Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle ?youtube?

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&ref(,0,128,190_AL_.jpg). Runtime 2h, 30 minute. year 2020.
Blessed are we who believe on faith alone without the need for living eternal word of God is enough. One of God's incredible work in history! GOD IS VERY AMAZING. PRAISED HIM FOREVER. ??????. Watch full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle video. SCOMO PARTED THE SEA AT THE 18/5/2019 AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL ELECTION.
The Hebrews crossed the RED SEAnot what academics call yam suf or sea of reeds. Pharaoh's army drowned in strip of land that God provided 4 them. Opposite the red sea, they found an artefact that King Solomon built. That crossing drowned the Egyptian Army, U can't drown an army in the sea of reeds it's way 2 shallow! They did fi8nd chariot wheels on the Ead sea crossing. Even Gold wheels and axels covered by millennia with barnacles all over it. PLOT HOLE! Moses ran away at 40 and came back with Aaron at age 80 and sied at 120. Mt Sinai is actually in Arabia even Paul wrote about Sinai being in Arabia! Just like Jews denying The Messiah Ye' Shua although He walked among U.
Bunch of lies. How much greater is his faith that believe and has not seen. God's word is true. Regardless what you find. You can't pick and choice from the bible, what you want to believe. Either you believe all of bible or believe none of it. God said it so it happened. What worth is your faith if it all subject on what you find. YHWH is real! The God of Abraham is real! This is the site of the Exodus.
Change Location × Los Angeles Now playing | 2 hr, 30 min. Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney tries to uncover evidence of one of the greatest miracles in the Bible -- the parting of the Red... ( read more) Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle Overview Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney tries to uncover evidence of one of the greatest miracles in the Bible -- the parting of the Red Sea. Rating Unrated Add your favorite movies! Eventful will notify you when they are playing your area and recommend other films based on what you like.
Watch full patterns of evidence 3a the red sea miracle dj. Watch full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle 2017. This is a great you for that. Watch Full Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea miracle contre. Watch full patterns of evidence: the red sea miraclethe red sea miracle.
The first 2 films were great, looking forward to the third one. Watch full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle tree. God Bless you for all your hard work to show what happened so amazing. Yahweh means Jehovah. Gods name is Jehovah. I have been following this for years. So glad to hear your side of the story and the pieces that were missing. I was so inspired by the excavations at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem, that I just had to go there, to see for myself, where Ron excavated for all those years. They have remodeled the entire area and it is now a tourist draw and a beautiful garden surrounding the tomb. Nothing like it was when Ron and his crew were there. The docent people there don't know what they have there. The Ark of the Covenant. The giant hole that was later dug against the escarpment, by others, is now a patio area. The excavation being covered by a deck of hardy board. Very obscure and hidden in plain sight. A simple table and chairs sit on it. To me it is holy ground. The niche in the escarpment is still there so I know where it was. I have video of my visit there. It would be wonderful for Nell to tell of her time at the excavation and what she saw and experienced. Mt. Sinai discovery is all over the internet with all the people that have been there recently. Joel Richardson being the latest with his drone videos of the 'split rock' and the mountain. And he said there may be plans afoot to make it a tourist destination by the new Saudi prince/king. But the Garden Tomb excavation is not spoken of at all anymore. It needs to be. It is the place where our atonement took place.I'm sure it will be but all on God's timing.
Watch full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle lyrics. Dear Mrs Wyatt. As a Muslim I believe that Ron Wyatt was selected by God to make all these discoveries and Ron has not only united the world he has uncovered the historical artifacts which God has preserved all over the world. In my own neighborhood the name of Ron Wyatt is remembered as the greatest explorer in the world. Its the You tube videos from you that have developed a world wide following.
Amen Amen hallelujah. A bit confusing. Are you trying to dispute or prove. Watch full patterns of evidence 3a the red sea miracle html. Watch Full Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea miracle. Thanks for Posting I loved every minute of it! God bless your ministries. Watch full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle reviews.
To God alone belongs all glory. He is in error! Archeology has proven everything just as the bible exactly said! I think he should stop speculating and actually use the bible. And as far as anything on the history channel goes usually rubbish.

Very impressive movie even by today's standards

Watch full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle cast.

Watch full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle house

I really enjoyed the first one, and been excited for this one for a while. What date is this set to be released on. Thank you for this amazing tour of where the children of Israel travelled. Watch full patterns of evidence the red sea miracles.

