Madeline a mélyben ∫BDRIP

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? Madeline a mélyben with Helena Howard
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Country USA. A theatre director's latest project takes on a life of its own when her young star takes her performance too seriously. 93Minute. genres Thriller, Drama. Gail Segal. &ref(,0,76,113_AL_.jpg) Madeline a mélyben watch free series. THIS IS PRESENTED WITHOUT EDITS OBVIOUSLY THIS IS VERY DIFFERENT FROM THE APPARENT PLOT OF NO TIME TO DIE ORIGINAL POST IS HERE Takes influence from You Only Live Twice (the book) Bond 25: Call it whatever snappy title you like Gunbarrel Gunbarrel transitions to a helicopter flying through the sky It's travelling over water to an unknown destination It pans to reveal we're headed towards snow The helicopter lands, and a group of black-clad men file out, followed by Bond, who nearly trips on his way out, clearly not in a good way. They begin a sting operation on a mafia boss or whatever, whose base in in far north Alaska or Canada or whatever. The agents say in their brief to Bond- who is leading this mission- that the CIA mustn't be made aware of their mission, as this isn't their territory, and this is off the books. The operation goes poorly, Bond fucks it up, actually shoots one of his own guys in the shoulder, and they retreat. Bond obstinately blows up the base, and says the job is done and that it's not his problem, it's M's now. Meanwhile, a satellite picks up the activity, and a man is watching the computer screen, and calls over the CIA boss. The camera zooms on the screen, showing the devastated base, and it transitions to the main title sequence. Lots of booze and women, especially women getting shot. Really drive home the imagery of Bond's descent into failure. Basically a lot of excess, and it's hazy, never fully developed shadows like in other sequences. Cut from the title sequence to M chewing Bond out. M's saying Bond's incompetent and useless, and that the CIA wants blood for his actions. Bond deflects it rudely, glaring at M as though it's his fault. M says Bond has gotten away with too much and while he doesn't want to do it, Bond's 00 status is revoked. He's reassigned as Agent 7777. Bond shrugs it off, and says he doesn't care. M says that he's going to give him a chance, but he'll have to stop ruining his life. He says that MI6 isn't a job to be taken lightly, and if he can't take his job more seriously, he'll be turned over to the Americans. Bond offers no comment and simply leaves. Moneypenny wordlessly hands him his mission, and Bond stumbles out, into his office. He has a shoe-box and starts collecting his stuff, but much of it is smashed, including the dog old M left him and a picture frame with a ripped up photo, which is scattered on the floor. Bond vomits in the shoe-box, and collapses to the floor, his fingers touching the photo pieces, which are unrecognizable. Bond slowly gets to his feet and leaves without looking back, the soiled shoe-box in the center of the room. He didn't take anything. Bond goes to a bar and keeps drinking, and gets into a fight with some unruly bar patrons. Bond wins the fight, but is heavily beaten up, and wakes up in a blank white room, a hospital. Bond starts hallucinating Madeline smiling and laughing, and Bond snaps to attention as Miss Moneypenny walks in. She informs him that he's to report to Japan for his mission, and depending upon his performance, he'll be evaluated. She also tells him that if he does badly enough, he'll be imprisoned at Guantanamo for his actions in Alaska. Bond says he doesn't care, and Moneypenny finally snaps and says that it's not his fault Madeline is dead. Bond stares at her, clearly in pain, but she doesn't falter, and coldly tells him to grow a pair and get back on the job. After a long moment, Bond nods. Cut to Japan. Bond has to rendezvous with the head of the Japanese Secret Service, Tanaka. It transpires he's been reassigned to diplomatic missions, and he's to negotiate a deal with them to share secrets. Bond is to offer classified documents about Russian armaments to them to sweeten the deal. Bond looks better, but he's clearly not dealing with the withdrawals from alcohol, and he looks as bad as he did in QOS. It turns out the JSS has already hacked the Russians, and that Bond's information is useless. However, Tanaka says he likes that Bond is honest and to the point, and invites him to work for him for a while and truly learn to let go of his past. Bond questions why he's doing this, and Tanaka says that he's interested in world renovation and Bond's reputation precedes him. M gladly accepts Bond's resignation, and Bond joins the Japanese Secret Service as an office worker. Bond complains about his work, but Tanaka says that to truly become better than yourself, you must pay your