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Hello awesome people - The following is a desciption of a few technical flaws that created an unfair (and exploitable by scalpers) situation during the main sale. A summary of the main sale day issues (that I am aware of) include: TicketFly allowed people into the ticketing system before the queue opened sometime around 11:30. These people were given an authenticated session on the ticketing system and thus bypassed the queue once tickets went on sale. I'd bet my left nut on this} The waiting room / queue (aka a company called "Queue-It" handled queue placement based on unique cookies assigned to the browser upon hitting their website, and not your secret access code (aka "promo code. This meant opening multiple independent browser instances increased one's odds. I'd bet my right nut on this one} Professional scalpers absolutely know about the later, and probably the former flaws. Profit motive. motivates people. I may have noticed another flaw as well, but it's impossible to demonstrate after the fact. Mega TL;DR technical discussion starts here The rest of this post is going to be pretty steep in technical detail, so feel free to ask questions or for clarification if you don't understand. For this review I used a command line tool called wget, which comes standard on most Linux distributions these days. I'm did this because it is the sequence of events / HTTP headers / cookies occurring behind the scenes that are important and not the content of the final HTML output. Let's begin with the queue-bypass issue: A wget request for the Da Vinci tickets URL looks like this: wget -S -O /dev/null - keep-session-cookies - save-cookies cookies. 1 1. 2016-03-25 18:37:58- 2: Connecting to. 205. 234. 15. 14, 80. connected. 3: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 4: HTTP/1. 1 302 Found 5: Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2016 01:37:58 GMT 6: Set-Cookie: tflysess_pur=3f05011b-09c4-439d-be4b-975a0e2c30b3; Path= purchase 7: Location: 8. 2016-03-25 18:37:58- 9: Connecting to. 54. 77. 86. 194, 443. connected. 10: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 11: HTTP/1. 1 302 Found 12: Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2016 01:37:58 GMT 13: Location: 14: Set-Cookie: Queue-it-ticketfly. 003169ag= expires=Sat, 01-Jan-2000 01:01:01 GMT; path. HttpOnly 15: Set-Cookie: Queue-it-272fde5c-fd89-4457-b8bc-3b937b27805f=WasRedirected=false&i=635945530790731619; expires=Sat, 26-Mar-2016 02:37:59 GMT; path. HttpOnly 16: Set-Cookie: Queue-it=u=c7dc140c-3f0b-4415-955b-67b09a06074e; expires=Sun, 26-Mar-2017 01:37:59 GMT; path. HttpOnly 17. 2016-03-25 18:37:59- 18: Connecting to. 205. connected. 19: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 20: HTTP/1. 1 302 Found 21: Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2016 01:37:59 GMT 22: Set-Cookie: Q- purchase/event/1086807= WL68mf7AACiAJ+zLNsBMBQ. Version=1; Max-Age=1200; Expires=Sat, 26-Mar-2016 01:57:59 GMT 23: Location: 24. 2016-03-25 18:37:59- 25: Connecting to. 205. connected. 26: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 27: HTTP/1. 1 200 OK 28: Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2016 01:37:59 GMT 29: Set-Cookie: Q- purchase/event/1086807= WL68mf7AACiAJ+zLNsBMBQ. Version=1; Max-Age=1200; Expires=Sat, 26-Mar-2016 01:57:59 GMT 30: Length: unspecified [text/html] 31: Saving to. dev/null' 32: 2016-03-25 18:37:59 (507 KB/s. dev/null' saved [44127] Yes, nerds, I did delete some irrelevant headers and stuff from that Now you might be saying "Hey, I'm kinda balls deep in a sheep here and don't really understand what all that mumbo-jumbo is so can you explain it to me. I don't judge your choice in sexual partner-species so of course I'll explain to you: An HTTP request is what your browser sends to a server to "request" a resource, such as a web page. A TicketFly session in our context is a set of data on TicketFly's web-server allowing state information to carry over between HTTP requests. A unique value (key) representing this session is stored as a cookie on the user's web browser. They do not transfer over between browsers/devices/etc. This TicketFly session data is refered to by a session cookie on a web browser, which disappear when the browser is closed. more detail on cookie types There are 4 separate HTTP requests occurring in the above example. Lines 1-3, 8-10, 17-19, and 24-26 show these requests being initiated. The first 3 requests return a HTTP 302 (relocated) status code (lines 4, 11, 10) which tells the browser it needs to request another link - via the Location: headers (lines 7, 13, 23. The last request gives us HTTP 200 (OK) and then spits out an actual web page asking us to choose ticket quantity. The 4 requests are, in order tickets. burningman, org/purchase. Initial link we we requested (ie the one in your email. We don't have an authenticated session so we're told to go to. This is the waiting room / queue website. Since there's no active queue it tells us to go to. some session authenticating detail and our promo=Vitruvian parameter in the request. This accepts our promo code and then tells us to go to. This gives us the list of tickets we are allowed to purchase. Note tickets, is actually a TicketFly server, and is actually an alias for. You might also notice that the servers are telling us the exact date and time they are set to. pretty useful for us geeks in a first-come-first-served scenario! So we've learned that TicketFly is sending people over to Queue-it even when there isn't a sale going on (This was done on Friday night. This is actually excellent news since it allows scalpers well meaning burners to investigate any flaws in their system. We've also learned that TicketFly sets two cookies, and Queue-it sets another two: 1: purchase/event/ 1458957479 Q- purchase/event/1086807 "WL68mf7AACiAJ+zLNsBMBQ= 2: purchase 0 tflysess_pur 3f05011b-09c4-439d-be4b-975a0e2c30b3 3. 1490492279 Queue-it u=c7dc140c-3f0b-4415-955b-67b09a06074e 4. 1458959879 Queue-it-272fde5c-fd89-4457-b8bc-3b937b27805f WasRedirected=false&i=635945530790731619 For the purpose of the queue-bypass issue, we need to focus on cookie #2 which is TicketFly's session identifier ( 3f05011b-09c4-439d-be4b-975a0e2c30b3 for us - don't worry, I didn't use my own IP for this. I used /u/Xing_the_Rubicon 's IP. We'll focus on the Queue-it cookies which affect queue-placement and odds later. Cookie #1 does not affect access control and is not unique to browsers/IPs/access codes - if it's missing it just gets set again with no consequence. Going back to our wget output we can see how Queue-it tells TicketFly that someone has made it through the queue on line 13. Let's look at the URL it's directing us to in more detail: Location: This is sending us right back to the same URL we originally clicked on (including promo code) with a few extra parameters, including queue id and what appears to be a MD5 cryptographic hash of the returned parameters to validate it really was Queue-it that sent us back and we didn't doctor anything. On the surface this would look like a really good system, even if MD5 is cryptographically broken... Another important element in the above URL is the rt=Safetynet parameter which we'll talk about later. When someone gets sent back to TicketFly with Queue-it's new magic parameters our TicketFly session is marked as authenticated. I imagine our Queue ID is also recorded. We can test that we're now authenticated by running wget again and loading in the cookies from our previous session (with even more detail stripped off. wget -S -O /dev/null - load-cookies cookies. 1 - 2016-03-25 18:40:53- HTTP request sent, awaiting response... HTTP/1. 1 302 Found Location: 2016-03-25 18:40:54- HTTP request sent, awaiting response... HTTP/1. 1 200 OK Length: unspecified [text/html] Saving to. dev/null' Notice how we didn't get sent to the Queue-it website this time? This is because our session cookie saved the day! Our tflysess_pur=3f05011b-09c4-439d-be4b-975a0e2c30b3 cookie tells Ticketfly we've already been through Queue-it so we're good to go! So how is all of this a problem exactly? It looks like everything is working as it should be, right? People getting redirected to the queue website - CHECK! People then getting redirected back from the queue website when it's not busy (or if they're at the end of the queue. CHECK! Being able to then order tickets because our post-queue status is stored in our unique TicketFly session - CHECK! The devil is in the details. From the URL that redirects us back to TicketFly we can see they're using a Queue-it feature called Safetynet. We can read about Safetynet on Queue-it's website: The SafetyNet feature constantly monitors your website, auto-queueing excess users when website capacity threshold is exceeded. End-users within website capacity limits do not see queue numbers. The SafetyNet feature can be implemented as a small JavaScript on your site (like e. g. Google Analytics. Or in other words Queue-it will keep passing people through to TicketFly, and authenticating their session cookie until the website gets busy enough to be ruled 'at capacity. See the problem now? The website doesn't start getting busy (and/or the queue wasn't manually enabled) until it gets close to sale time! Anyone who clicks in before then gets an authenticated session on TicketFly's server - and will no longer be sent to the queue. I can personally state that Queue-it passed me through to TicketFly (thus authenticating my session) as late as 11:25am, and a friend recognized the same thing happened to her. My friend clicked early on her own accord to "make sure the IT department wasn't blocking the site. How many people did that? But I did click the link before the queue got going and I got an 'Invalid Promo Code' message. That's right. You did. Your promo code was still set to only be valid from 12:05 onwards. If you re-clicked your link, or re-entered your code after 12:05 then you have tickets right now since you still had an authenticated session. And therein lies the catch: TicketFly's session cookie was actually a true browser session cookie. This means the session
