

Creator Helena Kristinka
Resume: To imagine - to dream about things that have not happened - is among mankind's deepest needs. - Milan Kundera -

Richard Lowenstein
Ghost Pictures and Passion Pictures and a documentary feature about the troubled heart and soul of Michael Hutchence, lead singer and songwriter of INXS
duration: 102 M
score: 999 Vote
Documentary, Music
Die australische Band INXS füllte in den 80ern und 90ern die großen Stadien und hatte zahllose Hits; Michael Hutchence war ihr Frontmann, charismatisch und gutaussehend. Er wollte Künstler sein, mehr als ein "arschwackelnder Sexgott", und endete tragisch. Seine Geschichte erzählt "Mystify". Sein Blick hatte tatsächlich etwas Besonderes - das kommt sogar über das Medium Film, über den Bildschirm an: Wenn er einen ansah, hatte man das Gefühl, er sehe einen wirklich an, direkt, mit voller Aufmerksamkeit - so heißt es im Biopic "Mystify" über Michael Hutchence. Über den Sänger der australischen Band INXS, die in den 80ern bis in die 90er hinein wirklich groß war, gibt es Unmengen an Archivmaterial, Fotografien und Filmaufnahmen, auf die Regisseur Richard Lowenstein zurückgreifen konnte. "Mystify - Michael Hutchence" startet am 30. Januar im Kino. (Foto: © Happy Entertainment) Neben offiziellem und bekanntem Material hob er noch andere Schätze: Familienmitglieder, Freunde und Ex-Freundinnen haben für ihn ihre Archive geöffnet, so gibt es reichlich bisher noch nie gezeigtes Material zu sehen. Zudem kommen fast alle zu Wort, die ihm nahe standen: Bandmitglieder, seine Schwester Tina, sein Bruder Rhett, sein Vater Kell, seine Ex-Freundinnen wie etwa die australische Popsängerin Kylie Minogue und das dänische Model Helena Christensen, U2-Sänger Bono, mit dem er befreundet war, und viele andere Freunde, Kollegen, Wegbegleiter. Vom schlechten zum sehr guten Sänger Mit all diesen Stimmen und Bildern und natürlich Musik zeichnet Lowenstein das Leben von Michael Hutchence von seiner Kindheit - er wurde 1960 in Australien geboren - bis zu seinem tragischen Tod 1997 nach. Es entsteht das Bild eines eigentlich sehr schüchternen, zurückhaltenden Jungen, der in einem gutsituierten, aber schwierigen, instabilen Elternhaus aufwächst und sich darum in die Familie von Freunden flüchtet, bei ebenjenen Freunden dann in der Band landet. Der sich schon früh sehr für Literatur, Philosophie und Kunst interessiert und "ein richtiger Künstler" werden will. Familie, Freundinnen und Freunde beschreiben ihn zugleich als sehr sanft und gutmütig, als jemanden, der andere glücklich machen wollte. Ein chaotischer Zuspätkommer, der überall seine Klamotten liegenlässt, aber liebenswürdig und auch treu. Und wenn es ihm wichtig war, wie bei der Musik, dann war er ein Arbeitstier, "morgens immer der Erste im Studio", und brachte die entscheidenden Ideen. Entwickelte sich "von einem schlechten Sänger zu einem super Sänger", der stets die richtigen Töne traf, fehlerfrei sang, ob im Studio oder bei Konzerten, wie ein Bandmitglied sich erinnert. Bono schwärmt im Rückblick geradezu verzweifelt: "Ich konnte nicht begreifen, dass ihm selbst nicht klar war, was für eine großartige Stimme er hatte! " Schüchterne Rampensau Australisches Promipaar: Kylie Minogue und Michael Hutchence waren zwei Jahre zusammen. (Foto: © Happy Entertainment) Hinzu kam sein Charisma, sein extrem gutes Aussehen, seine Rampensau-Qualitäten, die