Biały, biały dzień - by jiigito,
April 04, 2020

3.6/ 5stars

Biały, biały dzień ?Solar Movies?

? ?????????????????
? ???????×????????★
  1. Creator Hlynur Palmason
  2. Movie Info In a remote Icelandic town, an off duty police chief begins to suspect a local man for having had an affair with his wife, who recently died in a car accident. Gradually his obsession for finding out the truth accumulates and inevitably begins to endanger himself and his loved ones. A story of grief, revenge and unconditional love
  3. release Date 2019
  4. 1 hours 49minute
  5. director Hlynur Palmason
  6. Countries Denmark, Sweden

En vit vit dag dn. Chłopaki z tego wojskowego rupiiecia się wygłupiali i wszystko w temacie. Kiedy będzie kontynuacja Recenzji Sezonów Gry o tron. En vit, vit day 2. Margonem noc kupaly. Wczoraj obejrzałam Midsommar, mega film i super recenzja. Czułam się tak samo jak ty po filmie. Lecz film nie dla każdego.

Przerost formy nad treścią w czystej formie. Hereditary było po stokroć bardziej emocjonalne, lepsze aktorsko i przede wszystkim dużo więcej się działo bez pretensjonalnej otoczki. Ciekawie oglądało się te obrzędy ale koniec końców historia była prosta, wrecz prostacka. Bez głębszej relacji między postaciami i intensywności dialogów jaką widzieliśmy w poprzednim filmie. Głupota bohaterów to wątek na godzinne video...
Welcome to another fantastic season of Before the 90 Days, which promises the series’ first same sex couple and Darcey’s enrollment in Acting 102: The Girlfriend Experience. Sadly, this episode denies us the rainbow-haired greeting and Darcey wearing what appears to be a tshirt with titties on it underneath a wedding dress, but fret not, there is still much mayo to mess your mug. In the ghost of 90DF past, Natalie burned out on a scooter to escape Ashley’s pre-Angela ponytail. Now Big Ed is here to show us the true magic of mounting the scooter steed, complete with tiny Teddy the Wonder Dog tucked into a bubble backpack. He scoots about town acknowledging friendly passers-by, tiny Teddy poking his little dog nose out the hatch window. Can you imagine being mad at Big Ed? That’s like being furious at a Prince song, or yelling at candy. It just doesn’t work. Anyway, Big Ed got his nickname when he summoned it from the land of Narf: “Because I’m 4’11. I’m short. Because of the short thing. It’s ironic. Wait, is that ironic? Alanis Morrisette destroyed us all. I am short, so fake big. People say ‘Hey Big Ed’ and then the lulz happen. Get it? ” he over-explains, for the first time but not the last. Teddy the Wonder Dog is introduced as his best friend, which I support, because four legs good, two legs bad. To keep Teddy in biscuits, Big Ed is gainfully employed as a photographer, and he succeeds in not creeping out clients with his praise while they arrange themselves in leafy garments. He also has a spent marriage under his belt that fell apart because he cheated on The Mrs. Paul managed to justify arson, and Big Ed is all, “Yeah, I fucked up. ” I’m going to pause to knight Sir Big Ed, first of his name, defender of self awareness, reclaimer of accountability, noble speaker to nicknames, carrier of the canine. Big Ed spent 28 post-marriage years as a singleton, raising his daughter and rocking his career, until he entered the devil’s punch bowl known as The Facebook, and found a 19 year-old girl from the Philippines to love for her personality. He’s been sending Rosemarie gifts since their fourth week of acquaintance, and she hasn’t received any of them yet, but this hasn’t dissuaded Ed. Of course, many of the gifts he sent are his special requirements for his skin condition, but still, those pillows and fancy sheets will linger long after his itchy self is gone. He scoots on over to UPS with his latest package, and introduces us to an attractive UPS employee that doubles as Big Ed’s therapist. The cameras zoom in on that wedding ring, because they’ve known our thirst since Larissa’s slow-jam of a lawyer bass-lined into our hearts. They also linger on the background Pride flag for a minute, so we know the UPS welcomes all parched persons. Then Ed goes to visit his mom Norma, who resembles his daughter, to ask if she can dog sit Teddy. She’s