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  1. movie Info=In Mexico City's wealthiest neighborhoods, the Ochoa family runs a for-profit ambulance, competing with other unlicensed EMTs for patients in need of urgent care. In this cutthroat industry, they struggle to keep their financial needs from compromising the people in their care
  2. release Year=2019
  3. Luke Lorentzen
  4. user Ratings=8,3 / 10 Star
  5. runtime=81 min
  6. Genres=Drama

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Midnight Family Movie online poker. Midnight family movie online hd. “that cheesecake was for everyone” ???. Does anyone know where i can watch this. | Matt Zoller Seitz December 6, 2019 The night comes alive in "Midnight Family, "?Luke Lorentzen's film about a private ambulance service in Mexico City. This is?one of the great contemporary films about the look and feel of a big city after dark, luxuriating in the vastness of almost-empty avenues lit by buzzing streetlamps. It's a?real-life answer to fiction movies like?" Taxi Driver, " " Bringing Out the Dead, "?" Collateral, " " Nightcrawler "?and " The Sweet Smell of Success. " And yet, despite?the film's careful attention to images and sounds?which is somewhat?unusual in nonfiction, a mode that too often relies on verbal?summaries, infographics, and talking heads?Lorentzen never allows "Midnight Family"?to become an empty stylistic exercise. He stays?tightly focused on his main characters, the Ochoa family, as they scramble?to survive in a brutal, unregulated economy. Advertisement The Ochoas?live and work in?a city with nine million people but only 45 government-operated ambulances. Their?ambulance is?nominally run by a father,?Fer, who has health problems and seems profoundly?depressed (some of the film's most haunting images are silent?closeups of his face lost in thought). But the real boss is Fer's 17-year old son Juan, who usually takes the lead in treating patients, dealing with finances and official regulations, and arguing with cops who hassle them in hopes of shaking loose a bribe. Juan also acts?as an adjunct father to his little brother?Josué, who gets frustrated at their hard existence (there's an argument over how many cans of tuna they can afford to buy)?but would rather be on the job?with his family than attend school. It's a rough life.?The Ochoas?seem to live in the ambulance more so than in their small, cluttered?apartment.?A?lot of the Ochoas'?patients can't or won't pay them for their labor. They must compete with other ambulance services to get to a scene first, even street-racing a rival in a sequence that's reminiscent of the moment in " Gangs of New York " where the crews of two private?fire trucks brawl in front of a burning house.?Every month is a financial crap shoot. The filmmaker, who shot and edited the movie in addition to directing and producing it, seems to have taken his cues from an earlier era of documentary cinema, represented by directors like the Maysles Brothers ("Salesman, "?" Gimme Shelter ") and D. A. Pennebaker (" Don't Look Back "). The movie?captures moments of astonishing intimacy, not just with the Ochoas but with their patients, the police, and the citizens they interact with from moment to moment.?The camera looks at people and places and lets us think and feel things, rather than constantly and clumsily?trying to manage?our reactions. There's implicit criticism of government ineptitude and corruption and?the viciousness of profit-driven life, particularly when it comes to?healthcare, but these concerns emerge organically from the situations the director shows us. The tone is empathetic but clear-eyed, presenting the world's indifference to struggle and suffering as a hard fact, as immutable as?the winter draft that chills the interior of the ambulance until Juan asks his dad to shut the doors. There's no music.?The movie doesn't need it. It has traffic sounds, barking dogs, roaring auto engines and squealing tires, and the screams of injured people nearly drowning out the reassurances of paramedics trying to stop the bleeding. The sense of place is nearly overwhelming, and the editing finds little ways to re-emphasize it, such as?holding on an empty room or ambulance interior?for a beat or two after people have exited the frame. All the world's a stage, we're mere extras upon it, and there's no way to know if anyone's watching the play. Reveal Comments comments powered by.
