1917 命をかけた伝令 ≡dual audio≡

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writers - Sam Mendes; duration - 119Minute; Rating - 9,3 / 10; Release year - 2019; Drama; directed by - Sam Mendes. Now Ive seen the best parts I dont need to watch the movies. Thanks... ?. Watch full movie 1080p download Download&1917&命をかけた伝令&HDQ&full Watch 1917 命をかけた伝令 Online Streaming Full 1917`命をかけた伝令`Online`Hindi`HBO`2018`Mojo`Watch`Online... @ 6:01, “To dig it was quite a task”. Well, they had a digger for the film, so it was lucky they werent required back then, because they wouldnt have been allowed a digger. Theyre have been given a spade and told to get on with it.

If this movie doesn't win an award for cinematography

1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 4. 1917 命をかけた伝令 感想. 2019 : Keanu Reeves 2020 : Tom Cruise. またストリートレースでギラギラのデカールとネオンとエアロつけた日本車ばっかだったあの頃のワイスピが見てぇなぁ. 1917 命をかけた伝令 茶一郎. 1917 å??ã??ã??ã??ã??a à z. Pretty sure that 2017 movie Bushwick did it first. 1917 命をかけた伝令 メイキング. 1917 命をかけた伝令 音楽. Sam Mendes is gonna smash the box office with this. ???. 1917 命をかけた伝令 サントラ. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 5.
1917 命をかけた伝令. 今天看了這個電影 非常好看 沒有什麼戰爭鏡頭 但很緊張 ;全場幾乎就是主角一二人 卻很感人 ?? 戰爭片 其實都是提醒世人反戰! 導演攝影配樂? 非常棒! 希望也能得到奧斯卡的青睞!. 1917 命をかけた伝令 宇多丸. Keep more war movies coming, WW2 is my main interest, heard a Ridley Scott battle of Britain may be in the works. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 for sale. I enjoyed Bird Man very much, I'm sure I'm going to enjoy this one as well. 95プラド出るとか胸熱. 無駄な邦題やな笑. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 2016. Half way through the movie, I started thinking that they had all these planes flying around, why didn't they send one of those fly boys to deliver/drop the message instead of these 2 dudes.
1917 命をかけた伝令 キャスト. 1917 命をかけた伝令 上映. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 review. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 2015. Stop wars.
1917 命をかけた伝令 日本公開. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 plus. Fantastic movie so intense what Dunkirk should have been. IMAXで観たいね ダンケルクみたいな感じかなー?. 1917 命をかけた伝令ワンカット. 映画のタイトルは「1917」だけでいいのに!観に行かなければならない映画だと感じました. Harry hart : Welcome to the kingsman. 1917 命をかけた伝令 主題歌. 1917 命をかけた伝令 アカデミー賞. All Books being read now(Realtime) 人気トレンドをいち早くキャッチ!今読まれている人気無料漫画(マンガ)! 374 35228 PDF 10329 PDF 61902 PDF 800 PDF 19291 PDF 12469 94921 70323 PDF 1864 All New arrival ほぼ毎日更新!面白無料漫画(マンガ)を続々追加中!お見逃しなく! PDF More All Upload Comics 新時代の投稿作品もマンガ図書館Zなら読み放題! 連載中 完結 Total views 351, 173, 493 Total Downloads 12, 107, 886 Total Comics 6, 801 Total number of pages 976, 605.
1917 命をかけた伝令 本編. 1917 命をかけた伝令 スッキリ. Nineteen seventeen. Sam Mendes. Just superb.
