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Coauthor: pissy teagan
Resume: professional adult baby and cartoon enthusiast

cast: Lesley Manville &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) 2019 Duration: 1 Hours 32 Min director: Lisa Barros D'Sa, Glenn Leyburn An extraordinary look at the lives of a middle-aged couple in the midst of the wife's breast cancer diagnosis.

100% this is gonna become a dank meme

I can move with very little or no noise (CRUNCH! CRUNCH. [ first] [ prev] [ next] The Lanaktallan was shaking with fury as Ekret approached. The Maintenance Second High Most's tendrils were curled, his crests inflating and deflating, and his hooves clattering on the concrete slab of the motor pool. His uniform was spotless, as always, and all four of his grasping hands were clean. He was in his near-dress uniform, badges and awards sparking as well as the silver decorations. "High Most, I must protest most strongly the fact you are allowing these aliens access to our vehicles, " The Maintenance Second High Most, one Lowenmoo, complained. "Protest all you want, it is happening, " Ekret stated flatly, walking toward the large buildings where his tanks were kept. "The Terrans have offered to ensure that we are able to work within their tactical computer network as well as are able to coordinate with our forces. An offer I intended on taking them up on. " Lowenmoo shuddered with anger. "We do not need their help! They haven't even been rated on the level of their sapience! What could they have to teach or offer us? " "Their plasma compression chambers are eighteen times more efficient that ours, cool down four times as fast, their barrels are 340% more durable than ours, and are capable of firing five times as fast at the same bore width and chamber weight, " Ekret stated, still moving at a steady walk to the hangar. "Just for that alone I would gratefully invite them over to engage in inter-species sexual intercourse with their choice of my mother or sister. " The Lanaktallan inflated his crests with horror. "That kind of firepower alone ends battles faster than our weapons. Their focusing arrays are stronger, increasing the plasma cannon's range, they use a laser 'tip' to heat the air so that it does not attenuate the plasma as much. Why haven't our military researchers come up with that simple of a method to increase range, " Ekret asked. He saluted the door guards, who were standing next to the massive Terran warborgs who had taken up stations recently. "I would not presume to know. That is outside and above our paygrade, " The Lanaktallan harrumphed. It paused for a second. "And above your birth station, Heavy Armor Most High, " the four legged creature said slyly to remind Ekret of 'his place' in the scheme of things. "In combat one's station matters little, all that matters is one's will, skill, and equipment, " Ekret stated. The Maintenance Second Most High harrumphed as they entered the hangar and were great with chaos. Terrans swarmed everywhere. Moving about quickly, sometimes at a jog, sometimes running. Carrying parts, tools, equipment. Climbing on the tanks, working under them, on the sides, conversing with the crews, attaching equipment to the tanks, or opening sections to gain access to critical systems. They called out to one another with their voices and Ekret could tell that the air was thick with implant and com array discussions. He could see VR keyboards, manuals, schematics glimmering in the air and ass he watched one Terran turned his palm up to project a schematic for several interested technicians to lean forward and examine. The maintenance officers, primarily Lanaktallan's, were all clustered against the back wall, staring at the humans and some of the other 'lesser' species as they worked. "They are causing chaos, you must stop them, Heavy Armor High Most, " The Lanaktallan said, wringing his four hands together. Ekret's brain, without the help of his implant, quickly deduced what everyone was up to. He'd seen plenty of maintenance done after the battlefield when the maintenance techs were trying to get ready for the Corporate Inspection Most High's arrival. "Yes, they are, " Ekret mused, heading toward his own heavy tank. His crew were watching a Terran affix something to the inside of the rear glacis, where the crumple-zone airspace was located that was supposed to keep EFP rounds from gutting his tank. "Most High, " his gunner, Cheepeek, snapped. "Relax, " Ekret said, waving a paw. He climbed up the tank, ignoring the Lanaktallan's plaintive pleas to stop the Terrans. He looked at the driver. "How is our vehicle? " The saurian blinked his clear inner eyelids twice then gestured for Ekret to follow him into the tank. Once they were both inside the saurian, Driver Second Class Sselssen made a gesture of irritation. "The Terrans, they try to hide it, but they are angry with our maintenance crews, " He said. "Why is that? Speak freely, we have been through too many battles together for you to worry about combing my fur, " Ekret said. "The Terrans claim we have armor and frame microfractures, that the alloy of our hull is showing stress, that our engine is not running at optimal performance, and that our computer systems are sadly lacking, " Sselssen hissed. "Rather than rub my tail in it, their 'maintenance chief' ordered first our own crew to fix it, and when they refused, saying it was within company tolerances, he ordered his