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Midnight family movie online movies. Its look like someone is tickling for laughing. Midnight Family Movie. Midnight Family (2019) In Mexico City's wealthiest neighborhoods, the Ochoa family runs a private ambulance, competing with other for-profit EMTs for patients in need of urgent help. Member Reviews Hope Madden () Details Starring: Fer Ochoa, Josue Ochoa, Juan Ochoa Directed by: Luke Lorentzen Written by: Luke Lorentzen Runtime: 81 Minutes Rated: NR Release Date: December 6, 2019 Genre: Documentary, Action, Crime, Drama Related Films Midnight Traveler (2019) The Addams Family (2019) Before Midnight (2013) Tags Action Crime Documentary Drama Fer Ochoa Hope Madden (Critic) Josue Ochoa Juan Ochoa. Wawwwwww. Qué canción! Me transportaron en tiempo y espacio llena de amor. Gracias.
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Filmcollectie_01 Film docsforsale_01 Docs for Sale Artboard Copy 2 Created with Sketch. Share Will 17-year-old ambulance driver Juan Ochoa manage to beat the competition and be first to reach the scene of the accident? It almost seems a game to him as he speeds like a madman through the streets of Mexico City, accompanied by his father and younger brother. But things get serious when they get to their destination: they’ve got some tough work to do. On top of that, there’s always a chance they’ll have to deal with obstruction from corrupt police officers, or patients who can’t or won’t pay for transportation. Operating a private ambulance is a family business for the Ochoas?a necessary evil in a city where the government funds only 45 ambulances for a population of nine million. In cinema verité style, American documentary filmmaker Luke Lorentzen shows us what Juan and his family members go through night after night: from the silences before the storms to the intense, heart-pumping moments as they risk life and limb careering through the streets of the metropolis. Lorentzen brings it all up very close in impressive style. Credits Production Luke Lorentzen for Hedgehog Films, Kellen Quinn for Hedgehog Films, Daniela Alatorre for No Ficción, Elena Fortes for No Ficción Cinematography Luke Lorentzen Sound Design Matías Barberis Show all credits IDFA history 2019 Dutch Premiere Best of Fests.
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Bong Joon-Ho was right. I feel silly commenting this, but I got so drawn into the story that I didn't notice the film was in French at first; I usually watch everything with?subtitles?anyway but I was very shocked when I the names of the actresses popped up and I realised that they both were French.?I'm either extremely unobservant, or was?extremely drawn in, or both.
No one: me picturing the monopoly man) ?. I am literally the main character. I Talk about this every single day. "Outstanding... Fantastically shot by the director Luke Lorentzen, the documentary develops an urgency that suits the life-or-death stakes onscreen. By turns terrifying and exhilarating, “Midnight Family” unfolds with such velocity that it may take a while for your ethical doubts to catch up to what’s happening. When they do, they leave you gasping. " ? Manohla Dargis, New York Times Critics’ Pick “Arguably the most exhilarating documentary to come out of Sundance this year, Midnight Family follows the Ochoa family?the gruff but compassionate Fer and his two underage sons, Juan and Josué?at intensely close range on these Sisyphean missions of mercy. ” ? Museum of Modern Art and Film Society of Lincoln Center Included in the “10 Best Movies of Sundance 2019" "A deft mix of big-picture doc-making and intimate moments... not to mention a wild?and remarkably eye-opening?ride. ” ? David Fear, Rolling Stone “This 81-minute masterpiece will change the way you look at documentaries forever; its style reads like an action movie, its themes like a socio-political drama, and, yet, it still is very much a work of non-fiction, with a camera always exactly positioned to capture a society on the brink of moral collapse. ? Jordan Ruimy, The Playlist “Profound and thrilling cinema verite filmmaking. The film is impeccably crafted by Luke Lorentzen… What matters most here is Lorentzen’s intuition?he knows during many stunning moments just where to put the camera in such close quarters, letting us observe as harrowing drama and cinematic poetry unfolds… 'Midnight Family' is extremely visceral in the best way. ” ? Nick Allen, Roger Included in “21 Must-See Movies” at Sundance "An intimate verite documentary... the Ochoas emerge as fascinating embodiments of a country working overtime to correct its shortcomings and keep the lights on. This bracing U. S. competition documentary is poised to provide a personal window into the fast-paced mayhem of Mexico after dark. ” ? Eric Kohn, Indiewire.
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