This movie is downright amazing. Definitely one of the best movies of 2019 and one of the best war films I've seen. It's thrilling, exciting, scary, shocking and heartfelt, all jam-packed into one beautiful film. The biggest topic of this film is probably how it looked as if it was shot in one single, continuous take. And there's good reason for it. The one-take format just elevated this whole movie with so much more tension and immersiveness. It's very well done from Sam Mendes. There are some scenes where it's easy to spot when they decided to stop the shot and transition into another, but over time it just became seamless. The cinematography by Roger Deakins is also very on-point (as usual. As well as Thomas Newman's score. That was 1917's secret weapon. The score brings the movie from 100 to 1000. Everything is just elevated the moment Newman's score hits and it is beautiful. Performance wise, the entire cast is superb. Especially George MacKay. His performance was just fantastic. I did appreciate that the film didn't focus on the characters with the big stars (Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch, Richard Madden) playing them. 1917 is an epic, visceral, stunning depiction of WWI. Buckle up cause once it starts, it doesn't stop.
It's a very interesting way of filming the war. We follow two soldiers through the trenches and the battlefield, in full immersion. 1917 命をかけた伝令 前売り券. To summarize. The real story behind 1917 movie is that there isn't one. The screen play is a work of fiction based on historical fact; however, the director's grandfather served in the great war and had similar experiences to those of the film's protagonists. 1917 å??ã??ã??ã??ã??as a free. This makes me feel spine-tingling nostalgia even though I've never even seen the original. Wow. They really wanted to use the Dunkirk soundtrack in this trailer. Give everyone a flipping clap, that was a work out. 2020. 2. 13 12:05 Feature | PR | Tv/Movie 戦場に密着する、異次元の映画没入体験 。第77回ゴールデングローブ賞で作品賞(ドラマ部門)・監督賞に輝き、第92回アカデミー賞でも撮影賞・録音賞・視覚効果賞を受賞した 『1917 命をかけた伝令』 が2020年2月14日(金)に公開される。『アメリカン・ビューティー』(1999)『007 スカイフォール』(2012)の名匠サム・メンデス監督が試みたのは、衝撃のワンシーン・ワンカット映像により、観客を過酷な戦場の最前線に放り込むという大技だ。 映画ファン待望の日本上陸に先がけて、THE RIVERでは本作の独占試写会を実施。およそ2時間の“戦場体験”をくぐり抜けてきた読者たちによる、興奮と恐怖、感動の声をお伝えしたい。 1917年4月、フランス。第一次世界大戦が始まってから3年が経ち、西部戦線ではドイツ軍と連合国軍が大きな犠牲を払いながら消耗戦を続けていた。