dues. Bond has spent too long feeling entitled, and Tanaka will take that away from him. Bond will work, or he will be killed, it's that simple. Bond realizes there's no way out of his situation, and works. Tanaka gradually becomes more friendly with Bond, learning about his past. Bond slowly opens up about Madeline. They got married, but Blofeld escaped and killed her. He was immediately recaptured, but Bond has gone entirely off the rails, and became a total embarrassment to himself and others. Tanaka admits that he may not be immune to such a thing, but that is why he womanizes and never sleeps with the same woman twice, so as to stay uncorrupted by the influence of bias and love. Bond agrees. Bond has been in Japan for three years, and is finally back out in the field. He has been training, and is more adept at stealth. He's leaner and faster and relies more on technical skill rather than brute force. He begins small missions, subverting bad guys, redirecting drug shipments, small time stuff. Tanaka finally says that Bond has proven he is ready to be given a true mission. He is ordered to kill a family of Yakuza who have been causing several homicides in Tokyo. Bond requests his old Walther PPK/S, and he completes the job. While there, he finds the Yakuza had connections to Spectre, but had left the organization four years ago after Blofeld's initial capture. Bond begins a subtle look into Spectre's roots in Japan, and finds much of the organized crime is linked to the remaining parts of Spectre. Tanaka, however, remains resolute that Bond must learn to be obedient at all times, and orders that Bond be beaten by his men for his disobedience. (of course, without outward injury, just causing pain, phone-books and the like) This happens, and Bond comes out of it colder and more ruthless than ever, an instrument of Tanaka's desire. Tanaka eventually considers Bond his number one agent, so much so that MI6 begin requesting his return. Tanaka finally makes a deal with MI6 to trade Bond for some of their agents and surveillance equipment, as Japan needs more manpower. Bond's final job is break an inmate out of jail. Bond makes his way to the jail and breaks in, only to find that the inmate is Ernest Stavro Blofeld. Bond freezes up and Blofeld escapes on his own power, Bond unable to stop him. It turns out Tanaka didn't tell anyone about his plan, and Bond is now an enemy of all the secret services in the world, hunted for freeing Blofeld. They think he's a Spectre convert. Q and Moneypenny don't believe Bond would do that after what happened to Madeline, so they deliver information to Bond, that Tanaka is suspected of some shady dealings. It turns out that Tanaka is actually a Blofeld plant, and Bond was just being trained to break out Blofeld, and by destroying the opposing organized crime syndicates, Blofeld has complete control over both the secret service and the underground criminal organizations in Japan. Japan is basically Blofeld country now, and Bond is determined to get his revenge. Another timeskip, we find out that it has been yet another year since Bond was betrayed by Tanaka, and he's been planning an infiltration of Blofeld's system. Blofeld has opened a new building as a legitimate businessman, a casino. Blofeld has become an extremely wealthy man, and since he controls the government, he can simply pass any law he likes. As a result, Japan has become better, it's basically become a factory, and the economy is vastly improved, unemployment is at a record low, and Blofeld has made himself a popular figure. Bond has found himself more and more alone as people abandon him and say that Blofeld is good for the world. Bond is resolute that he will kill Blofeld and exact revenge, but for all concerned, he's just a man who should be locked up- he's a menace. Bond infiltrates Blofeld's casino, and discovers that Blofeld has been using the massive amount of manpower to construct upgraded hi-tech satellites from the ones Tanaka received from the Bond trade. Blofeld has been spying on everyone he can, and hacking other spy satellites, and now has the ability to control nuclear launches. Blofeld intends to hold the world to ransom for money, front loading currency in his possession before detonating warheads anyway, destroying America, Russia and China, which will devolve the world into chaos, but Blofeld will survive the recession with Japan and become the world's superpower out of the wreckage. Bond tries to get people to believe him, and while he gets some help from Moneypenny, Q and Felix Leiter, Bond is unable to gain a lot of support from anyone, and Bond, impatient, launches an assault on Blofeld, stealthily taking down key government installations with explosives. Finally, Blofeld calls out Bond and says that he's becoming a real pest, and he tells Bond where he is, to end it at last. Bond makes his way to Blofeld and though he's captured immediately, Bond manages to avoid dying long enough to strangle Blofeld. However Bond is close to death, and escapes just barely, hitting his head in the process. The CIA and MI6 move in now that the mastermind is gone and take down the Japanese forces,
