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So long story short, my brother is 22 and doesn't have a diploma or any skills. He usually bounces between under the table jobs to being jobless. He doesn't have that many opportunities, so he had the idea(or maybe another sibling suggested it, idk) that he'll just have me scan my older sisters high school diploma, and photoshop his name and what would've been his graduation year on there. All of my family is on board with this, except for me. At first I argued it was illegal, but then one of my sisters called me a hypocrite because I torrent programs and download music, and I responded with saying that so if anyone downloads music or torrents a program, they are not allowed to criticize other illegal actions like murder or rape. She said that I can't compare that to photoshopping a diploma, but I was just giving an example. Since when did doing a small illegal thing become equivalent to condoning all illegal things. Anyway that's besides the point. All my sisters kept telling me how I do nothing for the family, and how they always do stuff for me, and that I need to do this for my brother, while my mother tries to guilt trip me into doing it by saying "Do it for me. " I told my sister why doesn't my brother just get his GED(I dropped out of high school last month and am close to getting my GED this month) and she replied with saying that my brother isn't mentally developed and that he can't simply do that. I then tell her that he dropped out, he now needs to face the consequences. She said that isn't fair because he was dropped on his head as a baby, and he isn't mentally developed(Okay, he is academically stupid because he never paid attention in school and makes horrible decisions but he doesn't have a disability and is completely functional). Anyway, I should also note that I don't even like my brother. He constantly lies and steals(though on the bright side as of recently he hasn't stolen from anyone because he has a job and my mom sometimes gives him money, but despite that just a few days ago he took her credit card from her purse). Anyway, yeah me and my brother don't get along. Fights between us are rare, but a month ago we got into a huge fight and all my sisters and my mom tried getting between us, and I ended up pulling a knife on him, he said he was going to rape me. My other sister makes an argument that I have to do this because my brother does stuff for me... Like driving me to a college to take two of my GED tests... With my mothers car... With gas my mother filled... And then when he picked me up my mother went, and she wanted to stop by three different places, and he cursed at her and told her to choose one place. Other things he has done for me was he got me a Publix sub with his food stamps a few weeks ago... And sometimes he drives me to my friends house, again, with my mothers car that he always wastes the gas on immediately after dropping me off(He does my mom driving favors so he can get the car and give one of his friends rides. Anyway, my entire family keeps getting on my case saying I have to do it. I keep on hearing that I don't do nothing for my family and how I don't benefit my family from one of my sisters, and that they always do stuff for me. tl;dr: Family pressuring me to photoshop a diploma for my brother, I don't want to do it but wonder if I should to get them all to shut up. Do you think I'm being selfish if I don't do it?
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Never rarely sometimes always download torrent windows 7. I see Nolans name. I watch the movie. Simple as that. Never Rarely Sometimes Always Download torrent sites. Oh wow i wanna watch this Seems so well directed and played. Really interesting. The reason for that is because you haven’t heard of it. As far as I know I’m the only one left who has, and that’s half of why I’m finally breaking down to tell my story now, nearly a decade after one of the biggest sites on the internet was removed from existence along with seemingly everyone who was involved with it. I doubt you’ll believe me because even I sometimes think I might have dreamed it up in the shock following my accident in the summer of 2006, but I simply can’t fool myself into believing the two years of time I sunk into was a fever dream or a product of a “traumatic head injury”. It was just as real as the Semi that blindsided me or the months of PT following… but let me start at some kind of reasonable beginning, sorry. WallHorse began as a pet project between a college buddy of mine, Al Carpenter, and a guy who always went by the screen name “Ceiling Jockey”, who Al had met on a web design forum while he was in his last year of high school. I met Al in second semester of freshman year. We were both in a programming class for our major and were completely above the course level in terms of skill and sort of hit it off talking about Unreal Tournament after a particularly quick lesson. I got absorbed into his group of friends, and because I got to know Al and his friends, I got to know WallHorse. At the time, WallHorse had about 2250 active users, mostly from colleges in the US. While not a particularly impressive figure in terms of numbers, the amount of growth and activity it was showing from word-of-mouth alone was worthy of attention. A lot of younger people don’t understand the climate of the internet in 2003: The web was metamorphosing out of its original form of chat rooms and dial up and slowly transforming into the amazing thing you browse so casually today, but there were definitely growing pains. A huge part of the internet was still a mess in terms of web design and functionality, and most people were still acting like it was 1998. This was the time period where you started to see a number of startups become huge; to give you an idea, MySpace went live two months before WallHorse did. So the story as I came to know from Al & his friends was simple enough: Al hated having to sort through garbage to find the interesting stuff on the internet, and threw together a really basic and sloppy webpage design that allowed visitors to rate website links by giving them thumbs up or down. He’d taken this idea to a forum where he’d met Ceiling Jockey, a guy with a lot of experience as an admin who thought Al had a pretty interesting idea, but suggested integrating an account system that would allow users to submit their own websites and links and keep track of the content they liked and those that submitted it. WallHorse ended up launching in July of 2003, with me joining in February of 2004. As I said, it already had a pretty dedicated userbase by then, and Al had four other guys besides him and Ceiling Jockey working on it by then, and as I got more and more involved, eventually became the seventh member of the team. Al was actually kind of shitty at web coding and design, but Ceiling Jockey and