?DVD9? Cats Movie Stream

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Cats is a movie starring James Corden, Judi Dench, and Jason Derulo. A tribe of cats called the Jellicles must decide yearly which one will ascend to the Heaviside Layer and come back to a new Jellicle life
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Musical T.S. Eliot 2019
They took the annoying orange theme and went with it. Very Superstitious Cats are surrounded by myth and superstition. Get the facts and learn the truth behind 9 of these myths. Read More Protect your cat! Causing from diarrhea to death, avoid these seven common hazards in your house! Cat Adoption Thinking of adopting a cat? Discover some tips for finding the perfect kind of cat that will suit you best! Helping Pets A great photo on Petfinder can literally be a lifesaver for a shelter cat, but getting the purrr-fect picture can be tough. Find out how… Read More.
OMG, so cute, I like cat. The film seems to play up the suggestive moments in a way the stage musical never did. so, you've never seen the musical. Got it. Cats movie streaming 2019. Nov 15 2019 Cats 2. 1. 0-RC1 is released Sep 9 2019 Cats 2. 0. 0 is released Sep 7 2019 Cats 2. 0-RC3 is released Aug 26 2019 Cats 2. 0-RC2 is released Aug 2 2019 Cats 2. 0-RC1 is released Jun 11 2019 Cats 2. 0-M4 is released with support for Scala 2. 13. 0 Jun 3 2019 Cats 1. 6. 1 is released with backported bug fixes Jun 1 2019 Cats 2. 0-M3 is released with support for Scala 2. 0-RC3 May 25 2019 Cats 2. 0-M2 is released with support for Scala 2. 0-RC2 Apr 26 2019 We launched a sustainability program. Please consider supporting us. Apr 25 2019 Cats 2. 0-M1 is released with binary compatibility with 1. x on cats-kernel, cats-core and cats-free Feb 15 2019 Cats 2019 roadmap is published. Cats Overview Cats is a library which provides abstractions for functional programming in the Scala programming language. The name is a playful shortening of the word category. Scala supports both object-oriented and functional programming, and this is reflected in the hybrid approach of the standard library. Cats strives to provide functional programming abstractions that are core, binary compatible, modular, approachable and efficient. A broader goal of Cats is to provide a foundation for an ecosystem of pure, typeful libraries to support functional programming in Scala applications. For more detail about Cats’ motivations, go here. Contributors Code Contributors This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. We welcome contributions to Cats and would love for you to help build Cats. See our contributor guide for more information about how you can get involved as a developer. If you are looking for something to start with, here is a beginner friendly list. Financial Contributors Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. Donations directly support office hour for maintainers, better documentation and strategic initiatives. Gold Sponsors are those who have pledged $5, 000 to $10, 000. Silver Sponsors are those who have pledged $2, 000 to $5, 000. Other Organizations Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [ Contribute] Individuals Getting Started Cats is currently available for Scala 2. 10 (up to 1. 2. x), 2. 11, 2. 12, 2. 0, and. Cats relies on improved type inference via the fix for SI-2712, which is not enabled by default. For Scala 2. 11. 9+ or 2. 12 you should add the following to your: scalacOptions += "-Ypartial-unification" (Partial unification is on by default since Scala 2. 13, the compiler no longer accepts -Ypartial-unification) Or, if you need to support older versions of Scala you can use the sbt-partial-unification plugin which extends support back through Scala 2. 10. 6 or later, to add it, simply add this line to your: addSbtPlugin ( ""% "partial-unification"% "1. 2") And then create the Cats dependency, by adding the following to your: libraryDependencies += "org. typelevel"%% "cats-core"% "2. 