Madeline a mélyben watch free online. Madeline a mélyben watch free without. Madeline a mélyben watch free movie. Madeline a mÃlyben Watch. Madeline a m c3 leben watch free gaming. First / Previous / Next Woke up Kidnapped wiki Wiki for more stories As it turned out, fighting was apparently frowned upon on the station and Gabriel had to spend another hour or so retelling what happened. But as Madeline and the small four-eyed, bat, Turian alien told the same story, Kzanti managed to get the station to more or less keep him out it the case. The gang, were known around the station for starting trouble with every Xeno that was not Yavichian or Phigos and while the alley had no surveillance, they more or less admitted everything through insults and threats while they were arrested. Gabriel shook his head and sighed, “Is it plain simple racism or? ” Kzanti nodded, “Yes, they have gotten it into their heads that Azik and Cecaiampals are beneath them. ” It is almost inevitable when new races enter the Union. Culture clashing and the like…Kzanti huffed. “Some will always object. ” “The small one, is she an Azik or, were they called? ” Gabriel asked. “She is an Azik, ” Kzanti said and show him a picture of a four-legged alien whose arms split into two at the elbow. “This is a male Cecaiampal” Gabriel leaned closer, he had seen one on the way to the embassy. Its head was almost snake-like but without scales, flat nose, and no visible ears. “The females have a colored bone ridge from the forehead, traveling down the spine. ” “Right... ” Gabriel said and tried to put that to memory. “And what sexual dimorphism does Azik have? ” Kzanti paused then waved her head to the sides, “Very little, most obvious differences are covered by fur. They are mammals after all” “Right, I will have to ask then, I’m not planning on groping every one I meet” “Probably for the best, you have spent a lot of time here as it is without me arresting you, ” Kzanti said and stood up and spoke with a practiced tone: “You are not suspected of any crime and are free to go. ” Then she added a bit more casually, “But please try and keep out of trouble. Even if you clearly can handle it. ” “I’ll try” Gabriel smiled and Kzanti gestured to the door “I think miss Nioni is waiting in the cafeteria” “Thanks” Gabriel followed her out and as she turned right towards the medical room and whatever else was in the direction, Gabriel turned left and did indeed find Madeline in the cafeteria, checking something on her phone, or PCU or whatever. “Hey, what’s for lunch? ” Gabriel sat down opposite her. “Don’t know, safe to eat for both us though. ” Madeline looked up from her PCU, “I’ve gotten a message back from my father and... ” She looked away and shrugged, a ripple traveling down her fur ridge like it usually does when she says no. “I don’t know what you meant by that, ” Gabriel said. “Nor am I an expert on your fur movements. ” “I’m unsure about what to feel about it. ” Madeline sighed and leaned over the table, reading parts of the message to him with a lowered voice. “I understand your predicament and support your decision to help this human. First contact is important and I will notify the proper authorities. If you find the time, your mother and I will be happy to meet him and of course see you” “’s wrong with that? a little formal maybe? ” Gabriel asked. “My father is a man of few words, especially so for an emissary. He would not include anything in the message without it having some sort of meaning. I don’t know if he is telling me to bring you to Zilg or simply follow you along, he is usually very good at speaking his mind” Madeline sighed, “I will inform the proper authorities” she sighed, “I’m not sure what he means to do with this” “Would it be anything bad? ” “Not on purpose, but it might mean it will be harder to travel quietly to search for your maybe I’m too much my father's daughter and I’m overthinking this” Madeline shook her head and sat back, putting her PCU away. “How often do new sentient races get found? ” “Zilgi was the newest until you came around, and we have been part of the Union for over a generation. ” Gabriel tilted his head thinking. “ said you have just gotten into space, did that take so long? ” “Vaccines takes time, ” Madeline said shrugging, “Every new planet has its own diseases and nasty stuff. And there is the logistic problem of bringing hundreds of people into space, ships to be built and trade agreements for FTL and such. Individual Zilgi has been in Union space for longer than I have lived but it