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description=A cop is assigned to a case of escorting a criminal to Japan while dealing with relationship problems, and his enormous change in appearance as a result of being dumped / Hong Kong / 5,8 of 10 / Runtime=96 minute / Genre=Comedy, Action / &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjlmM2Q2ZWItNzRjMS00NDk0LWEzYTAtNGVhYTFlNWFiZDE2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzI1NzMxNzM@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg) 30:53 I wanna go to Club Tasogare too, unfortunately I read it closed down. Download torrent fei lung gwoh gong lyrics. Download Torrent Fei lung gwoh gong et arts.
Hilarious. Donnie plays Sammo. I love TJ's chinese impersonation.

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Download Torrent Fei lung gwoh gong. This was a pretty good movie. A little slapstick but the fights were great. I am waiting to seeing this movie. Download Torrent Fei lung gwoh gongsup.

The universal sign of communism. Subtitles Indonesia min. A1 guys. The Dtube version is better. Download torrent fei lung gwoh gong cancer. Download torrent fei lung gwoh gong surgery. Yo everyone. So I've been working on some shit. This is some of that shit. This is a 19 page, miniature hex crawl, with a map, a full NPC breakdown with stat blocks, and descriptions of each hex. Welcome to Avalon's Retreat, a region inhabited by a Nymph. And not the kind of Nymph that's in the old monster manuals. I'm talking about a real Nymph. Huge props to Andrew K. for this post here for the inspiration. I decided to put a Nymph in my current campaign and also decided to write it up for release. A proper release, or, more so, as proper as I can do. I'm not one to lie, so here's what's NOT in the adventure. A reason to go to this region. You don't get a list of "why are you here" which I sort of regret and may add at a later date. But, ideally, this is supposed to be a region that is stumbled upon or ventured through. It's meant to be a large wilderness that you don't think much of until you're in it and experiencing it. There are plot hooks and encounters in every hex, not including the random encounter tables. There is something for every party in these hills. AND so you don't have to download the thing if you don't want, here's a bit of a taste. Map here. Random Encounters Here is a list of some typical encounters that will happen in each region. Feel free to mix and match or put your own shit in. These are just the typical. While traveling roll a d6, on a 5 or a 6 that means there’s an encounter. Then roll a d12 depending on the region. There should be a check every time the party enters a new square, every time they camp, and every other time you feel like it. The South: 2d4 hobgoblins 2d6 thirsty lions 1d4 cultists of the Green Obelisk 1d8 mushroom picker halflings singing a song An old witch selling love potions for human hearts A mighty gust of wind that will blow everything not held down away 2d6 hobgoblins and a chieftain gathered around broken wagons A bolt of random lighting attempts to strike the weakest player Lost. There’s four animal paths. Only rangers know which one to take. A small hut that offers shelter from the rain A field of flower that is burning. Large pikes hold Halfling corpses. The tracks of a mighty griffon near a fresh kill. In the West: 2d4 harpies and a siren singing A hunting party of gnomes looking for humans 3d6 giant white spiders (10% chance of 1 being a phase spider) A doppelganger tries to slip into the party A halfling spy can lead you to Fat Bottom Rain so hard that it threatens to burry you in the mud Spider’s nest guarded by a phase spider Walk into a gnome trap meant to lop off a limb Lost. A sprung pit trap with rations and supplies in it. Small druid enclave slaughtered by harpies. Their intestines spell out “go home”. Humanoid tracks of Sephalophagus. He’s been spying on Stargod. In the East: Small battle. 