0" This will pull in the cats-core module. If you require some other functionality, you can pick-and-choose from amongst these modules (used in place of "cats-core"): cats-macros: Macros used by Cats syntax ( required). cats-kernel: Small set of basic type classes ( required). cats-core: Most core type classes and functionality ( required). cats-laws: Laws for testing type class instances. cats-free: Free structures such as the free monad, and supporting type classes. cats-testkit: lib for writing tests for type class instances using laws. alleycats-core: Cats instances and classes which are not lawful. There are several other Cats modules that are in separate repos so that they can maintain independent release cycles. cats-effect: standard IO type together with Sync, Async and Effect type classes cats-mtl: transformer typeclasses for Cats’ Monads, Applicatives and Functors. mouse: a small companion to Cats that provides convenient syntax (aka extension methods) kittens: automatic type class instance derivation for Cats and generic utility functions cats-tagless: Utilities for tagless final encoded algebras cats-collections: Data structures which facilitate pure functional programming cats-testkit-scalatest: Cats testkit integration with Scalatest Past release notes for Cats are available in. See Cats 2019 roadmap for our plan for 2019. Documentation Links: Website: ScalaDoc: Type classes: Data types: Glossary: Resources for Learners: FAQ: The Cats ecosystem By sharing the same set of type classes, instances and data types provided by Cats, projects can speak the same “Cats language”, and integrate with each other with ease. General purpose libraries to support pure functional programming cats-par: Abstract type member Parallel instances cats-retry: composable retry logic for Cats and Cats Effect droste: recursion schemes for Cats dsl-domains-cats: The! -notation for creating Cats monadic expressions eff: functional effects and effect handlers (alternative to monad transformers) Freestyle: pure functional framework for Free and Tagless Final apps & libs iota: Fast [co]product types with a clean syntax Monocle: an optics library for Scala (and) strongly inspired by Haskell Lens. newts: Defines newtypes compatible with Cats type classes origami: monadic folds refined: simple refinement types for Scala shims: seamless interoperability for Cats and scalaz typeclasses and datatypes Libraries with more specific uses atto: friendly little text parsers cats-scalacheck: Cats typeclass instances for ScalaCheck cats-time: cats typeclass instances for java time circe: pure functional JSON library Ciris: Lightweight, extensible, and validated configuration loading in Scala cormorant: CSV handling library for FP decline: A composable command-line parser doobie: a pure functional JDBC layer for Scala extruder: Populate case classes from any data source fastparse-cats: cats Monad and Alternative instances for fastparse Fetch: efficient data access to heterogeneous data sources finch: Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services Frameless: Expressive types for Spark FS2: compositional, streaming I/O library fuuid: functional uuid’s github4s: wrapper around the GitHub API grafter: dependency-injection library using the Reader pattern gsheets4s: wrapper around the Google Sheets API hammock: Purely functional HTTP client henkan: Type safe conversion between case class instances with similar fields 4s: A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP itto-csv: pure functional library for working with CSV linebacker: functional thread pool management log4cats: functional logging monadic-html: Tiny DOM binding library for Monix: high-performance library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs morphling: free applicative schemas & instance derivation phony: Fake data generator pureconfig: A boilerplate-free library for loading configuration files rainier: Bayesian inference in Scala scala-forex: exchange rate lookups scala-maxmind-ip-lookups: IP geolocation through the Maxmind database scala-referer-parser: referer parsing scala-rl: Functional, monadic reinforcement learning in Scala scala-weather: weather lookups scanamo: simpler DynamoDB access for Scala seals: tools for schema evolution and language-integrated schemata sup: Composable, purely functional healthchecks in Scala tsec: Typesafe, functional, general purpose cryptography and security library Your project talks Cats too? Submit a PR to add it here! The full-size Cats logo is available for use