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Genres=Romance Year=1944 Actor=Margaret O'Brien &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZWVmZmRlNWQtYzYyMy00ZDljLWE5MjgtNDE5MGVmYTQ5NDk0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc1NTYyMjg@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg) writers=Doris Gilver, Fred F. Finklehoffe USA. What a great dress, cleverly designed to pull the focus. Nice to see her dancing, too; I think people forget she could cut a rug with the best of them. My mom has played this for me since I was a newborn so I basically am raised on this song and Wanda Jackson I'm now 't complain :3. Notes et avis One of the most loving of all movie families. Distribution et équipe technique Informations Studio Warner Bros. Sortie 2004 Copyright © 1944 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Langues Principale Anglais (Stéréo) Additionnelle(s) Allemand (Sous-titre), Bulgare (Sous-titre), Cantonais (Sous-titre), Chinois simplifié (Sous-titre), Chinois traditionnel (Sous-titre), Danois (Sous-titre), Espagnol (Sous-titre), Espagnol (Espagne) (Sous-titre), Estonien (Sous-titre), Finnois (Sous-titre), Français (Sous-titre), Grec (Sous-titre), Hongrois (Sous-titre), Hébreu (Sous-titre), Indonésien (Sous-titre), Italien (Sous-titre), Letton (Sous-titre), Lituanien (Sous-titre), Malais (Sous-titre), Néerlandais (Sous-titre), Polonais (Sous-titre), Portugais (Brésil) (Sous-titre), Portugais (Portugal) (Sous-titre), Russe (Sous-titre), Slovène (Sous-titre), Suédois (Sous-titre), Tchèque (Sous-titre), Thaï (Sous-titre), Turc (Sous-titre), Ukrainien (Sous-titre) Accessibilité Sous-titres codés Les sous-titres codés (CC) désignent des sous-titres existant dans les langues disponibles et contenant des informations pertinentes ne relevant pas du dialogue. D’autres ont aussi acheté Films inclus dans Comédie musicale.
MRS. HOWELL! PERFECT. They're actually performing that; Mary Astor had years of classical piano training and that is both of their voices on the soundtrack. ?Makes it even more special to know it is not dubbed in any way. 4:10 Looks like me when I argue with my boyfriend. I'm 5' 4 and he's like 6' 5. If I can't get up there, he's coming down here. They need to do a reunion get together film that would be awesome. Judy is the best. Don't you hate when you are arguing with your girlfriend/boyfriend where is better to live and it all ends in dance competition. Is that the Debbie Reynolds who was the mother of Carrie Fisher. Okay, now I know the reference to Singing with Mitch in Al Jarreau's song Better than Anything.
Superb Judy, an enthusiastic performer with incredible verve. We all love her so much.? Her fresh-faced vitality and deft movements keep one engrossed, notwithstanding that Judy was dancing with the greatest partner ever ! Superb figure and dress. How I wish for similar visions to appear on our streets these days. As a life-long fan of Judy Garland, I think it's safe to say that her performance of Esther Smith in MMiSL is one of her best (next to Oz) ever. I was surprised to hear that Garland didn't want the role of Smith, simply because she was 22 at the time she was cast in the movie and her character was 17. Garland was naturally sick of playing "little girls. I am so thankful that she didn't turn the offer down, for I cannot imagine anyone better suited for the part of Esther Smith.
All in all, I'd say in the 200 plus times I have seen this movie it has gotten better and better each time I see it. I first saw it at the age of 12 and as I have grown older I have grown to appreciate the magic of this classic. MMiSL represents what great movies should have been made after and what happened to a great era gone by. Ahh, the good old days.
