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→ ??????
→ ??????

Directed by - Mark Amin
Country - USA cast - Kat Graham, Keean Johnson Creators - Mark Amin Hello Emperor It is an honour to Hear that you are doing okay from my time travelling vessel “The Litany of Friendship” and so my timeline is as shattered as most of the buttresses in the Royal chamber, after Magnus the Red had his anger management session. I am on my way right now to Terra myself and so I hope to see you in a few months will probably make that five years for you because I have no idea what timescale is anymore. I recently went back in time and came across an old church where they were preaching at Easter as they called it back then on earth they were talking about something like the Father, the son, and holy spirit. Maybe that mindless chaos spawn preacher was about to tell you about some very important information like Easter. I think that it is important that you know that the Demon that you talk to should not be invited back onto the show a second time for it may turn the denizens of the imperium on each other. Was the Sanguinor sighted three days after Sanguineous died in that last duel with motherbleeping Horus Lupercal? Did Sanguinius die on a Friday? Did Sanguinius have Angel Wings? If the answer to all these three questions are yes then I strongly advise to proceed with caution about Sanguinella because that might be what the people of the second millennium call Easter Thank you my Emperor Duncan Lakin-Hall Chapter Master of the Pinkmarines Sent from the battle barge known as the Litany of Friendship PS: I send this message and hope that it is not found to early in your past because Im sending it from A ship that frequently travels on time and so this message may reach you at a different time that it was sent.
Watch Full Length emperor. Happy Satan Day! 6/6/16. Let me hear you screeeaamm BLOODSTOCK. 31:00 ? Heard it for the first time at LiR... Author note: The Cryopod to Hell is a Reddit-exclusive story with over three years of editing and refining. As of this post, the total rewrite is 208 parts long and 880, 000+ words. For more information, check out the link below: What is the Cryopod to Hell? Official Discord Server. Support me on Patreon! Every dollar helps, and you get access to lots of art and other cool stuff! Want to read the whole story without waiting? Click here. It's free! I will be reposting the full story on HFY until I've caught up with the current timeline. During that period, I will update the reposted parts to edit them more cohesively, as well. Once I catch up, new parts will be posted on HFY and RedditSerials, alongside my main subreddit as they become available. Thank you for reading, and enjoy.................................... ( Previous Part) ( Part 001)... "So, uh, why ain't you wearing any pants? " "It's a long story. " "Aw, c'mon! Don't be like that. Just tell me why you don't got no pants on! " "I blew myself up. No more pants after that. " "You did WHAT?! How didja manage that? " Satan sighs. He and Barbatos stomp through the barren remains of a forest, now colored black due to its lack of life energy. The Devil uses his Vectors to hover half an inch above the prickly undergrowth, saving his feet from getting poked and pierced, but he pretends to move his feet so that Barbatos is none the wiser. Given Satan's astounding ability to regenerate from death, it surprises me he has such sensitive feet. I can't help but wonder why he's going to such great lengths to hide the existence of his Vectors, given how many demons surely know about his powers. "It's a long story, runt. More importantly, I have a few questions for you. " Barbatos's eyes light up like the fourth of July. "Ooh, ooh, you do? You do?! I know everything, Satan! I'm the smartest demon alive today! Fire away, big boss! " Satan groans. Don't call me that... "This forest. The grass. The beach. Everything's all black and dead. What happened while I was gone? Why is Earth such a shithole now? " Barbatos's excitement vanishes. "Ohh, that. Yeah. Angels call it the Blight. We demons've been out killing everything we can to take their souls. It makes us stronger. I'm almost a Lord, ya know! " Satan raises an eyebrow. "A Lord? I don't follow. " "Man, you've been outta the loop. Yeah, there's a whole ranking system now. The top demon leaders call themselves Emperors; then there are Dukes, Barons, Lords, and