recently opened up to can afford it. ” “Huh, I see” Gabriel frowned. “Speaking of vaccines, I must have had one right? I mean, you did not get sick from being around me, and neither did I” Now it was Madeline's time to frown, “I guess you are Vaccines can’t be tested in stasis, and it takes a huge team and many years to make. You clearly have not been experimented on to that extent, you’re still the same age as when you left. ” “And my sister was too, if the Igris spoke the truth and our hair color and everything still matched. and my sister might not have been the first humans kidnapped? ” Gabriel said, Madeline just shrugged. Gabriel rubbed his face and felt his stomach rumble, “I have not slept well enough for this. I completely forgot to ask Khrussk how much speech you need to record a language. Victoria could have been the one speaking of course enough speculation, let’s eat” Gabriel said when his tired brain could not come up with any more answers. Lunch did little to help with his sleepiness and Gabriel and Madeline both were almost asleep at the table when Kzanti appeared. “Are you ready for the tests Gabriel? ” Gabriel slapped his cheeks, trying to wake up some and shrugged, “I have not slept well, but I should handle the physical tests” “Good, please come with me” Kzanti turned and Gabriel stood up. “Can I watch? ” Madeline asked Kzanti who in turn looked to Gabriel. “Fine by me, ” Gabriel said. “Then I have no complaints, ” She said and led them to the medical room. “Ah, great, you are here, ” Morthri said and walked over to Gabriel. “I heard you lifted a Phigos one-handed by the collar, is that true? ” As usual, Morthri wore both mask and goggles so Gabriel could not see his expression nor tell what he thought about it. “Uh, yeah that’s true, ” He said. “Interesting, interesting” Morthri said and noted something down on his tablet. “Would you mind lifting me? ” “Uh... ” Gabriel looked at Kzanti, but her expression gave nothing away. Madeline had an expression of amused and dumbfoundedness on her face. “.. ” “Great” Morthri said, as if this was something out of the ordinary, “Please try and replicate the lift. ” “Alright…” Gabriel bundled up some of Morthri’s, Gabriel assumed it was something like a hospital scrub, in his hand, “Ready? ” Gabriel asked unsure about the situation. “Yes, ” Morthri said and raised his tablet to type. Gabriel shrugged and took a step closer before lifting the doctor up so they were face to face. He was not heavy and the lighter gravity did help. “So... ” Gabriel asked after a bit, feeling his arm getting tired. “That will do, thank you, ” Morthi said after a few more seconds of typing. Gabriel lowered him down and shook his arm. “What was the purpose of that? ” Gabriel asked as Morthri walked over to another computer or whatever. “I wanted to see how you would complete the task, it is not all too easy lifting a person one-handed by the shirt, ” Morthri said and walked over to a door, pushing it open and gesturing for Gabriel to step through. “Why not just ask? ” Morthri looked at him and while Gabriel could not see his expression he imagined confusion on the doctor's face, “Experiencing things first hand is always the preferred option. ” He said nodding. “With many obvious exceptions. ” And satisfied with that explanation, he waved Gabriel through. The room beyond looked kind of like a gym, only with many strange machines and weights. Many Gabriel could guess but handles were sticking out of the floor at one side and what looked like a rope pulley in the wall on another. All in all, there were probably over twenty different machines in the room. Morthri passed him into the room and wandered over to a locker. Madeline walked up and stood beside him. “What have I gotten myself into? ” He asked her. “I’m sure he won’t have you test everything in obably” Madeline smiled and patted his shoulder. “Very reassuring” Gabriel sighed, the door into the medbay opened and Kzanti let Alith through before leaving. “Oh, good, maybe Alith can hold him back” “Or the opposite” Madeline said and walked into the room looking around at equipment. Gabriel sighed again and smiled at Alith. “Did I miss anything? ” Alith asked as he peeking into the room. “Not really, just lifted Morthri up by the collar” Gabriel saw Morthri approach and he handed Gabriel a bundle of clothes. “Here, these should be better for the tests, there are several types, or so I was told” Gabriel turned and walked back into the previous room, ignoring the bewildered look from Alith. He spread the clothes on a bed and faintly heard Alith whisper to Morthri, he only caught collar and lifting but the question was clear. Morthri said something about data and they both headed deeper into room? training room? Gabriel had to get better at asking questions. He sighed to himself and looked over the clothes. It was a full body and shorts with a t-shirt in some sort of stretchy breathing material. All looked a little too tight for Gabriel's liking but still, he vastly preferred the shorts and shirt. Quickly looking over his shoulder to check that no one was watching he stripped down to his underwear and pulled on the shorts and t-shirt. “Fashionably, ” Madeline said

