Dark Waters Dailymotion


Writer: Persona y tedio
Bio: Historia, no más. Siempre siento que tendría que estar en otro lugar.
Genres Drama Score 3628 vote directed by Todd Haynes runtime 126Min &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BODQ0M2Y5M2QtZGIwMC00MzJjLThlMzYtNmE3ZTMzZTYzOGEwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTkxNjUyNQ@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) Cast Tim Robbins. I really enjoy your channel I appreciate the information that you bring to the table. I have caught a 55 pound Murray cod. Thank you. 5:45 was hilarious ? hahahahah. Is this base on Flint Michigan drinking water contamination. Good story. Like that kinda Shit ?.
Great, I was on one of your other stories and it didn't have your voice. This one seems to have it. Excellent. Your voice is the best for the stories. Thanks.
Who would in there right mind would stop there car and decided to walk in some tall grass. Xteen hundred men So a normal tuesday in WW1. Is this the Hulk origin story.
Hey Jeremy, you might want to tell your film crew to work on their editing skills. You ¡Èhook¡É your fish on the gold reel and then finish it off on the blue reel. Very impressive! PS: turn off the clicker. I'd imagine this man has a briefcase full of fishing licenses LOL.

It is clear that the camera guy likes that girl ?

Dw wuss up doggy. I remember hearing about this chemical in the 90's It's about time people woke up! They brobily have been making theis chemicals since the 70's it's in everything and everyone. Thanks DOW, DU POUNT,3M BASTERDS. I see Hamilton Ohio on the map ! Park ave. Great job. EVERYONE needs to see this movie. These chemicals are in all of us, especially C8 (PFOA. Derived from The Manhattan Project, DuPont used one of the most toxic "forever chemicals" in everything from cooking products to paint. 99% of all humans have it in their systems.
Before you dismiss this as "hyperbole" or exaggerated for artistic license, don't. This is based on decades of documented and well known civll and criminal cases, countless deaths, DuPont's own records they tried to hide, and on and on. This isn't another "liberal agenda" film as some often state as a means of dismissal - this is about all of us and knows no political bounds. Please, I sincerely explore you, watch this movie and do your own research if you doubt any of it - and prepare to be gutted (warning: not an uplifting film.
Jack was drawned having a long he survive he has a short hair?. Just watched this. The movie was a solid 10/10. Best movie Ive ever fuckin watched. The whole thing was very intense and the ending was very shocking. I highly recommend that everyone watches it. Hey, just found your channel. Great stuff! Love the sound effects. You are an excellent story teller. Looking forward to more! Peace.
Love the smell of napalm in the morning. Big Cast. We Protect us. What an upstanding dude. These testimonials are so deep. wow. thanks dark waters for this outlet. I love your show keep up the good work. Read the book, GO Like Hell for all the backstory. Incredibly interesting. Amazing.
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