er entgegen seiner Schüchternheit entwickelte - in den 80ern, spätestens mit dem Album "Kick" von 1986 waren INXS ganz oben und Hutchence auf den Titelblättern sämtlicher Musik- und anderer Magazine. "He's sooooo sexy! " kreischen die Girls, "he is hot! " - und auch wenn es Hutchence vielleicht schmeichelte, hatte er es irgendwann satt, "der arschwackelnde Sexgott" zu sein. Er wollte raus aus der Rockstar-Schublade, wollte ein Künstler sein. Und so schnitt er sich die langen Locken ab und erschien zum Schock für viele Fans und sein Musikmanagement mit kurzen Haaren bei einer Preisverleihung. Zudem schlug er mit dem Bandprojekt "Max Q" 1989 eine andere musikalische Richtung ein, künstlerischer, anspruchsvoller. Die Kritiker fanden's gut, die Fans nicht so - ein kommerzieller Misserfolg. Nach etwa einem Jahr war das Experiment beendet, weiter ging das Rockstar-Leben mit INXS. Und mit Kylie Minogue - mit ihr war er von 1989 bis 1991 zusammen - und Helena Christensen; sie waren danach vier Jahre lang ein Paar. Ein Leben wie im Rausch - Musiker-Jetset traf auf Model-Jetset, sie waren ständig unterwegs, auf Konzerten und Modenschauen, es ging immer hin und her, Japan, Frankreich, Australien..., Liebesbotschaften per Fax (es war ja die Vor-Internet- und Vor-Smartphone-Zeit), Treffen war schwierig. Wein, Weib, Gesang - und Absturz Helena Christensen und Michael Hutchence: In ihre Zeit als Liebespaar fiel der tragische Vorfall in Kopenhagen. (Foto: imago images / PA Images) Aber wenn es Zeit zusammen gab, so beschreiben es Minogue und Christensen, war es eine Zeit des großen Genusses, der Dekadenz, des Reisens (etwa im Orientexpress), des Feierns mit Freunden und Familie in Hutchence' Haus in Südfrankreich, das er sich inzwischen zugelegt hatte. Wein, Weib, Gesang. Ein Leben auf der Sonnenseite. Auch mit INXS lief es - im Juli 1991 spielte die Band vor 72. 000 Fans im Londoner Wembley-Stadion, ein Höhepunkt in ihrer Laufbahn. Ein Abend in Kopenhagen im Jahr 1992 änderte alles - nach einem bösen Streit mit einem Taxifahrer, bei dem Hutchence auf den Bürgersteig geknallt war, erlitt er einen Gehirnschaden, bei dem Nervenbahnen durchtrennt wurden - irreparabel. Seitdem hatte er keinen Geruchs- und fast keinen Geschmackssinn mehr, was viel dramatischer ist, als es klingen mag. Das, so heißt es im Biopic, stürzte Hutchence in eine tiefe Krise - und veränderte ihn total: "Von da an war er anders", sagen seine Freunde, seine Familie. Der sonst so sanfte, liebenswerte, ausgeglichene Michael wurde launisch, aggressiv, cholerisch, aufbrausend, hatte Weinkrämpfe, Depressionen, ging mit dem Messer auf Bandmitglieder los. Ausschnitte aus TV-Interviews zeigen ihn fahrig, nach Worten suchend, mit Blackouts. Kurzes Babyglück Hutchence schnitt sich Ende der 80er die langen Locken ab, denn "auf einmal sahen viele so aus wie ich. Oder ich wie sie? " (Foto: © Steve Pyke) Einen positiven Schub brachte ihm 1996 die Geburt seiner Tochter Tiger Lily - der Film zeigt ihn geradezu high vor Babyglück. Doch die Beziehung zu ihrer Mutter Paula Yates stand unter keinem guten Stern - immerhin hatte sie Sir Bob Geldof, mit dem sie schon drei Töchter hatte, für Hutchence verlassen, das verziehen ihr die Briten nicht. Die Boulevardpresse stürzte sich auf das Promi-Paar - und die britische Yellow Press kann sehr böse sein. Als dann auch noch Drogen in der Londoner