この日、イギリス軍の若き兵士であるスコフィールドとブレイクは、撤退したドイツ軍を追う仲間の部隊に重大なメッセージを届ける任務を与えられる。ドイツ軍の撤退は罠であり、このまま追跡を続ければ部隊は全滅、1, 600人が命を落とすことになるのだ。この事実を伝え、翌朝に実行される作戦を中止せねばならない。しかしメッセージを届けるためには、敵の塹壕や占領地を抜ける必要があった。慎重なスコフィールドに対し、部隊に兄がいるブレイクに精神的余裕はない。刻々とタイムリミットが迫る中、2人は決死の覚悟で塹壕を這い出る……。 メンデス監督は「第一次世界大戦は現代の戦争」だといい、制作にあたっては物語をリアルタイムで描くこと、そして「主人公の息遣いのような詳細まで描くため」全編を“ワンカット映像”で作り上げることがベストだと考えたという。衝撃の映像体験を生み出しながら、同時に観客を物語に没入させるという難題に挑んだのは、本作で2度目のアカデミー賞撮影賞に輝いた撮影監督ロジャー・ディーキンス。目指されたのは、「観客が主人公の道のりすべて、一歩ずつを一緒に歩み、呼吸するように」感じられるストーリーテリングだった。 ©2019 Universal Pictures and Storyteller Distribution Co., LLC. All Rights Reserved. 「これは戦場を駆ける二人を“観る”映画ではなく、自分が戦場を“駆ける”映画だ!」。圧倒的な没入感と映画体験をこう語ったのは、”ザッキー92″さんだ。上映後のアンケートには、戦場さながらの体験を味わってきた読者の、興奮さめやらぬ言葉が多数寄せられている。「温度や匂いまで感じられるような初めて体験する映像だった。これが”ワンカット映像”なんだとただただ圧倒された」(”マロコ”さん)「一緒に戦場にいる感覚だったので、エンドロールが流れ始めたときに“私は映画を観てたんだっけ?”と変な気持ちになりました」(”さんぴん茶”さん)。 印象的なのは、『1917』を観た人々が、もはや身体面の変化を感じていることだ。「歯を食いしばりすぎて奥歯が痛い」とは”clerks00″さんの談だが、その他にも「2時間走り続けた感覚」(”ずんこ”さん)「(良い意味で)疲労感がすごかった」(”ベル”さん)「見ている私たちの消費カロリーもかなり高い」(”みうたろす”さん)など、ほとんど映画の感想とは思えないほどのコメントが並んでいる。「初めての感覚で、今はまだこの感情を文字にできません」とは”萩”さんの言葉だ。 『1917 命をかけた伝令』は、戦場の最前線を観客に文字通り体感させてしまう“ライド・アトラクション映画”だ。しかしメンデス監督は、決して第一次世界大戦をハラハラ、ドキドキするサスペンスやスリラーの舞台としてのみ扱っているわけではない。ライド・アトラクションのような効果を通じて、シンプルな物語をできるだけ効果的に語ることこそが作り手たちの狙いなのである。2人の友情と任務について「戦争映画でありながらも感動する映画」と記したのは”Reina”さん。ワンカット映像であることすら忘れて引き込まれるストーリー展開だ、と熱弁をふるったのは”がっきー”さんだ。 “究極の没入体験”は、2人の兵士の物語をリアルに味わえる以上の鑑賞体験にも繋がっている。”上田玲於”さんは「この目線で描かれていたことにより、戦争の悲惨さを痛感しました」、”佐藤康大”さんは「戦争を体験したようだとは軽々しく言えないが、ストーリーというよりも現実に直面したよう」「映画をつくってくれた方に感謝したい」という。同じく、”YyY”さんも「想像をはるかに超えていた。改めて戦争のむごさを肌身で感じることができた」と記した。 特筆しておきたいのは、サム・メンデスとロジャー・ディーキンスが切り取る戦争の“恐ろしさ”が、時として異様に美しい形で現れることだ。兵士が最前線で目の当たりにする光景の美しさは、生死のあわいを走り回っているからこそ見える煌めきであるかのよう。”ショートカット”さんは「あまりに圧倒されて涙が溢れてしまった」「あるシーンではレンブラントの絵画のように、光と影の生み出す風景が鮮やかな悪夢のように美しく、心震えた」と書き、”烏山祥宏”さんは「口ポカーン、鳥肌ゾワーでした」と、その衝撃に言葉を失ったという。 迫力と臨場感にあふれた没入体験、しばしば顔を覗かせる恐怖と美しさ、そしてシンプルではあるが確かに胸を打つストーリーは、観る者の心をしっかりとつかんで離さない。「ワンカットなのもめちゃくちゃすごいけど、そうじゃなかったとしても大傑作なのでは」(”eak”さん)との言葉さえあるほどだ。もちろん、ベネディクト・カンバーバッチやマーク・ストロング、コリン・ファース、リチャード・マッデンという英国の人気俳優たちが華を添えているところも注目ポイント。全編緊張感たっぷりの本作だが、彼らの登場で「気分転換できて面白かった」とは”やぬ”さん、「戦場の中にも癒しがあった。眼福」とは”ずんこ”さんの談だ。 本作の威力を前にして、来場者からは早くもリピート宣言が続出。多くの観客から「次はIMAXで観たい」との声が寄せられた。なるべく大きな画面と大きな音量で、『1917』の戦場を全身で体感してほしい。 (c)2019 Universal Pictures and Storyteller Distribution Co., LLC. All Rights Reserved. 映画『1917 命をかけた伝令』は2020年2月14日(金)全国ロードショー 。.