an immigrant from Mexico herself, and is skeptical of Ed’s relationship, and his haircut. Big Ed reveals that he’s already bought a ring and he’s serious, but Mother Norma traverses this obstacle to press him about his daughter, and he admits he hasn’t considered her feelings about dating a woman younger than she is. They haven’t spoken in four weeks, and Ed realizes how foolish this is, and calls her from his car to leave a message, asking to talk to her about what she’s experiencing. Did anyone else pause to make sure they were watching the right show when this happened? Did I get too high on Avery’s photographs? Definitely, because is Ed’s next scene he’s trotting into his kitchen wearing a festive kimono, to fetch his unlabeled hair mayonnaise from the fridge, and a slotted turner for application purposes. He monkey slaps the slotted wonder against the jar’s mouth, which fails to open enough to receive this utensil, then mushes it onto his head, all the while wearing latex gloves to protect his hands from the hazards of egg yolk. He quickly explains that this is a solution to a brittle hair problem informed by box dye devotion, and his daughter is holding vinegar rinse and rosemary oil wisdom hostage until he ghosts the 19 year-old. Once he’s combed his hair into a full Fonzie, he skypes Rose, who has a hand-gesture conversation with Big Ed before she holds up a child named Prince to call Ed daddy, which in the tongue of 90DF means “man over 25. ” Big Ed then admits that he doesn’t entirely trust her, and he’s “kind of a germaphobe” which means he’s going to need her to take an STD test. “Fuck that! ” Lisa interjects. “Wow, my influence is really strong in this episode, ” Paul is ready to help. “Remember, since there’s a margin of error, she should take at least six STD tests. No, eight. No, at least a dozen. I need to call Karine…” Big Ed has also noted that she has 4, 000 friends on Facebook, which definitely isn’t because she’s 19 years old and accepts any and every friend request. Unsettled by this headcount of strangers, he asks for more information, which reminds Rose that her internet connection has been acting up lately, so Big Ed is going to have to sort this out with Teddy and the UPS guy over mayo. Remember that marijuana leaf I’m trashed on? Meet Avery, a Seattle stereotype doing yoga on the beach, the cameras faithfully recording every pose from the most sexualized angle possible. She’s a single mom, dental hygienist, and Grey’s Anatomy enthusiast, but still leaves (see what I did? ) sufficient time for her true passion: taking photographs of pot leaves on top of food. Now I don’t have a degree in weed or anything, but I’m pretty sure the bulk of the high comes from a component of the plant known as the bud, which is generally broken up and either cooked into a candy confection of some kind, or stuffed into a pipe for my partner to loudly judge from the open window of our kitchen. The leaves are for making tea when you’ve fucked up and run out of weed. Avery met an instagram dude from Australia named Ash, who is a relationship coach, specializing in women he wants to fuck. This coaching is communicated through bug-eyed videos stuffed fat with a hodgepodge of new age circle-jerk phrases. “Female energy connection journey, ” He begins. “Communication gratitude motivation positive conscious negativity togetherness pleasure. Toxins true heart-centered twin-flame dream it be it core feminine power. Cursive signature, vague reference to eastern traditions, photo of a sunset. ” Wooed by this gobbledegook, Avery is planning a visit to meet him, hoping he’s a better option than the dot-com dudebro who talked her into moving to California and naming her child Silver (as in hi-ho). Sure, she’s a single mom without much money to spend, but that has never stopped anyone on this show. At the same time, she’s skeptical of his very specific business, but is still willing to lean hard on a babysitter tasked with caring for her children while she heads down under and see if this man is above board (I did it again). Before doing this, she stops by to hang out with her friend Jared, whom she describes as a “pretty big deal in the cannabis industry. ” Something