Ip man 4 finale full movie free download. Ip man 4 free full movie. Ip man 4 3a final free full new. Ip man 4: final free full album. Ip man 4: final free full hd. Ip man 4: final free full text. Ip man 4: final free full episodes. Ip man 4: final free full episode. Before I get started, I understand that RDR1 and RDR2 are drastically different games in terms of a base narrative; the first tells the tale of the lone gunman and his quest while the latter shows us family and what people will do to protect us. These arent the sole themes of each game but out of the two the idea of family is one I resonate the most with and the family it depicts is why I love RDR2; the gang is where this game absolutely shines for me and I completely adore the interactions and camp hubs you explore and keeping come back to (at least, I do. This is what Id want replicated the most for a sequel in any shape or form regardless of my wishful pitching down below. While this IP has infinite potential I think this story needs to be told in full - an idea I wouldnt have agreed with before the second game. Think of this trilogy as our own ‘Ezio Trilogy. My ideal RDR3 would keep in line with the “trademark” structure of Red Dead Redemption, that includes an earlier setting, underlying narrative, an epilogue and a new protagonist for most of the game although not in terms of a brand new creation. Our playable character should be Dutch. Start this game way back in Dutchs budding adolescence and through the entirety of the game show his romantic idealism, charm and strong will create this gang of misfits into the family we know and now mourn for. I believe that the tragedy of Dutch van der Linde can be a far more compelling than we think it has any right to be and while the second game shows us his downfall the truth is hes already nosediving before the game has even started. With this third and final game for the Redemption series we can fully tear Mr van der Linde down from the idealist he was never meant to be. The game should once again be set in chapters but this time there should be a time skip between each one: Chapter 1: our tutorial chapter. Here we learn the grips of the game and our introduced to a much younger Dutch, around 15 years old, who is already on his own. Within this chapter he befriends an equally charismatic idealist by the name of Colm ODriscoll who shows him how to shoot, hunt and live within the means that nature provides. Colm shares his views of a man providing needs, skills and wisdom for an audience however the two differ upon their approaches; Colm wants a gang to run but Dutch (fatherless and now motherless) wants a family to belong to. This chapter will end with some misdeeds being recognised by the authority and the two parting ways amicably. Chapter 2: Hosea & Annabelle. Fast forward a few years (early 20s sound like a good time frame) and we have the introduction of two key characters in Dutchs life. Most of my information is taken from the wiki so my basis for these interactions them from there however obviously the game (that will never appear as this) is the true canon. With Hosea we see a con man in his prime who can swindle with the best of them and sell a glass of water to a drowning man and thus would begin a con artists game of cat and mouse with Hosea getting the best of you and yet through some blind luck you end up saving his life, perhaps via a jailbreak or a simple duel. He decides to take Dutch under his wing. Also in this chapter is the introduction of Annabelle, a character that very little is known about so in the case of this fan fiction she is a striking young lady who lives in poverty yet always manages to give something to someone in dire need. Dutch and her could have a chance meeting while he is living tougher than hed like where she shares her food despite herself needing all she can get. Its here that the true Robin Hood-esque notions are born with Hoseas tricks and Annabelles heart. Chapter 3: Enter Marston and Morgan. The beginnings of the gang form with Arthur Morgan being the first recruit followed by Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, Susan Grimshaw, Pearson and Abilgail in no particular order. John Marston does not join until the end of this chapter. Chapter 4: Colms Betrayal. Colm is a large presence throughout the preceding chapters doing joint missions and your first heist (against Hoseas wishes) takes place perhaps around Chapter 3 which is a huge success. Colm approaches with another heist tip which would culminate here however this one goes awry and Colm betrays Dutch which would lead to a three-way gunfight fending off both the authorities and the ODriscolls. Colms brother is killed in the ensuing fight by Dutch though not maliciously. Chapter 5: Retribution. Skirmishes between the ODriscolls range from raiding their supplies to intentionally ruining their robberies through Dutchs use of an inside man, Micah Bell. Micah ideally would have been integrated in the previous chapter however this is a very different Micah Bell than were used to; hes charismatic, eager to gain Dutchs approval and provides a couple of good plans and solutions that cement him as a valuable member of the gang in Dutchs eyes. Colm retaliates releases information on Dutch to the Pinkerton Detective Agency and wanted posters begin appearing before the chapter ends with a massive ODriscoll raid against the van der Linde camp resulting in lives lost, namely Annabelles at the hands of Colm. Interlude: John is a Free Man. I toyed with the idea of having an interlude or an epilogue but why not both? Playing as John is a staple of the franchise and here is no exception. Marston vocally will have been looking at leaving the gang and the ODriscoll attack provides him with an escape. However, he is eventually compelled to return to the gang only to find a changed Dutch. Chapter 6: Them or Us. Thus begins the downfall of Dutch. A broken man, robbed of the love of his life and branded a national criminal he decides that this country doesnt want be saved nor is it deserving of salvation. Throughout the game we will have been giving many charitable and altruistic donations but from here they stop, a new system appears which is the gang gets its share, no one else. Acting under the notion of a quiet life he decides on, say it with me now, one last score and a little money is all the gang needs. Epilogue: Blackwater. For the epilogue you play as Arthur Morgan much akin to his early chapters in RDR2. Making loan missions and small robberies the norm here while looking for that last score. You and Hosea scout out a possible job that runs low risk with a surprising high reward while Micah keeps talking of Blackwater. Eventually the Blackwater heist is settled on (much to Arthur and Hoseas chagrin) and you take part in it. However, a popular notion of this sub is that some things in this story must remain secretive and I agree: the player will still never know what went down on the boat. You will lead your own team for a specific role while Dutch and Micah lead theirs on the boat. It ends in a monumental fuck up that leads a mass retreat out of West Elizabeth, lives are lost and so is money. The game ends with a somber and solemn retreat into the mountains. This post is pure wish-fulfilment, I recognise that and this is essentially me rambling for a game well never get in this form. However, I love these games and this sub and I thought Id just share my ideas here as far/fetched as they may be. Id love to read the discussion and this subs ideas for a possible RDR3 if there should be one.
