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year 2017 brief In Sony Pictures Animation's THE STAR, a small but brave donkey named Bo yearns for a life beyond his daily grind at the village mill. One day he finds the courage to break free, and finally goes on the adventure of his dreams. On his journey, he teams up with Ruth, a lovable sheep who has lost her flock and Dave, a dove with lofty aspirations. Along with three wisecracking camels and some eccentric stable animals, Bo and his new friends follow the Star and become accidental heroes in the greatest story ever told - the first Christmas Comedy, Fantasy Writer Carlos Kotkin, Carlos Kotkin Directed by Timothy Reckart
Watch Online. Is a movie site that import all information about films and TV series using open public API from external resources like IMDB or TheMovieDB. All streaming links will be submitted by visitors using a comment section. We never upload any files or allow movie streaming from our site. The content files usually are stored on external sites like Movshare, Divxstage, Realvid, Vodlocker any others. We do not check the links and have no influence on videos that are hidden behind the streaming link. If you feel that any content on our site in any way infringe your rights as copyrighter do not hesitate and let us know about your problem. Watch movies online for free on! When I first heard about this movie, I had mixed emotions towards it. It's a movie about the most important Christmas story ever told but told in the perspective of the animals. It sounded cute and fascinating at first, until I heard it was made by Sony Pictures Animation, a studio that has a reputation of making some of the worst animated films of modern times. I know Sony does have it's share of fans with franchises like "Hotel Transylvania" but they totally hurt their reputation with "The Emoji Movie" That being said, I was hoping they wouldn't screw this one up, but when I saw the first trailer, I was immediately turned away from it! Then, I saw the second trailer, and I grew a bit more curious. I chose not to see it theatrically and just wait for the DVD. Now, after seeing this movie for the first time, I was actually very surprised. This movie isn't bad at all. In fact, I might go as far to say this is probably by far the best movie ever made by the studio by far! I mean, sure there are some things that could be worked on. A bit of the humor could be viewed as a disrespect to the story of Jesus Christ, but thankfully, there isn't an overbearing amount of jokes like that. In fact, most of the humor is very toned down and entertaining compared to previous Sony movies. The animal characters are very lovable (with the exception of maybe Dave. I especially love the camels, but sadly, they don't get very much screen-time; I know the main focus is on Bo as well as Mary and Joseph, and I understand their stories are more important while the camels are supposed to be supporting characters who act as comic relief characters, but they still could have gotten a little more screen-time. Overall, I really enjoyed this movie, and even though I had my doubts at first, after seeing it for myself, I might like it enough to add it to my collection of traditionally-viewed Christmas movies I watch every year! Sony may not be the best animation studio out there (I personally would pick Disney, Pixar, Illumination or even Dreamworks over them any day) but at least they managed to make one good film that won my heart over. Watch online the secret lives of cheerleaders.
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  3. The Star
  5. The Star

Writer: Theresa Snyder
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The Star
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