Grunts. " "Yeah? So you're not even a Lord yet, pipsqueak? " Steam pours from Barbatos's ears. "Tch! Give it time, nyeh! I've killed so many humans; you wouldn't even believe it! The little shits spit out so many spawnlings that we can't keep up! It won't take long before I gain enough souls to become a Lord! Just you wait and see! " Satan nods along. "Humans, you said? What do they look like? " "Like us, but with dark skin, no horns, and they talk like idiots. Total morons! " Satan's thoughts turn inward. Those primitives I met before fighting Poseidon... they must be the humans Barbatos is referring to. Hmm. Out loud, Satan says, "I've met them already. They seemed incredibly weak. " "Oh yeah, totally, " Barbatos replies, nodding along like he owns the conversation. "They're total pushovers. Even Agares can take them out, and that guy's in bad shape. The stupid fleshbags practically kill themselves if you look at 'em the wrong-" Satan interrupts Barbatos. "Hold on; you said 'Agares? ' He's alive? " Barbatos frowns. "Hm? Yeah. Why? Did you think he died? " "No... but I wasn't sure. Raphael told me he killed all of the demons. Is Nerissa alive? Did she make it out of Heaven?! " Satan's eyes turn frantic. He turns to face Barbatos and grabs the little guy by his shoulders. "Is she safe?! " The demon looks at me in surprise. "Well, yeah. She, Belial, 'n Lucifer saved Bael and Diablo. Everyone thought you died. Oh man, the looks on their faces are going to be so hilarious when you come strolling in! " Barbatos pulls away from me and continues walking. He starts spouting off about how everyone will praise him for finding Satan and helping us kill the mighty Poseidon, but Satan's eyes lose focus, and he stops listening. Several sensations of joy and relief wash over him as Satan takes a few moments to thank whatever dark gods might exist for Nerissa's safety. His feelings for Nerissa surprise me. Satan never seemed especially close to her, but then again, perhaps lying limbless in purgatory gave him a moment of respite to think about his priorities and who mattered most to him. Satan rubs his face. Nerissa... Diablo... Agares... everyone's alive! All of them! I... I can't believe it. "Yo, Satan! " Barbatos pipes up, drawing Satan's attention from his thoughts. "What're you doin' just standing around! C'moooon already! " Barbatos's shrill voice makes Satan clench his teeth. Well, there's at least one little demon bastard I wish had died. With a shake of his head, Satan floats over and walks beside Barbatos once again. "Sorry. I got lost in thought. Let's go back to that Blight thing you mentioned before. What is it? " Barbatos shrugs. "I dunno. We killed the animals and took their souls. Soon, the forests started dying. " Satan's gaze turns skeptical. "You killed the animals? Which ones? " "All of 'em! Birds, wolves, deer, cave bears, anything in our path! That's why demons are so strong, now! " "You're kidding. Is the entire Earth dead? All of it?! " Barbatos shakes his head. "Nah, but it might be, soon. I dunno. There are still lots of animals in the areas the angels and Titans protect. " Satan breathes a sigh of relief. Bloody devils. I left for a couple of millennia, and the demons turned into crazed planet-devouring gluttons. Don't these idiots realize that if Earth dies, we will, too? Who wants to live on a hunk of black dirt?! Several minutes pass as Satan silently grumbles to himself about the stupidity of demonkind. He and Barbatos push further into the dead forest, and eventually, Barbatos stops before a humongous boulder, easily ten times the size of both of us. "Oy! We're here, big boss! Looky, look! " Satan crosses his arms. "Huh? What's so important about this bigass rock? " Barbatos smirks. "It's hiding the entrance to our lair. Watch! Nyehehe! " With a cringy cackle, the little demon throws his weight against the rock and pushes. Despite his tiny size, he surprises me by easily shoving the one-ton stone a few feet forward, exposing a hole underneath it. The shaft extends five-feet down and ends in a sloped pathway which heads deeper underground. Barbatos gestures to me. "C'mon, big boss! I'll take you to the others. " Satan nods. "Not bad. Angels would never think to look here. Alright, let's head inside. " We hop into the opening and pull the rock back into its original position. Darkness engulfs us, but demons possess incredible night vision, allowing them