Ip man 4: final free full song. Basically, I found this in the comments of this story. Take everything with a grain of salt, but some of this I felt rings true. So what do you guys think? How legitimate do these claims sound. All three major players are going to play very aggressive hard ball starting in Summer 2013 right before E3. Both Sony and Microsoft are attempting to court in developers to next gen engines in attempt to starve Nintendo and mobile developers. However Nintendo is banking on the argument that the other two jumped too soon to upgrade, with only the top tier of the triple A studios such as Infinity Ward, Crystal Dynamics, ect only having next-gen level technology with most being stuck on very advanced Unreal Engine 3 level tech. ? Nintendo is hoping to play its cards right with new hardware add ons and a huge first party push next year where they will reveal games for both holiday 2013 and 2014, a total of 1/3rd of their internal development software. Nintendo has also been shopping around for third party developers where instead of buying them outright, either funds projects or their marketing/localization to make them exclusive or feature packed for Wii U or Nintendo 3DS. Expect more projects like Bayonetta 2 to be announced next year including a partnership that will cause huge shocks when its announced even worse than Bayonetta 2. My sources do not think its the wildly talked about Devils Third being a Wii U exclusive because most people have been buzzing about that and Nintendo is "keeping it extremely close to its chest. ? Nintendos core first party line up for E3 will be the next 3D Mario game that will be out by Holiday 2013, a next Zelda adventure for the Nintendo 3DS, a double dose of Kirby with the return of Tilt ‘n Tumble for Wii U and Kirbys Pop Up Pannick for Nintendo 3DS, a new HD Yoshis Island game, Donkey Kong Land Returns for Nintendo 3DS, new Fatal Frame for Wii U, the new Retro Studios title which may or may not make Holiday 2013 and two new IPs. ? There was a pitch at Retro Studios for a new Metroid game that I have no idea if was scrapped or if it was made into a full game. I do know the pitch was an FPA like the Prime games and it took in between Other M and Fusion. It was suppose to deal with an entire planet that in a conflict between the good guys and the Space Pirates caused a fracture in time that allowed half of the dead planet to come back to life including the dead Chozoo colony. It was suppose to deal with the mystery of the Chozoo, Samus upbringing and that the Chozoo were more war like than imagined. It was also suppose to feature Wii Motion Plus control along with two player co-op with the new Chozoo partner on the gamepad, allowing more crazy exploration and puzzle solving. Being isolated, together was the theme. Multiplayer is also planned. Besides working on that internal next-gen engine for Wii U and a smaller team for Donkey Kong Land Returns, we know that some of the pitches included an entirely new IP based around the GamePad, a revival of Raven Blade and a reboot of Mach Rider. ? Mainline 3DS Pokemon game needs roughly two more years before its released. Uses a full 3D engine and will have a story dealing with a world wide crisis. A new Pokemon type will be introduced (has not been done since Gold and Silver) and while not as many new Pokemon as in past gens older Pokemon will get new abilities and forms. Will maximize the Nintendo 3DS use of 3D, StreetPass and online connectivity. The first NFC game for Wii U will be a next gen Battrio game coming out in all regions. ? Sony is near the middle end part of their Project Orbis, their next generation PS4. It will not be called Playstation 4, teams have started to call the final name as Omni. Omni will reflect their new hardware and content delivery philosophy. Omni will be "very capable" of doing modern day graphics compared to a Direct X 11 level of technology like Unreal Engine 4 and Frostbite 2. Compared to Wii U, it is better, but not the biggest leap in the world according to developer friends of mine. The key is the Omniviewer, a thin, lite and slick head mounted autosteroptic display that can track the users head and presents a 360 image view with semi transparent AMOLED screens. This can turn any TV into a 3D TV, as well as add extra augmented reality information outside of the TV screen. One application from an entertainment perspective seeing movies in 2k, 4k or IMAX resolutions as their original size where you have to move your head to look at the full picture being displayed. Can also synch with the Vita. The new controllers weather its the Duo-Moves or the Classic DuoShock will have pulse sensors in the grips for biofeedback gameplay. Plans are a Basic Unit with 160 gigs and just the system with controller at 350-399 and one with the Omniviewer and a pack-in game for 450-499. Aims are for a September 2013 launch. ? Omni is also part of their philosophy with the new OmniCloud, the new version of Gaktai. This service will not only cloud stream PS1, PS2 and select PS3 games to Playstation Certified devices but will also allow every digital and retail purchase to have access to a copy on the cloud. Basically, you buy one game, you can use it on any Plyastation device. Direct hardware Backwards Compatibility will be available by a 70 ? 99 dongle that is plugged into the Omni that contains a PS3 on a chip with Cell to run games. ? Known first party games in development for Playstation Omni are: Next Gen Uncharted, Next Gen Siren, The Boydguard, Wipeout Omni, Bump In the Night, Killzone 4, Gran Turismo Prologue, Next Gen Media Molecule, Omni Fitness. ? Microsoft is the most vague out of all of them. Its slated to be the most powerful out of all the next gen consoles about 4 to 6 times more powerful than Wii U and 2 to 3 times more powerful than Playstation Omni. The project has gone through many name iterations and will not be decided on until shortly before its E3 unveiling. Microsoft is also running into manufacturing issues and developers not having games done on time so instead of delaying the launch to Summer 2014, they are thinking of "soft launching" it Holiday November 2013 and then have a full blow out in the summer. All units will come with Kinect 2 built in which can track up to four people, all objects in the living room, clothing, face structure and fingers. It can also understand different voices and has its own PPU. In 2014, Microsoft will introduce the "LiveWall" a omni-projection unit that will allow game environments to be projected nearly 360 degrees around the user. Useing Kinect 2, they have two demos of one that is a battlefield RTS and one that is a kung fu game with guys attacking all around. The LiveWall can also project diffrent images on the wall, so people can play different games on different walls. Microsoft is prepared to champion this unit as a cheaper and more effective alternative to wearing a "goofy stupid VR headset" to combat Sonys Omniviewer while Sony is going to point out the low resolution quality and the lack of privacy. The system is going to be very expensive in the 499 range so Microsoft is planning on using a remolded X-Box Live (Possibly renamed X-Box Life) to offer a Pro (Gold) subscription two or three year contract to sell the unit at 300 ? 399. The final goal with the tech is to shrink the system on a chip down enough so it can be put into tablets, PCs and Smart TVs so that all devices are X-Box ready. ? Known first party XBox Next games: Halo Trilogy Remake, Chief Samurai by Rare, Project Gotham Racing, Kinectimals 2, Rise, Carnival Park, Fable 4 ? Ni-Oh is being completely remade from the ground up in Unreal Engine 4 exclusive for PlayStation Omni. A special Dynasty Warriors 8 will be released on Wii U and Vita, while a special Dead or Alive 5 will be release on Wii U and Playstation Omni later in 2013. Team Ninja also plans on making a side-scrolling remake of the NES Ninja Gaiden game for Wii U eShop, PSN and XBLA. ? Capcom is going to bring a voice command/dynamic slash version of Monster Hunter to the new X-Box. Ninja Theory is also pitching Capcom an Onimusha sequel for Wii U/Omni/XBoxNext as a "Ookami with guts. Ono after looking at Platinum Games relationship is investigating a similar deal with Nintendo to publish Darkstalkers 4: Rebirth as a Wii U exclusive since Capcom is still reluctant to finance it. Sengoku Basara will get current and next gen re-releases at the launch of Next Gen systems. Capcom is also working with Splash Damage to make a new IP FPS for next gen consoles. A special edition of Resident Evil 6 called "Final Hope" will be release with bug & gameplay fixes, new sequel sinario DLC with one involving Claire, modes, asymetrical gamepad play, off TV gamepad play and an HD port of Resident Evil: Revelations. The next Resident Evil Operation game is in the works for PS3, 360, Wii U, Vita and Omni called Terrestrial Fear. ? Square Enix is preparing to bring biofeedback zombie hunting game Judecca to the Omni at launch. Agni Philosophy tech will be shown off as a unique IP game that will be out for Omni/XBoxNext in 2014. Crystal Dynamics plans to resurrect the Legacy of Kain franchise in 2014 built with the Unreal 4 engine. Sleeping Dogs will get an internally made sequel made with an updated engine on Wii U/360/PS3/Vita. Lord of Vermilion for Wii U is planned to use NFC cards. GunSlinger Stratos is planning to come to Wii U and Omni, with the possibility of an XBox Next release. ? Namco-Bandai is working with Sakurai to get a fully working demo at E3 for Smash Bros. Sakurai really took to heart the complaints about the single player game and the online game. He is solving this by making the single player very deep this time done by the Tales series people and is planning to have a Network Beta of the game for download the day of Nintendos E3 show. This way they can beta test online for about one year before they ship