for Cats related projects, contents, souvenirs, etc. We offer a Cats Friendly Badge to let others know your project works with Cats! Below are quick html and markdown snippets to use the badge in your own project. > ><img src= ?! [ Cats Friendly Badge]() Discussion around Cats is currently happening on Github issue and PR pages as well as in two Gitter channels: Gitter channel cats is for general user questions and discussions, and Gitter channel cats-dev is dedicated for Cats development related discussions. For people who wants to follow closely and/or to participate in the decisions in Cats development, this is the room to join. You can get an overview of who is working on what via. People are expected to follow the Scala Code of Conduct when discussing Cats on the Github page, Gitter channel, or other venues. We hope that our community will be respectful, helpful, and kind. If you find yourself embroiled in a situation that becomes heated, or that fails to live up to our expectations, you should disengage and contact one of the project maintainers in private. We hope to avoid letting minor aggressions and misunderstandings escalate into larger problems. If you are being harassed, please contact one of us immediately so that we can support you. Binary compatibility and versioning After 1. 0 release, we decided to use Semantic Versioning 2. 0 going forward, which is different from the scheme common among Java and Scala libraries (including the Scala lang). Cats strives to provide a solid and stable foundation for an ecosystem of FP libraries. Thus, we treat backward binary compatibility maintenance with a high priority. In semantic versioning, backward breaking change is ONLY allowed between MAJOR versions. We will maintain backward binary compatibility between PATCH AND MINOR versions. For example, when we release Cats 1. 0, it will be backward binary compatible with the previous 1. x versions. I. E. the new JAR will be a drop-in replacement for the old one. This is critical when your application has a diamond dependency on Cats - depending on two or more libraries that all depend on Cats. If one library upgrades to the new 1. 0 Cats before the other one does, your application still runs thanks to this backward binary compatibility. Also worth noting is that according to sem
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Cats musical movie stream. Cats movie streaming canada. The amount of emotion in the climax makes me cry every single time. Cats movie stream.
Cats Movie stream of consciousness. Cats movie stream online. Cats movie streaming online hd. Cats movie streaming australia. Cats movie streaming release date. Cats Movie. Cats movie stream reddit. Cats Movie stream. Cats movie stream free. Cats and dogs movie stream. I love lulu and everytime I see him I love him even more ?. Stream movie cats 2019. When my cat is purring he sounds like a lightsaber. YouTube. Cats Movie streams. (Free Movie Cats. Download Mediafire. Watch"Cats"full"movie"vf. Where. OMG So cute I always wanted a cat as a pet but my mom hates cats she didn't let me ????? Who can understand meh pain. Honestly I don't get all the hate and negativity about this. I saw an article this morning commenting about the actors' loss of dignity for appearing in this movie. The only people who should fear for their dignity are the critics and trolls who rushed to judgment long before the movie hit theaters and the ones who followed them like sheep. Huge nasty pile-on. I can understand how Cats isn't to some peoples' taste. I saw the original show on Broadway long ago and wasn't terribly impressed, mainly because the Andrew Lloyd-Webber music is pretty weak. Basing a musical on whimsical T.S. Eliot poetry is high concept from the get-go, but it benefitted greatly from conversion into film, while retaining its theatricality. The costumes and the actors inhabiting them were excellent, especially Francesca Hayward, who was absolutely luminous in the lead role. There were five in our party when we saw the film, including three who hadn't seen the theater version - we all thought it was excellent. I lost not one iota of respect for anyone associated with this film, but my respect for film critics in general has fallen to a new low.
