Joker ?Speedytv?

  • info: In Gotham City, mentally troubled comedian Arthur Fleck is disregarded and mistreated by society. He then embarks on a downward spiral of revolution and bloody crime. This path brings him face-to-face with his alter-ego: the Joker
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  • Directed by: Todd Phillips
  • average ratings: 8,7 / 10 star
  • Genre: Thriller
  • writed by: Scott Silver
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Warning : This movie is rated _ R. For _ R _eality

4:30 that voice is so cool and I feel scary. This guy makes Jared Leto look like a middle school goth girl. This make me cry then the Joker was been kicked and beat always. Marvel : we have a big slate for upcoming years what you have DC : sending a clown. &ref( I used to think that my life was a tragedy. But now I realize it's a comedy. Sounds like something the main character of The Room would say.
Heath Ledger is definitely the best Joker as we imagine it, but Joaquim Phoenix is a great actor. Joker tattoo. First Murray was the figure of authority, just like Thomas Wayne, deciding how the soul of Gotham would look like, what is good and evil. People like Arthur were jokers to them, but when Fleck turned the tables and took over the mind of the city, he became the new god, deciding what is right or wrong, funny or not. To him people like Bruce Wayne and Batman are jokers and the history repeats itself. I think that the movie is partly about that, the struggle between light and darkness, chaos and order, two things impossible to define and hence neither Murray nor Arthur Fleck or Bruce Wayne can ever know if they are right or wrong. It is a riddle without an answer. Pit without a bottom, that is why Joker laughs at the end. That is why he is so much different than his 'brother' Bruce. He embraces that there is no answer and ridicules those that cling to believes. I believe Bruce is (and will be) different not only from Joker but from Thomas or Murray as well. He does not fight for what he thinks is just. He is always fighting to become a symbol, lighthouse, a messiah for all those living in a senseless world, to keep them from falling into the same abyss that created Joker and then killed his parents. Because we will never know right from wrong, but we can save other's from falling into the cracks of those definitions, which turns them into monsters. I wonder if the film was about that.

Joker oscar nominations. Its so great that even Joker shows humanity and compassion to the people that treat him nicely. I love you Harley Quinn???????????????. Keep in mind the ‘genius joker ledger plays is years in the future from joaquins joker, theyre so different its impossible to compare.
Hey! Good video. Hereditary part is wrong. He's adopted. Joker tik tok. Their is a fnaf version of this song. Jimmy: You are fantastic in it! Joaquin: Okay. lol. Joker remix. Its insane how a single scene in this movie can rock you to your core. This is the best movie I have ever seen. Everything about this film is AMZZZZZING! I can't say how effected I was by this such a beautiful film. Love love love it.
People: How does this film has 11 Oscar nominations? Me: You wouldnt get it... Joker sequel. Fire everyone making the DCU movies and put this guy in please. This scene was only 5 minutes long? I swear it felt longer. People expecting to get shot by his words, literally... You can see him losing it already after playing joker. Joker director. Joker: You wouldn't get it. Batman: Try me. Venom Smiled More. ??. 1:37, that's a scary as hell look. Like he's an undead spirit.
We love you joker. We will always be on your side. Great acting in the movie by this legend. I didnt realise Joaquin was purple, i used to belive it was red. Joker batman. The music, the story, and the message are phenomenal in Џ . This dude does not look like ma homie joker, but he definitely sounds like him. Joker and harley quinn song. Im sorry but he shouldn't have did it Whats his sign ?. Joker movie controversy. I used to think my life was a tragedy, but now I've realised it's a comedy Those words are chilling. Why did I need to watch this first. Joker xue. Mom : Why are you watching a guy laughing Me : You wouldn't get it.









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