Benes. Simone was appreciative of her work, saying Birds of Prey editor Lysa Hawkins "was looking for a slightly tougher Birds of Prey and asked me to submit a proposal. I have a huge fondness for Babs and Dinah both, so it's a bit of a dream come true. I'm really excited by the art, which is very sleek and sexy, with a nice dark tone, by Supergirl star Ed Benes. [11] The Huntress later meets Oracle in person for the first time while rescuing her from a potentially life threatening situation during the "Sensei & Student" storyline. [12] The US government had become aware of the existence of Oracle and formatted a list of suspects to interrogate, one of whom was Barbara. Without any form of due process, two federal agents imply they believe she is the Oracle and that if any evidence is brought to light she will be tried for treason against the United States of America. [13] Once again, Oracle relies on the Huntress when no other allies are available. While Oracle and Huntress share a long history of animosity with one another, Black Canary eventually persuades Oracle to employ Huntress as a full-time agent. The budding friendship is cut short during the "Hero Hunters" arc. In the final issue of the storyline, the Huntress realizes Oracle has been manipulating her psychologically in order to make her "behave" properly, in the same way a teacher attempts to reform a troubled child. [14] Despite Oracle's remorse for her actions, Huntress temporarily departs from the group. She later rejoins the team, once again as a full-time agent along with newcomer Lady Blackhawk. Although the personnel on Oracle's team grows and changes, Huntress and Lady Blackhawk remain core agents. As Birds of Prey approached its hundredth issue, Simone used issues #99 and #100 to shake up the lineup. She let Black Canary leave the team with her ward, a little girl called " Sin. and used a prison break arc to introduce superhumanly strong Big Barda, pacifist Judomaster and rascally Misfit into the new squad, and with the new Spy Smasher as an ambiguous Jack Bauer -like anti-heroine and Lois Lane cornering Oracle into almost giving away her secret identity. Again, the characters were chosen to provide a foil for each other, and affirmed her love for her characters: The team is a group of individuals, quite unlike the friendship between Dinah, Helena and Babs. And any team with Barda on it automatically has a certain bull in a China shop tremble, and I love that. The characters don't apologize for being asskickers, nor for being smart, nor for being sexy, nor for being sexual, for that matter. There are always going to be some people who find that not to their taste, but at the same time, Birds of Prey regularly brings in people who don't otherwise read mainstream comics, a whole audience that may not pick up any other superhero titles, and I love that niche, that little area between good taste and utter shamelessness. 15] Finally, Simone stated her agony of leaving the book: I miss the characters in all the books I've worked on. Writing the last issue of Birds of Prey I'm doing was actually physically painful. 16] Cancellation [ edit] After Simone's departure to sister title Wonder Woman, Sean McKeever wrote Birds of Prey from issues #113 to #117. McKeever used his short stint to pit a new incarnation of "Blackhawk" villain Killer Shark against ex-Blackhawk Zinda Blake and to introduce the location of Platinum Flats, called by IGN "t
Because its coming with IT: CHAPTER 2 or JOKER. Theres a new big mistake in town and thats not realizing WB is following a new business model. The big shared universe inter-connected mega franchise extravaganza has failed miserably for the. Theyre diversifying their slate and focusing more on well-made, directly focused movies. They have their big blockbusters of course, like AQUAMAN and now WW1984, THE SUICIDE SQUAD and THE BATMAN. But BoP, like SHAZAM! and, to a certain extent, JOKER, those are smaller projects, with moderate budgets and a specific audience in mind. Theyre not meant to be huge box office juggernauts, even though, as DEADPOOL proves, its always a great surprise when cheaper movies overperform to that point. But thats not where they have to go. Theyll hardly treat BoP as they treated BvS, in terms of marketing, especially considering its R-Rated. Of course theres a dangerous side to that approach, which is to market it way too modestly trusting too much on word-of-mouth, but well see. I just think its way too soon to start that same old accusation that WB isnt marketing their DC movies right, which happened every single time with their last movies (even AQUAMAN, which ended up being a huge box office hit, worldwide and domestically.
Level 2 Pam Poovey wants to know your location level 2 the little girls that will inevitably end up finding a way to watch this are going to wonder why powdered sugar is so poweful level 2 That took me by surprise haha level 2 She learned it from Wolf of Wall Street level 2 the scene in the shootout is absolutely coke, but they seem to be inhaling something in the car that dosen't look like coke. but if the movie is one gigantic coke powered rampage that would be an interesting direction to take. level 1 We finally see Black Mask with a black mask. level 2 And Black Canary with her canary cry. Edit: Thank you u/girafa for restoring the thread. level 2 If only they treated poor Cassandra Cain with the same (or any) amount of faithfulness to her comic counterpart. level 1 Easy to forget that she was a psychiatrist before she went bat shit nuts. You'd think they'd play that angle more. level 2 I agree, glad were getting some here by the looks of it. Suicide Squad cut a scene of her analyzing the entire squad, they put it in the extended version at least.









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