Chinese Portrait dual audio HD 1080p HD 1280p 123movies


Ratings - 7,2 / 10 Director - Xiaoshuai Wang 2018 &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) brief - Factory and construction workers, farmers, commuters, miners, students. The director captures the state of his nation, by static filming one or more people in more or less motionless poses. No narrative, just portraits.
One day, during French class, we played the Chinese Portrait game (you know, the one where you say “If I was a …, I would be a …”. As the intention was to learn vocabulary, we were doing it with all kinds of things. If I was a flower, if I was a color, if I was an actress / actor, if I was a movie… Then came the question: If I was an animal, I would be… My first instinct was to continue the phrase with “a horse, ” since this is my favorite domestic animal of all. But the word got stuck on my lips before it could be pronounced because I started thinking that I have a really restless nature ? one that more often than not leads me to act impulsively (and not be so obedient as a horse. Besides, the idea of tameness that is implied in the figure of a horse bothered me. So I took a few extra seconds to search in my mnemonic catalogue an animal that would fit more neatly into the definition of who I would like -want- to be. Tiger came immediately to mind. Yes, thats an image that makes me proud: the brave, courageous tiger, so beautiful and strong. After I told them what animal I would be, I waited excitedly to hear what the other people from my group would say. A lion? An eagle? A, I dont know, crocodile? “A sloth. ” One answered. “A panda. ” The other one said. I stared at them for a full minute, waiting for them to get serious. When I realized they already were, my perplexed face expressed the question before I asked it: “Why a sloth, and why a panda? ” They answered that both these animals are calm and have simple, uneventful lives. I dont have the words to express my horror. I used all my social skills to pretend their answer was just another between hundreds, but I couldnt stop thinking: who in this world could possibly aspire to have a quiet, uneventful life? Then a dialogue from a book I read a really long time ago came to me; I dont remember the name, but I know it was from one of my favorite writers, Nora Roberts. I copied the dialogue in a notebook, and thats the only reason for why I am able to reproduce it now. It went like this: “What do you want? ” “All of it. ” She laughed, but there was something brittle in the sound that broke his heart. “Im selfish and greedy and want all. I want everything I can snatch up and hold, then I want to go back and get more. Why cant I want the simple and the ordinary and the quiet, Aiden? Why cant I be content with easy dreams? ” “Youre so hard on yourself, mavourneen. Harder than anyone else can be. Some people want the simple and the ordinary and the quiet. It doesnt make those who want the complicated and extraordinary and the exciting greedy or selfish. Wantings wanting, whatever the dream. ” Struck, she stared at him. “What a thought, ” she managed at last. “I never looked at it that way. ” This passage in the book had a huge impact on me when I read it, because it was the first time that I had two simultaneous epiphanies. The first one was that some people want the simple and easy ? this is all they will ever want, all they will ever aspire towards. The quiet, the peaceful. The stability. And thats ok; thats as vital in the world as the unquiet, restless, rocky life of the ones who want the complicated. Its as precious as the most daring dreams. The second one was that it was not wrong for me to want the big, the loud, the crazy. Like the female character, I had until then felt terribly guilty for wanting the things that I wanted. I mean, why do I have to strive for the complicated? Why do I have to want the hard? Why cant the simple and easy be enough? Maybe a small pause to define what I consider the hard and complicated is fit for the moment. You see, its not like I want to be famous, or billionaire, or party every night in a different city. I dont even want the prince charming thing. I have ambitions, though ? ambitions that have always sounded complicated; more, they always seemed too much for the people around me. I want to travel the whole world. Like, all the countries, all the cities, all the islands. Even Antarctica is in my plans. I want to meet my idols. Writers, actors and actresses, directors, singers, activists, journalists, bloggers (contrary to the traveling, though, I dont really expect to meet them all, just a large part of them. I want to write a book. Ok, several. Hundreds, if possible. I want to work in more than one professional area. I want to be successful in what I do ? enough so that I feel challenged and inspired every day. I want to meet thousands, millions, billions of people and show them parts of my personality as they show me theirs. I want to learn ? Gosh, I cant even quantify what or how much I want to learn. Can I say, like, everything? I want to have fun ? I want the buzz of the city, the quiet of nature, the loudness of endless parties, the comfort of warm, stay-at-home-with-ugly-pajamas nights. I want so much, so, so much. But not all. I dont want to own a company. I dont want to create the next big app or the new revolutionary technology. I dont aspire towards any kind of fame. I dont even have the ambition of winning awards of any sort. I know, though, that I would never be happy being a sloth. Or a panda. Or, I dont know, a fish. I was born a horse; I am on my way to becoming a tiger ? and a tiger, by God, Ill be before the end of this life. At the end of the class, the girls came to talk to me again about this animal thing. I was cool by then. The passage of the book had sunk in, the acceptance that everyone has the right to want whatever they want had settled in my heart. I smiled at them and felt suddenly content. The important thing, after all, is not whether you want to be a sloth or a tiger. Its feeling that whoever or whatever you are, its enough to make you happy.