Cats Movie streaming. This just haunt my nightmares all over again. Cats movie streaming service. Cats Logo by Really Useful Group Music Andrew Lloyd Webber Basis Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T. S. Eliot Premiere 11?May 1981; 38 years ago: New London Theatre, London, England, U. K. Productions Multiple productions worldwide Awards Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Musical Tony Award for Best Musical Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical Tony Award for Best Original Score Cats is a sung-through musical composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber based on the 1939 poetry collection Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T. Eliot. It tells the story of a tribe of cats called the Jellicles and the night they make the "Jellicle choice, " deciding which cat will ascend to the Heaviside Layer and come back to a new life. The musical includes the well-known song " Memory " as sung by Grizabella. As of 2019, Cats remains the fourth-longest-running Broadway show and the sixth-longest-running West End show. Lloyd Webber began setting Eliot's poems to music in 1977 and the compositions were first presented as a song cycle in 1980. Producer Cameron Mackintosh then recruited director Trevor Nunn and choreographer Gillian Lynne to turn the songs into a complete musical. Cats opened to positive reviews at the New London Theatre in the West End in 1981 and then to mixed reviews at the Winter Garden Theatre on Broadway in 1982. It won numerous awards including Best Musical at both the Laurence Olivier and Tony Awards. Despite its unusual premise that deterred investors initially, the musical turned out to be an unprecedented commercial success, with a worldwide gross of US$3. 5 billion by 2012. The London production ran for 21 years and 8, 949 performances, while the Broadway production ran for 18 years and 7, 485 performances, making Cats the longest-running musical in both theatre districts for a number of years. Cats has since been revived in the West End twice and on Broadway once. It has also been translated into multiple languages and performed around the world many times. Long-running foreign productions include a 15-year run at the Operettenhaus in Hamburg that played over 6, 100 performances, as well as an ongoing run in a purpose-built theatre in Japan that has played over 10, 000 performances since it opened in 1983. Cats started the megamusical phenomenon, establishing a global market for musical theatre and directing the industry's focus to big-budget blockbusters, as well as family- and tourist-friendly shows. The musical's profound but polarising influence also reshaped the aesthetic, technology, and marketing of the medium. Cats was adapted into a direct-to-video film in 1998, and a critically panned feature film adaptation directed by Tom Hooper in 2019. Background [ edit] Cats is based on T. Eliot 's 1939 poetry book Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, with the songs in the musical consisting of Eliot's verse set to music by Andrew Lloyd Webber. [1] The musical is unusual in its construction; along with Eliot's poems, music and dance are the main focus of the show at the expense of a traditional narrative structure. [2] Musicologists William Everett and Paul Laird described Cats as "combining elements of the revue and concept musical ". [3] The plot centres on a tribe of cats called the Jellicles, as they come together at the annual Jellicle Ball to decide which one of them will ascend to the Heaviside Layer (their version of heaven) and be reborn into a new life. [4] The bulk of the musical consists of the different contenders being introduced, either by themselves or by other cats. [5] Poems [ edit] T. Eliot's poetry provided most of the lyrics for Cats Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats is a collection of light poetry about cats that Eliot had originally written for his godchildren in the 1930s. Due to the rhythmic nature of Eliot's work, there had been previous attempts before Cats at setting his poems to music, though none of these attempts had been met with much critical or commercial success. [6] Musicologist John Snelson wrote of the poems: [They] provided excellent material for musicalization, as Eliot's style in this collection is reminiscent of a popular lyricist. The poet uses repeated catch phrases, strong hooks, steady rhythm and outrageous, attention-grabbing, witty rhymes, which are the ingredients of every well-crafted popular lyric. [7] Most of the lyrics in Cats were taken from Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats with very minor alterations. Supplementary verses from unpublished poems by Eliot were adapted for "Grizabella: The Glamour Cat" and "The Journey to the Heaviside Layer", while the song "The Moments of Happiness" was taken from a passage in Eliot's The Dry Salvages. Cats director Trevor Nunn and lyricist Richard Stilgoe provided the