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Isao Takahata; Japan; brief Deep into a swaying and lush bamboo forest, Okina, an elderly farmer, stumbles upon a mysteriously glowing bamboo stalk, that from within, a minuscule fairy-like creature enfolded in a royal robe sprouts before his amazed eyes. Without delay, the ageing man rushes to his wife, Ona, only to witness, much to their surprise, the tiny nymph transform into a baby. In the end, as the infant grows exponentially into a fine girl, the humble couple will take her to the capital, Kyoto, to make her an aristocratic and well-mannered lady worthy of Japan's most powerful suitors. But is this Princess Kaguya's fate?; Isao Takahata; duration 137 minute; year 2013.
I'm crying. o. Cavolo, veramente belli i racconti giapponesi (noi avevamo Gobbolino, il gatto della strega {nero con zampino bianco. La storia della principessa splendente download free wallpaper. Bella la prima parte del racconto della Principessa Kaguya.

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So sad now, don't know what to say. Rest in peace, and really thank you, Mr. Takahata Isao. I have to declare that am not aware of the creator or the Japanese tale this was based on and certainly no expert in Japanese animation and/or folklore. The truth is I watched it by accident.
So this is supposed to be "One of the best movies of the year" Well, I was not impressed, at least not as much as everyone seems to be. I didn't mind the animation style, but I certainly didn't find much beauty in it, or feeling, or emotions... I looked childish and simple but with no heart, it was kind of dry. Story wise, it was unoriginal and after a while boring. And way too long: it had a promising start, but after they moved to the Capital the story stalled. It never managed to put me inside its world and make me feel something about its universe or the Princess. So to conclude, the story never moved me and the animation never talked to me... the 5 is only for the first 40mins or so and the last 15, especially the scene when she meets again with her child love.
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I already have a feeling that this will become my favorite movie

La storia della principessa splendente download free music. Still pulls at my heart strings,hurts like hell. Breathtaking movie. The ending is sad, but it's brutally realistic which makes it even more beautiful. I didn't expect to find a deep and complex film. スタジオジブリ作品 姫の犯した罪と罰。 高畑 勲監督作品 朝倉あき 高良健吾 地井武男 宮本信子 高畑淳子 田畑智子 立川志の輔 上川隆也 伊集院光 宇崎竜童 中村七之助 橋爪 功 朝丘雪路(友情出演) 仲代達矢 原作/「竹取物語」 製作/氏家齊一郎 原案・脚本・監督/高畑 勲 脚本/坂口理子 音楽/久石 譲(サントラ/徳間ジャパンコミュニケーションズ) 主題歌/「いのちの記憶」二階堂和美(ヤマハミュージックコミュニケーションズ) スタジオジブリ・日本テレビ・電通・博報堂DYMP・ディズニー・三菱商事・東宝・KDDI 提携作品 特別協賛/KDDI・アイフルホーム 特別協力/ローソン・読売新聞 配給/東宝.

I respect Miyazaki and his immense contribution to animation. But I always prefer Takahata when it comes to Studio Ghibli goodies. (My most fav anime director is the man with the Midas touch, the late great Satoshi Kon) It's sad virtually every time there is a discussion on Ghibli movies people make it sound like an one man show, the man being Miyazaki. In the first place if there was no Grave Of The Fireflies, I don't think I would have felt as highly about Ghibli as I do. Takahata's light hearted Only Yesterday further show cases the kind of versatile maestro he is. And this one. Takahata proves his brilliance, yet again, even in the kind of anime which is a fantasy-filled work of unalloyed art.
This reminds me of the watercolour artstyle picture books I used to read as a kid. La storia della principessa splendente Download free. Oh hand drawn animation. please don't die... La storia della principessa splendente download free vector. Se al cinema della mia città non faranno nemmeno questo, sputerò fuoco.
Magnifico! Sono veramente felice di questa vostra collaborazione, brave. Åbning af særudstillingen "Prinsesse af tiden" på Koldinghus Museum H. K. H. Prinsesse Benedikte åbnede lørdag den 27. april 2019?særudstillingen "Prinsesse af tiden. Prinsesse Benedikte og 75-års Danmarkshistorie" på?Koldinghus Museum. Med udgangspunkt i fortællingen om Prinsessens liv og virke formidler udstillingen centrale begivenheder og udvalgte temaer i samfundsudviklingen i Danmark de sidste 75 år. Særudstillingen åbner i?anledningen af Prinsesses 75-års fødselsdag den 29. april 2019. Foto: Claus Fisker, Ritzau Scanpix © På billedet ses Prinsesse Benediktes ankomst til Koldinghus, hvor en gruppe spejdere var mødt op for at hilse på Prinsessen. I Staldgården ved Koldinghus overværede Prinsesse Benedikte et?stort hesteshow?i anledning af udstillingens åbning. Staldgården er ligesom Koldinghus?opført omkring år 1268. I?dag rummer Staldgården blandt andet?lokaler for hjemmeværnet?samt magasiner og udstillingsværksted for Museet på Koldinghus. Ved hesteshowet var der blandt andet opvisning ved Gardehusarregimentets Hesteskadron, Det Danske Dressurlandshold og Paradressurlandsholdet. Afslutningsvis overraskede Prinsessens yngste datter, H. Prinsesse Nathalie, og hesten Digby alle tilskuerne med en opvisning. Prinsesse Nathalie vandt?i 2008?bronzemedalje ved OL i Beijing sammen med Digby. For seks år siden gik hesten på pension, så dagens opvisning var et comeback til den sorte hest, som Prinsesse Benedikte har opdrættet på Berleburg. Prinsesse Benedikte?åbnede herefter?udstillingen?og?holdt?tale. Hendes Kongelige Højhed?er protektor for Koldinghus, og i udstillingen kan man gennem et udvalg af Prinsessens personlige brugs- og beklædningsgenstande komme helt tæt på Prinsesse Benediktes?historie. Udover gallakjoler, smykker og ordner vil besøgende på Koldinghus?kunne opleve Prinsessens brudekjole fra 1968. Den fire-etagers store ruinsal på Koldinghus danner rammen om særudstillingen.?Hver?etage behandler et centralt tema, der?har været omdrejningspunkt i Prinsessens liv og virke. Læs mere om Prinsesse Benedikte Til stede var også Prinsessens to døtre, D. Prinsesse Alexandra og Prinsesse Nathalie, samt barnebarnet Komtesse Ingrid. Claus Fisker, Ritzau Scanpix ©.

Rest in peace Isao Takahata. Thank you for everything ???

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  • Creator Stefano Ferreri
  • Bio: Babbo di Federico, granata, bibliofilo, imbrattacarte su @ondarock, vanamente laureato in semiotica e colto da improvvisa colica pop









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