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Country: Portugal, USA. Director: Richard Stanley. Release Year: 2019. movie info: When an iridescent meteorite plummets from outer space and into the property and foundations of a remote New England estate, a malignant force begins to insidiously permeate the lives of an unassuming family. The effects are gradual - time begins to dilate, nature assumes an otherworldly hue - and all things bright and beautiful eventually mutate and corrupt under its influence. So proceeds this eerie adaptation of the short story by H.P. Lovecraft, one of horror's most haunting, here presented by the enigmatic South African filmmaker Richard Stanley. Returning to Midnight Madness 29 years after his hypnotic killer-robot fandango Hardware first premiered in the section, Stanley summons his uniquely hallucinogenic sensibilities to envelope his endearing characters in surreal, incremental dread. At first, their domestic bliss is quietly fraught with an undercurrent of unnerving tension, before eventually boiling over into delirious, acid-fueled terror. The patriarch of this doomed brood is none other than Nicolas Cage, continuing his recent renaissance as a midnight-movie staple with an increasingly unhinged performance that reliably ricochets among every technique in the Stanislavski playbook. The rest of the ensemble, which includes Joely Richardson and Tommy Chong, play effective foils to Cage's delirium, but the real star of the show is the alien entity itself. This all-consuming, dispassionate menace manifests itself in a series of grotesque, body-horror, and psychedelic spectacles, worthy of its ineffable literary origins. actors: Elliot Knight, Joely Richardson. 5025 Vote. A Cor que Caiu do espaces.
Watch These Movies Before ‘Color Out of Space - Watch These Movies Before ‘Color Out of Space This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. H. P. Lovecraft was a huge racist. He wrote tons of hugely influential cosmic horror fiction, but even in his more bigoted era his racism stood out. You can keep liking his giant squid monsters just fine, I know I sure do, but you cant deny this. With that out of the way lets talk about the exciting new attempt to translate Lovecrafts indescribable nightmares to the big screen. Watch these movies before Color Out of Space. Mandy Between its psychedelic color scheme, cosmic post-apocalypse vibes, and manic Nic Cage performance, wed forgive you for thinking Color Out of Space was some kind of follow-up to Mandy. The two films even share the same production company. But Mandy is an original horror thriller about Cages cocaine/acid odyssey through the wilderness. Lost Soul Color Out of Space is director Richard Stanleys first major film in nearly 25 years. If you want to learn why he was sent to director jail, watch Lost Soul, a tragicomic documentary about his ultimately lost battle with the studio over an adaptation of Island of Dr. Moreau. The Island of Dr. Moreau If you watch Lost Soul youll definitely want to watch the version of The Island of Dr. Moreau that ultimately did release. This movie is more of a mishmash monstrosity than the human-animal hybrids it stars. Marlon Brando is in this! Weep for what Richard Stanley couldve delivered instead. Hardware Of course, you dont even get a shot at a big movie without proving yourself with a smaller one. And Richard Stanley proved himself with Hardware, a cult horror cyberpunk tale about killer robots and peeping neighbors. The Void If youre looking for more modern Lovecraft-inspired films, you cant go wrong with The Void, which literally features tentacles coming out of a different dimension on the poster. Our original review said it transcends the limitations of the so-called “indie retro horror” genre. Call of Cthulhu Fun fact, in film school I wrote a five-page script adaptation for? Call of Cthulhu. Despite having some of the juiciest lore of Lovecrafts most famous sea monster, the actual story itself is so all over the place that making it a single narrative requires some creative rejiggering. This elaborate fan films solution was to turn the whole thing into a silent film like something pulled from the 1920s. Old ones indeed. The Dunwich Horror Conversely, The Dunwich Horror might be the Lovecraft Story best suited for movies. Its got clear heroes, villains, monster battles, and a happy(ish) ending that still has a trademark terrifying twist. Thats what we got with the acclaimed 1970 film version from director Daniel Haller.