2d8 Skullfuckers fighting 2d10 Brain Dead. Injured Brain Dead captain, looking for healing and safety. 3d10 giant rats eating a lot of dead orcs. 2d4 Skullfuckers looking for blood, lie in wait in a pit trap. A Skullfucker maiden, very gorgeous, will offer healing if she can smear your blood on her face. Intense gust of humid air, so thick you could drown. Small spy hovel of Brain Dead assassins. Forest fire. Lost. A cat warlock and her giant, black cat patron. They both speak but choose not to. A ruined battlefield, filled with 3d6 Followers of the Five. They are collecting parts. Tracks of the Songbird Maiden heading north. In the North: A ruined battlefield, filled with 3d6 Followers of the Five. A party of 2d4 goblins riding giant bats. Gaggle of 3d10 modrons looking for parts. The Songbird Maiden will offer healing and magic, as well as the Songbird itself. Wild stampede from the east. A group of 1d4+1 wizard researchers from the coast. They need some help. A debt collector has come for a debt your past life owed. Giant Hunters from area 28 taking down three giants at once. They need help. Sephalophagus wandering, humming to himself. Stargod flying overhead, looking for food and a reason to kill Sephalophagus. I really wish I could just post the entire thing here for you guys, but it's free, it doesn't take long to download, and it's 19 pages. That is too long to format on here. But I love you guys, so here's a big lover of the nymph in the region. 23. Stargod’s Lair This area is a lonely hill, packed full with jungle trees, and surrounded by thick fog. Dark clouds hover constantly spilling rain in torrents. All clouds that bring rain to the south spawn from this area. Somewhere in the lonely hill, stalks Stargod, the rain dragon. For fifty years Stargod has been after the Nymph. She’s hot and he wants to shower her with his magic. He’s infinitely old. He is a rain dragon, formed from storms and master of all the winds. He is the reason the rain comes and the clouds blot the sky out for 90% of the year. It’s not too farfetched to think adventurers could get on his side and convince him to take down Sephalophagus. HD: 20 Attacks: d6/d6/d6/d6/d12/d10 or special. Breath: Stargod can issue out a torrent of high pressure water. It deals a d20 x d4* and ignores AC. Rain: The air around Stargod is thick with moisture. Those within 5ft of him must save vs. drowning. Mist: At any time Stargod can flap his wings and make the air alive with thick mist. Speed reduced to ? and Stargod has ? cover. Escape: When in danger, Stargod can turn into a rain cloud and flee. Vulnerable to lightning and thunder. Free at the DMs Guild: Avalon's Retreat.
Download torrent fei lung gwoh gong therapy. He dropped 5 months wages on those sunglasses like it was nothing... E muito bom filme antigo e de luta mais ainda muito bom. Ive been waiting for the Kung Fu Panda live action remake. I was just searching up the 70s movie of enter fat dragon. Didn't think another movie would be made with a similar name.

Christ, that is samo hung, he's the guy who starred in martial law. Loading player WOW. Silahkan tunggu DOWNLOAD FILM Enter The Fat Dragon (2019) Klik tombol di bawah ini untuk pergi ke halaman website download film Enter The Fat Dragon (2019). Terdapat banyak pilihan penyedia file pada halaman tersebut. Download Film Ini Petunjuk Cara Mendownload Diterbitkan 2019-04-19 Oleh Layarkaca21 Synopsis A Remake Of ENTER THE FAT DRAGON ? Directed By KENJI TANIGAKI ? Starring DONNIE YEN Aaron Sorkin Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba, Kevin Costner 2019-04-19 (Hong Kong) tt7335600 Durasi menit TAMPILKAN LEBIH BANYAK.
Nossa melhor filme que já vi na minha infância hj encontrei aqui muito bom. The dollars thing isn't about the translation, Hong Kong does use dollars for its currency. Couldn't even get a fat Asian to play the role. Download torrent fei lung gwoh gong center.
Jet li better as Won fei Hung.

