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  1. Correspondent - Free Burma Rangers
  2. Biography: The Free Burma Rangers (FBR) is a multi-ethnic humanitarian service movement working to help free the oppressed in Burma, Syria, Iraq and Kurdistan.

Year 2020
creator Brent Gudgel USA
Thanks for all you guys bring the love and help my Karen peoples ?? Im happy to see more videos. You go to a battlefield and help a party and the other party attack you. And you wonder why you get hit? Really. ????????. Free burma rangers watch full length hd. Free burma rangers watch full length season. One day, on one day, I will go there and greet my relatives. Nice song, FBI is also KNU strengths.

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How can I joint. Eubank Tells ISIS member Start a New life in Germany. How exactly are these cLiberals stoping ISIS by Helping ISIS continue ? Deception is Reigning just as God said Stop ISIS by spending propaganda for them, Helping then Escape Justice and kill More Christians which is already Proven ?Eubank is So treasonous instead of advocating for death penalty of ISIS Child trafficking Deceptive terrorist organization He advocates for ISIS to get Amnesty mercy and a Way out and to continue to have custody of Children even Babies tol be raised as ISIS but he deceives he can see change in the Hearts of ISIS, a false prophet of a Marxist ecumenical Treasonous Movement that is Babylonia and caters to Itchy ears who want to hear lies rather than avenge Evil as his Oath he violates, deceptive at @ 2:50 of this Video where he tells a ISIS member start over in Germany start a new life in Germany where the 911 lead Hijacker operated out of. Eubank is the Very worst of Corrupt radical leftist militants in bed with our Enemies he helps escape ! a traitor to the Core. This man furthers Hussein Obama's deceptive Changing Hearts and minds rather than destroying the most heinous actors who are worse even than the vNazis and a Of shoot of vNazi affiliated Muslim Brotherhood / Saudi sunni global terrorism proliferators of plain sunni islam. the reason sunni Kurds have helped isis kill and rape Christins and even Kurds admit vast numbers of Kurds in ISIS is because they share the Sunni Cause of the false prophet a terrorist deceiver and child exploiter as well ! Eubank exploits and puts his own children at risk to flutter a leftist dangerous agenda Helping ISIS guerrilla war of attrition.
Free burma rangers watch full length magnified. Free burma rangers watch full length tv. Free burma rangers watch full length 2016. ????????. Free burma rangers watch full length hair. Marry Christmas to you all Australia see you in next two year at Ta wah camp. I will pray for you, don't be afraid God always be with you... May God bless you... From northeast India. They are real heroes. Keep up the great work our dearest brothers! Our prayers are with you all. Free burma rangers watch full length 2017. Very sad. RIP. Free burma rangers watch full length songs. Merry Christmas from Canada. Blessings. Free burma rangers watch full length games. TÜRK 'ün önünde duramazsınız sizde ölmeden suriyeden çekilin.
Free burma rangers watch full length free. Thank You for Your service. May You rest in peace.

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Speak in Karen. Merry Christmas to you as well! God bless you all. Free burma rangers watch full length.









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