A Cor que Caiu do Espaço g. JustWatch. 232 customer reviews There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. December 29, 2018 Format: DVD Verified Purchase I'm not sure why some reviewers would in anyway dis this production. It's one of the best made, truest-to-the-story-line of any so far, with the exception of those produced by the Lovecraft Historical Society. However, the production quality is superior even to those. There is nothing shoddy, B-rate, or second class about this movie. It is in black and white, which is excellently done and the cinematography is beautiful. The acting is more than just adequate (with the exception of the opening scene in America) it is very well carried. All of the characters are believable and natural. There is nothing about this production that feels low-budget. It is thoughtful, careful, and artistically satisfying. The writing, casting, scoring, CG, editing, acting, and pacing are excellent. Knocked it out of the park. Highly recommended for Lovecraft fans and newbies alike. March 11, 2017 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Lovecraft's stories are hard to translate to film, and this did a much better job than most. While I expected to be put off by the plot changes, once I got into the movie I found myself understanding and agreeing with most of the filmmaker's choices. While the country and time is different, the story is still there. The decision to shoot in black in white was an excellent choice for this film and helped capture much of the mood of the original story. May 29, 2016 Format: DVD Verified Purchase As a huge fan of Lovecraft I've watched a number of movies that have been based on his works and some of them have been quite good, while others are more abominable than the creatures he created. But the one story he wrote that always fascinated me the most was "The Colour Out Of Space. It is a very atmospheric piece that not only keeps you on the edge of your seat, but the finish leaves you shuddering, when you realize the danger is not completely over and that each year it is spreading a little more. Because of the unusual nature of the antagonist, many considered this story to be one that nobody could film and do it justice. But I learned some time ago that a small German independent film company did try and called their version "Die Farbe" The Color. So finding it here on Amazon got me very excited and I watched it for the first time today and I'm still blown away. I don't always like movies with a lot of subtitles, but this film had some English speakers, as well as some subtitles. But the director did not rely very heavily on dialogue but more "Showing" than "Telling" the story. It's a slow piece, yet it utilizes that pace to build tension and an atmosphere of growing isolation and danger. Some Lovecraft purists have complained that the entire story did not follow the story EXACTLY word for word, but little was left out. The film is to me a masterpiece, shot in Black and White, which also puts some people off. But it is done with a purpose and is used very effectively. There is no gore in this piece, but like Lovecraft's writing, we are given brief glimpses to tell you what's happening and then your own imagination can run wild and scare you even more. This film is brilliant in every respect. My only disappointment was that it was not longer. Still at 1 hour and 20 minutes or so, it tells a great story. I highly recommend it to all Lovecraft fans and even those who are just curious to see why I find this film so fascinating. October 2, 2017 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I'm a reader of H. P. Lovecraft; I've read most of his work including this story, one of the most hair raising in my opinion. This adaptation catches all the aspects, and key story events, that I was hoping to see. Only the Rabbit goes unseen... but judging by the masterful way in which detail and setting have been incorporated into this production, I say in some scene somewhere may be found the ghastly creature: Will not disappoint. October 16, 2018 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Independent films often get laughed at when they try to go too far beyond their capacity. Whether it be leaving heavy dramatic lifting to a rank amatuer, reliance on one good set piece, or being severely short on story. This movie could have easily fallen into one of those traps, and it doesn't - by playing it smart! It realizes that this story (a great starting point. was never about people, but the place and our titular color. By letting the scenery and scenario be the focus, it absolves the human cast of having to do too much with too little. Choosing black and white is another way that it embraces its limitations and allows the focus to rest on the clever photogray and juxtoposition of images. It builds its tension trhough these images and sound, and allows the human cast to support them. Whilear from perfect, the movie does cast a wonderfully chilling spell that will give goosebumbs, and couse more than a few gasps. An outstanding independent feature that derses a lot of love! April 20, 2019 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I really enjoy Lovecraft's novels and short stories, so I susuall y watch anything based on his tales. Unfortunately this was SO SLOW and SO BORING I gave up 1/2 way. I don't even care about the other 1/2, I would of fallen asleep. I am pretty sure all the 5 star reviews are from people that were involved in the movie, because this movie totally blows. I don't even know why I am giving it two stars, it is only worth 1, but since it is H. Lovecraft based I guess I'll be nice. There are 232 customer reviews and 237 customer ratings.
