4.2/ 5stars

Lore ★in Hindi★

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5,3 / 10 / audience score=118 Votes / &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMmIwNWI2MDUtOTc2Ni00YzU2LWE3NTYtYmU4MDc2OGJiMzI3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQ2OTU2OTQ@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) / Writed by=Christian Larsen / directed by=Brock Manwill / 1H 49Minute. Great video, AJ. When DMing Fire Giants, focusing on their environment is a must for real immersion. I had some cocky players. The cockiest player ran a red half-dragon (80s homebrew version of mine) essentially fireproof. He was a musketeer (flint-lock rifleman, the advanced version of the Arquebus in the PHB was used. The other two were a mage and a cleric loaded with fire resistance magic. Upon entering the area, they saw two Fire Giant guards. As they came near, heat washed over the party. The red half-dragon's everything burst into flames (he felt that his innate fire and heat immunity applied to everything he carried. All of his powder and shot detonated as well as some bombs he fashioned. He was reduced to single-digit HP's and so did the mage next to him. The mage opened up his scroll tube to read a teleport scroll to have the party make a quick exit. Upon leaving the tube, that scroll flashed into almost instant ashes. The party looked up to see the giants laughing as hellhounds came from within the gates to charge. The party turned tail and ran and the fire giants whistled for the hell hounds to just return. The outer gate has a magical barrier that kept most of the heat in so they did not have time to deal with incrementing heat and noticing something about to go bad. If they bothered to read the mission scroll they were given, they would have known that. They went back a couple levels later and discovered that going into a fire giant hellhole means you have to have more than just fire resistance, so they got owned. The fire giants even toyed with them and offered them a chance to surrender. And that is where the role-playing as fire giant's slaves started. Yes, instead of giving up on their enslaved characters, they insisted on still playing them. I had to invent some fire giant culture because there were no sources for that yet. Here's the thing, every gamin's session, one of the fire giants jested about the explosive meeting of that trio of slaves. the only time fire giants ever smiled.
The Shelob encounter was my favourite part of the novel and the movie did a great job telling the story of Shelob. I was disappointed with where they placed her in the movie tho. I've been waiting for this video! D. So I know pickman is named after a lovecraft character, but a theory I personally have is is that the actual character is based on Ed Gine an infamous serial killer who dug up graves and made furniture out of their bones and other non advertiser friendly body parts. P.s. anyone who is a fan of slasher films will probably be familiar with Ed as he was the insperation for multiple horror films like Psycho and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
The dwarves should've never taken up fungal botanical classes. Yeah neutral evil chaotic evil or just plain evil doesn't matter anymore. Dragon still a stereotypical Dragon that's you need to know. The surface has yet to be scratched but more or less yeah.
Need more subs come on guys. Ive must have watched this over 10 times already.

As always amazing video. keep it up

Ok one of probably 3 people who read the lore here: Atreus (Pantheon's former host) - is against anything of power beyond man. This includes the Darkin, the Void, Aspects, The Ascended to the East (Shurima), and Aurelion Sol. Leona originally was a member of the same tribe as Pantheon: the Rakkor. The Rakkor are worshippers of the Sun, and upon sparing the life of an innocent monster (a failed mission in the eyes of the Rakkor) Leona was sentenced to trial by combat for her life. Her fight was against Atreus and was a stalemate until the Solari, another sun worshipping tribe respected by the Rakkor that is much more zealous, hating any form of light that isn't the sun, ended the duel saying Leona was seen in a vision to be a warrior capable of wielding the sun. She left Rakkor for the Solari for years until eventually she found a Solari problem child bearing news that would change the Solari as a whole. This girl was Diana, who's hair turned silver and wore new armor and a weapon (being Chosen of the Moon the night previous). Brought before the Elders, Diana spoke of a forgotten tribe of the Lunar who worship the moon, and that the two are intertwined. The Elders and Leona call her a traitor and dismiss the claim, and Diana responds by murdering the Elders and fleeing. Leona chases her for days on end up the mountain to find the same monster she spared long ago, and it speaks to her, telling her she is worthy, and bestows Leona with the Aspect of the Sun. With new power, armor, weapons, and long forgotten knowledge that yhe Sun and Moon are one power together, Leona discovering the truth behind Diana's story, and is now desperately looking to find her for the sake of balance and atonement. So yes. Pantheon respects Leona the person, but not the Aspect of the Sun, or any for that matter. Meanwhile Diana and Leona are two halves who are supposed to work together, much like Kayle and Morgana both embodying Justice, but unlike the sisters, Leona and Diana do in fact want to remedy their pasts and work as one. They are literally fated for one another.
That moment when you run into a can opener and your sea moth gets destroyed. Steal a Salamander Strike Cruiser, got a visit from a whole fleet of space marines. Thanks for a great video, you got another Sub and off to try Tomb Kings faction.

My Homeboy Scotty did NOT die. That's what's up

Coauthor: colleen paranormal3
Info: Am mother and a kinda youtuber... I mostly livestream of the spirit box..... and i guess thats all i have too say...









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