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Автор Сообщение Igoryan555 ® Стаж: 10 лет 11 мес. Сообщений: 151 Ratio: 8484, 636 Раздал: 179, 6?TB Поблагодарили: 8050 100% Выход жирного дракона / Enter the Fat Dragon / Fei Lung gwoh gong (1978) DVDRip Год выпуска: 1978 Производство: Гонконг Жанр: Боевик, Комедия Описание фильма: А Лунг ? простой паренёк, работающий на свиноферме и постоянно тренирующийся боевым искусствам, чтобы походить на своего кумира ? Брюса Ли. Когда его дяде(владельцу забегаловки) понадобилась помощь, его посылают в большой город, чтобы помочь. При прибытии в город, А Лунг понимает, что жизнь в городе не так легка, как кажется. … Когда одна из его знакомых похищена, ему наконец-то удалось показать ?из чего сделаны китайцы?, чтобы спасти ее. Режиссер: Саммо Хунг Кам-Бо Актеры: Саммо Хунг Кам-Бо, Питер Янг Кван, Рой Чяо, Мэг Лам, Хай-Шу Ли, Энки Лау, Лу Чу Ших, Ка-Ян Леунг, Куо Хуи Ло, Хой Сан Ли... Продолжительность: 01:31:37 Качество видео: DVDRip Перевод: Одноголосый закадровый Автор перевода: Самоделкин Видеокодек: MPEG-4 AVC/H. 264 Битрейт видео: ~3766 Кбит/сек Размер кадра: 720 x 480@872 x 480 Аудиокодек: MP3, 2. 0 Битрейт аудио: 128 Кбит/сек Код: Общее Формат: AVI Формат/Информация: Audio Video Interleave Профиль формата: OpenDML Размер файла: 2, 50 Гбайт Продолжительность: 1 ч. 31 м. Режим общего битрейта: Переменный Общий поток: 3906 Кбит/сек Программа кодирования: Lavf51. 12. 1 Видео Идентификатор: 0 Формат: AVC Формат/Информация: Advanced Video Codec Профиль формата: Baseline@L3. 0 Параметр CABAC формата: Нет Параметр ReFrames формата: 1 кадр Параметр GOP формата: M=1, N=12 Идентификатор кодека: H264 Продолжительность: 1 ч. Вид битрейта: Переменный Битрейт: 3766 Кбит/сек Максимальный битрейт: 5646 Кбит/сек Ширина: 720 пикселей Высота: 480 пикселей Соотношение сторон: 16:9 Частота кадров: 23, 976 кадра/сек Частота кадров в оригинале: 24, 000 кадра/сек Стандарт вещания: NTSC Цветовое пространство: YUV Субдискретизация насыщенности: 4:2:0 Битовая глубина: 8 бит Тип развёртки: Прогрессивная Бит/(Пиксели*Кадры): 0. 455 Размер потока: 2, 41 Гбайт (96%) Аудио Идентификатор: 1 Формат: MPEG Audio Версия формата: Version 1 Профиль формата: Layer 3 Режим: Joint stereo Идентификатор кодека: 55 Идентификатор кодека/Подсказка: MP3 Продолжительность: 1 ч. Вид битрейта: Постоянный Битрейт: 128 Кбит/сек Каналы: 2 канала Частота: 44, 1 КГц Метод сжатия: С потерями Размер потока: 83, 9 Мбайт (3%) Выравнивание: Соединение по промежуткам Продолжительность промежутка: 26 мс. (0, 63 видеокадр) Время предзагрузки промежутка: 26 мс. Библиотека кодирования: LAME3. 