Wohnung gefunden werden und ein Sorgerechtsstreit mit Bob Geldof die Situation verschärft, stürzt Hutchence in ein absolutes Loch aus Angstzuständen und Depressionen. Am 22. November 1997 wird er tot in seinem Hotelzimmer in Sydney aufgefunden, erhängt an der Türklinke mit einem Gürtel. In seinem Blut: viel Alkohol, Schlafmittel, Kokain und Antidepressiva. Suizid, sagen die Gerichtsmediziner. Autoerotischer Unfall, sagt Paula Yates. *Datenschutz Was es auch immer war - es ist das tragische Ende eines Musikers mit einer besonderen Aura, der mit seinen künstlerischen Ambitionen und seinem Traum von einem Familienleben gescheitert war. Seine Sehnsucht nach Wärme, Liebe und Geborgenheit in einer Familie kollidierten mit dem Leben als Rockstar. Aber damit steht er nicht alleine da, das ist wohl im Musikbusiness eher die Regel als die Ausnahme. Zudem liegt sein Tod bereits mehr als 20 Jahre zurück, INXS gibt es auch nicht mehr - warum also jetzt dieser Film? Regisseur Lowenstein begründet das so: In den Jahren nach Hutchence' Tod hätte es so viele reißerische Enthüllungsstorys und Artikel voller falscher Darstellungen gegeben - inzwischen hätte sich die Aufregung gelegt und die Zeit wäre reif gewesen für "eine echte, respektvolle Chronik seines Lebens". Und Musik-Biopics laufen in letzter Zeit gehäuft im Kino - schon kommt in sozialen Medien die leicht hämische Frage auf, ob denn jeder, der mal ein Mikro gehalten hat, jetzt einen Film bekommt. Gerade ist der über Udo Lindenberg s Leben angelaufen, kurz davor " Judy " über Judy Garland, "Birth of the Cool" über Miles Davis und "Amazing Grace" mit Aretha Franklin. Auch noch nicht lange her: "Bohemian Rhapsody" über Queen-Frontmann Freddie Mercury und "Rocketman" über Elton John. Der filmische Versuch, den Stars auf der Bühne etwas näher zu kommen, den Menschen hinter den Magazin-Covern kennenzulernen, hat seine Faszination offenbar nicht verloren. Besser als jede Insta-Homestory. Januar 2020 wäre Michael Hutchence 60 Jahre alt geworden; "Mystify - Michael Hutchence" startet am 30. Januar in Deutschland im Kino.
Amo demais. He was the sexiest man on earth how could she resist.
Fantastic Hutch without forgetting the greatness of INXS. Forever soundtrack of my life.
Tchence lyrics. RIP MTCHAEL. you are sorely missed. Michael was unique, and the trouble is that the unique often die young. Why? If you wish my opinion it's because the dark side doesn't like it. It is a question of talent and power. The dark side doesn't like it and uses everything in its power to get rid of it. God knows I know. Inmortal versión. Siempre grande. MICHAEL... I could never understand why he dumped Kylie and later got Paula Yates, who was married with three kids, pregnant... Watch Movie Mystify: Michael Hutchence. Mystify:MichaelHutchence'movi"e.'free'd` Mystify: Michael Hutchence' NO BUFFERING. Tchence karaoke.
Tchence remix. Some of my very best times were in the 80's listening to INXS... I watched this live at the time, making me late for school but every second of this interview was worth it <3. "Mystify: Michael" 2018) English Full Movie Online Free Download #WhitherMystify: Michael Hutchence. I felt so sorry for Paula here. she and Tiger sat almost alone. away from his family, I heard they complained even that she was sat at the front, reserved for them. she was the mother of his child his loved her, very sad.