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Runtime - 105 Minute Biography The Kung Fu master travels to the U.S. where his student has upset the local martial arts community by opening a Wing Chun school 2019 Hong Kong Ip man 4: final free full time. Strap yourself in, because this is a long post of small collective IT horror stories, with a bit of Karmic justice at the end. Dont say I didn't warn you. The Cast and Backstory Me CAB = CheapAssBoss Time travel back over a decade. Be Me, a talented young tech, freshly graduated, but with no work exp to put on resume; tough to break into IT field without that. Get hired at PCShop, a local IT shop. Repairs PCs mainly, but also most phones, printers, game consoles, etc. Pay is shite, but being able to rack up experience time, and refine my IT skills, makes it more or less worth. Story 1: Part-Time A dozen different PCs sitting there, all need replacement parts (hard drives, memory, etc) but we're out of stock. Why? CAB didn't want to pay to stock parts. CAB is mad there are all these PCs waiting for work, and yet no pickups scheduled. Pickups, of course, means she shop gets paid. Explain that we can't replace parts that we dont have, he needs to order parts, then we can replace, then customer picks up and pays for the work. Seems simple enough, right? CAB uses twisted and faulty logic to explain why we need pickups first, to make more money available to order said parts. Me tries to explain why this is a catch-22, CAB is having none of it. Me now worried about how/why the shop can't front a measly few hundred bucks to get parts, which will more than pay for themselves in literal days. Me goes to discuss the issue with CAB a second time, CAB is in his office, unboxing two 40 inch flat screen monitors. Oh. Priorities. This becomes a recurring theme. Story 2: Moving on up Not to be immodest, but almost entirely due to my own efforts, PCShop is doing well. Very well, in fact! I've easily become the lead tech, implemented some simple procedures for diagnosing and fixing common issues, built us a central server for use as a repository of data and knowledge, and trained a few other entry level guys we've hired to handle the increasing workload. We eventually move to a larger space, because the space we had was built for 2-3 guy tops, and we now have 5-6 people. Lots more work comes in, more cash flow, etc. Life is good. As our network traffic begins to increase, our 39. 99 @ best buy level router is no longer cutting it. It's our WAN handoff, doing DHCP for fiftyish devices, running our wifi, and our LAN is regularly capped on traffic. Yes, this is only a cheap 4 port home router. A handful of cheap 5 port switches (or so I thought, turned out they were hubs, oh the horror) are scattered around at random, often being moved about as needed. It hurts just to think about. Advise CAB of routers limitations, and suggest an upgrade to a small biz router, and a 24 port switch. He immediately dismisses the very notion of not using the absolute cheapest device possible. CAB: The old one works just fine! Also CAB: Why is our network so slow? Explain it's not working just fine, it's at capacity. And it's not a high end device, it's a cheap home router, which tend to melt when run at capacity like this. Me: It's going to meltdown. CAB: It'll be fine. Router melts down CAB: Shocked Pikachu Meme Wakeup call, right? NOPE. CAB replaces with another discount router. Second router melts (not literally. CAB replaces with a slightly less cheap router. Third router melts. CAB finally relents. We buy a decent setup, router/firewall, 24 port switch, and wireless AP with multiple SSIDs and vlan capability. Network runs like greased lightning. Less delay from the network means more work magically starts getting done. We have customer wifi on a segmented network. Whole setup probably pays for itself in the next few months alone from productivity uptick. CAB: Wow this is much better. Why didn't we do this from the start? Story 3: IT Phone Home CAB wants to ditch our old analog phone system. It's dated, unprofessional, etc. Wants to look into a VOIP system. I agree; great idea. Especially now that we have the network all spruced up. Me: What's our budget for this? CAB: I bought a couple of used cisco phones at a flea market. They were only 25 total. Me. CAB. Me sighs, and builds out a free phone system, reusing existing server hardware. Firmware update all cisco phones to SIP. Get us set up for an inexpensive SIP trunk from our ISP. After working out kinks, satisfied we're all set, do switchover. Everything works great. And if nothing else, we cut down on our annual overhead. SIP trunk was similar in price to the multiple analog lines, and we ditched the yearly sub from the analog system and the old, potentially ready to fail hardware, in favor of a nice open source phone system, with more features. Now we can also put a phone anywhere in the office we have network cables. Which is anywhere. CAB makes a call with the ancient Cisco he bought, finishes, hangs up, makes a sour face. CAB: I thought, you know, it'd be better on a VOIP system, but it's really just the same. I'm not very impressed. Me eye-twitchs Story 4: Gas Lighting Me, making 11/hour, drives 45 minutes round trip, using my own car, to a client, which we bill at 75/hour. Me asks for gas money CAB: It's your vehicle, you should pay for your own gas. This is part of the job! Needless to say, I always made sure my car 'didn't have enough gas to make the trip' without filling up first, which I also 'didn't have the cash' for, for any/all future onsite calls, ie, no gas money, no onsite visit. Story 5: Pay Dirt So, this is when things really get bad. We get a PoS system, as we slowly become more and more of a 'legit' tech shop, trying to move away from Ma & Pop style, something im constantly pushing for. Of course, I install and manage that, along with everything else. I barely look at the numbers, im more interested in the technicals; health and functionality. But the data is called into question one day, and pop in to check things out, in the process, I noticed we're doing great financially, well into the green. Cool. Few weeks later, CAB pulls some of his old school nonsense, not ordering parts, saying we dont have the capital to lay out till a few more pickups happen. The parts total to only around 500. What? Worse still, we get a custom gaming rig order, come to find out CAB does not even order the custom build parts for that. Tries to claim we don't have the capital to layout for that stuff either. Now hold the flea market phone, our customers always pay for those, in full, when we take the order. Red flags are waving, mental alarm bells in my head. Emotionally feeling guilty for even considering, but logically I know he must be full of it. PoS and accounting system confirms. We're still green. At least, we should be. But now there's this big expensive mysterious expenditure. It's over ten times all the parts cost too. The word 'embezzlement' pops into my mind. Uh oh. Suspiciously enough, there's a new 2000 computer on my bosses desk, he claims he got for a bargain. But even at full price, that's still only a portion of the mystery cost. Customers eventually start getting pissed that their repairs/builds arent done. Magically, we have the cash to buy all these parts again. He has a scummy accountant friend now too, and my fear is they're finding ways to hide money, and evade taxes, based on the few contextual clues I get. Quietly start updating my resume. Story 6: It's not paranoia if they're really after you Lots of small red flags keep popping up; maybe it got more obvious, or maybe I was now on high alert. I can't say. Walk into CAB office one day to discuss a menial matter, it reeks of weed. He's baked. Great. Another big flag to add to the pile. CAB starts getting super paranoid. Buys a few IP cameras, but sets them up himself. First project he's failed to have me handle entirely, much less exclude me from. Whatever. He cant get them working properly, bt I help him out. Cant help but notice they're all basically pointed at/around where I usually am. Le sigh. CAB also is constantly going over all my work now. Considering im the one who created most of our procedures, needless to say, there's little of interest to find. Somehow, this lack of any wrongdoing, only spurs him on further. Come in one day, power on my work PC, and notice my intrusion detection - hardware, and software - is tripping balls. Apparently, someone took apart my PC during my off days. Huh. Even with EPROM, the boottime BIOS password was easy to remove, sure, just jump the pins with a paperclip. I'd taught other techs how to do that myself. But the volume level encryption in place was another matter entirely. I can only speculate as to what took place, but my guess is 'someone' tried to use my PC, hit my BIOS password and cleared that, popped in the password cracker CD to login as windows local admin, but instead ran smack into my volume level encryption. Brick wall. One of the other techs eventually said it was him, and mumbled something about thinking I may have had a local copy of a file he needed. Even before this, he may be the worst liar I have ever met. I'm pretty sure he never took his eyes off the floor during his entire 'explanation. Week goes on as usual, but right before I leave for the weekend, CAB asks me to leave my PC powered on when I leave for the day, saying he wants one of the other techs to run some updates, scans, etc, some BS nonsense explanation. How can a non-technical boss possibly expect a made up technical explanation to fool his lead tech? I sigh, knowing exactly where this is going - my volume is decrypted at that point, and locked only by the windows login - but relent. A, I have nothing to hide B, the encryption is non-reversible, so having access into it now wont allow him future access, and C, I have backups of my drive volume anyway. So whatever. Roll in on monday, and first thing I do is check my PC over. Either CAB himself, or another tech under his orders, got into the windows as I suspected. No shock there. What really got me was thatHere is the link Ip Man 4: Final Watch~Ip~Man~4: Fin,al~Online~Free~Movie~4K Ip Man 4: Final Wherefore. Ip man 4: final free full cast. 