A Cor que Caiu do espaço. Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Extra: 1, 2, 3 When Victor and I got back to the station, Eri and Jennifer were waiting for us. We had told them in advance about what had happened, and Jennifer was still in the process of putting together everything that occurred throughout the night. It turned out that Straf, another detective on the case, had been found brutally murdered in his home. The attacks had served their purpose, weakening the already fatigued law enforcement of the city. We had managed to save Detective Coda, but the carnage that had ensued before, we couldnt prevent. Even worse, we still had no lead to go off of on where their hideout was located. My plan to try and get that information out of one of the cubs had failed. It was my fault really, I let myself get too caught up in the moment and ignored my chance. I took the Tigers Blood pill out of my pocket and shifted it around in my hand before holding it out to Jennifer. “Im sorry, I didnt make use of it. ” I said as Jennifer took the bag. “If I had been calmer, maybe we could have found where Miranda is. ” “Its more my fault than yours. I had those two right in front of me, and I couldnt…” Victors voice trailed off as he sunk into one of the office chairs. “Who do you mean when you say those two? ” Eri asked. “That guy…Desmond, you called him? Riley was with him, the two of them were overseeing their minions rampage. ” Victor replied. “Wait, they were there themselves? ” Jennifer asked, Victor nodded in response. Remembering back to when I saw the two of them, there was something that had been bothering me about them. In particular about Riley. “Ive been wondering about it for a little while now, but…Riley was transformed into that tiger-thing too. Why is that? Can a witch transform too? ” I asked. Jennifer shook her head. “The transformation is something that only the familiar undergoes. There arent any of us who can just naturally do that. ” Reflecting on that statement for a moment, I was hit with the realization of what that meant. “You mean to tell me that shes a…familiar? ” I hesitantly said. “Riley and Fife are each others familiar…” Eri said, this sad look in her eyes. That possibility was never one that I initially thought about. Obviously it was possible sure, but the thought of two identical twins forming that type of relationship just didnt sit well with me. And by the looks of it, everyone here knew that was the case. “And what about the guy? ” I asked. “It seems that Desmond is one of their familiars, either Riley or Fifes. He may even be paired with both of them. ” Jennifer said. “There isnt a limit to the number of familiars a witch could have, so long as the requirements are met. ” The requirements being that there is real love between the two people, and they have sex. Overall some pretty strange conditions reflecting on that now, not that much of the other stuff going on isnt weird. I mean all of the magic Ive come across, a demon that can manipulate reality, and myself being caught up in a sibling slaughterhouse. Honestly, people turning into a monster because they had sex with the one they love starts to become logical, given the circumstance surrounding it. I noticed that Jennifer was staring pretty intently at the map of the city that hung off the corkboard at the end of the room. I was wondering what she was so interested in, the way she was looking at it seemed like she was analyzing something. “What is it? ” I asked, walking over to Jennifer. “I was just thinking…Victor got the phone call about forty-five minutes before we found about that Codas apartment was being attacked. In the call, Fife said Riley was the one overseeing whatever it was they were doing to Miranda. What Im wondering is how Riley could then get to the apartment building. ” Jennifer explained. I noticed Victor stirring in the chair as Jennifer said this. “Its possible that they may have given us some crucial information and not have realized it. ” “What do you mean? ” Victor asked. Jennifer grabbed a black marker off one of the desks. She created a large circle around where Codas apartment was located. “If we take the edges of the circle as being half an hour away from the apartment building, then Riley would have to have been somewhere inside it to get to the apartment with Desmond at that time. This is just a theory, but with nothing else to go off of, it is the best we can do. The main question is what place inside this circle would serve as a safe place for them to hide so many people and supplies. ” There were a lot of different districts inside of that circle, with hundreds of various buildings across dozens of streets. Looking at it myself, there were so many places they could have been that I had a hard time just knowing where to start. Eri wandered over and took a close look at the map, with Victor sliding his chair up behind me to see it for himself. Together the four of us started going through each street and using our knowledge of the city, began to try and narrow down the locations. After about an hour or so, we managed to get the possible sites down to just one place that was in an area where people would not notice and was large enough to house all of the cubs. “The warehouses at Jerald Dock. Theyve been abandoned for half a decade now, last I checked they were slated to be demolished. Digging into some info about it, it looks like someone ended up purchasing them. ” Jennifer said, typing into a nearby computer. Suddenly a look of confusion spread across her face. “That…no that cant be right…” “What did you find? ” Victor asked. “The buyer was a company by the name