remaining lyrics, namely for the opening number "Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats" and the most famous song from the musical " Memory ". The former was written by Nunn and Stilgoe and was modelled after an unpublished poem by Eliot titled "Pollicle Dogs and Jellicle Cats", while the latter was written by Nunn based on another Eliot poem titled "Rhapsody on a Windy Night". [1] Creation [ edit] Inception [ edit] Lloyd Webber began composing the songs in late 1977 as a songwriting exercise, partly because Eliot's book had been a childhood favourite and partly to see if he could write music to predetermined lyrics. The compositions were performed privately for friends but Lloyd Webber had no further intentions for them at the time. After his song cycle Tell Me on a Sunday was televised by the BBC in early 1980, Lloyd Webber began to consider using his musicalization of Eliot's poems in the same vein for a televised concert anthology. [8] He approached producer Cameron Mackintosh to explore possible avenues for the songs. [9] Practical Cats, as the show was then called, was first presented as a song cycle at the 1980 summer Sydmonton Festival. The concert was performed by Gemma Craven, Gary Bond and Paul Nicholas. Eliot's widow and literary executor, Valerie, was in attendance and brought along various unpublished cat-themed poems by Eliot. One of these was "Grizabella the Glamour Cat" which, although rejected from Eliot's book for being "too sad for children", gave Lloyd Webber the idea for a full-blown musical. [10] He explained: The musical and dramatic images that this created for me made me feel that there was very much more to the project than I had realised. I immediately decided that I needed the support of another to encourage me to re-work my settings and to see if a dramatic whole could be woven from the delightful verse that I was now to be allowed to develop. [8] Lloyd Webber thus decided to turn Practical Cats into a musical, co-produced by Mackintosh and the Really Useful Group 's Brian Brolly. [10] Development [ edit] Shortly after the Sydmonton Festival, Lloyd Webber began setting the unpublished poems he had been given to music, a few of which were later added into the show. He also composed the overture and "The Jellicle Ball", incorporating analog synthesizers into these orchestrations to try to create a unique electronic soundscape. [11] Meanwhile, Mackintosh recruited Nunn, the then artistic director of the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), to direct Practical Cats. Nunn was an unusual choice as he was considered "too high-brow" for musical theatre, [12] but Mackintosh felt that a "pedigree" director was needed to ensure Valerie Eliot's approval of the project. [13] After much persuasion, Nunn came on board and was joined by his RSC colleagues, choreographer Gillian Lynne and set and costume designer John Napier. [9] [14] Nunn initially envisioned Practical Cats as a chamber piece for five actors and two pianos, which he felt would reflect "Eliot's charming, slightly offbeat, mildly satiric view of late-1930s London". [15] However, he relented to Lloyd Webber's more ambitious vision for the musical. [15] Nunn was also convinced that for the musical to have the wide commercial appeal that the producers desired, it could not remain as a series of isolated numbers but instead had to have a narrative through line. [14] He was therefore tasked with piecing the self-contained poems together into a story. [16] Nunn wrote about the significance "Grizabella the Glamour Cat" had on the construction of the narrative: Here in eight lines Eliot was describing an intensely recognizable character with powerful human resonances, while introducing the themes of mortality, and the past, which occur repeatedly in the major poems. We decided that if Eliot had thought of being serious, touching, almost tragic in his presentation of a feline character, then we had to be doing a show which could contain that material, and the implications of it. Furthermore, we would have to achieve the sense of progression through themes more than incidents. [17] An event called the Jellicle Ball was referenced by Eliot in the poem "The Song of the Jellicles", while a cat version of heaven known as the Heaviside Layer was mentioned in one of his unpublished poems. Nunn expanded on these concepts by conceiving the Jellicle Ball as an annual ritual in which the cats vie to be chosen to ascend to the Heaviside Layer, thus giving the characters a reason to gather and sing about themselves in the musical. He also added the element of rebirth as a play on the idea that cats have nine lives. [1] One of Nunn's stipulations for agreeing to direct Practical Cats was that actress Judi Dench would be cast in the musical. Lloyd Webber was happy to oblige given her credentials and so Dench joined the company in the dual roles of Grizabella and Jennyanydots. Former Royal Ballet principal dancer Wayne Sleep was offered the part of Mr. Mistoffelees after Lloyd Webber and Mackintosh attended a performance by his dance troupe, one of the many dance showcases they saw in preparation for the mu