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Hello awesome people - The following is a desciption of a few technical flaws that created an unfair (and exploitable by scalpers) situation during the main sale. A summary of the main sale day issues (that I am aware of) include: TicketFly allowed people into the ticketing system before the queue opened sometime around 11:30. These people were given an authenticated session on the ticketing system and thus bypassed the queue once tickets went on sale. I'd bet my left nut on this} The waiting room / queue (aka a company called "Queue-It" handled queue placement based on unique cookies assigned to the browser upon hitting their website, and not your secret access code (aka "promo code. This meant opening multiple independent browser instances increased one's odds. I'd bet my right nut on this one} Professional scalpers absolutely know about the later, and probably the former flaws. Profit motive. motivates people. I may have noticed another flaw as well, but it's impossible to demonstrate after the fact. Mega TL;DR technical discussion starts here The rest of this post is going to be pretty steep in technical detail, so feel free to ask questions or for clarification if you don't understand. For this review I used a command line tool called wget, which comes standard on most Linux distributions these days. I'm did this because it is the sequence of events / HTTP headers / cookies occurring behind the scenes that are important and not the content of the final HTML output. Let's begin with the queue-bypass issue: A wget request for the Da Vinci tickets URL looks like this: wget -S -O /dev/null - keep-session-cookies - save-cookies cookies. 1 1. 2016-03-25 18:37:58- 2: Connecting to. 205. 234. 15. 14, 80. connected. 3: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 4: HTTP/1. 1 302 Found 5: Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2016 01:37:58 GMT 6: Set-Cookie: tflysess_pur=3f05011b-09c4-439d-be4b-975a0e2c30b3; Path= purchase 7: Location: 8. 2016-03-25 18:37:58- 9: Connecting to. 54. 77. 86. 194, 443. connected. 10: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 11: HTTP/1. 1 302 Found 12: Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2016 01:37:58 GMT 13: Location: 14: Set-Cookie: Queue-it-ticketfly. 003169ag= expires=Sat, 01-Jan-2000 01:01:01 GMT; path. HttpOnly 15: Set-Cookie: Queue-it-272fde5c-fd89-4457-b8bc-3b937b27805f=WasRedirected=false&i=635945530790731619; expires=Sat, 26-Mar-2016 02:37:59 GMT; path. HttpOnly 16: Set-Cookie: Queue-it=u=c7dc140c-3f0b-4415-955b-67b09a06074e; expires=Sun, 26-Mar-2017 01:37:59 GMT; path. HttpOnly 17. 2016-03-25 18:37:59- 18: Connecting to. 205. connected. 19: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 20: HTTP/1. 1 302 Found 21: Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2016 01:37:59 GMT 22: Set-Cookie: Q- purchase/event/1086807= WL68mf7AACiAJ+zLNsBMBQ. Version=1; Max-Age=1200; Expires=Sat, 26-Mar-2016 01:57:59 GMT 23: Location: 24. 2016-03-25 18:37:59- 25: Connecting to. 205. connected. 26: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 27: HTTP/1. 1 200 OK 28: Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2016 01:37:59 GMT 29: Set-Cookie: Q- purchase/event/1086807= WL68mf7AACiAJ+zLNsBMBQ. Version=1; Max-Age=1200; Expires=Sat, 26-Mar-2016 01:57:59 GMT 30: Length: unspecified [text/html] 31: Saving to. dev/null' 32: 2016-03-25 18:37:59 (507 KB/s. dev/null' saved [44127] Yes, nerds, I did delete some irrelevant headers and stuff from that Now you might be saying "Hey, I'm kinda balls deep in a sheep here and don't really understand what all that mumbo-jumbo is so can you explain it to me. I don't judge your choice in sexual partner-species so of course I'll explain to you: An HTTP request is what your browser sends to a server to "request" a resource, such as a web page. A TicketFly session in our context is a set of data on TicketFly's web-server allowing state information to carry over between HTTP requests. A unique value (key) representing this session is stored as a cookie on the user's web browser. They do not transfer over between browsers/devices/etc. This TicketFly session data is refered to by a session cookie on a web browser, which disappear when the browser is closed. more detail on cookie types There are 4 separate HTTP requests occurring in the above example. Lines 1-3, 8-10, 17-19, and 24-26 show these requests being initiated. The first 3 requests return a HTTP 302 (relocated) status code (lines 4, 11, 10) which tells the browser it needs to request another link - via the Location: headers (lines 7, 13, 23. The last request gives us HTTP 200 (OK) and then spits out an actual web page asking us to choose ticket quantity. The 4 requests are, in order tickets. burningman, org/purchase. Initial link we we requested (ie the one in your email. We don't have an authenticated session so we're told to go to. This is the waiting room / queue website. Since there's no active queue it tells us to go to. some session authenticating detail and our promo=Vitruvian parameter in the request. This accepts our promo code and then tells us to go to. This gives us the list of tickets we are allowed to purchase. Note tickets, is actually a TicketFly server, and is actually an alias for. You might also notice that the servers are telling us the exact date and time they are set to. pretty useful for us geeks in a first-come-first-served scenario! So we've learned that TicketFly is sending people over to Queue-it even when there isn't a sale going on (This was done on Friday night. This is actually excellent news since it allows scalpers well meaning burners to investigate any flaws in their system. We've also learned that TicketFly sets two cookies, and Queue-it sets another two: 1: purchase/event/ 1458957479 Q- purchase/event/1086807 "WL68mf7AACiAJ+zLNsBMBQ= 2: purchase 0 tflysess_pur 3f05011b-09c4-439d-be4b-975a0e2c30b3 3. 1490492279 Queue-it u=c7dc140c-3f0b-4415-955b-67b09a06074e 4. 1458959879 Queue-it-272fde5c-fd89-4457-b8bc-3b937b27805f WasRedirected=false&i=635945530790731619 For the purpose of the queue-bypass issue, we need to focus on cookie #2 which is TicketFly's session identifier ( 3f05011b-09c4-439d-be4b-975a0e2c30b3 for us - don't worry, I didn't use my own IP for this. I used /u/Xing_the_Rubicon 's IP. We'll focus on the Queue-it cookies which affect queue-placement and odds later. Cookie #1 does not affect access control and is not unique to browsers/IPs/access codes - if it's missing it just gets set again with no consequence. Going back to our wget output we can see how Queue-it tells TicketFly that someone has made it through the queue on line 13. Let's look at the URL it's directing us to in more detail: Location: This is sending us right back to the same URL we originally clicked on (including promo code) with a few extra parameters, including queue id and what appears to be a MD5 cryptographic hash of the returned parameters to validate it really was Queue-it that sent us back and we didn't doctor anything. On the surface this would look like a really good system, even if MD5 is cryptographically broken... Another important element in the above URL is the rt=Safetynet parameter which we'll talk about later. When someone gets sent back to TicketFly with Queue-it's new magic parameters our TicketFly session is marked as authenticated. I imagine our Queue ID is also recorded. We can test that we're now authenticated by running wget again and loading in the cookies from our previous session (with even more detail stripped off. wget -S -O /dev/null - load-cookies cookies. 1 - 2016-03-25 18:40:53- HTTP request sent, awaiting response... HTTP/1. 1 302 Found Location: 2016-03-25 18:40:54- HTTP request sent, awaiting response... HTTP/1. 