Retrato chin c3 aas free. Filmcollectie_01 Film docsforsale_01 Docs for Sale Artboard Copy 2 Created with Sketch. Share Passengers on a train, tourists at the beach, factory workers, farmers, construction workers and students: in a series of portraits, the famous Chinese independent film director Wang Xiaoshuai ( Frozen, Beijing Bicycle, 11 Flowers) captures the state of his nation. Each portrait is a carefully composed long shot, using a static camera that captures one or more people in motionless poses. But there's always movement somewhere in the frame: not all the subjects remain still, and animals, passersby and children don't obey the protocol. The resulting scenes are fascinating, moving photographs in which there's always something more to discover. The director shows us a modern China that's a rich mix of new buildings and old courtyards, derelict industrial sites, countryside and big cities. What's most striking here is the seemingly endless amount of construction projects. This film is a motionless, non-narrative snapshot that calls a temporary halt to all this inexorable change. Credits Production Isabelle Glachant / Chinese Shadows, Xuan Liu / Front Films Co. Ltd. Executive producer QIAN Yini Cinematography WU Di, ZENG Hui, ZENG Jian, PIAO Xinghai Editing Valérie Loiseleux Show all credits IDFA history 2018 European Premiere Masters.
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Retrato chin c3 aas meaning. Jan 29, 2013 #1 2013-01-29T21:28 Hey everyone, Back when I ran a game we used something called a Chinese Portrait to try and help define the personalities of each of the Gods in the world. I figured it might be fun for us all to take a shot at filling one out for ourselves: The way the 'portrait' works, is you answer a set of "If I were a , I would be. questions, and through these you build up an idea of who you are. Of course, it's all very tongue in cheek, and generally ends up being a portrait of who you want to be, more than who you are lol. But here are the questions we set for the Gods: If I were a natural phenomenon, I would be... If I were a material, I would be... If I were an object, I would be... If I were an animal, I would be... If I were a colour, I would be... If I were an activity, I would be... If I were an emotion, I would be... I've tailored it slightly to remove things that only made sense in the game, but why not give it a shot. It's kinda fun to try and answer all those questions: Jan 29, 2013 #2 2013-01-29T21:38 Here's mine: If I were a natural phenomenon, I would be. an eclipse If I were a material, I would be. snow If I were an object, I would be. a book If I were an animal, I would be. a ferret If I were a colour, I would be. midnight blue If I were an activity, I would be. learning If I were an emotion, I would be. macabre Jan 30, 2013 #3 2013-01-30T01:29 Dang it Aavak this is cheer me up! Good idea If I were a natural phenomenon, I would be. An EarthQuake If I were a material, I would be. A Mineral If I were an object, I would be. A Rock XD If I were an animal, I would be. A Bear If I were a colour, I would be. Bright Orange If I were an activity, I would be. Relaxing If I were an emotion, I would be. Ecstatic Jan 30, 2013 #4 2013-01-30T01:59 Haha, you know, I saw the 'bear' answer and 'rock' one, but I didn't anticipate the 'Earth Quake' answer though. Jan 30, 2013 #5 2013-01-30T02:15 I could see all yours but macabre. You just seem like such a upbeat not depressing sort of fellow! and it would have been either earthquake or Volcano! Jan 30, 2013 #6 2013-01-30T05:45 Ooh, this looks fun! Lemme try, lemme try. 8D If I were a natural phenomenon, I would be. a cool spring breeze. If I were a material, I would be. Jersey cotton. (you haven't lived until you've slept a night in jersey cotton bed sheets, it's ridiculous how comfy they are. XD) If I were an object, I would be. a piece of paper and pencil. (technically two. Can that still count. If I were an animal, I would be. a dog. Probably a Labrador. If I were a colour, I would be. yellow. If I were an activity, I would be. bouncing, skipping, dancing, and/or flailing. Take your pick! If I were an emotion, I would be. cheerful. I'm a pretty harmless person, can you tell? 3 Jan 30, 2013 #7 2013-01-30T19:11 *takes staplers and uses her to draw a picture of a beautiful corpse* See Jester, validation! Though, in all seriousness, I wouldn't say Macabre is necessarily depressing, it's more an interest in death. Most of my art A level was focused on corpses or scenes of decay; broken glass, fractured and war-torn ruins, etc. The myriad of broken dreams act like a kaleidoscope for the soul. Though far from considering it gruesome, I believe there is a certain natural beauty to these things, even if it's brought on by an unnatural thing. Even a bullet, caught in slow motion, can leave a spray of blood bursting from a wound like a rapidly blooming flower. Jan 30, 2013 #8 2013-01-30T20:42 Hmmm. this seems like a fun little thing to join in with! D If I were a natural phenomenon, I would be. A lightning storm. If I were a material, I would be. Rubber. If I were an object, I would be. An ornament. If I were an animal, I would be. A sloth. If I were a colour, I would be. Fuchsia. If I were an activity, I would be. Sleeping. If I were an emotion, I would be. Surprise! Feb 02, 2013 #9 2013-02-02T12:11 Lol, always fun these: If I were a natural phenomenon, I would be: A strong but pleasant coastal breeze If I were a material, I would be: Water (is water a material? Still though, water) If I were an object, I would be: Hard one, too many objects to choose from. Video camera If I were an animal, I would be: Leopard! or more realistically, domestic house cat) If I were a colour, I would be: White If I were an activity, I would be: Cluedo (my friend suggested this, I've no idea why! If I were an emotion, I would be: Contentment Feb 02, 2013 #10 2013-02-02T23:56 lol! I loved the Cluedo reply there Joe:D.
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