Film de Vincente Minnelli Comédie, drame, comédie musicale 1 h 53 min 28 novembre 1944 1903 à Saint-Louis. La famille Smith est très unie mais, quand le père accepte du travail à Chicago, l'ambiance se tend, surtout que ses filles vivent leurs premières amours. Casting: acteurs principaux Le Chant du Missouri Casting complet du film Le Chant du Missouri Critiques: avis d'internautes (20) Le Chant du Missouri Tri: recommandées positives négatives plus récentes Critique de Le Chant du Missouri par Hélice A l'inverse du ketchup -goûté, au début du film, par chacun des personnages- le chant du Missouri n'est ni trop aigre, ni trop doux, ni trop épais. Il est parfait. Tellement artificiel que ça fait rêver, tellement musical que ça fait danser, tellement familial que ça fait pleurer. Minnelli réalise là un de ses meilleurs films. Il célèbre. Les jeunes filles, la famille, le cake-walk, le passage... Lire l'avis à propos de Le Chant du Missouri Meet me in St. Louis Sorti en 1944, Le Chant du Missouri est un oeuvre plutôt insolite dans le paysage hollywoodien. Loin d'être organisée autour d'une intrigue aux multiples rebondissements, elle s'attache simplement à suivre la vie quotidienne d'une famille de Saint-Louis au début du XXème siècle. Le réalisateur, Vincente Minnelli, a réalisé ce film en... Le Chant du Missouri: un trésor en technicolor... Il est difficile à-priori d'accorder la note maximum et un coup de cœur pour ce film qui a toutes les apparences de la comédie gentillette et mièvre entre gens de la "haute" et ce dans le contexte d'une famille gaie, unie, heureuse et traditionnelle du début du XXème siècle. De plus on a beau chercher mais d'intrigue il n'est pas vraiment question: ce serait plutôt un assemblage de petites... Critique de Le Chant du Missouri par Biniou Pour son premier film fait avec des moyens Minnelli n’y va pas avec le dos de la cuillère, il signe un chef d’œuvre bouleversant à l’esthétique éblouissante, l’une des plus belles utilisations du Technicolor que j’ai pu voir. Les couleurs y sont chatoyantes à souhait, racontant à elles seules une histoire, que dire alors de la lumière? Cette lumière parcimonieuse, qui se fait oublier dans un... Critique de Le Chant du Missouri par JimAriz Un film rayonnant, constitué de joies pures. Un scénario digne de la période de Noël pour un film qui a révélé deux grosses pointures du cinéma et en a même produit une troisième. En effet, c'est un des premiers films de Minnelli, il y rencontre Judy Garland (parfaite dans le film) et se marie avec. De leur union viendra une fille: Liza Minnelli et l'immense vedette que l'on connait aujourd'hui.... Toutes les critiques du film Le Chant du Missouri (20) Bande-annonce Le Chant du Missouri.

Beautiful. Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light Next year all our troubles will be out of sight Have yourself a merry little Christmas Make the yule tide gay Next year all our troubles will be miles away Once again as in olden days Happy golden days of yore Faithful friends who were dear to us Will be near to us once more Someday soon, we all will be together If the fates allow Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow So have yourself a merry little Christmas now. What a number! Great artist, great singing, great everything! I LOVE THAT SONG! Emmanuel from Paris France.
I love the way she knows how to get around her husband's thinking about money how she gets away from his figures and comes out on top very clever woman These two actors perfect for this movie. Life was so good for that family 4 boys doing just fine in life. THEY live a nice clean decent lives. Happy you have this video available for us to watch as often as we wish thanks.
What a great christmas movie. First time seeing it. Back when movies actually had dialogue... In what you what I'd look better then you. In my coat? In your vest. In my shoes? In your hat! NO YOU CAN'T. Kills me every time. Always thought she was gorgeous. États-Unis, 1944 Comédie musicale, Famille, Romantique In the year before the 1904 St Louis World’s Fair, the four Smith daughters learn lessons of life and love, even as they prepare for a reluctant move to New York. Ce film n'est pas disponible pour le moment sur MUBI mais 30 autres merveilles le sont. Jetez un œil à notre programmation À l'affiche Voir plus (7) Prix & Festivals Academy Awards 1945 | 4 nominations dont: Best Cinematography, Color 1945 | Lauréat: Juvenile Award A Lynchian clash of the ordinary and the grotesque, the graveyard humor of the children countered by their profound sadness of having to leave home, the countless references to death and dying all playing out against a backdrop of an imagined antiquated America ripe with happy endings and marriages. A nostalgic, war-time hit featuring one of Judy Garland’s best performances (she would soon become Minnelli’s wife) and a memorable collection of songs by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane; this film was a tour de force of design, color, and graceful camera movement, and it secured Minnelli’s position at MGM. James Naremore July 26, 2017 Director Vincent Minnelli dances nimbly on the line between comedy and drama, keeping the camera and the story moving as he cuts from one member of the family to another. Elise Nakhnikian August 31, 2016.
But millions more would simply adore to hear you get in the groove. I'd like to see this. I like my movie musicals gay and lusty. For the people that love Ester and Tootie's relationship in the original one in my opinion it's not here this is more about Ester and John's relationship and not about the family. A great family film that's always a pleasure to watch especially during the holidays.
From the cast to the costumes and sets, director Vincente Minnelli took great pains to make this film as true to life as possible. There are just some films you don't tire of seeing. Released in 1944, it stands the test of time and brings home a sense of nostalgia when viewed more than 60 years later. I'm a classics fan and most films today don't even begin to compare with the sincerity, the warmth, and class this film delivers. It was filmed when the Hollywood musical was king of the box office. I recommend it to anyone who wants a diversion from the extreme in-your-face forms of entertainment like Family Guy and Beavis and Butthead reruns.
Du 19 au 25 février au Trianon: - Le Prince oublié de Michel Hazan... avicius (dès 9 ans)+ Ciné-Philo: Le prince oublié - Un Divan à Tunis de Manele Labidi - Jojo Rabbit de Taiki Waititi (dès 9 ans) vo et vf + L'Opéra du Trianon: Il Trovatore de Verdi See More. He gon protect her but ran away after a kiss ???.
Rip Noel Neill 1920-2016. Holy sexual tension, Batman.
Author: Melinda Kinnaird
Biography Love music, movies and TV. Give me a night at home with favorite TV and movies or a night with dear friends and I am one happy girl!









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