97 Скриншоты: Время раздачи: с 10:00 до 22:00 по возможности []_Vyihod zhirnogo drakona (1978) Торрент: Зарегистрирован Скачать Зарегистрирован: 07 Янв 2014 23:03:43 Размер: 2, 5?GB () Рейтинг: 4, 3 (Голосов: 29) Поблагодарили: 107 Проверка: Оформление проверено модератором 08 Янв 2014 17:09:37 Как cкачать ? Как раздать ? Правильно оформить ? Поднять ратио! Мои раздачи с 01. Безумная миссия счастливых звезд (1986) (боевик, комедия) 02. Два беззубых тигра (1980) (боевик, ) 03. Восточные кондоры (1987) (боевик, драма, военный) 04. Служители зла (1993) (боевик, фэнтези, история) 05. Король жуликов (1993) (боевик, комедия, криминал) 06. Папа / Папочка, отец и батя (1991) (комедия) 07. Возврата нет (1991) (боевик) 08. Как встретить счастливые звёзды (1996) (боевик, комедия) 09. Кому-то там, наверху, я нравлюсь (1996) (боевик, драма) 10. Моя летающая жена (1991) (ужасы, фэнтези, боевик, комедия) 11. Раскрашенная кожа (1993) (ужасы, фэнтези, боевик) 12. Слеза любимой / Слеза влюбленного (1992) (боевик, драма) 13. Тантана (1991) (боевик) 14. Где офицер Туба? (1986) (комедия, ужасы) 15. Без проблем (1999) (комедия, мелодрама) 16. Поймать призрака (1992) (боевик, комедия, фэнтези) 17. Драка (1979) (боевик, комедия) 18. Азартное привидение (1991) (боевик, комедия) 19. Встречи с привидениями (1980) (боевик, комедия, фэнтези) 20. Встречи с привидениями 2 (1990) (боевик, комедия, фэнтези) 21. Мои счастливые души / Эти весёлые души (1985) (комедия) 22. Да, мадам! (1985) (боевик, комедия) 23. Пройдохи против убийц (1991) (боевик, комедия, криминал) 24. Лысый тигр, толстый дракон (1990) (боевик, комедия) 25. Великолепный мясник (1979) (боевик, комедия) 26. Герой в колготках / Убийца в колготках (1990) (боевик, комедия, триллер) 27. Вечная вражда (1979) (боевик, приключения) 28. Она стреляет метко (1990) (боевик, криминал) 29. Жертва (1980) (боевик, драма) 30. Гоняясь за девушками / Ловеласы (1981) (комедия, мелодрама) 31. Войны Зу / Зу: Воины с волшебной горы (1983) (боевик, фэнтези, приключения) 32. Правдами и неправдами (1980) (боевик, комедия) 33. Ключи от сейфа / Код удачи (1989) (боевик, комедия) 34. Блудный сын (1981) (боевик, комедия) 35. Человеку свойственно ошибаться (1987) (комедия) 36. Фиктивный брак (1988) (боевик, комедия) 37. Каскадерша (1996) (боевик, драма) 38. К чёртовой матери! (1995) (боевик, комедия, триллер) 39. Миссия близнецов (2007) (боевик, драма) 40. Грязный тигр, сумасшедшая лягушка (1978) (боевик, драма, комедия) 41. Выход жирного дракона (1978) (боевик, комедия) 42. Право воровать (1990) (боевик) 43. Карманники / Ну давай, карманник (1982) (боевик) 44. Филин против Слона / Филин и Слоненок (1984) (боевик, комедия) 45. Мистер Вампир 3 (1987) (ужасы, комедия) 46. Клинок ярости (1993) (боевик, драма) 47. Бледное небо (1998) (драма, комедия) 48. Воины вдвоем (1978) (боевик, драма) 49. Все в семье (1975) (драма, комедия) 50. Изменники (1976) (боевик) balarama Стаж: 10 лет 1 мес. Сообщений: 362 Ratio: 10, 136 Молодые они прикольные, на пару с Джеки. _ Нет смысла вне разума. Показать сообщения:.
I reccomend Messiah of Evil, Mystics in Bali, House on Haunted Hill (1959) Driller Killer, The Devil Times Five, Horror Express, The Legend of Boggy Creek, The Werewolf of Washington, Dementia 13 (1963) Carnival of Souls (1962) and White Zombie. All of these films are in the public domain and on YouTube in full. That guy must not have grown up with a swimming pool. Whoever created the name Uncle Strokus, bless your funny soul. That shit made me laugh hard.
