Braveheart ?Free?

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Writer: Jamie Mellor
Biography Magician, Heathen, Occultist

Directed by Mel Gibson. 178 min. Year 1995. Angus Macfadyen. William Wallace is a Scottish rebel who leads an uprising against the cruel English ruler Edward the Longshanks, who wishes to inherit the crown of Scotland for himself. When he was a young boy, William Wallace's father and brother, along with many others, lost their lives trying to free Scotland. Once he loses another of his loved ones, William Wallace begins his long quest to make Scotland free once and for all, along with the assistance of Robert the Bruce. Writer Randall Wallace. Estas escenas son fascinantes. This is Emmerichs best movie, it's so cheesy and fun. The impossibly handsome people and axe wielding maniac Gibson are hilarious. Song wouldve killed had it been released around this time or ly.
Good movie from Mel Gibson but very far from the facts. 1:10 soldier who is wearing his white hair braid jeb cimi a cimo as you can hear his voice yea indicating a good fight. Super scene????????. I just realised the girl with the blonde Afro hair plays Chantelle in eastenders ?. Braveheart in HD? Perfection does really exist. This is the story of the greatest hero of Scotland and is really good! The original movie was far more "brutal" than the final Gibson is amazing in this one as an actor and as director. The story is not historical accurate but is well done. The battles are very good and the atmosphere smells this is not the point is the will of a man who wants to be free,not free himself,but free all of his people and create a free nation. If you don't like historical movies make an exception and watch this,is really worth it.Everything is just cast,the plot,the screenplay,everything. This is one of the best movies of all time,a true classic,a masterpiece.
When this coming out on dvd. Esto es genial, mi bebe se relaja mucho cn esta musica, el efecto es inmediato hasta que logra dormir, lo recomiendo y que mejor que cn la musica d una d mis peliculas favoritas??. This film is not mels best but, great one liners. I know a week after it was made 1-10 english people claimed scotish descendant,did i mention my scotish great can take our lives, but they will never take our freedom. I love the BGM of this movie and crazy from here onwards 2:21 ??. 'Home. The English are too many. There's no way that's the official subtitle lol. Ah what Scottish sounds to the American ear eh.
2:23. Opening a can of Hawaiian Punch. I lost my Son at the age of 23 two and a half years ago my Granddaughter was born about three weeks after we put her Dad my Son to rest I have listened to this week's at a time I can't explain why but memories of my Son's life go through my mind and felt in my heart as strange as it may seem it comforts me I miss & Love U Son.
I know he won the Oscar for best director but Mel should have won the Oscar for best actor such a fucking fantastic film and great actor and cast Brendan Gleeson as Hamish such a great choice. Who else came for the music. Have been listening to this over 2 years for now. Like we all Feel, it's one of the most awesome sounds that touch our hearts. The Movie is Even Better ! Do watch it. All those who reading this Now and for those who are missing this. GOD BLESS ALL. I bet they were so pumped up after filming this ?. Same as Outlaw King avaialble in Netflix. Gosh every note is touching my heart so deep. Thank you for doing this. I am really touched by that.
One of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard... Wonderful job... They should have taken the car! Stop the vid at EXACTLY 1:55, left side. WHAT WILL YOU DO WITHOUT FREEDOM. No one till me am smart, or better than him they keep there braided i say your good you your strong and all true, till next and next all same am dummy to all close ho i know and always wrong, keep it quiet cuz they feel happy & there safe am happy, i stay 8 hrs when kidSz swims at pool keep watching when no one there tired but i had to stay while all gathered in am with little smiles stinky till they done thanks to know what is good and how to be give all and am zero to make them better between kids and women i dont i loss.
James horner. amazing. I don't care what historians say, for me Mel Gibson rewrote history and William Wallace did died screaming freedom.

This is my personal favorite film ever, and for very good reason. From the acting to the heart wrenchingly powerful drama to the brutal battles to the cinematography to the score to the direction, every single aspect of the film is absolute brilliance, greatness, superb, perfect, there aren't enough good adjectives to describe it. Anyone who doesn't like this film immensely doesn't deserve to live. This is the best movie ever made, and I don't care what anyone else thinks, it just is. Few films have ever even come remotely close, only The Lord of the Rings, Saving Private Ryan, and Gladiator can be compared. I can't believe Mel didn't win the Oscar, nobody as ever deserved it as much as he did for this, at least he got the director one which I couldn't agree with more, this movie deserved all 18 Oscars. I recommend the previous films I stated and Alexander, Troy, King Arthur, and Kingdom of Heaven coming out next year if you are a fan of this, which you unquestionably should be, Rob Roy is just sad and if you think that is anywhere near as good as this then start praying because you are in desperate need of help. I give this movie a 10000000000000000000000 out of a 10 because it truly is that magnificent, this is THE MASTERPIECE, not just a masterpiece, THE MASTERPIECE, this word says it all "FREEDOM.
La mejor parte de la pelicula. ???????. The music in this movie ??????????.
I don't know what other men may do, but I know one thing... Chains and slavery? Liberty or death. Cato the Younger.
Stannis baratheon really is a great rose up from the dead and is still alive to this day commanding armies in total war rome 2 :slight_smile.

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