of Paradiso Industries. But…the person who signed off on the purchase, it was Kriea Revenholdt. ” When Jennifer brought up that name, I could see Eri was unsettled by hearing it. “Shes one of your sisters…right? ” I asked. I knew from the conversation from Lenae the answer to that question already. Still, it would have been suspicious to bring up that both Eri and Jennifer. “The second oldest…I dont have much of a memory of Kriea. She cut contact with our family a couple years after I was born. ” Eri said. “Jennifer, you knew her, didnt you? ” Victor asked. I could tell by his expression that he was just as curious about this Kriea as I was. After all, he was right there with me when we talked to Lenae. Jennifer started typing something into the computer, ignoring Victors question. “I dont understand…I thought…” Jennifer was muttering something to herself that I couldnt quite make out. Victor walked around the desk over to her. “You alright? ” He asked. Jennifer looked up at him with a blank expression. “When she left…she said she was going to try and find a way to beat the curse. Yet…if she bought those warehouses and if they really are where Riley and Fife are I…I dont know what to think. ” Paradiso Industries was a reasonably well-known company in our city. They specialized in developing all types of different technology, from vehicles to pharmaceuticals. They were especially renowned for their work in the field of electronics, making things like televisions, computers, they are even in the security business. They were by no means a small corporation either. There have been rumors going around for a while that they own dozens of other companies, using their names to distribute products across the country. “We can think about that after we get Miranda back, Im going to head over there and check it out. ” Victor said. “Wait! ” Eri called out to Victor as he was about to leave. “You need to rest. I…I know that you want to save Miranda as soon as possible, trust me I do too, but you cant keep pushing yourself. I know it isnt easy, but you should wait. ” “We should also come up with some kind of plan, you cant just go in there alone and expect to take on a whole army all alone. Victor hesitated for a moment before sighing. I could tell he wanted nothing more than to keep looking for Miranda, but it was obvious he needed to rest. “Alright, I get it. Ill wait until the morning. ” Victor said, moving away from the door. “Pretty sure we have a few blankets around here I can grab for you, hold tight. ” Jennifer said as she went to the door, stopping when she got to it to look over at me. “Mind helping me carry them up? ” “Sure…” I mumbled, following Jennifer out into the hall. “The storage room is just down the hall. ” Jennifer said, starting down the corridor. When we got into the room, she grabbed a folded-up blanket from one of the shelves and handed it to me. “Wheres that other detective at? I didnt see her anywhere around here. ” I asked. “You mean Detective Reid? Shes watching over Coda and his sister at the hospital. ” “Isnt that dangerous, what if they end up getting attacked? ” “She can handle herself just fine, you dont need to worry. Remembering what happened to Victor even with his transformation, I felt like I kind of had to worry. “Are you sure? Victors a familiar and knows how to fight, and he struggled against them. I dont think one person is going to be able to stop them if they decide to make another move. ” “Shes one too, shes my familiar. ” Jennifer said, stacking another blanket on top of the one I was holding. “What? ” My baffled voice replied. “Dont look so surprised about it…” Jennifer muttered as she grabbed a third blanket. “Sorry, its just not…you dont seem like someone…” As I tried to formulate a response, I could tell by Jennifers glare that she was not amused by what I was trying to say. “I dont seem to be gay? ” “No, not that! I just didnt take you for someone whod be in a relationship. ” I replied. “Oh? Whys that? ” If her eyes were weapons, Id have been dead ten times over by now. This was definitely not the way I wanted the conversation to go, but I was stuck in it now. Turns out the w
A Cor que Caiu do Espaço.r. Hello fellow redditors. Another semi lurker here. First serious post. Actually busted out the old desktop for this. So last weekend I saw the movie Long Shot. It was ok, kinda funny. But the thing that caught my eye is how deep the protagonists' beliefs and motives where. They had their eye on a path since they where kids and stayed on the path even unto the grand stage of the world as adults I had microdosed that day so my mind was making deeper connections of a cheesy rom com that one could sigh off as tongue in cheek but it “reawakened” a similar passion/idea I had when I was younger. This paragraph will contain movie spoilers if you want to skip ahead be my guest. The movie starts with two teens talking about recycling and how to “save the world”. Next scene theyre grown up and live their own separate lives and somehow become reacquainted at a big shot party. Ignore the political talk or subliminal characterization here I am just talking about the surface of the plot; because I feel Hollywood is waving their wand trying to do some sorta programming. Anyways the lady is running up for president. She comes across some evil guy trying to use her politically and her childhood friend comes and saves her and separates them. Come to find he is a truther type journalist. The friend scolds the evil man for his lies and manipulations and the lady is shook and amazed in wonder. Normal movie plot stuff happens and they ultimately realized they have sorta diverted