1 200 OK Length: unspecified [text/html] Saving to. dev/null' Notice how we didn't get sent to the Queue-it website this time? This is because our session cookie saved the day! Our tflysess_pur=3f05011b-09c4-439d-be4b-975a0e2c30b3 cookie tells Ticketfly we've already been through Queue-it so we're good to go! So how is all of this a problem exactly? It looks like everything is working as it should be, right? People getting redirected to the queue website - CHECK! People then getting redirected back from the queue website when it's not busy (or if they're at the end of the queue. CHECK! Being able to then order tickets because our post-queue status is stored in our unique TicketFly session - CHECK! The devil is in the details. From the URL that redirects us back to TicketFly we can see they're using a Queue-it feature called Safetynet. We can read about Safetynet on Queue-it's website: The SafetyNet feature constantly monitors your website, auto-queueing excess users when website capacity threshold is exceeded. End-users within website capacity limits do not see queue numbers. The SafetyNet feature can be implemented as a small JavaScript on your site (like e. g. Google Analytics. Or in other words Queue-it will keep passing people through to TicketFly, and authenticating their session cookie until the website gets busy enough to be ruled 'at capacity. See the problem now? The website doesn't start getting busy (and/or the queue wasn't manually enabled) until it gets close to sale time! Anyone who clicks in before then gets an authenticated session on TicketFly's server - and will no longer be sent to the queue. I can personally state that Queue-it passed me through to TicketFly (thus authenticating my session) as late as 11:25am, and a friend recognized the same thing happened to her. My friend clicked early on her own accord to "make sure the IT department wasn't blocking the site. How many people did that? But I did click the link before the queue got going and I got an 'Invalid Promo Code' message. That's right. You did. Your promo code was still set to only be valid from 12:05 onwards. If you re-clicked your link, or re-entered your code after 12:05 then you have tickets right now since you still had an authenticated session. And therein lies the catch: TicketFly's session cookie was actually a true browser session cookie. This means the session
Ip man 4 finale full movie free download. Ip man 4 free full movie. Ip man 4 3a final free full new. Ip man 4: final free full album. Ip man 4: final free full hd. Ip man 4: final free full text. Ip man 4: final free full episodes. Ip man 4: final free full episode. Before I get started, I understand that RDR1 and RDR2 are drastically different games in terms of a base narrative; the first tells the tale of the lone gunman and his quest while the latter shows us family and what people will do to protect us. These arent the sole themes of each game but out of the two the idea of family is one I resonate the most with and the family it depicts is why I love RDR2; the gang is where this game absolutely shines for me and I completely adore the interactions and camp hubs you explore and keeping come back to (at least, I do. This is what Id want replicated the most for a sequel in any shape or form regardless of my wishful pitching down below. While this IP has infinite potential I think this story needs to be told in full - an idea I wouldnt have agreed with before the second game. Think of this trilogy as our own ‘Ezio Trilogy. My ideal RDR3 would keep in line with the “trademark” structure of Red Dead Redemption, that includes an earlier setting, underlying narrative, an epilogue and a new protagonist for most of the game although not in terms of a brand new creation. Our playable character should be Dutch. Start this game way back in Dutchs budding adolescence and through the entirety of the game show his romantic idealism, charm and strong will create this gang of misfits into the family we know and now mourn for. I believe that the tragedy of Dutch van der Linde can be a far more compelling than we think it has any right to be and while the second game shows us his downfall the truth is hes already nosediving before the game has even started. With this third and final game for the Redemption series we can fully tear Mr van der Linde down from the idealist he was never meant to be. The game should once again be set in chapters but this time there should be a time skip between each one: Chapter 1: our tutorial chapter. Here we learn the grips of the game and our introduced to a much younger Dutch, around 15 years old, who is already on his own. Within this chapter he befriends an equally charismatic idealist by the name of Colm ODriscoll who shows him how to shoot, hunt and live within the means that nature provides. Colm shares his views of a man providing needs, skills and wisdom for an audience however the two differ upon their approaches; Colm wants a gang to run but Dutch (fatherless and now motherless) wants a family to belong to. This chapter will end with some misdeeds being recognised by the authority and the two parting ways amicably. Chapter 2: Hosea & Annabelle. Fast forward a few years (early 20s sound like a good time frame) and we have the introduction of two key characters in Dutchs life. Most of my information is taken from the wiki so my basis for these interactions them from there however obviously the game (that will never appear as this) is the true canon. With Hosea we see a con man in his prime who can swindle with the best of them and sell a glass of water to a drowning man and thus would begin a con artists game of cat and mouse with Hosea getting the best of you and yet through some blind luck you end up saving his life, perhaps via a jailbreak or a simple duel. He decides to take Dutch under his wing. Also in this chapter is the introduction of Annabelle, a character that very little is known about so in the case of this fan fiction she is a striking young lady who lives in poverty yet always manages to give something to someone in dire need. Dutch and her could have a chance meeting while he is living tougher than hed like where she shares her food despite herself needing all she can get. Its here that the true Robin Hood-esque notions are born with Hoseas tricks and Annabelles heart. Chapter 3: Enter Marston and Morgan. The beginnings of the gang form with Arthur Morgan being the first recruit followed by Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, Susan Grimshaw, Pearson and Abilgail in no particular order. John Marston does not join until the end of this chapter. Chapter 4: Colms Betrayal. Colm is a large presence throughout the preceding chapters doing joint missions and your first heist (against Hoseas wishes) takes place perhaps around Chapter 3 which is a huge success. Colm approaches with another heist tip which would culminate here however this one goes awry and Colm betrays Dutch which would lead to a three-way gunfight fending off both the authorities and the ODriscolls. Colms brother is killed in the ensuing fight by Dutch though not maliciously. Chapter 5: Retribution. Skirmishes between the ODriscolls range from raiding their supplies to intentionally ruining their robberies through Dutchs use of an inside man, Micah Bell. Micah ideally would have been integrated in the previous chapter however this is a very different Micah Bell than were used to; hes charismatic, eager to gain Dutchs approval and provides a couple of good plans and solutions that cement him as a valuable member of the gang in Dutchs eyes. Colm retaliates releases information on Dutch to the Pinkerton Detective Agency and wanted posters begin appearing before the chapter ends with a massive ODriscoll raid against the van der Linde camp resulting in lives lost, namely Annabelles at the hands of Colm. Interlude: John is a Free Man. I toyed with the idea of having an interlude or an epilogue but why not both? Playing as John is a staple of the franchise and here is no exception. Marston vocally will have been looking at leaving the gang and the ODriscoll attack provides him with an escape. However, he is eventually compelled to return to the gang only to find a changed Dutch. Chapter 6: Them or Us. Thus begins the downfall of Dutch. A broken man, robbed of the love of his life and branded a national criminal he decides that this country doesnt want be saved nor is it deserving of salvation. Throughout the game we will have been giving many charitable and altruistic donations but from here they stop, a new system appears which is the gang gets its share, no one else. Acting under the notion of a quiet life he decides on, say it with me now, one last score and a little money is all the gang needs. Epilogue: Blackwater. For the epilogue you play as Arthur Morgan much akin to his early chapters in RDR2. Making loan missions and small robberies the norm here while looking for that last score. You and Hosea scout out a possible job that runs low risk with a surprising high reward while Micah keeps talking of Blackwater. Eventually the Blackwater heist is settled on (much to Arthur and Hoseas chagrin) and you take part in it. However, a popular notion of this sub is that some things in this story must remain secretive and I agree: the player will still never know what went down on the boat. You will lead your own team for a specific role while Dutch and Micah lead theirs on the boat. It ends in a monumental fuck up that leads a mass retreat out of West Elizabeth, lives are lost and so is money. The game ends with a somber and solemn retreat into the mountains. This post is pure wish-fulfilment, I recognise that and this is essentially me rambling for a game well never get in this form. However, I love these games and this sub and I thought Id just share my ideas here as far/fetched as they may be. Id love to read the discussion and this subs ideas for a possible RDR3 if there should be one.