to see without any trouble. Satan creates a ball of flame in his palm to light the way, making Barbatos look at us in astonishment. "Oh, wow! You're a fire-manipulator? " Satan shrugs. "In a way, sure. " Barbatos nods. "Fire-types are super cool! Other than the Sunshine Brothers, we've only got a bunch of Burner grunts working for us. We need some better fire-types to cook those chickens alive! " Satan purses his lips. "I'm not opposed. " "Yeah, yeah! Wow, it's so awesome to have you back, Satan! I bet you're gonna shake things up! We need a guy like you to straighten shit out. " Satan rolls his eyes as we descend further into the underground tunnel systems. "You talk a lot, squirt. " "What can I say, big boss? I've got tons of wisdom to share! " "Wisdom. Mmm. Yes, that's it, for sure. " "I knew you'd understand! Nyehehe! "... Several minutes pass. Soon, we arrive in what I assume are the main levels of the demon's underground lair. Dozens of grunts, scythers, and other variant demons pass us. What surprises me most is that the majority of the demons I see are female. Very few males roam the halls. Given Satan's nudity and his surprisingly well-endowed status, most of the women do a double-take before continuing on their merry way, a slight pep in their step. "What's with all the broads? " Satan asks. "Not that I'm complaining, but there are an awful lot of tits shakin' down here. What, are all the guys fighting the angels up top or somethin'? " For once, Barbatos's expression shifts to something more akin to worry. "Well, err... not quite. There've ah, been some changes while you were gone. " "Uh-huh. Like what? " Barbatos reaches back and scratches his hair. "Uh. Things and stuff. Lucifer will tell ya. " "Lucifer? Why her? " Hardly has Satan asked the question before a demoness with three eyes rounds the corner. Lucifer, as out of the ordinary as ever, aims her forehead's eye at Barbatos. "I knew I detected filth entering my lair. What are you doing here? I told you never to come back. " Satan's eyes widen. Holy shit! Did Lucifer's tits double in size since I last saw her?! Barbatos flinches, unaware of the thoughts running through Satan's mind. "Aw, c'mon! I brought a f-friend, lady! Ain'tcha glad to see your old buddy old pal alive? " He gestures to me. Lucifer's third eye swivels to my face before the other two. Her breath catches. "Bloody hell, Belial! That isn't funny. Stop messing with this pathetic grunt and get back to work. " Satan frowns. "Belial? What are you on about, Lucy? Don't you recognize me? " Lucifer's expression darkens. "You're not funny, succubus. Get Barbatos out of my lair and send him back to Valac where he belongs. " Satan's annoyance rises. "I ain't Belial, you daft cunt! I'm- hold on, Valac? He's alive, too?! " Several seconds pass. Lucifer doesn't reply. When she does, her voice cracks. "For the last... the last time, Belial. Knock it
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“ down. Leave us” - Revenge of the Sith “Gaurds! Leave us”.- Return of the Jedi. Oh and I see you removed your last comment to me. LMAO hahahahaha. Insecure. To correct Uriah, there is a location called Mount Ararat. It is an inactive volcano that lies within what was formerly the nation of Turkey.
Watch full length emperor episode. Emperor english subtitle Watch. Emperor movie download for mobile. It's getting harder and harder for me to prove that the bands I listen to aren't satanic. Emperor A story of love and understanding set amidst the tensions and uncertainties of the days immediately following the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II. On the staff of General Douglas MacArthur (Jones), the de facto ruler of Japan as Supreme Commander of the occupying forces, a leading Japanese expert, General Bonner Fellers (Fox) is charged with reaching a decision of historical importance: should Emperor Hirohito be tried and hanged as a war criminal? Interwoven is the story of Fellers' love affair with Aya, a Japanese exchange student he had met years previously in the U. S. Memories of Aya and his quest to find her in the ravaged post-war landscape help Fellers to discover both his wisdom and his humanity and enable him to come to the momentous decision that changed the course of history and the future of two nations... Movie: Emperor Production Co: Krasnoff Foster Productions, Fellers Film, United Performers' Studio Duration: 105 min Release: 2012.