I love all this photografy in the movie, it makes me feel really tensed while the character was filming. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search ← 1916 1915 1914 1917 in the United States → 1918 1919 1920 Decades: 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s See also: History of the United States (1865?1918) Timeline of United States history (1900?1929) List of years in the United States Events from the year 1917 in the United States. Incumbents [ edit] Federal Government [ edit] President: Woodrow Wilson ( D - New Jersey) Vice President: Thomas R. Marshall ( D - Indiana) Chief Justice: Edward Douglass White ( Louisiana) Speaker of the House of Representatives: Champ Clark ( D - Missouri) Congress: 64th (until March 4), 65th (starting March 4) Governors and Lieutenant Governors Governors [ edit] Governor of Alabama: Charles Henderson ( Democratic) Governor of Arizona: until January 1: George W. P. Hunt ( Democratic) January 1-December 25: Thomas Edward Campbell ( Republican) starting December 25: George W. Hunt ( Democratic) Governor of Arkansas: George Washington Hays ( Democratic) (until January 10), Charles Hillman Brough ( Democratic) (starting January 10) Governor of California: Hiram Johnson ( Republican) (until March 15), William Stephens ( Republican) (starting March 15) Governor of Colorado: George Alfred Carlson ( Republican) (until January 9), Julius Caldeen Gunter ( Democratic) (starting January 9) Governor of Connecticut: Marcus H. Holcomb ( Republican) Governor of Delaware: Charles R. Miller ( Republican) (until January 16), John G. Townsend, Jr. ( Republican) (starting January 16) Governor of Florida: Park Trammell ( Democratic) (until January 2), Sidney Johnston Catts ( Prohibition) (starting January 2) Governor of Georgia: Nathaniel E. Harris ( Democratic) (until June 30), Hugh M. Dorsey ( Democratic) (starting June 30) Governor of Idaho: Moses Alexander ( Democratic) Governor of Illinois: Edward F. Dunne ( Democratic) (until January 8), Frank O. Lowden ( Republican) (starting January 8) Governor of Indiana: Samuel M. Ralston ( Democratic) (until January 8), James P. Goodrich ( Republican) (starting January 8) Governor of Iowa: George W. Clarke ( Republican) (until January 11), William L. Harding ( Republican) (starting January 11) Governor of Kansas: Arthur Capper ( Republican) Governor of Kentucky: Augustus O. Stanley ( Democratic) Governor of Louisiana: Ruffin G. Pleasant ( Democratic) Governor of Maine: Oakley C. Curtis ( Democratic) (until January 3), Carl E. Milliken ( Republican) (starting January 3) Governor of Maryland: Emerson C. Harrington ( Democratic) Governor of Massachusetts: Samuel W. McCall ( Republican) Governor of Michigan: Woodbridge Nathan Ferris ( Democratic) (until January 1), Albert Sleeper ( Republican) (starting January 1) Governor of Minnesota: J. A. Burnquist ( Republican) Governor of Mississippi: Theodore G. Bilbo ( Democratic) Governor of Missouri: Elliot Woolfolk Major ( Democratic) (until January 8), Frederick D. Gardner ( Democratic) (starting January 8) Governor of Montana: Sam V. Stewart ( Democratic) Governor of Nebraska: John H. Morehead ( Democratic) (until January 4), Keith Neville ( Democratic) (starting January 4) Governor of Nevada: Emmet D. Boyle ( Democratic) Governor of New Hampshire: Rolland H. Spaulding ( Republican) (until January 2), Henry W. Keyes ( Republican) (starting January 2) Governor of New Jersey: James Fairman Fielder ( Democratic) (until January 16), Walter Evans Edge ( Republican) (starting January 16) Governor of New Mexico: until January 1: William J. McDonald ( Democratic) January 1-February 18: Ezequiel C. de Baca ( Democratic) starting February 18: Washington Ellsworth Lindsey ( Republican) Governor of New York: Charles S. Whitman ( Republican) Governor of North Carolina: Locke Craig ( Democratic) (until January 