from their path by some outside influence and redirect to reclaim the beliefs they shared in their youth and essentially save the world The protagonists reminded me as I was in my naive years. When I rebelled at 18 by taking a psychedelic I felt this urge to show the world something that had essentially been taken from them. The power and authenticity of the individual experience as Mr. Mckenna put it. “They” have taken something that is essential to understanding our humanness. Something so deep and so powerful that they have gone out of their way to erase it from culture. It angered me, it sadden me, it sparked something in me; I guess I became a hippie that night. I remembered how great trees are and how much I love my parents, my family, the earth, and even my enemies. As you all may well know there is something powerful and beautiful inside the psychedelic experience that is unspeakable. It is like trying to explain colors to a blind person or music to the deaf. So I was that guy… going around trying to get people to question everything, to think. I wanted to turn the whole world on. I would post radical, questioning, psychedelic propaganda on facebook. I would ask random people strange questions about government, religion, truth? I was annoying Im sure. Lost some friends but made better happier ones. I recently watched that movie Sunshine Makers on Netflix and totally related with those guys who decided to make acid for the whole earth. I would make signs which said things I would never repeat just because I scoff at my youth naivete; it was uncivil. But as Jung describes; proper development in the last half of life is to rediscover the child you left behind. So now I want to return to that. So Ive come up with this silly goose idea to spread our propaganda in a gentle, warm way. Ive always been fascinated by great speakers whose ideas you can see and understand and feel. Speakers like McKenna, Watts, Ram Das, Chaplin. you get the drift. So my “plan” is to transcribe awesome speeches or snippets of media that push people to think. I dont know what to call this idea or hopefully a movement. I thought about TruthInMedia, WakeCampaign, AwakeInc. I dont know, I dont really want too name it, I want to keep it as anonymous as possible but I do want to tag it with some sort or recognition so that people can connect and unite with the “others”. Thats what Leary said “Find the others”. So it would be great if this could spawn a community. So Im already transcribing some speeches which I feel could hit someone and hopefully get them to start thinking in a different way. Feel free to send me some speeches you feel have power. Each printout would include links to similar material. I will print them on bright paper laminate them and place them in strategic places such as Redboxes, community bulletin boards, courthouse doors, barnes and noble books which relate to a certain topics, etc. I need a name for this idea so that I can post updates on new transcripts which I will post for ya to copy and print and do the same hopefully. So any ideas are welcome. Here is the first one to open up these transcripts. This one will be. 1 of many. I feel its appropriate because it opens up this idea I have. Please let me know what ya think and I would greatly appreciate your support. "We have to refine this meme, replicate it through repetition and spread it through society. In the same way that a plant sheds seeds into an ecosystem. The idea will compete. The idea is a good one, its adaptive, its clever, its tough, its invasive, it can make use of many context to promote its own existence but it cant do any of that if we dont replicate it and get it out. So I see these kinds of meetings as an opportunity for building community, as an opportunity for people to look around themselves and connect with the other people who are here. We cannot be told from the rest of the population unless we self select and gather together at a single point in space and time. When we do that we recognize each other. When this meeting is concluded we will merge back into the larger stream of the body politic. But carrying this meme of the Gaian resurgence, the Gaian wave that must come. I mean people say it is so wonderful that you articulate these feminist ideas. I do it because I dont want to be dead. I do it because I dont want my children to have no world to live in. There is no choice; the walls are high and the current is moving very fast. What we need to do is merely keep our spirits high and learn to sing the song" Terence McKenna.
A Cor que Caiu do. A Cor que Caiu do Espaço.o. Critics Consensus A welcome return for director Richard Stanley, Color Out of Space mixes tart B-movie pulp with visually alluring Lovecraftian horror and a dash of gonzo Nicolas Cage. 85% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 142 81% Audience Score Verified Ratings: 86 Color Out of Space Ratings & Reviews Explanation Tickets & Showtimes The movie doesn't seem to be playing near you. Go back Enter your location to see showtimes near you. Color Out of Space Videos Photos Movie Info After a meteorite lands in the front yard of their farm, Nathan Gardner (Nicolas Cage) and his family find themselves battling a mutant extraterrestrial organism as it infects their minds and bodies, transforming their quiet rural life into a technicolor nightmare. Rating: NR Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Jan 24, 2020 limited Runtime: 110 minutes Studio: RLJE Films Cast News & Interviews for Color Out of Space Critic Reviews for Color Out of Space Audience Reviews for Color Out of Space Color Out of Space Quotes Movie & TV guides.