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Question 1 Max and I are pretty tight, seeing as we're brothers, live in the same building and work at the same job. Still great friends with Brevik and Roper. I don't see them as often as I'd like, especially Bill, who's moved away, but we share some long time bonds forged by some of the best times and worst times. I don't keep up too much with the old Condor team, except Matt Uelmen and Peter Hu, and a few guys that were friends from even before Condor, but its great to see them at conventions or the occasional drinking fest. 2A. That reason is a joke! Never heard it before, though. The reasons we split were many, but the main one was that Vivendi was shopping our studio around to buyers with no input from us, the team (both Bliz North and South). And the process was taking a long time, during which they kept deferring renegotiating our bonus structure. (Our profitability was still growing, but the bonus structure wasn't keeping up with it due to a lot of complex crap. ) So we said: "hey, either we get some say in this stuff... you know, our whole future... or we're going to resign. " And they said: buh-bye. Another reason for me personally was just sort of some wanderlust, though. It was time for some new adventures. I was getting fat and lazy at Blizzard. 2B. I don't believe the D3 team has failed or butchered anything. They made an awesome game that I enjoyed a lot. These games are incredibly hard to make. I see a lot of passion in what they did. That said... Re: D3, while I think its a tremendous accomplishment, there's a couple things they did that really hurt my personal ability to keep playing. The auction house, even the regular one, detracts from my own loot gathering. I hate seeing all the great stuff that's so easy to purchase and is so much better than what I can find on my own. The other big thing is the character customization. I really have no clue where this idea that what aarpgs need is fewer customization choices came from. I want to make a character that succeeds or fails based on my decisions. And after that I want to make another and then another that are totally different. I guess there a lot of people that don't want to carve their own way through these games, but for me it's critical. No, Blizzard never asked me to consult. Nor would they ever - its not their culture and rightfully so. Nor would I have accepted. I have to be an intrinsic part of the team or not be involved at all. I don't think it was a mistake on their part. That team has to grow and coalesce together without outside distractions. It would have been just weird as hell, probably... There's no way I could ever see working on another Diablo product with one extremely improbable exception. If I could afford to buy back the rights, I would in a heartbeat. And then I'd turn it over to David Brevik, the true Heart and Brain behind Diablo. A Diablo movie would be fantastic. But I'm not the guy to do it. That would of course be Uwe Boll. (Actually Roper would be the man. ) This is all goofy talk, of course. It's not going to have anything to do with me if it ever does happen. My favorite characters from the Diablo universe are every character I created and developed, and chose skills for, and equipped, and kicked Diablo's ass with. I have no love for the NPCs other than Cain. And the cocktail midget. Thanks for the Torchlight love. Stay tuned for our next game, but its very unlikely to be anything like a traditional MMO. Damn, that took me forever... I'm slow at this, forgive me. Best moment of my sad nerdy life, thank you.. nerdgasm... By the way, I can help you lose your fat. I lost 90 pounds over the last year. My plan quick summary: 1/2 of all you eat should be vegetables. Eat less than 100g carbs a day. Sell your car and get a bike. I can now see why they didn't ask and why you wouldn't accept to consult. I will find out the buyout on the rights to Diablo and start saving for you... They will sell anything I hear. Erich. I love it that you guys do an AMA. We sell for $20 because we want a bigger community, and for people all over the world to enjoy our game. Not everyone has $60 lying around. Plus, digital distribution, like on Steam, makes this more economically viable for a company like us. We couldn't make money selling $20 boxes only, but we'll do fine with this price because of the trend towards digital distribution. With respect to piracy, a small company like ours isn't going to solve it. And the last thing we think is appropriate is to punish our honest customers for something other people are doing. We believe that if we put out a quality game at a fair price, there will be less incentive to pirate the game, and that those who do pirate it may decide to buy it down the road. That's our approach and we're sticking to it! -Max Schaefer I don't think anti-piracy measures work super well in general. Being nice and transparent about what we do, and charging a reasonable price, seems like the most effective way to