Cats movie stream online free. The dog expression at 1:49 tho ????. Cats Movie streaming sur internet. Cats full movie stream. Domestic cat Various types of domestic cat Conservation status Domesticated Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Suborder: Feliformia Family: Felidae Subfamily: Felinae Genus: Felis Species: F.?catus [1] Binomial name Felis catus [1] Linnaeus, 1758 [2] Synonyms F. catus domesticus Erxleben, 1777 [3] F. angorensis Gmelin, 1788 F. vulgaris Fischer, 1829 The cat ( Felis catus) is a small carnivorous mammal. [1] [2] It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from wild members of the family. [4] The cat is either a house cat, a farm cat or a feral cat; latter ranges freely and avoids human contact. [5] Domestic cats are valued by humans for companionship and for their ability to hunt rodents. About 60 cat breeds are recognized by various cat registries. [6] The cat is similar in anatomy to the other felid species, has a strong flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp teeth and retractable claws adapted to killing small prey. Its night vision and sense of smell are well developed. Cat communication includes vocalizations like meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling and grunting as well as cat-specific body language. It is a solitary hunter, but a social species. It can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small mammals. It is a predator that is most active at dawn and dusk. [7] It secretes and perceives pheromones. [8] Female domestic cats can have kittens from spring to late autumn, with litter sizes ranging from two to five kittens. [9] Domestic cats are bred and shown as registered pedigreed cats, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control breeding of pet cats by spaying and neutering, as well as abandonment of pets, resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide, contributing to the extinction of entire bird species, and evoking population control. [10] It was long thought that cat domestication was initiated in Egypt, because cats in ancient Egypt were venerated since around 3100 BC. [11] [12] However, the earliest indication for the taming of an African wildcat ( F. lybica) was found in Cyprus, where a cat skeleton was excavated close by a human Neolithic grave dating to around 7500 BC. [13] African wildcats were probably first domesticated in the Near East. [14] As of 2017, the domestic cat was the second-most popular pet in the United States by number of pets owned, after freshwater fish, [15] with 95 million cats owned. [16] [17] In the United Kingdom, around 7. 3 million cats lived in more than 4. 8 million households as of 2019. [18] Etymology and naming The origin of the English word 'cat', Old English catt, is thought to be the Late Latin word cattus, which was first used at the beginning of the 6th century. [19] It was suggested that the word 'cattus' is derived from an Egyptian precursor of Coptic ??? šau, "tomcat", or its feminine form suffixed with -t. [20] The Late Latin word is also thought to be derived from Afro-Asiatic languages. [21] The Nubian word kaddîska "wildcat" and Nobiin kadīs are possible sources or cognates. [22] The Nubian word may be a loan from Arabic ????? qa?? ~ ???? qi??. It is "equally likely that the forms might derive from an ancient Germanic word, imported into Latin and thence to Greek and to Syriac and Arabic". [23] The word may be derived from Germanic and Northern European languages, and ultimately be borrowed from Uralic, cf. Northern Sami gáđfi, "female stoat ", and Hungarian hölgy, "stoat"; from Proto-Uralic *käďwä, "female (of a furred animal)". [24] The English puss, extended as pussy and pussycat, is attested from the 16th century and may have been introduced from Dutch poes or from Low German puuskatte, related to Swedish kattepus, or Norwegian pus, pusekatt. Similar forms exist in Lithuanian puižė and Irish puisín or puiscín. The etymology of this word is unknown, but it may have simply arisen from a sound used to attract a cat. [25] [26] A male cat is called a tom or tomcat [27] (or a gib, [28] if neutered) An unspayed female is called a queen, [29] especially in a cat-breeding context. A juvenile cat is referred to as a kitten. In Early Modern English, the word kitten was interchangeable with the now-obsolete word catling. [30] A group of cats can be referred to as a clowder or a glaring. [31] Taxonomy The scientific name Felis catus was proposed by Carl Linnaeus in 1758 for a domestic cat. [1] [2] Felis catus domesticus was proposed by Johann Christian Polycarp Erxleben in 1777. [3] Felis daemon proposed by Konstantin Alekseevich Satunin in 1904 was a black cat from the Transcaucasus, later identified as a domestic cat. [32] [33] In 