own men to carry out the repairs. " Ekret waited a moment. "And? " Sselssen slapped his tailtip twice, a habit Ekret knew meant the other being was stressed. "They showed me, with our own instruments, how badly our vehicle has been maintained. I requested they repair our vehicle as if it was a Terran one and do you know what the 'maintenance chief' told me? " Ekret sighed. "I assume he said no. " Sselssen slapped his tail again. "He told me, looking me right in my left eye: 'Bound by steel and blood, to lessen you is to lessen myself. Our lives are in one another's hands. It will be done. ' and ordered his men to get to work. " Ekret cocked his head in confusion, then flicked his ears in assent. "All right. So... " "Hi! ' The voice interrupted their discussion. It came from the command panel and Ekret looked at it as Sselssen looked around the cramped tank compartment. A computer generated face, a blank icon usually used by the Unified Communications Agency, was on his command communication panel. "Greetings, " Ekret said. "It's your aVI, a warboi, " Zkukov whispered to him over the implant. "He's just been hashed, so he'll be curious about the tank. " The image jumped from display to display. Ekret motioned for Sselssen to relax. Finally the icon stopped and 'looked' at Ekret. "Cav All the Way! It Will Be Done! " the image spoke and bobbed up and down while showing the rune for pleasure. "Welcome aboard. You are installed to assist us? " Ekret asked. "I work best with bio-troops, " The 'warboi' chirped. "Together, we work the best. I compute a thirty percent increase in effectiveness. " Sselssen raised his tail curiously. "What if we were just moving toward the battle and I suddenly went to maximum acceleration, computer? " "I would double-check the scans to see what I missed and assume your predator instinct had alerted you to a threat I cannot detect, " The aVI said. "Did you know a human can tell if someone is staring at them even if the one staring at the human is hidden from sight and behind the human? Nobody knows why! " Sselssen twitched his tail again. "That is very interesting. What should we call you? " "Bouncy, " Ekret said, watching the little icon for the aVI (advanced VI) bounce eagerly on the screen. "I like that name, " Bouncy answered. "Indeed, " Ekret looked at the VI's icon. "Is there anything else? " "Our tank is in need of immediate repair, refurbishing, Service Life Extension, and refit, " Bouncy said, sounding sad. "We are at less than 20% battle effective. Should I file a maintenance report? " "Yes, " Ekret said. "File it with the Terrans of 3rd COSCOM, " he turned to Sselssen, "I shall be outside the tank. I wish to see the progress. " "As you wish, High Most, " Sselseen said. As Ekret climbed out he could see the VI, Bouncy the warboi, going through systems and running maintenance depot level diagnostics, somehow getting by the Corporate security lockouts. The bay was still full of chaos, with the normal team still against the far wall. They'd started clustering up by rank and Ekret knew they would soon be complaining. A Terran who looked more cyborg than bio came up, nodding. "General Trucker, 3rd Armor Division. You must be Armored High Most Ekret, the new Armored Scout Recon Division CO, " The big Terran said. Ekret avoided the instinct to cower down in the face of a predator's stare that intense. "Say 'yes, sir' and don't salute, " Zhukov suggested. The AI followed up by uploading Terran Confederate Military etiquette to Ekret. Ekret noticed it all seemed to be for keeping highly aggressive predators from going at each other with knives over rank disputes. "Yes, sir, " Ekret said. The big Terran nodded. "Third COSCOM tells me that through no fault of your own, you're in need of depot maintenance, " he said. "Yes, sir, that is correct, " Ekret answered. "Do you have enough simulators for all your men? I noticed you have ten thousand vehicles divided up between heavy, medium, and light designations. Can you put all of your men in simulators? " General Trucker asked, watching the maintenance crews work. Ekret shook his head. "Only twenty percent of my men are expected to take part in any conflict, " he said. "That may be how you are used to it, V Corps takes a different approach, " The General said. "My military liaison, Zhukov-442, made me aware of that, " Ekret said. "Four-four-two? Good man, that one. Steady head, innovative, works well with non-digitals, an excellent mentor for you during this integration period, " The General mused. "You two getting along? " "Yes, sir, " Ekret said. "Excellent, " The General looked around the bay. "We'll get you interlocked, Armored High Most, don't you worry about that. " Despite the fact that the Terran had been mostly bored looking, his voice calm and unruffled, Ekret believed him. --------------------------- The first simulator practice had been a disaster. Ekret's unit had been virtually wi
I cried my eyes out over Normal People. The ending omg. Sally Rooney has moved to the top of my list. Be careful Donna Tartt because there is a new women who might take the crown from you! I loved Francis in Conversations With Friends! I believe Sally Rooney will become the most beloved author of our time. Download full ordinary love lyrics. I don't know if it's available yet in the UK, but Halle Butler's The New Me is a must-read if you're a fan of Rooney's! Stylistically quite different, but the subject matter relates.