11), Thomas Walter Bickett ( Democratic) (starting January 11) Governor of North Dakota: L. B. Hanna ( Republican) (until January 3), Lynn Frazier ( Republican) (starting January 3) Governor of Ohio: Frank B. Willis ( Democratic) (until January 8), James M. Cox ( Democratic) (starting January 8) Governor of Oklahoma: Robert L. Williams ( Democratic) Governor of Oregon: James Withycombe ( Republican) Governor of Pennsylvania: Martin Grove Brumbaugh ( Republican) Governor of Rhode Island: R. Livingston Beeckman ( Republican) Governor of South Carolina: Richard Irvine Manning III ( Democratic) Governor of South Dakota: Frank M. Byrne ( Republican) (until January 2), Peter Norbeck ( Republican) (starting January 2) Governor of Tennessee: Tom C. Rye ( Democratic) Governor of Texas: James E. Ferguson ( Democratic) (until August 25), William P. Hobby ( Democratic) (starting August 25) Governor of Utah: William Spry ( Republican) (until January 1), Simon Bamberger ( Democratic) (starting January 1) Governor of Vermont: Charles W. Gates ( Republican) (until January 4), Horace F. Graham ( Republican) (starting January 4) Governor of Virginia: Henry Carter Stuart ( Democratic) Governor of Washington: Ernest Lister ( Democratic) Governor of West Virginia: Henry D. Hatfield ( Republican) (until March 5), John J. Cornwell ( Democratic) (starting March 5) Governor of Wisconsin: Emanuel L. Philipp ( Republican) Governor of Wyoming: John B. Kendrick ( Democratic) (until February 26), Frank L. Houx ( Democratic) (starting February 26) Lieutenant Governors [ edit] Lieutenant Governor of Alabama: Thomas E. Kilby ( Democratic) Lieutenant Governor of California: William Stephens ( Republican) (until March 16), vacant (starting March 16) Lieutenant Governor of Colorado: Moses E. Lewis ( Republican) (until January 12), James A. Pulliam ( Democratic) (starting January 12) Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut: Clifford B. Wilson ( Republican) Lieutenant Governor of Delaware: Colen Ferguson ( Democratic) (until January 16), Lewis E. Eliason ( Democratic) (starting January 16) Lieutenant Governor of Idaho: Herman H. Taylor ( Republican) (until January 1), Ernest L. Parker ( Democratic) (starting January 1) Lieutenant Governor of Illinois: Barratt O'Hara ( Democratic) (until January 8), John G. Oglesby ( Republican) (starting January 8) Lieutenant Governor of Indiana: William P. O'Neill ( Democratic) (until January 8), Edgar D. Bush ( Republican) (starting January 8) Lieutenant Governor of Iowa: William L. Harding ( Republican) (until January 11), Ernest Robert Moore ( Republican) (starting January 11) Lieutenant Governor of Kansas: William Yoast Morgan ( Republican) Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky: James D. Black ( Democratic) Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana: Fernand Mouton ( Democratic) Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts: Calvin Coolidge ( Republican) Lieutenant Governor of Michigan: Luren D. Dickinson ( Republican) Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota: George H. Sullivan ( Republican) (until January 2), Thomas Frankson ( Republican) (starting January 2) Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi: Lee Maurice Russell ( Democratic) Lieutenant Governor of Missouri: William Rock Painter ( Democratic) (until January 8), Wallace Crossley ( Democratic) (starting January 8) Lieutenant Governor of Montana: W. W. McDowell (political party unknown) Lieutenant Governor of Nebraska: James Pearson ( Democratic) (until January 4), Edgar Howard ( Democratic) (starting January 4) Lieutenant Governor of Nevada: Maurice J. Sullivan ( Democratic) Lieutenant Governor of New Mexico: until January 1: Ezequiel Cabeza De Baca ( Democratic) January 1-February 18: Washington Ellsworth Lindsey ( Republican) starting February 18: vacant Lieutenant Governor of