tells me all of her relationships include a person she would describe in similar fashion, with similar apartments with lavish views. Anyway, Jared has preserved a single pot leaf in a green bag, so that she can pull it out and sniff it and ask the oracle if this is the one, while he looks at her in confusion and wonders if she wants more from the dumpster he’s filled out back. Jared and Avery dated many moons ago, and according to Jared, she drove him to the brink of madness with her sniffed-leaf salads, and he’s worried that this is going to be another bad decision. Avery has no shortage of attractive friends, and later meets another set of them so they can express astonishment at her choices. Avery admits that it’s possible that, as a relationship coach, he might just know the right things to say. She confesses there have been “red flags, ”and these flags need to have a theme song already if we’re going to keep saluting them while they wave in the air. Said flags include a bankruptcy, which prevents him from visiting her in the US. Ash says this bankruptcy is due to a shady business partner who took all of his money, and he kept this under wraps because…hmm. Josh and Jen are worried. Avery then harkens back to the first time the red ran up the pole, when she noticed THE FACEBOOK status of Ash was not switched to “in a relationship” or “it’s complicated” or “for fuck’s sake delete facebook already. ” So they took the left hand path to THE INSTAGRAM, and discovered the photos he had posted of Avery were deleted. Nothing else, just the Avery pics. Red flag waving in the breeze, Ash explains that this was the work of a rogue hacking collective responsible for countless unsolicited dick pics, and publicly posted racist comments. Quick, someone call Neo to get inside the Matrix and bring this menacing band of selective deleters to justice! This information leaves Josh and Jen staring at her blankly, wondering if this free trip and television debut is worth meeting yet another man with mayo hair. On to Geoffrey, whom you might recognize from the classic Julia Roberts’ movie Sleeping With the Enemy. When Geoffrey’s not turning around all the cans in the cupboard so the labels face forward, or discovering his wife chopped her hair and flushed her ring to flee to another country, he’s trolling the internet for someone who doesn’t have access to American media. Let’s just hit the bullet points of this fucking guy: Not one but FOUR ex-wives, all of which have accused him of domestic battery, one of whom accused him of repeatedly raping her, and a felony drug conviction that prevents him from moving to another country. Brittany, wife #4, is 19 years his junior, and has joint Canada-Jamaica citizenship. She fled to Canada, saying that he abused her a
Filmu nie oglądałem (choć mam zamiar prędzej czy później to zrobić) ale trzeba przyznać, że muzyka z trailera jest świetna. Dobry sen schizofrenika. Panie Patryku A czy mógłby pan zrobić film Taki 30-minutowy który w którym pan Objaśnij jak działają silniki różnych samolotów na przykład 747 A380 an-225 Boeing 737 Airbus A320 787 Dreamliner Airbus a310 i Beluga. En vit, vit day in the life. Cześć mam pytanie czy kiedyś lecąc samolotem przydażyła ci się jakaś awaria? PS PLS ODPOWIEC?. Agnieszka, takie słońce i lato w pełni, a mam wrażenie, że masz jeszcze jaśniejszą twarz niż zwykle ? Albo to Dawid się opalił i robi kontrast (o recenzji nie piszę, bo jak zwykle ??. En vit vit dag stockholm. Ja niestety ogladalem to na maratonie czyli banda dzieciakow ktore sie śmieja jak słysza dźwięki uprawnianego seksu.
En vit, vit dagny. Chciałbym zobaczyć Dwayne Johnson vs John Cena. Ojjjj ROZPLYNELLI SIE?. Mam z tym filmem problem, bo cała ekipa która pojechała do tej wioski zachowuje się jak debile z American Pie, a nie poważni ludzie piszący doktoraty. Zbyt groteskowo i momentami wręcz zbyt prostolinijnie. Kilka dobrych puent odnośnie tego co nas uwiera w innych kulturach, kwiatki pięknie mrugają do widza, ale to dla mnie za mało. Choć muzyka śliczna i terapeutyczna moc krzyku pod koniec także. Hmm, może to jednak nie jest tak zły film... To kecup :D.
En vit, vit dagobert.

Nie ma już takich piosenek, teledysków. Piękny utwór ???

