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Publisher - World and Science
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Average rating=8,9 of 10 Info=After watching the news on 9/11 with his family, Fernando travels from Mexico to New York City to find his father, an undocumented worker at the World Trade Center's famous Windows on the World restaurant release year=2019 Country=USA Star=Rene Auberjonois Audience score=46 Votes. Imagine this being your first day on the job. Please don't forget to mention that Climate change is not just a financial-scam gravy train - it's the trojan horse for a planned unelected dictatorial global government to end democracy. The sales pitch of it's powerful proponents is: in order to (pretendedly) save the planet, democracv must be circumvented because the public cannot be trusted to know what's best for them (us. The power-seekers needed a scare story vehicle to achieve this goal; hence the alarmist carbon scam was acknowledged to have been planned decades ago, whereupon they set about spinning, and often fabricating, the evidence. The central intent of inventing a carbonic-bogeyman-scapegoat is to suppress the prosperity bestowed by fossil fuels (the cheapest fuel) because prosperity empowers and liberates a population. They want to undermine/ topple the strength of the more prosperous countries; and thwart-and-control the economic progress of the Third world. whilst simultaneously transferring vast wealth to the United Nations - an organisation where it is estimated that for every dollar going into the U.N., only 1 cent emerges out to benefit those in need. Thus, the U.N. (and particularly it's anti-scientific, avidly-political climate panel, the IPCC) is eamarked as the core element of the intended one-world un-elected government. The U.N. is already well on it's way to achieving this role thanks pertly to the ACTUALLY-FAILED Copenhagen intergovernmental climate Treaty - WHICH FAILURE they largely ignored and went ahead with anyway by implementing the establishment of nearly 700 new bureaucracies worldwide that are chiefly designed to transfer taxpayers money - AND POWER (via regulation) toward the U.N. i.e. away from national governments. The mainstream media are, as always, almost entirely silent on these matters - both then and since. The current estimated total cost of fleecing taxpayers worldwide via the U.N.-led climate scam is 1.5 Trillion (1,500 Billion) per annum. The same climate extremists are currently seeking to increase that figure to 10 Trillion per annum over the next 10 years i.e. 100 Trillion over the decade, to tackle that which is clearly demonstrably a non-problem.
Thankyou so much for bringing this informative, hugely important information to light. Incredible how the bigger picture continues to grow as more and more dots are joined together. Love and light ? xxx. 5:40 - 6:10. It's the Jesuits that are doin it! But don't worry, sit back and relax, Jesus is going to save us all, any minute from now. I visited the top of the towers back in 1996. I was 10 at the time, but I still remember it vividly. Thank you very much for all your hard work. Regarding comments here, please can we show utmost respect and not use words like cretins, idiots, sheeple to alienate people new to this info, many of them attending XR with heartfelt intention, but just need to get the real background. We have serious work to undo all the propaganda people have been fed. We need everyone to oppose the real issues. Personally, 5G, if thats at all possible? Good posts for Facebook to reverse the damage by XR to unbrainwash people urgently required.
Those alarm sounds are so chilling. If you live or work outdoors all day long, you don¡Çt need to look out a window or a door to see nature. You¡Çre in it, even if in a town or city. Many of us must work indoors for at least part, if not most, of the day. Work, school and other duties require us to be inside, even on lovely summer days. Hopefully there are windows where we work. Every now and then I visit a place with no windows. I couldn¡Çt work in a place like that. It¡Çs hard enough for me to be indoors even with floor-to- ceiling doors and windows. I¡Çm always looking out to see what I can see. I long to be outdoors, even when the weather is iffy. At home my studio/office looks out on my back yard and I can watch birds at the feeder or foraging in the bushes and trees when taking a mental break. At my day job, I look out over a driveway to a wooded area through expansive glass doors. Throughout the season various birds and animals entertain me. Some people haven¡Çt a choice. They are stuck indoors due to illness or injury. Windows give them an opportunity to watch the world go by, even if that world is small or mostly urban. Nature has a way of expanding into the tiniest, unfriendliest of spaces. I¡Çve been dealing with a minor injury that ended up getting infected, so my own mobility has been affected over the last few weeks. The medicine has been worse than the injury, and I¡Çve been forced to stay off my feet and indoors for much of the