So thankful for this. Thank you. I'll be there. Who will be sweating in 2020. Oh wow, this is SO sad. You know, I had a friend at work named Paul and he had the EXACT same injury - but in his case, he was drunk and trying to impress some girl's he'd just met by walking backwards when HE slipped and hit his head on the curb and knocked out his sense of taste & smell. However, he went to the hospital right away and in about six months - his sense of taste and smell returned. Of course, eating was difficult so that was VERY hard for Paul - he could only taste - a little bit - super sweet, hot or sour food. And, I'm pretty sure what this woman who was his manager ?? meant he couldn't taste ?? - this woman HAD to have had Micheal in bed more than a few times! Good Lord! Ah, well - maybe we'd still have Micheal had he gotten to the hospital sooner - cause even after six months - no taste no smell - my friend was getting a bit suicidal too - that and everything else though - maybe not. ? Well, thank you for the amazing music Michael - and I see his Father's pain - I lost my only child and my Son Julien at just 13 years old and the pain really never goes away - so R. I. P. Micheal and R. I. P. Julien.
'Cause I'm not sleeping. Tchence reaction. It's said a great singer is great because they connect with their listener in a way that transcends a simple pitch perfect delivery of the notes. Maybe even that a truth is sent and a truth is felt in return. I knew nothing of this when Michael and INXS first kicked into my life but this film helps me understand why they moved me like so many haven't. The film makers know their art also. It's moving. Better than I ever imagined it could be.
Can't believe you're now 57. We miss you.
I was worried about you, where have you been. I am STILL SO IN LOVVVVEEE. Tchence new. Great song, oh i love inxs with micheal hutchence of course. my life is mysterfied. R.I.P. Michael, Never forget Australian made concert. You were truly the pure essence of Australian rock. Cheers. My favorite band.

So sad to see this for the first time. Can't stop crying. Still thinking of michael since 20 years.?. Mystify my favourite song ever. incs 4eva. It's clear that MH was deeply troubled and suffered poor mental health. It's clear that he was exploited by many over the years. It's also clear that INXS were a pop band that was nothing without Michael and Paula was not the world's best influence.
In the end though the doc is very one sided/whitewashed bringing nothing new to the table. Brilliant song! Resonates with Hang Em High! Looking forward to the album. Mystify. Tras el cantante de INXS Movie Solar Movies Without Membership english subtitle 8. 8 out of 10 stars - 593 votes Review - Ghost Pictures and Passion Pictures and a documentary feature about the troubled heart and soul of Michael Hutchence, lead singer and songwriter of INXS Australia Scores - 882 Votes Ratings - 8, 3 / 10 Stars release Date - 2019 Helena Christensen Mystify. Tras el cantante de INXS movie reviews. Edit Release Dates USA 25 April 2019 (Tribeca Film Festival) Canada 28 April 2019 6 June 2019 (Sydney Film Festival) Czech Republic 29 June 2019 (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival) 4 July 2019 Denmark 25 July 2019 New Zealand 12 September 2019 UK 4 October 2019 (London Film Festival) 4 October 2019 (Tucson Film & Music Festival) Poland 13 October 2019 (Warsaw Film Festival) 18 October 2019 Ireland Netherlands 24 October 2019 7 January 2020 (Fathom Events) Germany 30 January 2020 Also Known As (AKA) original title) Mystify: Michael Hutchence Canada (English title) Mexico Spain Mystify. Tras el cantante de INXS Mystify: Michael Hutchence. YouTube. Mystify. Tras el cantante de INXS. Mystify. Tras el cantante de INXS movie. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs movies. Mystify. Tras el cantante de INXS movie page imdb Mystify. Tras el cantante de INXS movie maker. Mystify. Tras el cantante de INXS movies. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs movie never. Mystify. tras el cantante de inxs movie maker. 12 Best Handwritten images, Michael hutchence, Handwriting, Writing. Mystify. Tras el cantante de INXS movie page. Sobre INXS ¿Quiénes son INXS? INXS es una banda de rock de los 80 fundada por los hermanos?Farriss en 1977 en Perth ( Australia. Pero sin lugar a dudas el gran líder de la banda fue su vocalista y principal compositor de letras Michael Hutchence. Michael Hutchence (voz) Andrew Farriss (teclado) Tim Farriss (guitarra) Jon Farriss (batería) Garry Gary Beers (bajo) Kirk Pengilly (guitarra y saxo) ¿Por qué se llama INXS? El origen del nombre de la banda fue una propuesta del agente Chris Murphy, quién quería llamar al grupo " In Excess. el grupo decidió acortarlo a "INXS" que traducido al español sería en exceso. Imagen de Chris Murphy manager de INXS ¿Cuál fue la causa de la muerte del líder de INXS, Michael Hutchence? La causa oficial fue el suicidio, en el reporte oficial dijeron que en la mañana del 22 de noviembre de 1997, Hutchence fue encontrado colgado en su habitación del hotel Ritz-Cartlon en Sídney. La actriz Kym Wilson fue la última persona en ver a Hutchence vivo, tras estar de fiesta con el cantante en la habitación por la noche. Michael Hutchence (nació en Sídney el 22 de enero 1960 y falleció el 22 de noviembre 1997) tenía 37 años cuando murió. Mystify. Tras el cantante de INXS movie database.