Dla mnie ten film to jest totalna mega niesamowita nuda tam się nic nie dzieje prawie usypiałem. Jestem fanem horrorów ale klasycznych o wiele bardziej mi się podobało Topielisko, Annabelle wraca do domu. A tu oglądałem i czekam a może jakiś demon przyjdzie moze coś się stanie. A tu nic skakali krzyczeli śpiewali. Ja jestem horror maniakiem ale do bólu klasycznym. Nawet książkowe horrory wyżej daje Mastertona itd niż Kinga.
En vit vit dag film. Piszecie ze to nie to co kiedys, ale prawdziwi fani obejrza nie wiadomo co by w tym filmie sie dzialo. Nie ma juz tych, szybkich, ale jest to jednak film akcji i powinien robic show :p pozdro ziomki to moja opinia yo. 8:36 - Fiat 126 na płycie lotniska? Chyba nie po bagaże pasażerów? ?. En vit, vit day forecasts. C,zyli treby zabily. Saoirse to moja girl crush. Zaprosiłabym ją do kina ale skoro nie mogę to chociaż pójdę do kina ją obejrzeć ?. Cześć! Krótka historia: Nie oglądamy horrorów. Po recenzji poszłyśmy na Midsommar (dziś, właśnie wróciłyśmy z seansu. Kinda dissapointing. Do rzeczy: Kurde, to było tak dobre ? a równocześnie tak słabe. Montaż, scenografie, gra aktorska, udźwiękowienie, wszystko to było prześwietne i z tego punktu widzenia oglądało się film bardzo dobrze! Ale fabuła. Rozwój akcji, niewykorzystane elementy, przewidywalność, dziwne zabiegi, zupełnie niepotrzebne i narzucające się w IMO bezsensowny sposób gore. Wyszłyśmy z seansu z the fuck did I watch? potem po paru chwilach ale to było świetne! a po następnych parunastu minutach zaczęłyśmy w sumie żałować wydanych pieniędzy. Ciekawy film, nie ma to tamto, ale kurcze no. No po prostu no nie. Nie bardzo. Nie tak. Pozdrawiam! a te 30zł to Wasza wina.
Dużo śmiechu jest w Dead Snow 2 jak Zombii-nazisci strzelaja działem z czołgu do matek z dziećmi ??. Szybcy i skoczni ?. Dobrze skomponowana muzyka w zwiastunie, zobaczymy jak będzie z filmem. Im starszy tym lepszy. U mnie ludzie wczoraj po godzinie wychodzili z sali. Uwaga - ten film to niewypał. Żołędziu wymiatasz skubańcu! Pozdro i nap. dalej.
En vit, vit dagbladet. Obstawiałem, że to będzie dobry film. Dzięki za recenzję. Aha, trafiłem w dziesiątkę z twoją oceną. Pozdrawiam. Gwóźdź miedzy palcami. En vit, vit day by day. En vit vit dag. As the title suggest. I made Megumin’s thighs out of chocolate. Here are some pictures. Last time, I made Yunyun’s thighs at 1/4th scale. That post did very well, and I had a lot of fun making them and sharing them with real people. One of the things I was asked about in the original post was to do Megumin’s. And in my response, I said I did say I'd like to do Aqua's life size so I guess doing Megumin's thighs life size would be a good thing to do along the way. But I also said how much of a process it was to make Yunyun’s thighs at just 1/4th scale. So it really seemed like at the time, life sized thighs weren’t going to happen. So how did this happen? Well, a couple months ago. I bought my own 3D printer, the Ender 3 Pro. Previously, I was using the 3D printer at my university. I bought the printer because I wanted to make my own concrete goddess statue from the Legend of Zelda. However, the model was too big to print without getting permission for an overnight print. Which is usually given to prints for an academic purpose, not for hobbyist. So, I just bought my own printer instead. However, setting up your own 3D printer for the first time and working with concrete is kind of intimidating. So I decided to work on something in more familiar territory, which is why I returned to working with chocolate. Despite this, it was a real learning process. I never made such large prints before. At first I had a lot of suboptimal prints. But after a lot of fine tuning, I managed to get better quality prints. Ones that I could use for say, a life size replica of Megumin’s thighs. Okay, that was a lot exposition. Now it’s time to talk about something that matters and answer a few questions: How is this Megumin’s thighs and not just anyone else’s thighs? How did you determine the size of Megumin’s thighs? How did you make Megumin’s thighs out of chocolate? To answer your first question, they are Megumin’s thighs because I used a 3D model of Megumin. You can find that model here. Credit to XenoAism Studio for creating the model. Please support them. Truth be told, if I didn’t say they were Megumin’s thighs, you