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Finally Matthew Fox lands a good role. ----- Bart nearly dropped his spanna when a quiet voice interrupted his pounding on the engine block in front of him. "Hey boss? " He glared at the sheepish kommando, his red eyes narrowing to slits. "Don't zoggin' sneak up on me, ya git! If I was workin' on a kustom shoota I coulda blasted yer zoggin' 'ead off. " The kommando shrugged. "Sorry boss, wanted ta tell ya we found doze 'umies you was lookin' for. " The mek grinned ferally. "Now dat's what I like ta hear. Did dey have dat big skinny fing on da roof? " "Jus' like you said, boss. " "Good. Get da lads ready, you've got some krumpin ta do. " ----- The ork hunched low behind a stand of rocks, scrubby grass swaying in the warm nighttime breeze. His gaze was locked on the form of a sentry winding his way around the perimeter of a squat, sturdy structure with a blinking antenna atop it. The sentry rounded a corner out of sight, and the kommando turned to the boyz assembled on the hardpacked dirt behind him. "Arright, lads, 'dis is it. Time ta go, real quiet-like. First git who opens his mouf at 'deze 'umies is gettin' krumped by me. " He picked his way down a barely-visible path through the thorny chaparral, boys following dutifully in his wake. The lead ork had already confiscated a handful of noisy sluggas and replaced them with wicked shivs. Their midnight-purple forms roiled like matte smoke in the starlit darkness. To the naked eye, they were part of the darkened landscape. To the sentries' auspex units they would be seen as clearly as if they marched in broad daylight, but by the time the sentry has worked his way around the building again they are out of sight. He raised his auspex and put his eyes to the lens, scanning the hillside. Lousy munitorum. Another week of work and they could have put the damn thing atop the hill and we'd just need an elevated observation platform. One bloke could watch the whole bloody perimeter. Before he could finish his scan a massive hand clamped around his mouth and throat, and he didn't have time to struggle before his neck was wrung like a poultry hen. Another sentry was grabbed as they passed by a stand of steel drums, a crude axe buried into their back. The third rounded a corner into a gaping jaw full of sturdy tusks. He tried to yelp, but his voice died in his throat as the ork bit his head off. Inside the squat structure the slaughter is quick and brutish. Unarmed radio techs offered little resistance to the burly kommandos as they smashed their way through the building's interior. "Good work lads, I don't fink dey 'eard a fing. Kroggy, you still got dat big bomb I gave ya? " "Sure do boss! We gonna blow dis 'ere fing up? " "Music ta my ears. Not dis fing, da mek wants it in one piece. If ya break dis I'll krump ya good. 'e said ta find da jennies wot power it, so you lads start takin' bites outta da cables until we find da one dat zaps ya da 'ardest. Den we put da bomb on woteva dat cable goes to. " "Wot's a jenny look like? " " I'll worry about dat. You lot jus' bite da cables and find da zappiest one. " Several arguments and one death by electrocution later, the kommandos congregated around a droning, fuming promethium generator. The bomb rested haphazardly on a small flat face of the rumbling Imperial device. "Good work boyz, we'll pour a grog on the ground for ol' Gruftoof when we get back ta camp. 'e was a good lad, and a great conducta. I'm proud of ya. Da mek didn' fink we could do it, but I proved 'im wrong by taking yer sluggas. Now ye can have 'em back, because after dat bomb goes off we gotta krump all da 'umies dat show up to figger out wot 'appened. Now watch out, because da mek is gonna come chargin' in wiv' 'is trukks when 'e 'ears dat bomb go off. Don't shoot at da trukks, and try not to get shot by dem coz we know dey ain't gonna be careful. " He took out a rough burlap sack full of heavy pistols and distributed them to the assembled boyz. The lads accepted the weapons eagerly. A yoof swung his around in excitement, and fired off a few test rounds. The lead kommando stared at him incredulously. "I jus' finished tell- ah zog it, da mek was right. We gotta get outta 'ere, da 'umies sure 'eard dat and we need ta get clear to blow up da bomb. Leg it boys! " The greenskins scatter across the darkened camp, choosing hiding places using their most brootal kunnin'. The kommando eagerly squeezes the trigger on the detonator the mek entrusted to him, and the generator goes up in a plume of acrid smoke. The main lights sputter and die, and dim backups lend an unearthly glow to the facility grounds. An alarm begins to scream. ----- Trooper Markham wasn't sure what had brought him into the dim half-conscious state of pre-wakefulness, but he banged his head immediately afterwards on the bunk above as a shrill klaxon sprang to life. Groaning, he carefully rolled out of bed. All around him his platoon was shaking themselves into alertness. The sergeant was somehow already up and fully dressed, cursing sternly at the groggy press of unwashed bodies. God Emperor, we shouldn't have cracked that second bottle of amasec yesterday evening. He looked blearily at his squadmates shimmying frantically into their combat gear. It was clear he wasn't the only one with a heavy head and a churning stomach. He tried not to sway too visibly as he stooped to reach for his helmet and the barracks began to spin. "What in the blazes is going on, anyway? " He saw real fear in