A beautiful and gifted man, ruined by a punch from a thug that made him lose his sense of taste and smell and brain damage. Liam and Noel Gallagher surely didnt help his suffering confidence when he handed them an award and to add insult to injury he loved Oasis. Lessons to be learned here but itll never bring this man back. So damn sad.
O mundo da música ainda sente muita falta de Michael H. Eu imagino que no último suspiro ele estava amargurado com os conflitos familiares, talvez isso foi o suficiente para ele morrer. Truly an extraordinary man, RIP Michael. We love you and miss you. The Set List - For the love of god. COULD have been the best band in the world? ABSOeffinLutely were the best band in the ! two ways about it! Long Live INXS.
Mystify: Michael Hutchence Theatrical release poster Directed by Richard Lowenstein Produced by Maya Gnyp John Battsek Sue Murray Mark Fennessy Richard Lowenstein Lynn-Maree Milburn Andrew de Groot Written by Richard Lowenstein Starring Michael Hutchence ( See below) Music by Warren Ellis Cinematography Andrew de Groot Edited by Tayler Martin Production company Ghost Pictures Passion Pictures BBC Music [1] Distributed by Madman Ent. (Australia) Dogwoof (International) [2] Release date 25?April?2019 ( Tribeca) 4?July?2019 (Australia) Running time 102 minutes [3] Country Australia United Kingdom [4] Language English Box office $1. 1 million [5] [6] Mystify: Michael Hutchence is a 2019 documentary film about the life of musician, actor and singer-songwriter Michael Hutchence, lead vocalist of the Australian rock band INXS. It is written and directed by Richard Lowenstein and relies primarily on rare archive footage, outtakes, private home video and audio commentary provided by friends, ex-partners, band members, record producers and family. An Australian-British venture, the film was co-produced by Ghost Pictures, Passion Pictures with Madman Entertainment and Dogwoof serving as distributors. It is in association with Baird Films and Film Victoria. Mystify: Michael Hutchence had its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on 25 April 2019, and was theatrically released in Australia on 4 July 2019. [4] [7] The film was released in the United Kingdom on 18 October receiving generally positive reviews from critics. Synopsis [ edit] Mystify covers the life of INXS lead singer Michael Hutchence which features private home video and archive footage. During the relationship between Minogue and Hutchence, previously unseen privately shot footage shows them in Hong Kong harbour, on board the orient express, and at Hutchence’s home in the south of France. In the early 1990’s an incident occurred while bicycling on holiday in Copenhagen with then girlfriend Helena Christensen, where Hutchence gets shoved to the ground by a taxi driver, hitting his head on the curb and losing consciousness. According to Christensen, Hutchence was rushed to hospital and woke up determined to leave. The injury resulted in Hutchence having permanent loss of sense of smell and taste. Clips show Yates and Michael Hutchence in a 1985 interview on Channel 4 's rock magazine programme The Tube and many years later on The Big Breakfast interview in October 1994. Recollections with voice-overs in the film include Michele Bennett, Kylie Minogue, siblings Rhett and Tina Hutchence, father Kelland Hutchence, stepmother Susie, producer Nick Launay, Bono and INXS band members, composer and keyboardist Andrew Farriss, guitarist Tim Farriss, bassist Garry Gary Beers and drummer Jon Farriss. The film ends with INXS performing at London’s Wembley Stadium and the song "Mystify" plays over the credits. Production [ edit] Development [ edit] Plans for a biographical drama film about Michael Hutchence were being developed with a script written by Australian film-maker Richard Lowenstein. Lowenstein had previously collaborated with Hutchence in Dogs in Space and INXS music videos. The film was to feature an