ファイアーエムブレム 海外改造翻訳wiki - FE four Kings 08-01
Ch.8: Imprisoned 08-01
 チャプター8 投獄08−01 

After passing through the northern Behanzin mountains, Water and Lionel arrive at the capital on the western plains. Herethey intend to meet with King Ladon, reigning mornarch of Behanzin, to resolve tensions between their peoples. Ladon is known far and wide as the strongest warrior alive, and his strength is what earned him his title as king. Now the princes enter the city to see him...

Finally, we're here ! We would've gotten here a little sooner without all the distractions, but at least we made it.

Those " distractions " were important, Walter. Don't be so foolish.
 その ”大変なこと”が重要なんだ。ウォルター、王との会見で愚かなことはしないでくれよ。 


Anyway, now that we're here, everyone can go rest up in the inn before I head off to my meeting with King Ladon.

Your meeting ? But Terril said we're both supposed to see him.
 会談か? だがテリルは俺たち二人が彼に会うとしか言っていないが。

I've elected to go on my own. You obviously lack the diplomatic skills for this meeting. If you came, you'd just mess everything up like you usually do.

That's totally unfair ! I never forced you out of any fights because you're weak !
 そいつは不公平だぜ! 俺はお前が戦いが不得手だからと言ってお前を戦いから追い出したことはないぜ。

First of all, I am not weak. I hold my own just as good as you do, if not better. Secondly, this is a vastly different situation than some common scuffle, and the fact that you're even trying to equate them in importance is further proof that you shouldn't come with me.

What if I tell Terril, huh ? He'll be really mad at you.

Terril will understand that I do this for the good of Behanzin and Askia both.

Grrr... What if there's an assassin or something ? You'll need me to protect you.

I'll just take the mercenaries with me.

What, and leave me here all alone ?!

I suppose leaving you to your own devices wouldn't be a good idea either... Ava, Zachary, please stay behind and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.


Okay, I guess.

Everyone else, let us be off.

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