Madeline a On the page

Here page found Madeline a mélyben. Level 1 Moderator of r/conspiracy, speaking officially Score hidden ? 3 months ago ? Stickied comment [Meta] Sticky Comment Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. level 1 Ok, I’ll give my theory; She was kidnapped and sold. The people who did it knew the family pattern and took advantage. They left by boat. There’s an account of a yacht off the coast that night that never checked in like it was supposed to. level 2 Weren't the Podesta brothers "on vacation" there, "borrowing" a friends mansion? level 1 I think the possibility that Gerry is a pedophile that had her abduction planned is there. His neighbour mentioned that before they left to go on holiday he saw Gerry was prepping his car and wished him a good holiday. Gerry apparently said something to the effect he wasn't going away to enjoy himself. A couple of medical friends holidayed with them and one raised concerns of inappropriate responses by Gerry and another male friend towards Maddie. The two parents mentioned Maddies behavioral problems and that they worried about her impact on the twins. Perhaps Maddie wasn't biological daughter of Gerry. I don't know, but something doesn't add up. level 1 I always find it interesting reading, not only, people’s opinions on this but their interpretation of the facts. You can see how misinformation can be spread, even innocently. Watching all the Richplanet videos has shown me one thing that stands out more than anything in this case. What we are being told by the media is not the truth and not only that most people in this case are being deceitful and seem to be doing more harm than good in finding out what happened. I believe the question that needs answering first is Why?? Why aren’t the McCanns telling the truth? Why are the accounts of what happened that night so different to what the evidence suggests? Why are there so many suggestions of what COULD have happened when the evidence doesn’t support it?? Why were so many prominent British people instantly involved with ‘Protecting’ the McCanns rather than searching for Madeleine?? Speculating is an easy pass time for most of us but if you look at the evidence gathered then most of the outlandish ideas can be comfortably ruled out. IMO The answers still lie (no pun intended) within that group and the timeline of that day and until that is cleared up then you cannot look any further. This is where the Portuguese police got to and couldn’t move past that. level 1 I believe their doctor friends had a habit of sedating the kids so they could go out for dinner. The McCanns tried the same thing, with the help from their friends. Then Madeleine never woke up (remember the sibling sleeping though the whole thing), so the McCanns and their friends disposed of the body and had a pact to never spill the beans. All of their lives and careers would be destroyed if they did, level 1 Her parents killed her, either deliberately or accidentally, and hid it because they didn't want to go to jail or they panicked level 2 Wrong, you are fake news. Look up Madeline McCann suspect sketches and have a fun hour trying to contemplate reality. level 1 Something I find really strange re: Gerry is that one of the friends that travelled to Portugal with the McCann’s was recording a video, and in the video the recorder told Gerry: “cheer up, Gerry, we’re on holiday. ” To which Gerry replied: “Fuck off, do you think I’m here to enjoy myself? ” Now that is fucking weird. *edit: found the link -) level 2 Are charges of neglect in this case serious enough offences to go full cover up and risk being convicted of more serious crimes and being vilified in the court of public opinion? Doesn't make sense to me. level 1 This case will forever be an unsolved mystery. I don’t believe there is a conspiracy or a cover up here too. Just an abduction with a lack of leads and no trail. level 1 Ask the podesta brothers... level 2 The composites shown here are two different interpretations of one person, not two separate men. Also, these monsters DO NOT travel all the way to Portugal to get a girl. They have people who do that for them, degrees of separation. Using this image tarnishes the investigation into Madeleine. Do any kind of research and it's obvious how lame this theory is. level 2 No doubt about it in my mind. She was sold into slavery. level 2 Hang on this guy made a device to find people anywhere in the world from DNA? That's the bigger story here...
