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Biography: hi. 021 ? okay? @marquessophia_

Christian Larsen, Brock Manwill; 2017; &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMmIwNWI2MDUtOTc2Ni00YzU2LWE3NTYtYmU4MDc2OGJiMzI3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQ2OTU2OTQ@._V1_UY113_CR0,0,76,113_AL_.jpg); audience Score=112 vote; Country=USA; actors=Sean Wei Mah.
No likes no comments no views I'm finally first YouTube: are you sure about that. Lore watch full length tv. Lore watch full length trailer. Lore watch full length movies. You messed up with the thumbnail bro, you said PLANE instead of PLAN on the top fyi.
I went to see Brother Simon. And well, the totally random Legendary Quantum Deathclaw that decided to pay a visit, wrecked Simon's shit, and killed the cult, before I put it down. That's what you get for being well-dressed, well-mannered, and unarmed. Once more a Gun Free Zone cost human lives. Lore watch full length hairstyles. Ah, 28 hour day makes sense. In the beginning, when describing their sleep/work/free hours it didn't add up to 24 as I expected. 10/10 would listen to more. 21:41 Spooky doot Listen closely. The timeline is a bit wrong here. The Zariman 10-0 incident happened before Sentients were even a thing. Read the Detron Crewman Synthesis entry, it shows the origin of the Sentients. Also, the Tenno fought and destroyed the weakened Orokin Empire after the war with the Sentients because the Lotus told them to. Also, you spoiled the Second Dream for new players and this doesn't offer anything new to older players. Just. Why.

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Can you make more 40k story readings. There are a lot of 40k creepy pastas that are really good. Shovelhead, Red Sky Horizon (2003) Dig that vibe for just a minute, that’s all I ask. I know dipping back to a record like Red Sky Horizon isn’t exactly high-profile, but man, New Jersey’s Shovelhead could jam. They’d stand on stage at the Brighton Bar in Long Branch, all power-trio style and humble about-to-wreck-the-place swagger, and guitarist Jim LaPointe (also vocals) would unload these space-toned solos that stretched out as much as on, while bassist Sha Zaidi ? usually chewing a toothpick, I guess because rockabilly ? and drummer Mike Scott with his Vistalite kit set up on the small riser in back would hold down these righteous grooves. You can hear it in the mellow groove after the initial Motörhead y thrust of third cut “Bottom, ” or get a feel for some of LaPointe ‘s power-trio-leading in the opening title-track, but the point is Shovelhead played with so much character, whether it was the take on mellow Sabbath that launched “The Weight” or in the Hendrix ed-up instrumental take on “Amazing Grace” that closes out, fittingly enough, after the hard-driving chug of “Bastard. ” On stage ? usually on that stage ? they were utterly at home. I had the pleasure of seeing Shovelhead on multiple occasions and even did shows with them, and it was always a bittersweet experience because I knew no matter how good a show it might otherwise be, Shovelhead were about to blow my band right out of the water. A bit of nostalgia? Yeah, probably, but I remain a Shovelhead fan even though their last record, the all-lowercase spitting oil, came out in 2007. That was their third outing, and by then, they were long since underrated, having made their debut as Shovel head with a self-titled CD in 2001 following a name change from?their original moniker The Lemmings, which I guess wasn’t stoner rock enough. Maybe? I don’t know what motivated the switch, but they had a disc out called The March of Provocation in ’98 that was pretty good as I recall and I seem to think there was at least one other, maybe an EP? It’s kind of fuzzy two decades later, but either way, they were part of the NJ shore-region cohort of post- Monster Magnet heavy rock and came up roughly around the same time as the likes of The Atomic Bitchwax, Solace, Halfway to Gone, Lord Sterling, Six Sigma, Core, and so on, and while some of those bands would get picked up by labels large and small ? Core were on Atlantic, Bitchwax and Solace on MeteorCity, Halfway on Small