The best epic movie I have ever seen in my life. Ron Wyatt's discovery of the Ark of the Covenant and the Blood of Jesus was what brought me back to Jesus. Amazing story! God Bless him and his family. Watch full patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle sea miracle ii. In god we trust thank you for sharing. Amen ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Hi. The background music is so loud it drowns out some of what is being said.
Just to let yall know that those 8 people are our parents and we all are brothers and sisters. See these sites in person by coming on my tour in February. Watch full patterns of evidence 3a the red sea miracle karaoke. “Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle” will be in theaters Feb. 18, 2020. | Patters of Evidence “Patterns of Evidence” filmmaker Tim Mahoney is gearing up to release the next installment in his series of archaeological and scientific investigations into historical biblical accounts. His latest film looks at the Exodus miracle of the parting of the Red Sea. The biblical account of the parting of the Red Sea is found in Exodus 14 and details the Israelites' escape from slavery led by Moses as the Egyptian army pursued them. Following the success of Mahoney's previous award-winning "Patterns of Evidence" projects, he believes this film, like the others, will refute secular scholars’ claims that the Bible is mere fiction and do so in a way that is understood by people worldwide. “ Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle, ” a?Thinking Man Films production, will be in select?theaters nationwide for one day only on Feb. 18 through Fathom Events. The following is an edited transcript of The Christian Post's interview with Mahoney who has been investigating biblical accounts for over 20 years. In the interview he detailed what it was like to retrace the steps of Moses and the Israelites as he searched for archaeological evidence to create “Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle” Part 1 and 2. The Christian Post: In the film you describe the Egyptian and Hebrew accounts of the parting of the Red Sea. Most Christians visualize the Charlton Heston version of that account, which you said you have also done. Can you explain the two positions? Mahoney: When we make a “Patterns of Evidence” film we look for a way to explain the different viewpoints that are being used to explain biblical events such as the Red Sea miracle. In this new film, we identified what we termed an Egyptian Approach which believes that the Exodus account borrowed Egyptian words to describe the crossing location. And they believe these words point to the crossing at one of the reedy lakes near the border of Egypt. The other viewpoint we call the Hebrew Approach disagrees with a near Egypt location. They believe that the words used to describe the location where Moses and the Israelites crossed are Hebrew words and do not have a connection to Egypt. They also point to other biblical references that place the sea of the Exodus at the Gulf of Aqaba. CP: In the film you also explain the importance of the Hebrew and Egyptian translations of individual words when discussing the parting of the sea account. How revealing was the actual translation in your research? Mahoney: What we know is that the sea was first called “Yam Suph" in Hebrew. Centuries later it is translated into Greek as “Red Sea. ” Over time people also called the location “Sea of Reeds. ” What we would learn is that reeds don’t grow in saltwater, they grow in freshwater. The Egyptian approach believes that the word “Suph” might be a translation from the Egyptian word “Pa Tufy” which means “place of reeds. ” Yet, the Hebrew Approach challenges this connection claiming that Moses was writing an eyewitness account to Hebrews using Hebrew words and Hebrew meanings, not Egyptian. CP: What were you most surprised to find out about the parting of the sea? Mahoney: This is the first film of a two-part film event. The Red Sea Miracle part 1 (in theaters on Feb. 18) really lays out two distinctly different ways people see God working in a miracle. The Egyptian Approach sees the parting as a naturalistic event where wind was the agent and it moved water naturally. The miracle would be in the timing. The Hebrew Approach primarily believes that the miracle was not only caused by wind but that God miraculously parted the water. The depth of the water would not be a problem for the God of the Bible who created the universe. CP: What would you like for others to take from this new installment of Patterns of Evidence? Mahoney: We all are faced with difficult times in our lives, when we think we are not going to make it. We are trapped at the sea with the Egyptians behind us. But God wants us to call on Him and trust Him for the solution to our dilemma. CP: Have your discoveries impacted historians' beliefs about these biblical accounts? Mahoney: I have learned that many historians don’t change their minds once they declare a position. But I am OK with that. I enjoy hearing what they believe and why they believe it. I couldn’t make these films without them. I do think I have help raise the awareness of these questions about the historical credibility and have shown a pattern of evidence that matches the biblical events. At the end of the day, it’s up to the viewer to decide if these films make sense. But it will give them a lot to think about. That’s why we call our company Thinking Man Films. CP: What's next for the "Patterns of Evidence" series? Mahoney: The "Red Sea Miracle" part 2 (in theaters on May 5), that’s when we look closer at the locations for the sea's parting. We will look at how the sea was parted [and] was it naturalistic or supernatural, which depends [on] where you place the crossing. We will also look to see if claims of chariot wheels on the bottom of the seafloor have any merit. And finally, we will explore the question of miracles. What is a miracle and do they still happen today?
Colossians 2:8 enough said. Jesus will return. Hopefully someone prays for god to give you video production skills. It's a shame I'll never watch this because of the endless ads. Of course in egypt they are no christians only muslims so it wont be any evidence at all, ask ron wyatt museum, there is evidence there is proof of moses and the red sea crossing, if you dont want to see it, well GOD BLESS YOU. but this movie is all fake.

  1. Publisher: Twin Cities Apologetics
  2. Biography: Equipping followers of Jesus with resources to help them defend their faith and building up ambassadors for Christ in the Twin Cities of MN









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