the other four covered his weaknesses well, and Al had a talent that was rare for an internet savvy person at the time: he was a good businessman. He’d put out a bunch of lines throughout the school year and we’d gotten a lot of traffic and interest from a number of bigger forums at the time. I recall getting a huge spike in traffic from Something Awful right before finals week that pushed us over 15k members. After that things began to accelerate. I decided to room with the other members of the WallHorse team that summer instead of going home, and after bouncing around helping the other members of the team as I could, I became a sort of de facto community manager, relaying and filtering the feedback we were getting from our very quickly expanding group of users. The site began to incorporate some social media aspects, like heavily customizable profiles and our first few power users started to emerge by the end of summer. We started advertising heavily through Google and banner ads, and it seemed like almost overnight we had reached 150, 000 users. The site was starting to generate money at this point, and I was shocked to be pocketing a thousand dollars a month from my work while going to school. Al was starting to come into his own too, and actually dropped out of school by October of 2004. He was spending a lot of time working with Ceiling Jockey on the platform, but even more in correspondence with dozens of websites about advertisements and even renting ad space on WallHorse for more capitol. We hit it big in January of 2005 when Al took a big risk and bought a news piece on Wallhorse that got circulated on AOL & MSN’s homepages. It cost him a lot of time and five thousand dollars, but we went from 500k to one and a half million registered accounts almost overnight. We had to buy new servers and the service was destabilized for nearly two weeks, and despite that we were still registering record numbers of accounts and our traffic put us in Alexa’s top 100 by February. I finally had the guts to go full time with the site after I bombed my finals that May, and was making 8 grand a month right out the gate. Of course, there were problems. Al had run into issues dealing with some of his newer employees and had to fire two of them within a month of their hire. More pressing though, Al and Ceiling Jockey were disagreeing more and more about the direction the site should go. Al was starting to get calls from people with lots of money who were very interested in what WallHorse could become and Ceiling Jockey did not like that. He wasn’t exactly a frequent face on the site’s user sections, but he did interact with them some and the fact he was still essentially anonymous added an aura of mysteriousness to the site’s most enigmatic employee. Come to think of it, I don’t even think I ever knew where he lived at that time. I know Al was upset about having to deal with sending the guy’s pay to a German bank, but he never did say exactly where he was from. Anyway, to Al’s credit, he waited a damn long time before he finally started looking seriously at buyout offers. By this time it was spring of 2006 and WallHorse had hit an all-time high of 22 on Alexa’s ranking, and we had national attention. Television shows were putting name drops to our service in episodes, there were a couple pop songs that had referential lyrics, and it was insane to be in the eye of the storm. So it came to no-one’s surprise that Al accepted a buyout offer, but everyone was shocked when it came at 700 million dollars. We were ecstatic, and Al threw a huge party at our office for everyone on the team and we had a blast. That was Friday, June 2nd. I went home to tell my folks the good news that weekend and came back to the offices on Monday to a rude awakening: Al was stepping down effective immediately and there would be a round of layoffs. I was incredibly lucky to keep my job, but nearly ? of my co-workers were not. I had to watch the friends I had made over my years at WallHorse pack their desks up on the heels of the site’s greatest success, but that was not as shocking as Al personally asking me to tell Ceiling Jockey that his services were no longer needed. I very reluctantly signed on to our company IM system and tried to lay it out as well as I could to him. To his credit, he seemed to handle it fairly well until he asked me to put Al on for him. I called up Al, but his answer was a firm no. So, he snapped at me. He said this was wrong and it was a thing that would be regretted. I honestly couldn’t say I disagreed with him. I apologized for all of this being so sudden, and he signed off before I could even finish with that. The whole thing left a sour taste in my mouth, but I figured that sometimes not everything worked out as you hope, so I rolled my office chair out from my desk and thought about what I was going to have for dinner that night. And that’s the last thing I can remember for nearly 4 months. It’s a little anticlimactic, but the doctors told me I was hit by a semi that ran a red light. They say it’s a miracle I’m still alive, and that it’s twice the miracle I wasn’t brain damaged to the point of being a drooling vegetable. They say I was driving a 1993 Dodge Dart, they say that my girlfriend was at the hospital within the hour and came to visit every day she could while I was fighting through the worst of it. They say that they’re never heard of, that I dropped out of college two years ago due to failing grades, and that I was an assistant manager of a computer repair store. I had bought a brand new 2006 Charger three days before the accident. I hadn’t had a girlfriend since I was in high school because I was too busy with the site. I guess I was lucky in my own way that the doctors attributed my muddled memories to retrograde amnesia. It kept them from letting my think about it while I was in the hospital. I can’t tell you how surreal it is to have a girl you’ve never seen before in your life sit next to you while you lie in a hospital bed with tubes down your throat tell you how it’s gonna be all right while she holds back tears, getting visits from friends you never had who are genuinely afraid for your life, and to have the biggest thing in your life simply cease to have ever existed. No-one I’ve spoken to since has heard or displayed any knowledge of WallHorse, and after a while, I gave up on it all together. It’s been 9 years since then. It took me a year of Physical Therapy to walk again, and another year before my co
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  • About The Author: Human Defense Initiative
  • Info: HDI is a millennial-led pro-life organization that empowers individuals to be a voice for those without one and assists with crisis pregnancies. DM to join!

Never Rarely Sometimes Always - by Juan Ocharan,
April 01, 2020

3.5/ 5stars









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