Stone, etc. ? Shovelhead went unsigned for the duration. Fair enough. I don’t think they had particularly huge ambitions for touring or anything like that, so it was just as easy for them to DIY their releases and play where and when they could and felt like doing so. They were a well-kept secret of that scene, and for me, Red Sky Horizon was the album that came closest to capturing what they were able to do live. To some degree, second track “Crop Duster” is a defining groove in my mind for them. It’s got the speed-punker root in its verses, and LaPointe ‘s vocals echo out on top to make even that verse a hook before everything stops and he asks, “Do you know what you’re doing? ” and “Do you know what you’re saying? ” before they kick full-boar into winding power trio jamming. They mellow out before halfway through the track’s six minutes, but just before hitting the four-minute mark turn to a funky series of starts and stops with Zaidi filling out the space with low and as LaPointe busts out a solo and Scott ‘s drums gradually build their way back to the verse and chorus to finish out, the last question, “Do you know where you’re going? ” held out with a bluesy soul. Likewise, after the seven-minute nod-fest boogie of “The Weight, ” the instrumental “Uncle Jesse” begins a salvo of four shorter tracks that includes “Moon Shine Blind” and “Bastard” ahead of “Amazing Grace, ” and what might otherwise be a side B in the second half of the tracklisting winds up efficiently expanding on the adventurous vibe of “Red Sky Horizon, ” “Crop Duster, ” “Bottom” and “The Weight, ” stripping down some of the psychedelic elements at play, but keeping that character in their tones and the classic heavy rock spirit of the instrumentals. And hey, fun fact: when I reviewed Red Sky Horizon for the paper in NJ I worked for at the time, I compared “Moon Shine Blind” to the main song from the movie O Brother Where Art Thou? and LaPointe was the first person ever to tell me I nailed it on getting his inspiration for the vocal melody right. That was at least 15 years ago now and I still feel good about it to this day. Pair that next to the maddening tension of “Bastard” ? the standout line: “Take all your bullshit, shove it up your ass” ? and cap it off with “Amazing Grace” and you’ve got an eight-track/40-minute outing that’s thoughtful but natural sounding and traditionalist in its dynamic, but again, so filled with personality on the part of its players that it almost can’t help but be original. I used to stand in front of the stage at the Brighton, my seventh beer probably in my hand, and you could watch any individual member of Shovelhead at any point in their set and you had at least an 80 percent chance your jaw would drop from what they were playing. That sounds like hyperbole, but these guys were great, and I love this record, so while I know it’s not the biggest release ever and people might prefer something they already know or be hesitant to take on an out-of-print 15-year-old disc from a NJ heavy rock band who once upon a time were really cool, fuck it, it’s my site and I wanted to listen to Shovelhead. I don’t need any more reason than that. As noted, spitting oil was their third and final album in 2007, so their social media presence is pretty much nil. What was their website would seem to be long gone. I couldn’t even find a MySpace page lingering. But if you’re into Red Sky Horizon, there’s no Bandcamp or anything, but all three of Shovelhead ‘s full-lengths are available as downloads from CDBaby ? as opposed to being available on CD from DownloadBaby ? and there isn’t one of them that isn’t worth time and dime alike. So dig in, and as always, I hope you enjoy. ? For the first half-hour I was awake this morning, I thought it was Saturday. I came downstairs, turned on the coffee pot, was all set to start writing stuff for Monday posts in that casual, maybe-I’ll-just-read-about-baseball-for-a-while way of Saturday mornings, when I remembered I hadn’t even done the Shovelhead post yet. Missed a day there, guy. Might want to get on that. In my defense, I’ll note only that said “first half-hour” was the half-hour between 2:30 and 3AM. Hard week. On Monday