E1 ? A State of Emergency She distractedly stepped into the back of the silver Chevrolet that was to be her Uber into Williamsburg. Typically on a Wednesday afternoon, it would take about fifty minutes to make the trip from her condo on Broadway to his four story in Brooklyn. GPS said twenty-two. Times had been far from typical these past few weeks. She felt secondhand anxiety now, as if her own weren’t enough. The streets weren’t deserted but there was a lingering paranoia in the air. People were more cautious of maintaining their space, keenly observing anything that might be symptomatic behavior in someone came within range. She wondered if one of her usual excuses would hold up under these abnormal circumstances. Usually, drinks with Madeline, or patching a critical piece of software with the other developers would have sufficed. She took a few deep breaths and was satisfied with the reservation that he didn’t deserve an explanation. When he’d eventually return from work to an empty apartment and text her to ask where she was, she’d tell him something. There was a bottle of sanitizer in one of the cup holders in the backseat. She dispensed two pumps into her open palm and rubbed her hands together till they were cool and dry. It was the sixth anniversary of the experiment in social distancing she called a marriage. In the days leading up to it, she’d predicted that he wouldn’t remember till his calendar reminded him on the day of, and it would be another forced date with a signed greeting card and bouquet of roses at a fine dining restaurant indistinct from every other one they’d been to. He awoke early that morning, showered and left for the hospital without a word. They started dating in college when he, a pre-med, began tutoring her for biology classes she was required to take for a concentration in health informatics. She took a position at Amazon as a junior automation engineer straight out of undergrad and supported him through medical school. Shortly after, they were wedded at the behest of her parents. She left Amazon and bounced around for two years before settling at a firm that made software for autonomous vehicles and machinery. He completed his residency at Mount Sinai and began a fellowship in surgical oncology. Their lives fell into fatiguing routine. She often felt that they were more like roommates than a couple. He joked that being married was just dating with better taxes and less theater. She felt like the punchline. By year three, when relations had gotten a bit distant and the general awkwardness of inauthenticity had made things unbearable, they tried for a child. One miscarriage later, they never tried again. She recognized buildings in SoHo and that meant she wasn’t far. Notifications on her phone spoke of thirty day border closures, the death of 350 Italians in a single day, the impending need for self quarantine. She was thankful for news that took her out of the past and forced her into the present. You’d better pay attention, or you’ll fucking die. On the Williamsburg bridge, she had butterflies in her tummy. Nobody feels this good driving into Brooklyn, she thought. She’d been seeing him for about a year now. She felt what it was like to be someone’s lover again. She felt free to lose her composure around him. She felt alive when he held her. Without permission, without hesitation, when he wanted. On more than a few nights, she’d left abruptly. Overwhelmed by guilt and self loathing for being her father’s daughter. When she’d pretend to not notice her mother cry upon finding another lipstick stain or strand of hair in his dirty laundry. Only to return each time, because each time was the exact opposite of a fatiguing routine. On the wordless drives back to Manhattan at night, she’d feel what she could only describe as love when their gazes met. And the delicious agony of goodbye, knowing she would be with him again, in time. She often felt the most sympathy for her husband when the familiar haunts of Williamsburg made themselves known. She thought of it as a defense mechanism in response to the guilt. She would catch herself making excuses for his absentmindedness, for his sometimes complete lack of interest in her life, for not being what she’d always dreamed of in a partner. Maybe it was unfair of her to impose that on him, she thought. He’d never asked her to conform to traditional gender roles. And in these times, it was hard enough to be working in medicine. Where she wanted more from the union, he was satisfied with the comfort of not having to deal with courtship anymore. She felt unwanted and unloved, he was glad to not have to work for it anymore. But she knew she was being dishonest. The passion that was once present had rapidly faded under the guise of marital bliss. She often thought they’d be happier and more in love if they’d have never gotten married. The spectacle and context of it all had killed what they once had. And she knew within