Download full ordinary love quotes. Honestly, as a kpop lover the cleaning is extremely accuarate. Congrats Hannah, you've hit 1 million views on this video ???. Download Full Ordinary love like. Like the movie on Friday evening at cinema, after hard working week, nice to escape with something simple and touching. Liam Nesson is best in any role he plays. Well this is kinda accurate i always use a mouse when playing. OMG I loved divergent couldnt stand the ending to allegiant it was so sad. Download full ordinary love video. Strange decision to release this just before Christmas, but is very absorbing. The relationship described is convincing and the emotions as the cancer theme develops, raw and realistic. The two leads are excellent, but this is a Lesley Manville's film, I would say. She should get nominated for something. It is hard to think of a major actress with a wider range.
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Omg my sweet baby Alex actually bleeding he looks like he gonna cryyyyyy. Download full ordinary love song. Download full ordinary love mp3. Download full ordinary love story. HELLO COLLEGE BASKETBALL FANS! What is going on here? For a refresher, click here. For our First Four hub, click here! After an unbelievable finish to #11 Texas Tech vs. #11 NC State, our full bracket for the 2020 Reddit One Shining Tournament is set. Tomorrow, March Madness (un)officially returns with all of the action a twelve-year-old video game AI can muster. And we can't wait to watch it all with you! Quick Links Schedule (and full bracket) Find the full First Round schedule here! The First Round will consist of eight games per day from 3/19 - 3/22. After that, we'll take a few days to get a head start on simulating the next games. Where can I watch these games? We'll have direct links in the game threads, but you can find our Youtube channel here! Bracket Challenge Unfortunately, since we normally run our bracket challenge through ESPN, we can't use it this year. Thankfully, user leprachaun77 has kindly put together a Challonge bracket here. Since we see no need to reinvent the wheel, we're treating this as the official bracket. Be sure to fill it out by noon ET March 19th! FAQ Some of today's players were six years old when College Hoops 2K8 came out. Are you using updated rosters for 2020? Yep! We originally took rosters from Operation Sports, but they've been modified so much at this point that we've uploaded a new file here. We did our best to balance via updated stats where necessary. If you see an issue with your team during a stream, be sure to let us know - there's a lot of teams (68, to be exact) and we're happy to update as the tournament moves along! How can I spread the word? We want this to get to as many college basketball-deprived people as possible, so feel free to use #RedditMarchMadness on Twitter and to tell anyone who'd be interested! Can I get a downloadable bracket? Yes. Just go to File -> Download -> PDF Document in the bracket link above! I think I can help with something for this tournament. Where should I send suggestions? You can always message the moderators by clicking the button on the sidebar! If you'd like to DM us, our Twitter is here. Otherwise, we try to monitor game threads, our Discord, and the Youtube channel, so chances are we'll see something wherever you post.
That guy at 8:00 : Alexa call my girlfriend Alexa: Which one. Download full ordinary love movie. Curious to hear your thoughts on Conversations with Friends when/if you read it too. 3:22 yahh that's right. Chapter 5 - 1:17:39 - Factory Workers and Truck Drivers. Download full ordinary love music. 'Ordinary Love (2019) is exactly what it says on the tin: a portrait of mundane, turbulent, beautiful love. It charts the journey of a couple moving through tough times and is as thoughtful and nuanced as you'd hope. Its story is rather straightforward (it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect) but it delivers what it needs to and feels all the more 'real' because of it. The focus of the film is something that isn't actually explored all that often and it's great to see it portrayed so sensitively here. The picture's grounded, non- romanticised' romance is brilliant, too. It feels as close to 'real' as possible, an honest and moving exploration of love that never seems heightened or false. The two stars deliver the goods in their subtle, harder-than-you-may-expect roles, coming together as a compelling pair of, essentially, real people. They have flaws and they argue but they also have an undeniable connection. When this is exploited, it's really heart-warming. When it comes down to it, though, the flick just isn't all that exciting or, perhaps, impactful. It's engaging enough and never even close to boring, but it doesn't quite hit home as hard as it ought to. It's good, don't get me wrong. I can't quite put into words what it is that it is, for me, missing. I guess I'll say it like this: it's good, but it's not great. 6/10.
It was just awful. Awful. Rooney has trouble moving the plot along, focusing too much on plot points, pushing her characters around on the board, trying to make her point, trying to cause distress. Drama occurs in very clichéd miscommunications so popular with cheesy movies and TV dramas : someone thinks one thing, the other something else, they're pulled apart. An easy step. Give us more credit, Rooney. It feels just all too shallow. What we have is a rom-com plot line, as you say (that's fine, love genre) and tactics reworked to consider things, talking points. Power. Class. Money. Social leverage. Depression. The writing certainly has a weird take on how we breathe and sigh: He puts his hands in his pockets and suppresses an irritable sigh, but suppresses it with an audible intake of breath, so that it still sounds like a sigh. Just odd. Then Rooney epigraphs the master, George Eliot, at the start (I felt so much promise at this point) and it only sought to remind me, retrospectively, of whose insight into social and class interaction, and love, I wasn't reading. I mean, a solid enough novel- just no voice of our times, as pitched. And the hype spoiled it, it felt not that different from the teen books I read. Masterful PR roll out though.

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