2003, the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature ruled that the domestic cat is a distinct species, namely Felis catus. [34] [35] In 2007, it was considered a subspecies of the European wildcat, F. silvestris catus, following results of phylogenetic research. [36] [37] In 2017, the IUCN Cat Classification Taskforce followed the recommendation of the ICZN in regarding the domestic cat as a distinct species, Felis catus. [38] Evolution Skulls of a wildcat (top left), a housecat (top right), and a hybrid between the two (bottom centre) The domestic cat is a member of the Felidae, a family that had a common ancestor about 10?15 million years ago. [39] The genus Felis diverged from the Felidae around 6?7 million years ago. [40] Results of phylogenetic research confirm that the wild Felis species evolved through sympatric or parapatric speciation, whereas the domestic cat evolved through artificial selection. [41] The domesticated cat and its closest wild ancestor are both diploid organisms that possess 38 chromosomes [42] and roughly 20, 000 genes. [43] The leopard cat ( Prionailurus bengalensis) was tamed independently in China around 5500 BC. This line of partially domesticated cats leaves no trace in the domestic cat populations of today. [44] Domestication A cat eating a fish under a chair, a mural in an Egyptian tomb dating to the 15th century BC The earliest known indication for a tamed African wildcat was excavated close by a human grave in Shillourokambos, southern Cyprus, dating to about 9, 200 to 9, 500 years before present. As there is no evidence of native mammalian fauna on Cyprus, the inhabitants of this Neolithic village most likely brought the cat and other wild mammals to the island from the Middle Eastern mainland. [13] Scientists therefore assume that African wildcats were attracted to early human settlements in the Fertile Crescent by rodents, in particular the house mouse ( Mus musculus), and were tamed by Neolithic farmers. This commensal relationship between early farmers and tamed cats lasted thousands of years. As agricultural practices spread, so did tame and domesticated cats. [14] [6] Wildcats of Egypt contributed to the maternal gene pool of the domestic cat at a later time. [45] The earliest known evidence for the occurrence of the domestic cat in Greece dates to around 1200 BC. Greek, Phoenician, Carthaginian and Etruscan traders introduced domestic cats to southern Europe. [46] During the Roman Empire they were introduced to Corsica and Sardinia before the beginning of the 1st millennium. [47] By the 5th century BC, they were familiar animals around settlements in Magna Graecia and Etruria. [48] By the end of the Roman Empire in the 5th century, the Egyptian domestic cat lineage had arrived in a Baltic Sea port in northern Germany. [45] During domestication, cats have undergone only minor changes in anatomy and behavior, and they are still capable of surviving in the wild. Several natural behaviors and characteristics of wildcats may have preadapted them for domestication as pets. These traits include their small size, social nature, obvious body language, love of play and relatively high intelligence. Captive Leopardus cats may also display affectionate behavior toward humans, but were not domesticated. [49] House cats often mate with feral cats, [50] producing hybrids such as the Kellas cat in Scotland. [51] Hybridisation between domestic and other Felinae species is also possible. [52] Development of cat breeds started in the mid 19th century. [53] An analysis of the domestic cat genome revealed that the ancestral wildcat genome was significantly altered in the process of domestication as specific mutations were selected to develop cat breeds. [54] Most breeds are founded on random-bred domestic cats. Genetic diversity of these breeds varies between regions, and is lowest in purebred populations, which show more than 20 deleterious genetic disorders. [55] Characteristics Diagram of the general anatomy of a male domestic cat Size The domestic cat has a smaller skull and shorter bones than the European wildcat. [56] It averages about 46?cm (18?in) in head-to-body length and 23?25?cm (9. 1?9. 8?in) in height, with about 30?cm (12?in) long tails. Males are larger than females. [57] Adult domestic cats typically weigh between 4 and 5?kg (8. 8 and 11. 0?lb). [41] Skeleton Cats have seven cervical vertebrae (as do most mammals); 13 thoracic vertebrae (humans have 12); seven lumbar vertebrae (humans have five); three sacral vertebrae (as do most mammals, but humans have five); and a variable number of caudal vertebrae in the tail (humans have only vestigial caudal vertebrae, fused into an internal coccyx). [58]: 11 The extra lumbar and thoracic vertebrae account for the cat's spinal mobility and flexibility. Attached to the spine are 13 ribs, the shoulder, and the pelvis. [58]: 16 Unlike human arms, cat forelimbs are att
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