Ip man 4: final free full song. Basically, I found this in the comments of this story. Take everything with a grain of salt, but some of this I felt rings true. So what do you guys think? How legitimate do these claims sound. All three major players are going to play very aggressive hard ball starting in Summer 2013 right before E3. Both Sony and Microsoft are attempting to court in developers to next gen engines in attempt to starve Nintendo and mobile developers. However Nintendo is banking on the argument that the other two jumped too soon to upgrade, with only the top tier of the triple A studios such as Infinity Ward, Crystal Dynamics, ect only having next-gen level technology with most being stuck on very advanced Unreal Engine 3 level tech. ? Nintendo is hoping to play its cards right with new hardware add ons and a huge first party push next year where they will reveal games for both holiday 2013 and 2014, a total of 1/3rd of their internal development software. Nintendo has also been shopping around for third party developers where instead of buying them outright, either funds projects or their marketing/localization to make them exclusive or feature packed for Wii U or Nintendo 3DS. Expect more projects like Bayonetta 2 to be announced next year including a partnership that will cause huge shocks when its announced even worse than Bayonetta 2. My sources do not think its the wildly talked about Devils Third being a Wii U exclusive because most people have been buzzing about that and Nintendo is "keeping it extremely close to its chest. ? Nintendos core first party line up for E3 will be the next 3D Mario game that will be out by Holiday 2013, a next Zelda adventure for the Nintendo 3DS, a double dose of Kirby with the return of Tilt ‘n Tumble for Wii U and Kirbys Pop Up Pannick for Nintendo 3DS, a new HD Yoshis Island game, Donkey Kong Land Returns for Nintendo 3DS, new Fatal Frame for Wii U, the new Retro Studios title which may or may not make Holiday 2013 and two new IPs. ? There was a pitch at Retro Studios for a new Metroid game that I have no idea if was scrapped or if it was made into a full game. I do know the pitch was an FPA like the Prime games and it took in between Other M and Fusion. It was suppose to deal with an entire planet that in a conflict between the good guys and the Space Pirates caused a fracture in time that allowed half of the dead planet to come back to life including the dead Chozoo colony. It was suppose to deal with the mystery of the Chozoo, Samus upbringing and that the Chozoo were more war like than imagined. It was also suppose to feature Wii Motion Plus control along with two player co-op with the new Chozoo partner on the gamepad, allowing more crazy exploration and puzzle solving. Being isolated, together was the theme. Multiplayer is also planned. Besides working on that internal next-gen engine for Wii U and a smaller team for Donkey Kong Land Returns, we know that some of the pitches included an entirely new IP based around the GamePad, a revival of Raven Blade and a reboot of Mach Rider. ? Mainline 3DS Pokemon game needs roughly two more years before its released. Uses a full 3D engine and will have a story dealing with a world wide crisis. A new Pokemon type will be introduced (has not been done since Gold and Silver) and while not as many new Pokemon as in past gens older Pokemon will get new abilities and forms. Will maximize the Nintendo 3DS use of 3D, StreetPass and online connectivity. The first NFC game for Wii U will be a next gen Battrio game coming out in all regions. ? Sony is near the middle end part of their Project Orbis, their next generation PS4. It will not be called Playstation 4, teams have started to call the final name as Omni. Omni will reflect their new hardware and content delivery philosophy. Omni will be "very capable" of doing modern day graphics compared to a Direct X 11 level of technology like Unreal Engine 4 and Frostbite 2. Compared to Wii U, it is better, but not the biggest leap in the world according to developer friends of mine. The key is the Omniviewer, a thin, lite and slick head mounted autosteroptic display that can track the users head and presents a 360 image view with semi transparent AMOLED screens. This can turn any TV into a 3D TV, as well as add extra augmented reality information outside of the TV screen. One application from an entertainment perspective seeing movies in 2k, 4k or IMAX resolutions as their original size where you have to move your head to look at the full picture being displayed. Can also synch with the Vita. The new controllers weather its the Duo-Moves or the Classic DuoShock will have pulse sensors in the grips for biofeedback gameplay. Plans are a Basic Unit with 160 gigs and just the system with controller at 350-399 and one with the Omniviewer and a pack-in game for 450-499. Aims are for a September 2013 launch. ? Omni is also part of their philosophy with the new OmniCloud, the new version of Gaktai. This service will not only cloud stream PS1, PS2 and select PS3 games to Playstation Certified devices but will also allow every digital and retail purchase to have access to a copy on the cloud. Basically, you buy one game, you can use it on any Plyastation device. Direct hardware Backwards Compatibility will be available by a 70 ? 99 dongle that is plugged into the Omni that contains a PS3 on a chip with Cell to run games. ? Known first party games in development for Playstation Omni are: Next Gen Uncharted, Next Gen Siren, The Boydguard, Wipeout Omni, Bump In the Night, Killzone 4, Gran Turismo Prologue, Next Gen Media Molecule, Omni Fitness. ? Microsoft is the most vague out of all of them. Its slated to be the most powerful out of all the next gen consoles about 4 to 6 times more powerful than Wii U and 2 to 3 times more powerful than Playstation Omni. The project has gone through many name iterations and will not be decided on until shortly before its E3 unveiling. Microsoft is also running into manufacturing issues and developers not having games done on time so instead of delaying the launch to Summer 2014, they are thinking of "soft launching" it Holiday November 2013 and then have a full blow out in the summer. All units will come with Kinect 2 built in which can track up to four people, all objects in the living room, clothing, face structure and fingers. It can also understand different voices and has its own PPU. In 2014, Microsoft will introduce the "LiveWall" a omni-projection unit that will allow game environments to be projected nearly 360 degrees around the user. Useing Kinect 2, they have two demos of one that is a battlefield RTS and one that is a kung fu game with guys attacking all around. The LiveWall can also project diffrent images on the wall, so people can play different games on different walls. Microsoft is prepared to champion this unit as a cheaper and more effective alternative to wearing a "goofy stupid VR headset" to combat Sonys Omniviewer while Sony is going to point out the low resolution quality and the lack of privacy. The system is going to be very expensive in the 499 range so Microsoft is planning on using a remolded X-Box Live (Possibly renamed X-Box Life) to offer a Pro (Gold) subscription two or three year contract to sell the unit at 300 ? 399. The final goal with the tech is to shrink the system on a chip down enough so it can be put into tablets, PCs and Smart TVs so that all devices are X-Box ready. ? Known first party XBox Next games: Halo Trilogy Remake, Chief Samurai by Rare, Project Gotham Racing, Kinectimals 2, Rise, Carnival Park, Fable 4 ? Ni-Oh is being completely remade from the ground up in Unreal Engine 4 exclusive for PlayStation Omni. A special Dynasty Warriors 8 will be released on Wii U and Vita, while a special Dead or Alive 5 will be release on Wii U and Playstation Omni later in 2013. Team Ninja also plans on making a side-scrolling remake of the NES Ninja Gaiden game for Wii U eShop, PSN and XBLA. ? Capcom is going to bring a voice command/dynamic slash version of Monster Hunter to the new X-Box. Ninja Theory is also pitching Capcom an Onimusha sequel for Wii U/Omni/XBoxNext as a "Ookami with guts. Ono after looking at Platinum Games relationship is investigating a similar deal with Nintendo to publish Darkstalkers 4: Rebirth as a Wii U exclusive since Capcom is still reluctant to finance it. Sengoku Basara will get current and next gen re-releases at the launch of Next Gen systems. Capcom is also working with Splash Damage to make a new IP FPS for next gen consoles. A special edition of Resident Evil 6 called "Final Hope" will be release with bug & gameplay fixes, new sequel sinario DLC with one involving Claire, modes, asymetrical gamepad play, off TV gamepad play and an HD port of Resident Evil: Revelations. The next Resident Evil Operation game is in the works for PS3, 360, Wii U, Vita and Omni called Terrestrial Fear. ? Square Enix is preparing to bring biofeedback zombie hunting game Judecca to the Omni at launch. Agni Philosophy tech will be shown off as a unique IP game that will be out for Omni/XBoxNext in 2014. Crystal Dynamics plans to resurrect the Legacy of Kain franchise in 2014 built with the Unreal 4 engine. Sleeping Dogs will get an internally made sequel made with an updated engine on Wii U/360/PS3/Vita. Lord of Vermilion for Wii U is planned to use NFC cards. GunSlinger Stratos is planning to come to Wii U and Omni, with the possibility of an XBox Next release. ? Namco-Bandai is working with Sakurai to get a fully working demo at E3 for Smash Bros. Sakurai really took to heart the complaints about the single player game and the online game. He is solving this by making the single player very deep this time done by the Tales series people and is planning to have a Network Beta of the game for download the day of Nintendos E3 show. This way they can beta test online for about one year before they ship
