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Badland Brawl hack generator subtitle Explosive realtime PvP brawler
Author: Frogmind Rating: 15511 review Notice: This game is a 5/5, rivals clash royals easily. Fun to get into, tons of players, and you progress enough to not have to be pay 2 win. That being said... THE TROPHY SYSTEM ON THE CARDS IS ABSURD. It can absolutely break the game’s fun. Effectively, every time you win with a card, you get trophies for it (And when you lose the trophies are taken away). Anyway, the amount of trophies you have affects how many trophies you can win. The more you have, the less you can win. Problem is that only about 60% of the cards available are meta, and you start running out of cards to play eventually. I am versatile with a pool of cards, but I’m getting to a point where they are all too high. And at that point it starts killing the fun. If you wanna keep the system, just make it less of an effect on how many trophies you win. Anyway, thanks for reading. Dumb system is making the game a stupid grind info: Explosive realtime PvP brawler ratings: 4,7 of 5 version: 1.6.4 - New Clone: Mind Tick
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