actor as Hutchence, however the idea of casting someone proved very difficult and with the announcement of the miniseries INXS: Never Tear Us Apart, it made the director switch to an archival documentary. [8] The documentary film gathered early development funding and support by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Screen Australia and Film Victoria. [9] A pitch trailer was produced and shown at the 2016 Australian International Documentary Conference in Melbourne where BBC Music took interest. [9] In July 2016, it was announced that a documentary film about the singer-songwriter Michael Hutchence had the official support of INXS band members and manager Chris Murphy, with Richard Lowenstein signed on to direct. [10] [11] [12] [13] The director conducted the first interview (for the biopic research) in 2010 with U2 lead singer Bono who were on tour in Melbourne. Band members from INXS were then interviewed and filmed in 2011, gradually building up an archive of footage. [14] [15] During the interview process, Lowenstein had decided to record just the audio, having individual interviewees in a dark recording studio. A total of around sixty people were interviewed. [16] [15] Tapes of archival footage of varying quality were found in the directors attic lost for twenty years. [15] In October 2017, long negotiations began for the rights to use INXS music in the film, but ended with no deal due to a dispute with Murphy of Petrol Records over the documentary’s ownership in return. This lead the director to produce an edit of the film with no music from the INXS catalogue. [15] Eventually, Lowenstein made contact with Hutchence’s daughter Tiger Lily (the daughter of Hutchence and Paula Yates) in London, through Susie Hutchence’s advice. Lowenstein flew to London in October 2018 to meet. After viewing a rough cut of the film, Tiger Lily made contact with the band’s management and record company. A day later, a deal was struck to use nine INXS tracks. [15] The post-production and supervision of the film were completed by United Finishing Artists with the sound mixing done at Soundfirm, Melbourne. [17] Music [ edit] Composer Warren Ellis was in charge of the film's music and score. [18] The documentary features various digitally-restored tracks which were remixed by Giles Martin in Dolby Atmos supplied by INXS. Music also included are by Hutchence, Max Q with Ollie Olsen, Kylie Minogue, Nick Cave, instrumentals by Ólafur Arnalds and Nils Frahm. [19] The film includes tracks, such as: " Never Tear Us Apart " and " Sometimes ". [20] Lowenstein stated that there has been no official soundtrack album released, [15] however, a complementary album was released on 5 July 2019 titled Mystify: A Musical Journey with Michael Hutchence. Release [ edit] The world premiere of Mystify: Michael Hutchence took place in Manhattan at the Tribeca Film Festival on 25 April 2019, including a live Q&A session with the film’s director after the screening. [21] Over the next few months it played in festivals around Canada, Australia, Czech Republic, Germany and New Zealand, building anticipation: at the Hot Docs in Toronto, Sydney, Munich and New Zealand Film Festivals. [22] [23] [24] [25] Advance screenings with Lowenstein in attendance for special Q&A sessions followed in June, at the Astor Theatre in Melbourne, Ritz Cinema in Sydney and the European premiere held at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. [26] [27] [28] An official trailer was released on 4 June 2019 and featured the songs " Mystify " and " Never Tear Us Apart " by INXS. [29] [30] It was released in cinemas across Australia on 4 July and in New Zealand on 12 September through Madman Entertainment. [31] Initially the film was screened out of competition during the BFI London Film Festival on 4 October 2019 at the Curzon Mayfair Cinema [32] [33] and then released in the United Kingdom on 18 October through Dogwoof. The Netherlands saw a