The Shawshank Redemption Tubeplus

Countries - USA &ref(,0,128,190_AL_.jpg) Frank Darabont year - 1994 user Rating - 9,3 / 10 Stars Frank Darabont
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The Shawshank Redemption Watch full length.
The shawshank redemption watch full length. The shawshank redemption watch full length 2. The shawshank redemption watch full length tv. It would be a sad day when Morgan leaves us, cause a man with a voice like that comes every thousand years. Take a good look on Morgan Freeman's facial expression and the way he fidgets just after he enters the room. Brilliantly well done. What an actor. The shawshank redemption watch full length magnified. You remember the name of the town in Mexico right. CRAP. ????????????.
The Shawshank Redemption Watch Full length. Me: Goes to prison Gets a parole hearing Man: Do you think you have been rehabilitated? Me: Recites this word for word Man: Did you just recite the Shawshank Redemption hoping you would get paroled? Me. The shawshank redemption watch full length movie. Did youtube cut some parts of this movie ? I remember seeing scenes that aren't in this cut.
The shawshank redemption watch full length video. One of my favourite movies. I have watched it many a time. The shawshank redemption watch full length version.

The Shawshank Redemption Watch Full lengths

Amazing movie.
I was literally HOOKED. No wonder this film is rated amongst the best ever. This is definitely one of the best movies you will see your entire life. Morgan Freeman's narration was awesome. Tim Robbins powerfully illustrates the importance of HOPE. All the characters did a superb job. This is surely one of my all time favourite movies. Its a classic & a true masterpiece of cinema. Don't think! Just watch & savour it.
I saw the following comment by someone and thought of adding it to mine, I agree 100% to everything of the following: Many people in this world are unhappy. Most people in this world don't want to be unhappy. Lots of people wish, pray and above all hope for that magic wand to wave and wash them of their fears, losses, angers and pains once and for all. They see lots of other people seemingly in this magical state, while they suffer. To borrow the words of another film, they're watching the bluebirds flying over the rainbow. Many unhappy people have learned that the magic wand doesn't exist. They're not destined to join the bluebirds and fairy tales don't come true. It's not that no one lives happily ever after, it's just that they're not going to. They're busy dying. In this film, or as some people have quite correctly said, this fairytale, magic wands exist. And that magic wand is Andy Dufrense imitating Houdini. However this film is not about him. Neither is it about the prison, the governor, the guard, the plot, the acting, the cinematography, the script, the direction or the score. It's about Red. He is the one who has become institutionally unhappy, he's not only trapped in a prison, not only has he given up on the idea of ever leaving, not only does he have no hope, he knows that if the miracle would ever happen to him, he couldn't cope. He's safe in his unhappiness and that security is what keeps him going. Hope is, as Red say, dangerous. The metaphor for a certain illness here is very clear to me and I know that a rather large number of people suffer from it. A large proportion of those don't understand what's wrong, but they certainly can recognise a fellow sufferer. Those who are mercifully untouched by this illness definitely don't understand what's going on in those who do. They're too busy living." Just a little piece of advice to everyone who hated/disliked this film; Believe me this film is made for multiple 't hate this after viewing it once or twice, give it at least more than 2 viewings before you make up your mind. I'm POSITIVE it will become more and more better after each viewing and probably you will end up loving it. If not, maybe it was just not your Cup Of Tea. I hope this film satisfies everyone and I really don't care if its No.1 on the IMDb or outside Top250. Its not fair to hate a film because your favourite is not above it in the rankings! Its a deeply satisfying movie that makes you understand the importance of HOPE. 9.8/10 P.S. Technically{all round film-making} it may not be the greatest movie of all-time{that honor can go to Godfather/LOTR:ROTK/Star Wars 4,etc.} BUT it certainly goes down in my book as one of the finest and a movie to savour for ages.
Well... that was unnecessarily rough, maybe he should have singed him a lullaby. The Friends bit was my favourite part! XD. The shawshank redemption watch full length 2017. The shawshank redemption watch full length full. The shawshank redemption watch full length film. The Shawshank Redemption Watch Full lengthy.
I just love this movie. I remember my mom laughing so hard at i don't give a shit. this was her favorite scene. The shawshank redemption watch full length mascara review. These lines what red say isla very deep. How many of all us Wants to come back to past and tell the stupid teen or inmature young men. Dont do that. .?. The shawshank redemption watch full length english. The shawshank redemption watch full length song.
The shawshank redemption watch full length season. When Heywood goes from chanting with the other guys to telling fat ass to shut up, knowing what Hadley is going to do. The shawshank redemption watch full length episode. The shawshank redemption watch full length album. The shawshank redemption watch full length free. One hell of a movie this one of the best. They don't make these kind anymore. The shawshank redemption watch full length hd. 1:09 - 1:15 Bendy did it. 4:17 when it's your last day at school. The shawshank redemption watch full length trailer. The only movie I've ever rated a '10' Reference Standard.
Regardless of my own interpretation of this art, I say "Greatest Masterpiece Ever Filmed." with confidence based on the numbers and insightful comments posted by other viewers. Indeed, it is only a matter of time before this movie surpasses 'The Godfather' as being rated as the 'Top All-Time' movie on the top movie website. With that said, there is nothing I can add to the hundreds of comments posted before me. Everything about this piece from the rich story and character development to the symphonic climax should be studied by anyone interested in film. You simply must view this movie- and view it with a critical eye- as a reference standard of quality story telling.
Awesome move, great atmosphere, good story, fantastic movie. The shawshank redemption watch full length movies. The shawshank redemption watch full length online. ?????”i know some nice queers that would love to make your acquaintance”. 2:53 Heywood looks away scared and disturbed by what he just made happen to that man. Less than two seconds of acting but so perfect. The shawshank redemption watch full length episodes. I don't give a 10 often, but I must say that the power of the story and the marvelous execution by the cast makes this one of the greatest films i have ever seen. Re visiting it many years later the film not only holds up, but may have even improved with age. I would recommend it to any film lover.

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