probably wouldn’t be able to tell. Even though I went through the pain staking effort of making her skin white chocolate and her panties and her one thigh sock milk chocolate. I say there’s some both pros and cons to this. But I think it’s fine. Even if it’s not enough to convince everybody, I like to remember the one line Senjougahara said about how men can recognize women by the shape of their hips, and think “Yeah, someone out there probably could recognize whose thighs these are just by the shape alone. ” Which is probably just as concerning as a person weird enough to make them in the first place. To answer that second question, is fairly easy. I found a height chart for Konosuba characters online, and using it, I determined the width of Megumin’s thighs. Of course, Yunyun wasn’t in it, probably because the animation studio forgot to include her. So, I added Yunyun into the height chart for cross reference to my own chocolate thighs. After some measuring and rounding, I was pretty satisfied with the numbers. I found that Megumin’s thighs were 30 cms wide. I hope there aren’t any super die hard Megumin fans willing to argue over this. Okay, the process of making these thighs. Here we go. Originally, I was going to make Yunyun’s thighs life size since she already had a tried and ready 3D model. But after running the numbers, I found out it would take way too much money to get the chocolate needed. So I went with Megumin’s instead because it would require a lot less chocolate to complete. After a lot of searching, I found XenoAism’s model. After scaling Megumin and removing everything from the model but her thighs, I separated her thighs into four pieces so I could print them on my own 3D printer. It took a few days, but I managed to print all the pieces. One pieces was fairly sub optimal, but that could be fixed in the next step. Where I applied wood fill to the whole 3D print and sanded it out to give it a smoother texture. Next, I gave made a silicone mold of the 3D print. Me and my mother (who yes, willingly wanted to work on this with me) painted the silicone solution onto the mold. After a few layers of silicone, we let the mold cure for the next step. Where I plastered the mold. This would be used to give it structure so I wouldn’t be stuck with a silicone bag. I split the plastered into two halves, front and back. After the plaster was casted. I detached them from the mold, and I cut the mold off the 3D print. I technically no longer need the 3D print, but I still keep it because why would I ever get rid of it? Anyways, when I cut the mold off the 3D print, I cut it into two halves to match the plaster halves. Which I would lay them into and then brush the chocolate onto. After some layers of chocolate, I lined the two halves together, stood them up, and started filling them with chocolate so that the parts would be connected. From there, I brushed the inner walls with more chocolate. If the model is hollow, I would need even less chocolate to finish the project and that way I could actually eat this instead of having an impossible to eat solid chocolate statue. After some time and work, I took the mold off. The results were rough but nothing I can’t work with. For the rest of this project, me and my mother refined the model by sculpting the chocolate, by means of shaving and brushing chocolate. I added a ‘lid’ to the thighs as well. Eventually we reached the finished product you saw. We finished it on Christmas day, I guess you could say it was a Christmas miracle. But really, I had been working on it for a long time. I originally meant to finish it for the Konosuba movie premiering in the US. But I missed that. Then I meant to get it done for Megumin’s birthday. I missed that too. Now I’m just content that I did this before the end of the year. I also finished it along side my recreation of the 2016 Limited Edition Little Witch Academia Christmas Cake. Needless to say, it was a tasty Christmas. Again, thanks to XenoAism for their 3D model of Megumin. You can find their website here. Thank you to my mother, for helping me complete this project even though you probably should have disowned me a long time ago. Thank you to my friends on reddit, for watching me go through this process and talking with me along the way. If you have any questions about this project, please ask.