I think it was or maybe Sunday, I can’t even remember, we said goodbye to my family and headed north to Connecticut to come back to Massachusetts, pretty much to hunker down for the semester ahead. We moved the coffee pot, so that’s it. We’ve done plenty of back and forth, but where the Chemex goes is home and it’s back in MA now. I have no problem admitting I was sad to go. It was awesome to spend so much time in New Jersey this summer, to see my family, to have The Pecan get to know those cousins, his aunt and uncle, his grandmother, and have him meet assorted friends. I saw Slevin two days in a row this summer! That’s a special event in itself. We’ll be back down there a couple times over the next few months ? once in October for sure, then again for holidays, but in terms of the daily where-I’m-at, it’ll be back here in MA in the townhouse. The Patient Mrs. has a conference this weekend in Boston, so we’re headed there this morning early ? it’s quarter to five now, so by “early” I mean in about two hours, maybe a little less ? and I’ll be on baby duty. Should be interesting in a hotel room, but weather permitting, which always a gamble in Boston, I’ll take him out and we’ll go somewhere around town. Even if it’s Armageddon Shop or wherever. Just something to do rather than sit on ass and try to stop him from climbing on the furniture ? it’s not so much the climbing I’m opposed to as the inevitable falling off that follows ? while I try and fail to stare at my phone and be bored. “You old enough to have a conversation yet? No? Okay, let’s go for a walk somewhere. ” We also found out yesterday that The Little Dog Dio has bone cancer. The vet showed us the rather sizable tumor in her shoulder on the x-ray. We knew she wasn’t well ? hence going to the vet ? and she’s 12, so the possibility that it wasn’t something minor had occurred to us, but it still hit pretty hard. They did a bunch of blood tests to see if it’s in her organs [Update: it’s not. ] and the vet gave us some pain meds for her in the meantime. We have a follow-up appointment next week, which looms large and ominous in my mind. He said the treatment was either amputate her leg ? she’s 12; so no ? or start her on radiation, which would make her miserable and really only help pain management anyway. Light on options. Heavy on grief. In the meantime, she’s sleeping a lot. She’s lost five pounds in the last month, going from 37 to 32, which is the lowest I can recall her being as a full-grown dog. We’ve had her since she was nine weeks old. She’s the last of the Koczans. My heart breaks. Monday is Labor Day but I’ll be posting. It’s a busy week because it’s the start of the semester and I’ll be slammed with babytime, so of course I’ve booked a ton of premieres. Here are the notes, with likely changes: Mon. : Kelly Carmichael track premiere; P. H. O. B. S. track premiere. Tue. : Druglord video premiere/review; Stone Titan track premiere. Wed. : Stoned Jesus review/
Lore watch full length 2016.

I have a few issues with this, if i am a member of the dark brotherhood, but im not a silencer, does that mean that i am a speaker, or does it mean that i am the listener? what if im nor the listener, nor the speaker, nor a silencer, who gives me orders, if im not able to know the identity of the black hand. and if only the speakers have silencers, and only silencers, know the identity of speakers, who takes, the other the easy missions? and how do ppl get in, and who does the inniciative? if you know please answer me.

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As always amazing video. keep it up. Lore Watch Full length. 1.) Capture a Genestealer Patriarch and implant into it cybernetics to control it. 2.) Put the Patriarch on a fast ship and get it to send out a strong signal to attract the Tyranid Hive Fleet. 3.) Use the fast ship to lure the Hive Fleet along a safe passage through Imperium space away from any imperial worlds. 4.) Plunge the fast ship with the Patriarch on board into the Eye Of Terror and watch the Tyranid Hive Fleet follow it in. 5.) Use the Imperial Fleet to mop up what left of whoever wins. Solid ending to this video good work dude. Lore watch full length vs.