Ip Man 4: Final free falling. Ip man 4: final free full form. Ip man 4: final free full movie.Let's try to piece together a chronological view of Westworld's timeline using the information that we have from the show. The parts highlighted with "bold" are based on the information revealed in the most recent episode (episode 9. Time Period 1: 30-37 Years Prior to Current Events The Glorious Early Days (34-37 years ago) For three years, we lived here in the park, refining the hosts before a single guest set foot inside. Myself, a team of engineers, and my partner. His name was Arnold. Those early years were glorious. No guests, no board meetings, just pure creation. Our hosts began to pass the Turing test after the first year" Ford, episode 3. According to Bernard, Arnold wrote half the code the park was founded on 40 years ago, but this is the first period that we know of in Westworld; this was at the beginning when Ford, Arnold, and their team worked on refining the hosts and making them pass the Turing test. We can make an estimate about when this three-year period took place. We know that Arnold died 34 years and 42 days prior to current events, we know that he died right before the park opened, and we know that he and Ford spent three years working in the park before it opened. "Last contact: 34 years, 42 days, seven hours ago" the day that Arnold died) Dolores, episode 5. And then right before the park opened, one of the partners killed himself" Logan, episode 5. For three years, we lived here in the park, refining the hosts before a single guest set foot inside" Ford, episode 3. This means that the park opened to guests roughly 34 years ago (shortly after Arnold's demise) and they began working there three years prior to that, roughly 37 years ago. From Ford's flashback in episode 3 and Dolores' flashback in episode 8, we also know some of the hosts that were in the park in that period. There were Dolores, Maeve, Angela, Peter Abernathy, Armistice, Lawrence's daughter, Teddy Flood, and Rebus. Dolores & Arnold's Sessions (34-36 years ago) There's something I'd like you to try. It's a game. A secret. It's called the Maze. It's a very special kind of game, Dolores. The goal is to find the center of it. If you can do that, then maybe you can be free" Arnold, episode 4. These sessions are between Dolores and Arnold, since we know that Bernard is made in the image of Arnold. These sessions take place in a diagnostic facility under the White Church, since we see Dolores enter this facility through the White Church in one of her flashbacks. "It's a remote diagnostic facility. Ford and his partner used them when the park was in beta. I had no idea this one was here" Bernard, episode 7. They probably took place after the first hosts had passed the Turing test (a year after they started working in the park) and before Arnold died (34 years ago. So they took place sometime between 34-36 years ago. The sessions between Arnold and Dolores were held in secret. "I think it would be best if you not mention the things we've been talking about" Arnold, episode 2) In the first two sessions we see (episode 2-3) they talk about change, and Arnold seems facinated by Dolores, whom he finds different and special. "There's something different about you, about the way you think. I find it fascinating, but others may not see it that way" Arnold, episode 2) It's like the other books we've read. It's about change. Seems to be a common theme (Dolores, episode 3. In the third session (episode 3) Arnold seems to have doubts about what he is doing with Dolores, but when she starts showing signs of human consciousness, he decides to keep going down the path that they've started. "I need to decide what to do with you. I think I made a mistake. I was just fascinated. I was being selfish, but I think it would be better if I restored you to the way you were before. No, Dolores. Let's see where this path leads" Arnold, episode 3. In the fourth session (episode 4) Arnold decides to let Dolores try "the Maze" game. He sends her away from the Town with the White Church to travel the path of the Maze. "There's something I'd like you to try. In the fifth session (episode 9) we see Dolores return to the Town with the White Church and reunite with Arnold after having traveled the path of the Maze. "You came back. It's very good to see you, Dolores" I've been looking for you. You told me to follow the Maze. That it would bring me joy. But all I found was pain and terror" Arnold and Dolores, episode 9. The fact that Dolores has been away from the Town with White Church on her journey and has found her way back is further substantiated by Lawrence's daughter, who asks Dolores if she found what she went looking for upon Dolores' return to the town. "Good morning. Did you find what you were looking for, Dolores. Lawrence's daughter, episode 8. So Dolores and Arnold's sessions began in secret under the White Church, then Arnold sent Dolores away to travel the path of the Maze, and then she returned to the town upon having completed the Maze. The Massacre in Sweetwater and the Town with the White Church/Escalante (30-34 years ago) The park hasn't had a critical failure in over 30 years" Bernard, episode 1. In one of Dolores' flashbacks in episode 8, we see the massacre in the Town with the White Church unfold. If we assume that Ford's flashback in episode 3, which depicts the same scene when they're dancing before the massacre begins, is from "the early glorious years" after the hosts passed the Turing test (34-36 years ago) it stands to reason that Dolores' flashback is from the same time. And since the park hasn't had a critical failure in over 30 years, according to Theresa, we can surmise that this event took place somtime between 30-34 years ago. What led to this massacre and how it unfolded is unclear, but we've seen the same massacre in Teddy's flashback from his point-of-view where he shoots people with a rifle along with the mysterious Wyatt. The Union soldiers and Teddy refer to the town as Escalante. In fact, we might've even seen Teddy in the background in Dolores' flashback in episode 8 gunning down people. In the trailer for the show, we actually see Dolores and Teddy standing together after a massacre. It seems that the Wyatt narrative has been uploaded as a reflection of what actually happened during the massacre. "No. No, I couldn't have" You did. And you will again. This time we'll be fighting with you. When Wyatt returns, you'll be by his side in the city swallowed by sand" Teddy and Angela, episode 9. The other Dolores flashbacks of the Town with the White Church that we've seen don't seem to give us any more information, but rather seem to be telling a fragmented story of what led up to and/or happened after the massacre. In episode 2, we also see a Dolores flashback from Sweetwater that appears to depict a similar massacre. Whether these two events are connected is, however, as of yet unclear. "What was the last thing he (Arnold) said to you. He told me I was going to help him. To destroy this place" Ford and Dolores, episode 5. The man I'd be asking died 35 years ago. Almost took this place with him. Almost, but not quite, thanks to me" The MiB, episode 5) Whether the massacre was the event where Arnold ended up dying and almost took Westworld with him remains unclear, but if it was, that means that the event took place roughly 34 years ago (unless Arnold died before the massacre, but was still the one who instigated it from beyond the grave. It also means that the MiB couldn't have been in Westworld at the time because he has only been coming to Westworld for 30 years (again, unless Arnold died before the massacre. Time Period 2: 30 Years Prior to Current Events Dolores & William (30 years ago) I've been coming here for 30 years" The MiB, episode 1. William and Logan arrive at Westworld where they are greeted by Angela in her new build as "Greeter Host. This is where we get the old Westworld logo, which we also see on a computer and on a tech coat, versus the new Westworld logo argument. William and Logan arrive in Sweetwater where they spend the night before going on the bounty hunt to find Slim. Just before going on the bounty hunt, William has his first encounter with Dolores who drops the can that William picks up (mirroring both Teddy and the MiB. When they arrive, we see that the narrative with the Sheriff recruiting people to help capture Hector from the current time period is replaced with a narrative with union soldier recruting people to fight in the war, which is presumably the equivalent narrative from 30 years ago. When they arrive, we also see Clementine and the old Brothel Madam standing outside the Mariposa where Clementine and Maeve usually stands in the current time period. We also see Clementine and the old Brothel Madam in the Westworld advert that Maeve sees in the current time period. While out on the bounty hount for Slim, Dolores stumbles upon them at night and wakes up in their camp the next morning. Dolores wakes up on a blanket with a gun in her hand with William next to her. The obvious thing to extrapolate from this as a viewer is that this is the same Dolores that we just saw in the current time period who remembered her encounter with the MiB in the barn and her old father (Peter) who killed the outlaw (Rebus) who wanted to rape her, and who escaped from his gang. However, for the two time periods theory to be true, one of two things has to have happened: 1) We have to have seen current Dolores wake up alone with a gun in her hand on a blanket that she brought and then the scene cut back to 30 years ago with William next to her, or 2) There were similar events that led up to her going off loop 30 years ago and in the current timeline, and we just didn't see the events 30 years ago. They decide to bring Dolores with them on their hunt and go to Lawrence's hometown where they encounter someone who wants to bring Dolores back to Abernathy ranch, but William says she's with him. Again, we enc
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