8;46 fiat 126p. Zastanawiam się z czego jest ta maska pod piłą?Super recenzja. W moim kinie filmy są z opóźnieniem ale na pewno obejrze. Jestem na prawde ciekaw tego filmu po tak dobrych recenzjach (twoja i sfilmowanych ?. Pozdrawiam serdecznie i czekam na kolejne recenzje. :D Edit: Chętnie obejrzę materiał spoilerowy o tym filmie ?. En vit, vit dago. Super recenzja ?. Extreme Frugal Tips. Warning this is a REALLY long post Dog Tax: Excel finance tracking: ? Here we go…I’m posting on my frugal living with REAL examples from my life. Single female aged 48 living in the mid-west. I started my adult life with a high school education and low paying jobs until I hit 30. Today my net worth is more than a million and I love my life…I want for nothing and I’m very content. Read on if you dare…some of this stuff may scare you… Career I didn’t start college till I was 26, prior to that I was in low paying dead-end jobs and as a result I started my adult life being a penny-pincher. I got a BS and 2 MS degrees in the STEM field at state schools while working full time jobs (close to minimum wage till I graduated with my BS). I applied for academic scholarships (and got some) and I took out the minimal I could in student loans. I paid them all back within 5 years. I had to relocate for my first job out of college. It was 2002 and I started out at $44, 000 salaried a year (50 hours weeks, no overtime and working on 2 Masters degrees in my free time) So…I started my professional career at age 30, climbed the corporate ladder, relocated several times and went into management. I worked long hours, on-call 24/7, lots of stress and kept increasing my salary for 16 years. I started to contribute to my retirement when I turned 30. As soon as I could (I think around 36 after I paid of my student loan debts) I maxed out my 401K and ROTH every year. At my highest salary, at age 46, I was making $140, 000 year (remember ? I started at age 30 at $44, 000 and increased to $140, 000 by the time I was 46). I ALWAYS continued to live frugally and saved. I own my house outright and have no debt and plenty in savings. I don’t have a pension. My retirement is all in a 401K and IRAs, traditional and ROTH Once I was financially established I took a 60% lower paying job at a University. I’m 48 and because I live frugally I could probably retire (FIRE) but I like to have something to do. I also enjoy the social aspect of work and a feeling of purpose. I have no stress, great benefits, loads of time off and have never worked more than 40 hours a week in this job and no weekends, holiday…etc. I set my own hours and have no direct reports. I’m currently working 6:30am ? 2:30 pm in the winter so I can hike with my dog after work before it gets dark. It was a very good move for me. I’ll probably work here into my mid 60’s just because it’s so cushy Health I exercise. I walk about 7 miles a day I eat pretty healthy, don’t smoke, don’t drink pop and I don’t drink alcohol (anymore…). Sometimes I miss a good craft beer but it’s better for my stomach and sleep without it I have medical, dental, vision through work. My plans cost me $56 a month I have the high deductible plan and max out my HSA but I only end up using a few hundred a year. Whatever is in my HSA when I retire will help cover retirement medical expenses. My deductible is $2, 000. I use the in-network specialists when I need too I work at a university so I use the health center for non-specialist stuff which is $25 co-pay. I get a preventive visit free every year ? general physical and well woman/mammogram I pay for prescriptions with my health plan or GoodRX. GoodRX is sometimes cheaper. Also some meds are cheaper if you get a 3 month supply by mail (but not all). Some OTC meds such as generic Claritin for allergies and Generic Prilosec for acid reflux are $0 or cheap if you get a prescription I get 2 dental cleanings and 1 vision exam free every year. I get 1-pair of bifocals free If I need reading glasses they are $1 at Dollar Tree I buy generic ibuprofen / first aid stuff in bulk. I keep it to the basics I never pass on free stuff. My dental plan pays for 2 free cleanings/exam a year, so I ALWAYS get my 2 free cleanings a year. My health plan pays for one free physical a year, so I ALWAYS get my one free physical a!!! Food I spend less than $100 a month on food and beverages. I don’t buy any processed food. I cook from scratch in bulk and I freeze. I enjoy cooking. I use lots of veggies in my evening meal. A typical day of food might include: a. 2 large cups of coffee will milk and stevia b. Oatmeal with chia, flax, almond flour, blueberries and a banana OR eggs on homemade toast OR homemade pancakes OR homemade breakfast burritos OR....??? I make my own bread. Yeast, flour, water, salt, stevia and a bread machine I got at Goodwill for $5 c. Fruit or veg snack (seasonal) d. Beans and rice with seasonings (work lunch) e. Fruit or veg snack (seasonal) f. Dinner ? might be spaghetti, chilli, chicken noodle soup, lasagna, grilled chicken with veggies, curry. Each meal works out to under $1. 