corporal Stennett's eyes when the man turned to him. "Something blew the camp's main generator. " "What, did the junior techpriest get a little handsy with it after all the amasec last night? " Stennett shook his head, his expression unchanged. "This is serious, Markham. We don't know what in the name of the Throne is going on. Didn't you hear the explosion before the lights went? Get your lasgun loaded and primed. " The trooper grabbed his rifle and slapped a power pack into the receptacle. He stuffed a handful of spares into his flak armour's tactical webbing. "Surely it can't be the orks, can it? Those stupid bastards couldn't get within a few klicks of the place without shooting and shouting to high heaven. " The corporal shrugged at him. "We don't know, Markham. Just get ready and get outside, the LT will have our orders. " ----- At least we aren't stationed on an iceball world Trooper Markham thought as the dusty breeze weaved around his unit's feet. He shook his head and tried to refocus on the forced calm of his lieutenant's voice. "-no radio contact since G1 went down, so our objective is to secure the relay building and then reestablish long-range vox with headquarters. Short-range vox has been unable to reach any of the station's staff. Underwood's squad are going to accompany the stubbers on loan from Epsilon company, Stennett's lads will sweep the radio station exterior, and the rest of you will form our assault teams. The junior techpriest will accompany my squad, we'll come in after the assault teams sweep the building. Pass any questions or concerns along to your squad lead and they'll bring them to me. We move out in 3. Dismissed. " Markham's guts churned with pre-op anxiety. Compared to the monotonous dread of garrison duties, the threat of real violence in their own backyard was galling. The sentries had screwed up bad. The trooper thanked his lucky stars that he would share no part of the commissariat's wrath on that particular charge. He thumbed the safety stud on his lasgun as the column of men set off towards the smoky plume at the edge of camp. By the Emperor please let it be a hardware malfuntion the trooper pleaded silently as the noisy tread of standard-issue boots blended into a steady scuffle. As they drew closer to their objective it became ever more clear that something was awry. One of their demolition-men stopped at a ruined scrap of metal and noted that it must have been a proper explosive to throw debris so far. The backup lights cast a frightful aura over the camp, made worse by the dying flames licking hungrily at the wreckage of the generator. Visibility was poor and shadows menaced the guardsmen as they picked their way through the gloom. Too poor for microbeads, the regiment relied on old-fashioned hand signals and disciplined vox technicians to maintain lines of communication in combat. The latter was useless at the small-unit level, and the former was hardly adequate in the night's sparse light conditions. As a result Underwood's squad and the heavy stubbers milled about aimlessly while the assault teams took their time surrounding the building. Stennett's men spread out along their pre-planned sweep vectors, with Markham taking the dreaded far-edge path. He looked down his gunsights with a dry mouth. That's odd, where the hell is Underwood's squad? We're supposed to clear nests for them to set up the stubbers. He was just about to signal to Trooper Bledel to get the corporal's attention when the first throaty gunshots rang out. ----- Kroggy smiled happily at the small cluster of flak-armoured soldiers arrayed before him. They had agreed with his assessment that this hiding place was an excellent vantage point from which to observe the radio station and its grounds. They immediately failed, by da boss' metrics at least, to do their due diligence in securing their vantage point from infiltrators. One of the 'umies with a sword on his hip was chatting animatedly with his fellow as they laid a hefty gun, while a third companion had loaded the weapon and was lugging cartons of ammunition into a small pile near the weapon. Kroggy waited for the ammo-mule to stray out of his comrades' peripheral vision, like da boss taught him, to step out and slam his rusty choppa into the man's torso with a wet, heavy THWUNK. The sturdy metal clove through the man's collarbone with buttery ease, and the bottom two-thirds of him were opened to the sky. Before the other 'umies could respond, he wrenched the blade free and beheaded the hea Epic band, epic song.

Watch full length emperor vs. Powerful mix! ? ? ?. Watch Full Length emperor divers. Who says there can be no grandness in such a simplicity! This is. personally. a very calming ceremony.
Watch full length emperor's new groove. 4:16 jess ngomong kampret. BIKIN SQUAD EVOS THE PUBLIC ITU SIH MARSHA TUMBEN SERIUS. 36:47 please. Accidentally turned my volume all the way up. I dont know how. Its 2 AM. My parents are in the next room next to me, I didnt know what to do, threw my phone at the wall, the music still going. Ran to my phone, and shut it off. God I was scared. Somehow, they didnt wake up.
Feel like watching an ancient Asian coronation... Simple, but majestic Not so loud You feel the respect of the people. Approve on that.

12:50 Dimenangkan oleh evos tua

Snoke's voice is very scary. I love Emperor's bass face. He's so into it. @stANger3001 ha,my mom thought it was pretty cool. Watch Full Length emperor's new.









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