Aaaaand that covers about 0.0000001% of MTG lore. Seriously, as much as I would like to get into its lore, it loses me every time. Bastante bueno Al me gusta este tipo de contenido por cierto porque no haces lore de la saga Dead Space o curiosidades sobre esta saga. ‘I have no idea, Eekrit replied. ‘This is for my own personal pleasure. This has so much lore it should be a Saga. The thumbnail says plane instead of plan. Lore watch full length episodes. Lore watch full length 2017. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots North American cover art Developer(s) Kojima Productions Publisher(s) Konami Director(s) Hideo Kojima Producer(s) Hideo Kojima Kenichiro Imaizumi Kazuki Muraoka Yoshikazu Matsuhana Designer(s) Hideo Kojima Programmer(s) Yuji Korekado Artist(s) Yoji Shinkawa Writer(s) Hideo Kojima Shuyo Murata Composer(s) Harry Gregson-Williams Nobuko Toda Shuichi Kobori Kazuma Jinnouchi Series Metal Gear Platform(s) PlayStation 3 Release June 12, 2008 Genre(s) Action-adventure, stealth Mode(s) Single-player Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots [a] is a 2008 action-adventure game developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami exclusively for the PlayStation 3 console. It is the sixth Metal Gear game directed by Hideo Kojima. Set five years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, [b] the story centers around a prematurely aged Solid Snake, now known as Old Snake, as he goes on one last mission to assassinate his nemesis Liquid Snake, who now inhabits the body of his former henchman Revolver Ocelot under the guise of Liquid Ocelot, before he takes control of the Sons of the Patriots, an A. I. system that controls the activities of PMCs worldwide. [1] It was released worldwide in June 12, 2008. [2] [3] Guns of the Patriots received universal acclaim, garnering perfect reviews and Game of the Year awards from several major gaming publications, including GameSpot, which claimed that the game was "technically flawless". [4] The game has been considered one of the best games of the seventh generation of console gaming and among the greatest of all time. Its release caused a boost in sales of the PlayStation 3, where it sold over six million copies worldwide. Gameplay [ edit] In MGS4, players assume the role of an aged Solid Snake (also referred to as Old Snake), using stealth, close quarters combat, and traditional Metal Gear combat. The overhead third-person camera of earlier games has been replaced by a streamlined view and over-the-shoulder camera for aiming a weapon, with an optional first-person view at the toggle of a button. A further addition to gameplay mechanics is the Psyche Meter. Psyche is decreased by non-lethal attacks and is influenced by battlefield psychology. Stressors (including temperature extremes, foul smells, and being hunted by the enemy) increase Snake's stress gauge, eventually depleting his Psyche. Adverse effects include difficulty in aiming, more frequent back pain and the possibility of Snake passing out upon receiving damage. Among the available methods of restoring Psyche are eating, drinking, smoking, and reading an adult magazine. [5] Snake has a few gadgets to aid him in battle. The OctoCamo suit mimics the appearance and texture of any surface in a similar fashion to an octopus, or a chameleon, decreasing the probability of Snake being noticed. Additionally, FaceCamo is made available to players after they defeat Laughing Octopus. FaceCamo can be worn by Solid Snake on his face and it can be set to either work in tandem with the Octocamo or instead mimic the face of other in-game characters. However, to get access to these unique FaceCamos, players have to complete certain in-game requirements first. When the FaceCamo is worn with OctoCamo, under ideal conditions, Snake's stealth quotient can reach 100%. The Solid Eye device highlights items and enemies and can operate in a night vision and a binocular mode. It also offers a baseline map, which indicates the location of nearby units. [6] The latter function is also performed by the Threat Ring, a visualization of Snake's senses that deforms based on nearby unit proximity and relays them to the player. Metal Gear (later replaced with), a small support robot that always tags along with Snake, offers codec functionality and a means to the in-game menu for a large part of Snake's mission. It can be remotely controlled to stun enemies, provide reconnaissance and interact with the environment. [7] Its design is based on the namesake robot from Snatcher, a game designed by Hideo Kojima. It is also controlled during the beginning of each separate "Act", although the player is not able to utilize its capabilities during this time. Whenever the Drebin menu is available, weapons, attachments, and ammunition can be purchased via Drebin Points (DPs), awarded for on-site procurement of weapons already in the inventory and by initiating specific scripted events or destroying Unmanned Vehicles. The conversion rate between weapons and DPs depends on current battlefield conditions, with more-intense fighting yielding higher prices. Also, Drebin would purchase items from the player at a discounted price, especially at certain points in the story and certain days in real life. The game may also be finished without killing anyone, using non-lethal weapons. The Virtual Range, similar to the Virtual Reality training of previous titles, functions as a test facility for weapon performance and gameplay controls. [5] Plot [ edit] Metal Gear fictional chronology 1964 ? Snake Eater 1974 ? Peace Walker 1975 ? Ground Zeroes 1984 ? The Phantom Pain 1995 ? Metal Gear 1999 ? Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake 2005 ? Metal Gear Solid ( The Twin Snakes) 2007/09 ? Sons of Liberty 2014 ? Guns of the Patriots v t e Setting [ edit] Guns of the Patriots is set in 2014, nine years after the events of the original Metal Gear Solid [8] and five years after Sons of Liberty. [9] The world's economy relies on continuous civil wars fought by PMCs, which outnumber government military forces. Soldiers are equipped with nanomachines that monitor and enhance their performance on the battlefield, controlled by a vast network known as the Sons of the Patriots (SOP) system. Revolver Ocelot, missing since the events of Sons of Liberty, is possessed by the will of Liquid Snake and re-emerges from hiding to launch an insurrection against the Patriots, a secret cabal which manipulates global affairs from the shadows. Solid Snake, meanwhile, is experiencing accelerated aging and has about a year left to live. He is living on board the airplane Nomad with Dr. Hal "Otacon" Emmerich and Olga Gurlukovich's daughter Sunny, a child prodigy in computer programming. Since the aftermath of the Big Shell Incident, Raiden has drifted away from Rose, who had apparently suffered a miscarriage with their child and gone to live with his former commander Colonel Roy Campbell, and has become a cyborg ninja fighting against the Patriots. Meryl Silverburgh commands a PMC inspection unit in the U. S. military, which includes Johnny Sasaki. Story [ edit] Shortly after learning of his year-long lifespan from symptoms similar to Werner syndrome, Snake is asked by Campbell, now working with the UNSC, to assassinate Liquid Ocelot and stop his insurrection. Snake travels to the Middle East, infiltrating a war zone occupied by Liquid's PMC Praying Mantis, where he meets Drebin 893, an underground arms dealer, who injects Snake with nanomachines that enable him to use the latest generation of weaponry. When Snake reaches his target, Liquid transmits a signal that incapacitates the nearby members of Liquid's own nanomachine-equipped PMC, Meryl and her inspection unit, and Snake himself. As Snake collapses, he sees Dr. Naomi Hunter again for the first time since he infiltrated Shadow Moses. Naomi explains via an encoded message that she is being forced to do research for Liquid in South America, and asks Snake to rescue her. Snake locates Naomi, who explains that Liquid plans to use Big Boss ' biometric data as a key to access and take sole command of the Patriots' firearms control system, the SOP. After a medical examination, Snake learns his accelerated aging is due to intentional genetic mutations made before his birth, shortening his natural lifespan. In addition, Naomi discovers the FOXDIE virus inside him will mutate within three months, indiscriminately spreading to the rest of the population. Pieuvre Armement PMC soldiers kidnap Naomi, but with the help of Drebin and Raiden, Snake is able to retrieve her, and they succeed in escaping the country, though Raiden is injured by a returning Vamp. Snake finds an Eastern Europe resistance group that has both the equipment needed to heal Raiden and the living yet comatose body of Big Boss. Once there, EVA, leading the resistance group under the alias "Big Mama, " reveals that she was the surrogate mother to Snake and Liquid Snake through the "Les Enfants Terribles" cloning project. Liquid's Raven Sword PMC attacks Snake, Big Mama, and her decoy vehicles pretending to transport Big Boss. Snake helps Big Mama escape to the riverside, where Big Boss' body is hidden to be taken to safety by ship. They arrive to find Liquid has already captured the body, thus obtaining Big Boss' biometric data. He reveals the next phase of his plan to seize the Patriots' entire control system by infiltrating their network using an AI core previously thought to be defunct, to act as a Trojan. US military forces attempt to arrest Liquid, but he disables their firearms and incapacitates them, leaving them vulnerable and helpless to be slaughtered by his elite troopers. Vamp throws Big Boss' body into the burning wreckage of the resistance transport ship, leaving the side of Snake's face severely burned after he saves Big Mama from jumping in after it. Liquid escapes with Naomi as collateral, but Otacon's remote mobile robot sneaks onto Liquid's boat after them. Big Mama
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