50. I don’t use much meat in my recipes but I do use a ton of veg g. Homemade yogurt h. I drink lots of black tea or herbal tea throughout the day. I drink tap water i. I get my fix of sweet stuff at work. Someone’s always bringing in home baked goods 2) I shop at Aldi and Walmart, mostly Aldi 3) I buy all my condiments in bulk: spices, chicken stock, oil, stevia (also concentrated), almond flour, chia, flax, rice, pasta…etc. I get some of this on Amazon because it works out cheaper. I make my own yougurt. 1 gallon yogurt = the price of a gallon of milk. It's easy to do. 4) I love this one…I save my teabags. After I’ve used 2 teabags I make another cup of tea from them. I like herbal tea. The cheapest I can find is Celestial Seasonings on Amazon. By stretching the box of 20 teabags to 30 large cups of tea I save $35 year (assuming I drink 3 cups of tea a day). Over 40 years at 7% interest that’s $1500 saved. It’s not an issue for me and the flavor is the same 5) I only eat out a couple of times a year for social reasons and I don’t buy an appetizer or dessert and I only drink water. I tip 20% if service is good. I refuse to go to expensive restaurants. I want an entrée under $15. Honestly, I like my cooking better 6) I don’t drink pop or alcohol 7) I own a chest freezer and loads of plastic food containers. Most of the meals I cook are freezable and microwavable 8) I buy the large tub of coffee from Aldi. It’s like $4. 50 and lasts 3 weeks. Tastes fine to me but then I would never drop $5 + tip on a cup of coffee 9) I only buy meat, fruit and veg when it’s under $1 pound. I make an exception for ground beef and blueberries, raspberries…etc. (they have to be under $1 for 6oz). I don't use much meat. Example: I use 1lb ground beef to make 12 frozen spaghetti dinners BUT I use lots of peppers, onions, mushrooms in-place of the beef. Example. When 8oz packages of baby bella mushrooms go on sale, I buy 12 of them. I wash, chop and cook them and then freeze them in 4 separate containers. Each container will be used in a big batch of spaghetti or Lasagna or mushroom soup., when blueberries go on sale for 0. 89 cents for 6oz I buy twelve packages and freeze. 1 package is used to make 10 oatmeal breakfasts 10) I never buy name brand and I always search for reduced fruit/veg, meat…etc. 11) I do check the local flyers for sales. only shop once a week and I combine trips to save gas. House I brought the cheapest house in a really good neighborhood in a mid-west University town. I’m in the third highest rated school district in the USA for STEM (per 2019 Newsweek article). I have a 1950’s 1500sqft, 3 bed, 2 bath ranch with 2-car attached garage, separate laundry room, living and family room, large screened in-porch. I paid $135, 000 for it and my taxes are $1500 a year. It’s bigger than I wanted but it’s what I had to do to get into my neighborhood. Houses like mine sell in a day with multiple offers over asking. I had to put some work into the house and spend some $$$. I fixed it up so it’s now one of the nicest houses in the neighborhood and worth 35% more than I paid for it. I did some work myself such as painting and laying the laminate floor. I will stay here until I retire and then decide where I want to spend my retirement years. Central Florida is dirt cheap with no state taxes + low housing costs but I am not sure I can handle the heat and humidity. I have a high deductible on my home insurance but I max out my liability coverage. I have a high net worth so if someone tries to sue me I want to make sure I’m covered and I don’t have to pay out of my pocket. I have extras like sewer/water line coverage, sewer/water back-up because the lines in my neighborhood are old and you see people’s yards dug up all the time. I pay my policy in full and it works out to $75 a month In the winter, I keep my heat at 55 when I’m not home or in bed and 60 when I’m home. I wear wool thermal leggings and tops under my clothes all winter long at home. They are soft and comfy. I wear slippers. When I’m lazing on the couch I snuggle under an electric blanket and with the dog. I have a down comforter on the bed. The dog loves the cold. In the summer I wear shorts and a tank top and I keep the AC around 76 as the dog gets too hot I change my furnace filters every 2 months with the cheap ones I keep my water heating on a warm setting. When I run the shower I turn the hot all the way and it’s plenty hot enough for me Household maintenance/repairs I cut my own grass, do my own yard work and clean my own house I do what repairs I can myself. I U-tube it. I buy stuff from Menards and get the 11% rebate. I’m not very handy or physically strong so I only tackle simple things I don’t do a furnace/AC service every year. I lived in my last house 9 y