a half hour of meeting Henry that she would sleep with him. The Chevy rolled up to a orange brick two story apartment building. The driver stopped by the curb and affixed his gaze to the rear view, where it would stay until she was out and the door was closed. When she was done with the self punishment, she gathered herself, gave him a silent nod which he returned, and exited the vehicle. Her eyes scaled the building and stopped at his window on the second floor. He was sitting on the windowsill with one leg dangling outside, smiling wide at her, ashing a cigarette. He’d always wait on her arrival, and it made her blush. He was waiting outside the elevator when she walked into his floor from the stairwell. ‘You should know me better, Hank. ’ She was winded from climbing the stairs. He took her into his arms and she fell limp in them, knowing he’d hold her up. She took in a deep breath of his scent and it was intoxicating. He pressed his lips to her cheek, the bristles of his stubble scratched her soft face. She took him by the lips and kept him there awhile. Henry was an automotive engineer. When he first met her, he was married and working at Nissan on their hybrid. Now he was divorced and working for Tesla, commuting between Hawthorne, CA and NYC. He was ten years her senior, but never failed to let her know that she was the wiser one. In the year after a rough separation, he’d become a better father, a more impassioned worker, and he’d begun seeing her. By now, she had a key to the apartment, a few pairs of clothes in the closet, and a toothbrush that never left the stand by his sink. They entered the apartment and it was as she’d always seen it. Minimally decorated and furnished, but everything had utility and was of exquisite craftsmanship. He took pride in his taste, and reveled in his sensibilities as an engineer, applying techniques wherever he could in his life. She could smell that he was cooking something with paprika in it as something simmered in a pot on the stove. He was clean, but disorganized. He enjoyed symphonies and punk rock. He had dimensions and histories that she wished excavate and study. He listened when she spoke, and remembered with vivid detail what she’d said. He asked about worries she would share with him. He’d give her simple, thoughtful gifts based on things they’d talked about. They made love in his bed, with the window open letting in light and crisp early Spring air. They were on their sides, he was in between her legs, nestled inside, modulating his body like a waveform while holding her by the cheek. They rested, he kissed the little beads of sweat that formed between her breasts. She pulled his hair and ran two fingernails across his beard. ‘You shouldn’t be out, you know? ’ He said. She ignored it. Yes, she shouldn’t be out. But he hadn’t objected to her coming, did he? She turned to look outside the window. Plump clouds, patches of blue sky, the edges of rooftops. It’s not as noisy as usual. ‘Cause you care all of a sudden? ’ She asked. ‘Not particularly. ’ He responded. They fucked until he couldn’t anymore, and he finished on her back. He cleaned her up and gave her a glass of cold water. They shared a cigarette in bed. ‘How long are you in town for? ’ She asked. ‘Can you stay for dinner? ’ She couldn’t. Why would he answer her question with a question? She was silent, puffing on the cigarette while Billie Holiday played from his hall. They were still lying next to each other, but far as they could on the bed. ‘I shouldn’t. So they’ve got you working remote too then? ’ She looked out at the waning sunlight. ‘They gave me a couple weeks off, but if this doesn’t blow over, I’m not gonna hold my hopes up. ’ ‘It’s fucked up. What about your kid? ’ She looked at him as she asked this. ‘She’s at home, at her mom’s. School’s closed. I wish I could see her but, you know, social distancing. ’ ‘Yeah, we seem to be doing a pretty good job of it. ’ ‘Is the GE project still in the pipeline? ’ He inched closer in response to her quip. She didn’t react. ‘No, fell through in this mess. ’ ‘Fuck. I’m sorry. ’ He reached over with his hand and touched her belly. ‘Come on now, Hank, stop it. Stop playing nice so we can go back to being oblivious again. ’ ‘Oblivious to what? The only time I’m not oblivious is when I’m with you. ’ ‘God damn it, you never even try to see what it’s like for me. ’ ‘I do, babe. What do you want me to say? I want you to stay for dinner, I made you something you love to eat. Let’s watch a movie, let’s take a bath together. I want to spend time with you. ’ ‘No, Hank. You’re not married. I’m your girlfriend, but I’m fucking him over right now. Every night he comes back to an empty house. Every night he thinks he’s spending with his wife, I’m destroying something I very much took responsibility of creating. ’ ‘Do you still even sleep together? ’ ‘Fuck you. We’re still married. And it isn
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