A Cor que Caiu do Espaço.r.e. A Cor que Caiu do español español. A Cor que Caiu do Espaço.k. A Cor que Caiu do español. A Cor que Caiu do espace. A Cor que Caiu do Espaço.e. Hardware Requirements Guide for Half Life Alyx In 2020, nearly every new graphics card on sale supports VR and PCs made with new components should support VR out of the box, assuming youre not being ripped off. And while Half Life Alyx raises the minimum requirements slightly, needing 6GB of VRAM in the GPU and 12GB of RAM for the system, VRs reputation for being especially demanding and inaccessible is quickly dissolving. The minimum price for a VR capable computer is around 700, and the minimum for a good headset is 230, for a combined price to get into VR from scratch (owning no PC or just a laptop) of less than 1, 000. This is supposed to be a guide to getting into VR for the absolutely uninitiated who are excited about Alyx, based on the listed minimum specs on Steam. Glossaries for these terms are at the bottom, along with a link to a list of good VR games for 2020. Here are your options for new entry level budget components: Use. to compare components CPU (100) AMD Ryzen 5 1600 (6 cores, 3. 2Ghz) 80) Intel Core i3-9100F (4 cores, 3. 6Ghz) GPU (240) GTX 1660 Super (260) GTX 1660ti (280) RX 5600 XT (300) RTX 2060 KO - Highest performance and RTX features like VRSS 12GB of RAM Try to get 16GB of RAM that is 3000mhz+ this is especially important on an AMD processor. VR Headset To be clear, the game will work fine on any headset, you do not need an Index. Tested has a video where they play Half Life Alyx and try all of these headsets and they say all of them work great. (230) Samsung Odyssey+ It has a display that is OLED and 1440x1660 (same as Index and Quest) with “anti Screen Door Effect technology” that hides space between pixels at short or medium distances but is said to make far away objects “fuzzy” as a result. It is the best value headset, as the best Windows Mixed Reality headset and almost half as much as the other intro options. This is its sale price, and it goes on sale almost monthly. The controllers have a thumbstick, trackpad, and a grip button, with a menu button and a system button underneath. The tracking is an inside out camera tracking with two cameras, the reference design for Windows Mixed Reality. This means it has the weakest tracking of any headset on this list, but the tracking is perfectly fine for most gameplay. I would recommend looking up comparison videos to judge for yourself. The Odyssey comes with speakers that are considered “okay” but are not removable. The headset has a halo strap that goes around your head but no strap going on top of your head, which can be uncomfortable for long periods without adding one yourself. Make sure you are getting the “Plus” version. (400) Facebooks Oculus Rift S The Rift S is the new midrange PC from Facebooks Oculus. It has one LCD display that is divided into two sections, with a higher resolution than the OG Rift or Vive headsets but slightly lower than the other headsets on this list (besides the Vive. It runs at 80hz, which is lower than the original Rifts 90hz. One advantage the Rift S has over any other headset, including the Index, is that it has the least glare due to the lenses Oculus developed. The comfort is relatively high, much higher than the Quest, Vive, and higher than the Samsung Odyssey. The Rift S has speakers inside the halo strap, but these are meant to be replaced by headphones or aftermarket speakers. The Rift S and the Quest use the exact same controllers, the Oculus touch controllers, which are generally considered the best controllers after the Index. They have a joystick, two buttons, a system button, and a grip button. They are compact (with a tracking ring on top) and fit into your hand, and the Oculus tracking is the best outside of SteamVR tracking. Both the Rift S and Quest have a very convenient means of setting up an environment by simply drawing it on your camera view. One thing to watch out for with the Rift S is that it does not have a manual IPD, which means that because it is one display split in half, it has to digitally focus the image between your eyes rather than moving two displays closer and further apart to bring it in focus. If your pupils are not close to between 61. 5 and 65. 