Not sure if this is useful for anyone, but I had to stay at home for about a month and this is more or less what I was doing. This is all using free (and legal) resources, nothing to buy or pay for, so I won't recommend craft hobbies (which I do, and are easy to start like cross stitching and needle felting) as they assume you will need to buy some crafting materials. So I am sharing what I know and hopefully you will share with me interesting apps and info!! Apps/websites for healthy habits and mental health: RescueTime for your pc, if you, like me, are working from home. There's a bunch of good apps to find, but this is the one I use. It monitors the time I spend on non useful websites (like here, ops) vs time spent working. Habitica, this is an app that encourage habits making. You have a little avatar and it can level up based on repeating specific habits (ex. exercise every day, take medications, take a walk etc. ) Noodle, it gives you recipes based on ingredients you have at home DownDog, this yoga app is free till 1st April because of the lockdowns. It is a yoga app! It also has a course for beginners For mental health, I found MindShift very nice app and quite full of resources Mindspot also has free online courses to help against anxiety and depression. You submit your self evaluation (answering question) and a psychologist will contact you, then probably recommend one of their 5 weeks courses. I just finished one, and I found it extremely helpful, and the person who called me each week was the nicest ever. We developed strategies together! Youtube is also your friends! Bunch of tutorials to learn how to make specific things. Be careful not to spend too much time watching tutorial vs making the things! (watch2gether let's you watch youtube videos with your friends) Learn from Universities: Coursera, FutureLearn and EdX have free courses about a range of different topics. You only pay if you need a certificate, so you can follow the lessons at your own pace (for the majority of courses). I attended some fun stuff in the past like "The history of Opera", or "The History of Comics". I also attended useful stuff about bioinformatics and statistics. I cannot stress enough how fun the courses are! I've been following their courses for about six years now. Free books (ebooks) and audiobooks: Everyone probably knows about the Gutenberg Project with thousand of classics, but keep an eye on Archive and the HathiTrust Digital Library. Regarding audiobooks, maybe they are not as embellished as audible, but LibriVox has public domain audiobooks. Operas, movies and tv shows Okay, you can find a lot of tv shows and movies by paying, but, there is also some free websites that share tv shows and opera legally. The Metropolitan Opera is sharing free operas during the lockdowns. I only used it once, but Viki also stream Korean and Chinese drama and tv shows. And here's some Public Domain movies. Podcasts (narrative and non) While I love news podcasts (I love NPR), I also adore narrative. When I can't read a book, and because I don't want to buy audiobooks, I listen to a podcast. These are some of my favourites (also, I use the app Podbean for android): The Magnus Archives - horror based podcast, mostly short stories about supernatural monsters with a more general plot for the long run. Wolf 359 - sci fi podcast in space (and it's complete) Critical Role - the web videos are better than the podcasts, but if you like fantasy and DnD, this is the one. Adventure Zone Balance - as for Critical Role, DnD, a lot of goofing around The Penumbra Podcast - two stories, detective Juno Steel and his investigative work, and on the other side a medieval fantasy with monsters called The Second Citadel. Reviews of some more podcasts Random non narrative podcasts: Mythical Monsters (to learn about random monsters and creatures), Myths and Legends, Intelligence Squared Debates, Swindled for some corporate and white collar crimes.
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