New York: Edward Schoeneck ( Republican) Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina: Elijah L. Daughtridge ( Democratic) (until January 11), Oliver Max Gardner ( Democratic) (starting January 11) Lieutenant Governor of North Dakota: John H. Fraine ( Republican) (until January 3), Anton T. Kraabel ( Republican) (starting January 3) Lieutenant Governor of Ohio: John H. Arnold ( Republican) (until January 8), Earl D. Bloom ( Democratic) (starting January 8) Lieutenant Governor of Oklahoma: Martin E. Trapp ( Democratic) Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania: Frank B. McClain ( Republican) Lieutenant Governor of Rhode Island: Emery J. San Souci ( Republican) Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina: Andrew Bethea ( Democratic) Lieutenant Governor of South Dakota: Peter Norbeck ( Republican) (until January 2), William H. McMaster ( Republican) (starting January 2) Lieutenant Governor of Tennessee: Albert E. Hill ( Democratic) (until month and day unknown), W. R. Crabtree ( Democratic) (starting month and day unknown) Lieutenant Governor of Texas: William P. Hobby ( Democratic) (until August 25), vacant (starting August 25) Lieutenant Governor of Vermont: Hale K. Darling ( Republican) (until January 4), Roger W. Hulburd ( Republican) (starting January 4) Lieutenant Governor of Virginia: James Taylor Ellyson ( Democratic) Lieutenant Governor of Washington: Louis Folwell Hart ( Republican) Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin: Edward F. Dithmar ( Republican) Events [ edit] January?March [ edit] President Wilson before Congress, announcing the break in the official relations with Germany January 1 ? The University of Oregon defeats the University of Pennsylvania 14?0 in college football 's 3rd Annual Rose Bowl. January 10 ? The Silent Sentinels begin their protest in favor of women's suffrage in front of the White House. January 11 ? German saboteurs set off the Kingsland Explosion at Kingsland, New Jersey (modern-day Lyndhurst), one of the events leading to U. S. involvement in World War I. January 22 ? World War I: President Woodrow Wilson calls for "peace without victory" in Europe. January 25 The Danish West Indies is sold to the United States for $30 million. An anti- prostitution drive in San Francisco attracts huge crowds to public meetings. At one meeting attended by 7, 000 people, 20, 000 are kept out for lack of room. In a c
1917 命をかけた伝令 町山. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 pro. 1917 命をかけた伝令 レビュー. 1917 命をかけた伝令 大阪. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 3.
7 remakes/sequels out of 10 movie trailers. How's that for creative laziness in Hollywood. ロジャーディーキンスかあ期待. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 manual. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 2018. Lol it was hilarious in movie when he accidentally hit that guy while running against the trenches, because the guy he ran into just never got back up, just looked like he died on the spot.
1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 specs. I believe that when he is running through the french town and the flares causing that authentic motion lighting is one of the best pieces of cinematography i've ever seen. 1917 命を懸けた伝令. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 2. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 1. 1917 命をかけた伝令 飛行機.
This raised my testosterone dopamine and adrenaline. Find Out More Choose a format and edition 4K Ultra HD Standard Edition 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital Buy Now Blu-ray Standard Edition Blu-ray + DVD + Digital DVD Standard Edition DVD Digital Digital Original Version On Demand On Demand. 1917 e5 91%bd e3 82%92 e3 81%8b e3 81%91 e3 81%9f e4 bc 9d e4 bb a4 price. 1917 å??ã??ã??ã??ã??as a service. 1917 命をかけた伝令 cm.

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