time. It¡Çs been frustrating and dull. Thank heavens for windows. We live in a tiny house that is chockablock full of windows. It¡Çs why we bought it over 30 years ago. It sits like a compass. One side faces squarely north and the opposite points south. Each side has its own charms at different points in the day. For years I¡Çve said that all I¡Çd need if I became immobile was a window overlooking a garden and a bird feeder. It can keep me entertained for hours on end. Summer is full of bird families marching around lawns and any scrap of weedy grass they can find while they forage for bugs and worms. Insects and other little invertebrates are hatching all over, and there is plenty of food out there for everyone, whether it be rabbit, fox or praying mantis. The closer one looks at the small world presented by a window or two, the more you¡Çll see. Your house, office or car act as a blind, and nature will move about as if you were invisible. Perhaps a moth will land on your window. Just the other day I watched a garden snail slowly ascend one of our screens. It glimmered with a golden yellow as it made its way higher and higher. I¡Çm not sure where it thought it was going as it left the safety of vegetation behind. It would be easy picking for a hungry bird or could dry out in the sun, but it was lovely to behold in that moment. I have to admit I tapped the screen, so it fell back into the garden below. At work I¡Çve watched a parade of bird families and a squirrel family learn the ropes. Rabbits chew on dandelions and grass only a few feet from me. Chipmunks stop to peer in through the glass doors and a fine array of butterflies flutters by. If you know someone who is housebound, think about setting up a comfy chair for him or her by a window. If possible, add a bird feeder, though I know many complexes won¡Çt allow them. Hopefully the view will include some bushes and trees, flowers and weeds. Planters full of flowers pollinators love could be arranged, where the homebound can enjoy the daily show of bees and butterflies as well as hummingbirds, catbirds and orioles. The world outside our windows will never replace the one we can wander through freely out our back doors. Sometimes, though, it¡Çs the best we have. Make your view a great one, and keep it a little wild, no matter where you live. And, maybe help someone else enjoy their view, too. It will help you both feel better. Mary Richmond is an artist, writer, naturalist and educator who grew up on the Cape and lives in Hyannis. Visit.
0:28 traumatizing ?. But the main entrance to 'Windows' didn't look like this. ??? Aluminium ? won't help with fires ??? He who controls the weather controls the world... 5G Genocide. I dined here 10 times with 9 different young my ex-wife twice (the others were pre and post marriage. I now live in the DC area, and though there is a thriving dining scene, nothing can come close to the Window's experience. I had a very expensive dinner at a famous steakhouse here recently that had no outside view at all. Compare that to the mind-blowing visuals here. Of course in Windows, that view of midtown that I remember so fondly, was a tragic and fatal one on that last morning.
The alarm at 2:13. that's chilling, alright. Suns coming up 9/11/01 5:31 Am. 3 hours later. Windows on the World, despite the fact that it takes place in the weeks following the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York, is a film that is urgently for our time. It is a hero's journey of a son trying to find his father in that grief-stricken landscape and the characters stand in for the millions of immigrants, legal and illegal, who contribute in their everyday lives, to the American landscape. The film seeks to counter the narrative that's all-too-prevalent in today's political and media landscape by telling a story set in America's biggest and most diverse city, at its darkest time. The script by playwright and novelist Robert Mailer Anderson (who also produced the film) is wise and completely engaging; he creates indelible characters who are ultimately inspiring and uplifting. Edward James Olmos gives what he considers to be the performance of a lifetime, and the rest of the cast is terrific as well-with a special shout-out to Glynn Turman. The direction, by Olmos's son Michael, is sure-handed, getting terrific performances from his cast, including his father, in this father-son story, and it's beautifully lensed. The music, including jazz and a title track written by Anderson, is pitch-perfect, supporting the story without getting in the way. This film should be seen by everybody-and I'm sure it will be in mainstream distribution soon, as this is a time when, although the major studios may have turned their backs on substance, terrific indie films like this one have many other possible venues. If you can't see it at a film festival, like I did, keep a keen eye out for it. Terrific and inspiring.

Maps: Power, Plunder and Possession- Windows on the World (1 of 3) - video dailymotion
Windows on the World

9.3/ 10stars









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