Tenki no ko |gostream|

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Columnist - violet markey
Biography: Justin Drew Bieber
  1. Brief A high-school boy who has run away to Tokyo befriends a girl who appears to be able to manipulate the weather
  2. Makoto Shinkai
  3. &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzE4ZDEzOGUtYWFjNC00ODczLTljOGQtZGNjNzhjNjdjNjgzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzE5ODMwNzI@._V1_UY113_CR0,0,76,113_AL_.jpg)
  4. Duration 1H 52 Min
  5. Director Makoto Shinkai
  6. countries Japan
Oru mergaite Watch free. 「海の幽霊」歌ってる米津さんをみたいです. すべてにおいてステキですがこの高音で力強く歌ってるってスゴいですよね? 今までの辛い大変な経験を経て何もかも今こうなる為に生まれもった才能と努力の成果だと思ってます. 米津さんすばらしい音楽をありがとうございます?って気持ちでいっぱいです?? ※何回も編集しましたが伝わりづらかったらすいません? 私の勝手な考えでした….
Being someone who watches many movies and television shows, Anime films and shows are things that I just never got around to watching much. After watching my first few shows back in 2012, I began to love them. Still, I don't watch nearly as many as I would like, but I do seek out the highly talked about ones. When Your Name hit theatres back in 2016, I was shocked at how much I enjoyed it and I was eagerly awaiting director Makoto Shinkai's next project. Weathering with You is his latest work and although I haven't seen most of his filmography, this may be his finest work yet.
Weathering with You follows young Morishima Hodaka runs away from home and finds himself in Tokyo, Japan. Meeting young Amano Hina, they form a friendship that grows stronger and stronger as he realizes she is known as a "Sunshine Girl" and can control the weather. Tokyo, on the verge of flooding, is not benefitted by the fact that she has chosen to use these powers to clear the skies for money, but also to make people happy. Learning some brutal truths about what her powers lie in store for her, this film takes a turn that feels very much earned by the end. I'm a sucker for a good fantasy film and although you do have to suspend your disbelief in order to believe abilities like this exist (since there's no real explanation as to why she has these powers, to begin with) I found myself incredibly engaged from start to finish. It's the simple moments like when the core characters would be fleeing from the law and settling down to enjoy each other's company that really stood out to me. Yes, the fantastical elements are very much present and are obviously where the movie ends up, but it has a lot more going for it than just that. If I had to complain about something though, I would have to admit that there were two occasions where songs took me out of the movie. Not to rip on composer Radwimps, because his work here is absolutely wonderful, but the songs themselves were a little overbearing in a few scenes that felt like they should've been slightly quieter and more intense. His score is absolutely stunning and I was swept up in it, but a couple of songs just felt slightly out of place to me. With that said, I really don't have any huge complaints about the film overall. In the end, Weathering with You is a film that sets up a fantasy storyline and follows through on it from start to finish. It has very likeable characters and I truly cared about each one of them by the time the credits began to roll. For being as grand as it is, I really just found myself appreciating the simpler moments. That's hard for a film to do when so many other things are going on. I loved watching this film and I would even call it one of the best films to hit theatres in 2019, even though it's only reaching certain countries now. Weathering with You is an absolute delight.
I watched the movie in dub and I really didn't like the soundtrack, but the Japanese one. it just blew me away.

I'still prefer Kimi no Na Wa than Tenki no Ko. Idk why lol :D

Hoshi nimade negatte te ni ireta omocha mo heya no sumikkoni ima korogatteru. Omg Im excited. This will literally be the best Christmas gift. Oru mergaite watch free english. Oru mergaite Watch freedom. Sometimes, we are unsure if this actually happened to us at some point in our life, because we forget our memories about someone, something, be it that name of the song, or the name of the person you met. A fond memory, a important encounter, forgotten. You think, and think, but you find nothing, except that what's left inside you is a feeling of emptiness, sorrow and loss. Then, you realise that what you have forgotten, will never appear again will never get the chance to experience or encounter it again. It is a feeling that you that your life has been fragmented, or part of who you are is missing, which is hard to put to words. Thats what i like about this movie.
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4:45 I just couldnt help but smile stupidly when this scene played in theaters with the music

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