convince people to buy our stuff. That, and a demo. I mean, we HAVE DRM. But it's not super-draconian. It's mostly there to allow a mechanism to continue playing after you unlock the demo, which is the same download. It will, of course, be cracked within minutes. It probably already HAS been cracked! -Travis Baldree. Something I've always wanted to know is why you guys sell your game for 20 bucks instead of 60 what seems to be the accepted norm now. Also, how come you guys seem not to be afraid of piracy? (no drm? ) What exactly do you guys do tomorrow at 10AM to go live? Do you literally transfer files to steam servers? just send steam a code or signal? If all goes well until then (i. e. no last-second emergency fixes), we don't do anything. The code is already at steam. I'm playing the release version now. Erich Schaefer. Are you guys tired of being asked Diablo 3 questions? YES! Erich Schaefer. Can we ask you about Hellgate and Mythos instead? Go ahead, but make it fast. Trying to wrap this up and get back to work (and by that I mostly mean trying out FTL). Will you go into some detail on how magic find (MF) works in a multiplayer game? Is the drop based on the MF of whichever player gets the last hit or opens the chest? Is it based on your own MF regardless of who gets the last hit? If your pet has any MF how does this interact with your MF in regards to last hits, etc.? What were some classes/pets that were discussed but that did not make it into the game? If your pet or summon gets a last hit on a mob does this count towards unlocking an augment or does the player have to get the last hit? Magicfind is not shared - each player applies magicfind to drops that roll for them. No kill credit is required - but you must be in the drop range for shared loot (several screens) Some robot pets didn't quite make it in, and there were numerous variations of the classes. At one point the Berserker was supposed to also use Dragon and Raven magic. 1) Since loot is individual, it's based on your stats. It'll be your magic find + the magic find of your pet. 4) This is intentional. Some people dislike the fact that otherwise you would just hit the button once and never touch it again. It doesn't affect other summons. My vote goes towards keeping it around =P 5) The player has to get the last hit. If you can't take him mano a mano, maybe you don't deserve that augment! (We talked about possibly changing it, but it would have to be a patch for later. ) Why does heal bot despawn whenever the player zones? Is this intentinal? Does it effect other summons? The heal bot despawns during zoning because there's no other way to actually despawn him! Do you plan on doing regular content updates after release, and if so, what type of content could we expect? Yes, we want to do more content post launch. For level design specifically, new map scrolls for endgame, phase beast portal rooms, and more variations of already existing levels so there is even more randomization where we feel it is beneficial. We will just have to wait and see how fans react, and what they ask for and try to accommodate if we can. Patrick Blank. What were you most excited to add to Torchlight II? Two things. A proper overworld and weapon specific animation sets. -- Beck. Adding a system of statistics (basically variables) for skills and UI stuff means that modders will have tons of flexibility in making neat stuff. Also the berserker frenzy mode is probably one of the most awesome feel-good abilities ever. And multiplayer, of course! Matt Tanwanteng (Tiamat) So I was watching Yogcast play beta the other day and I just want to say I love how you made the game an improvement from T1, instead of trying to make a whole different game. Also one of the features I like (little but nice) is that some weapons have a unique upgrade where you have to kill a certain amount of mobs so it upgrades, is this still in and have you changed it at all? It's still in, and we've added more of them! Matt Tanwanteng. I noticed that Torchlight 1 is now released on Linux. (Thanks HumbleBundle! ) When will Torchlight 2 release for Linux? That's on the agenda as something to discuss, but we're a small team that doesn't know much about Linux and don't want to grow or take on busy work. That said, we know there is a demand and we do like to please. What would you say you are most proud of about Torchlight II? I am most proud of the team we have assembled. Their dedication, talent, and love of the game shows through in every detail. Every single person here has their stamp in the game, and it wouldn't have been as good without everyone's contribution. What's more, they are all good people - the sort you want to have a couple beers with after work. It is a privilege to be a part of Runic Games. Max Schaefer. The amount of content in Torchlight 2 is pretty staggering. Especially for a small team of about 34 people. It's almost unheard of. I'm really proud of how much content the environment
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