release on 24 October by Piece of Magic entertainment. [34] [35] In the United States Fathom Events and Shout! Factory will theatrically release the film for one-night-only on 7 January 2020. [36] Broadcast [ edit] In Australia, the documentary was aired by ABC Television during 24 November 2019. [37] Channel BBC Two aired the film in the UK on 28 December. [38] Home media [ edit] It was released on DVD, digital and Blu-ray disc in Australia by Madman Entertainment on 25 November 2019. [39] It contains twelve special features including early days - where they discuss the band’s formation, acting, discussing Prague where three INXS music videos were filmed and Professor of Psychiatry, Steve Ellen’s analyses into Hutchence’s death. [40] Dogwoof released the film in the U. K. and Ireland on 9 December. The extra features include an interview with director Richard Lowenstein and producer Chris Thomas, deleted scenes and theatrical trailer. [41] [42] It entered the UK Official DVD Chart at No. 98, the week ending 21 December. [43] Reception [ edit] Box office [ edit] Mystify: Michael Hutchence grossed A$ 1. 1 million (US$705, 044) [44] in Australia and $453, 851 in other territories, for a total worldwide gross of $1, 158, 895. [45] [46] [5] Australia [ edit] In Australia it made A$368, 642 (US$257, 216) from 114 screens including previews and festival screenings, in its opening weekend, finishing tenth at the box office grossing A$485, 825 ($338, 979) in the week ending 7 July. [47] [48] [5] It made another A$179, 000 ($125, 772) from 79 screens in its second weekend with a 51% decrease from the first week; finishing thirteenth and grossing A$761, 000 ($534, 167) through 11 days. [49] [5] On its third weekend the film made A$83, 000 ($58, 678) from 55 screens finishing seventeenth grossing a total of A$893, 000 (US$628, 874). [50] [5] After the fourth week of release, the film shown on 61 screens had a total of A$988, 000 crossing the A$1 million mark before the following weekend. [51] [52] [53] On its ninth week at the end of August it was played on 10 screens grossing a total of A$1, 141, 000. [54] [55] Other territories [ edit] On its first weekend in New Zealand it made US$8, 713 across 21 screens. It made another $1, 329 from 7 screens on its second weekend. By its fifth week it had grossed a total of $14, 699. [56] [57] In the United Kingdom it made £62, 776 ($81, 453) from 8 cinemas with an average of £7, 847 ($10, 182) per screen in its opening weekend, finishing twelfth at the box office. [58] [59] It made another £10, 146 ($13, 021) in its second weekend, with the film added to 3 screens over the previous week for a total of 11; grossing £79, 199 ($101, 641) through 12 days. [60] In its third weekend it made £4, 578 ($5, 929) shown on 9 cine
Brilliance. Utter brilliance. RIP Michael Hutchins. This extraordinary Australian (documentary) film weaves its deeply moving tale using expertly edited film footage from across Michael Hutchence's far too few years, to present an audience with a flawlessly flowing movie. It is a story of the complexity and often harshness of life for so many brilliantly talented creatives whose intelligence is sometimes too much for a single brain to handle. The commentary is all soundbites from his friends and associates and his story unfolds in pretty much chronological order. 'Mystify' is also a touching treatment of depression and how it can grab hold and destroy in some cases.
Although we know how the story will end, it is handled with compassion and nuance and is quite powerful. I'd thoroughly recommend this movie. It is moving, rather than depressing. We can all learn lessons from the lives of others and 'Mystify' teaches us lessons at every turn.
WELCOME TO THE WORLD STAGE - HUMANITY... Tiene un aire al lider de depeche mode. It's only the trailer but I'm already crying.

9.3 out of 10 stars - 585 votes









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