5 mm apart you should probably not get this headset. Its worth mentioning that all Oculus exclusive games can be played on other headsets at a small performance penalty in some titles with an open source program called Revive, and any software purchased on the Oculus store will require Revive to work on any other headset in the future. (400) Facebooks Oculus Quest The Quest is the much hyped “all in one” VR headset that allows you to play Quest VR games on the go, and to plug it into a PC to play PC games. It uses the same controllers as the Rift S, has an OLED screen, is inside out tracked with 4 cameras, and runs at 72hz. The Quest has its own store and library of games, with some older VR titles like Superhot and Arizona Sunshine being ported over, and a number of games being made specifically for the quest. It runs on a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 and a custom build of Android. Shortly after launch hackers and sideloaders figured out how to stream games from SteamVR to the Quest wirelessly, with heavy compression and latency. Facebook/Oculus shut this down in official apps like Virtual Desktop but you can still unofficially install apps to do this. However several months later the ability was added to the quest to stream games over any USB C 3. 0 cable from a PC to the Quest. This allows for playing PC games on a quest but has a bottleneck for compression and is relatively uncomfortable compared to PC headsets. This means there is little to no super sampling, artificating, and some added latency. Even when the quest is plugged into a PC it still can only run at 72hz. With no supersampling the image will not look comparable to headsets with similar resolutions. Some media outlets are calling it the best headset hands down. This is not true and I only recommend the Quest if you think PC use will be the minority of the use you get out of it. This is due to the compression and the low comfort of the headset, the headset is very front heavy and even less comfortable when its linked to a PC with even positive reviews saying it is comfortable for around an hour of use at a time. The Quest also has speakers inside the straps socket, but these are meant to be replaced by headphones or aftermarket speakers. (300-400) HTC Vive To be frank the HTC Vive has the worst display on this list and the worst controllers. I would only recommend it to someone who is planning on upgrading in the future to the Index, or someone who is really interested in the Vive Wireless adapter (300. It has an OLED screen running at 90hz, but the lowest resolution of the headsets in this list. It has the best tracking behind the Index but the real flaw is the controllers which can feel clunky and out of place compared to all others. I highly recommend picking up the index controllers as soon as you can if you get a Vive. The headset has been discontinued so you have to buy one used either from HTC or online. The Vive Wireless Adapter is the only official way to play PCVR content wirelessly on any headset and Linus Tech Tips said he couldnt tell the difference between wireless and wired performance. (1, 000) Valve Index The Indexs biggest flaw may be the substantial glare, sometimes like a glow, especially in dark scenes. This is due to the double lenses the index has, but they also give it a huge sweet spot and the widest FOV on this list ( 130 vs 110. It also is the most comfortable headset by far, to the point that your feet will usually get fatigued before your face or ears. Ear fatigue is actually a non issue with the Indexs speakers, which sit over your ears and deliver really good quality audio. The index controllers are the most lauded feature of the index. They strap to your hand and have a joystick, thumbpad, and two buttons. They also have finger tracking, which refers to both their ability to track the actual rotation of your fingers, but also how they allow you to grip, grab, and analogue squeeze naturally without a button. Being able to naturally grab and let go of the controller is a huge advantage in comfort and immersion. Tracking on the Index is the best, using two laser array lighthouses, but requires guardian boundaries to be set up again on the PC if the lighthouses are taken down or moved. SteamVR is being updated frequently and Valve is teasing “SteamVR 2. 0” so this may change. The Index can run at 80, 90, 120, or 144hz. On my 1080ti many games can run at 144hz without lowering the resolution too much like Superhot, Gorn, and Beat Saber and its only CPU limited games that cant be run at 120 or 144 at all. Oculus has exclusive games, but ironically many of them work best on an Index, like Vader Immortal, because of the Index Controllers and higher framerate. As developer Anton Hand reviewed the Index, “it seems like at every turn they chose the more expensive option, but definitely the better one. ” Its hard to recommend the Index to anyone who is just entering VR, but if you take the Vive path you can upgrade to the Index (or any steamVR headset) in a modular fashion. I myself bought a Vive in 2018 and bought the Index Headset and Controllers for 750 and kept my Vive base stations. Production issues have been a problem with the Index controllers and while Valve will promptly take back your controllers and mail you new ones, a substantial number of users have had to do so
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