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2019. Annette Bening, Josh O'Connor. 184 Vote. duration - 1 h 40 M. &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYmY0YmUzM2MtOTRhNS00MjA0LWJmMDctNWMzOTllNzk5ZDdiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzQ5MzY0NjM@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg). genre - Drama. Download Torrent Hope gapi. Omg I love this song ????. Download torrent hope gap ky. No need to qualify it as “animated”, this is straight up one of the best shows ever made. Liam Neeson has a particular set of skills and one of them is love.
My name is Owen, and I enjoy stealing in general. Also drugs, which I generally sell my stolen shit to buy more of. So, my equally goonish friend Terry and I got the case of a lifetime six months ago. We had screwed over this creepy dude Cody who was selling us stuff by covertly stealing his stash of shrooms and weed and calling the cops on him as he made a delivery to our friendly competition later. He was selling black shrooms that everyone kept asking us for and we were worried we were losing customers. Both of us being usually unbathed as well as over six feet tall with scraggly hair, we somehow doubted it was our lack of congeniality. Unexpectedly, the police assumed he was dangerous and decided to shoot him in the head, despite his being unarmed, shirtless and confused. He was a pretty creepy dude, but everyone doubted that his actions could be interpreted as a threat. They swore that he was coming right for them. We were surprised, enough that we didn’t make our usual jokes about it, but as junkies we both needed to make money and get another fix. To console our good friend Ashley, who is his cousin, we offered to smoke her out (with Cody’s stolen weed). Needless to say, Terry tried and failed to fuck her. After being given a cold shoulder I began to ply my trade of casing her and her friends for other drugs to steal. His cousin was so upset that she mentioned not knowing what to do with the incredible payload of stuff they were growing that they had left out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. She seemed worried police might find it if they were investigating Cody, a paranoia I eagerly fostered. Still not believing ourselves to be under suspicion, we plied Ashley for the whereabouts of the grove of shrooms, weed and whatever else that was hidden in the swamps. “I don’t remember clearly. It was a while down Southern and then a left at an abandoned building. Maybe we could find it on Mapquest? Owen, do you know the area? ” “No problem, the least we could do is check it out, make sure the cops didn’t nip it. This could have been a much larger sting or something. How long do you think it will take to clean it out? “ Ashley shook her pretty blonde head and stared at the floor. “A while, it was a lot of plants, most of them were at least half way grown and a lot of them were almost ready to be picked. ” She didn’t meet my eyes and was ardently protecting herself from showing any kind of facial expression. Her puffy red eyes led me to believe that she would be softer right now than she was. “Shit. That’s felony town. Maybe even RICO, or whatever. ” Considering the fact that we had dropped the tip just three weeks ago and they picked up everyone we mentioned I was pretty confident PBSO had no idea where this place was. Paranoia had already set in and the idea of being watched by the police was very clearly an issue, since he had no idea that his cousin was simply set up by the goons he was currently being hustled by. We got approximate directions and prepared to head out the next day to find the secret garden. Druggies, in general, were usually off guard at around dawn in our local experience. Ashley showed us a couple of the shrooms that came from the crop, the black and brown caps hadn’t been dried and were especially dark and slick. She finally sighed, told us she wanted it all destroyed and announced she wanted to go to sleep. We promised to do our best for our good friend. “Merry douchemas, bro. ” We fist pounded the second we got back into his turquoise 1982 Buick Regal. “It’s more like Douche-Hanukkah, don’t you think? It’s like one act of douchery that is just lasting us much longer than normal. “ We didn’t have the decency to blame ourselves for Cody’s death, so this just seemed like someone else’s catastrophe that we happened to be able to cash in on. “That makes sense, it’s like we’re keeping the douche oil going for eight douchey nights instead of just one. ” “You right. Well let’s go steal this motherfucker’s shit. ” He grinned, proud of the gaps and gold. “One hell of a weekend. ” So we called our friend Nino and got ready that night, with whatever shoes we could hike in and durable clothing. We prepared to wake before the crack of dawn. We were all groggy when we woke, but we got a little high anyways before heading off into the dark, driving about forty five minutes down the 98, which was only known as “Southern Blvd. ” to us at the time. It was about twenty minutes longer than civilization was able to cover. It runs across the entire state and plenty of Florida’s wetlands. By the time we reached the place, the sky had a single scintillating blue slit that was very far away. Eduardo, or “Nino”, was Terry’s step brother from El Salvador, and he owned a quad cab pickup with a covered bed. Ubiquitous in redneck territory, we chuckled about how the most obvious instrument made us less likely to be noticed by the police. Thankfully it was dark, because a five foot three El Salvadorian in a plain white t-shirt with a lot of gold is normally how the police make their money with random stops. Especially when they’re with two hammy white trash looking guys like me and Terry, carrying what we hoped was a buttload of drugs. Despite a general desire for being hidden, we blasted Spanish rap as we pulled past an old white house that was missing a roof and its windows. It was the main distinguishing feature that we knew about and aside from the giant patch of drugs somewhere nearby. Nino pulled his truck off the road and into the surprisingly deep grass. There wasn’t a road to the house, but it was still barely visible behind the wall of vivid pinks and purples coming from Floss Silk and Hong Kong Orchid trees. Near the side of the building was the concrete foundation of what was once a road sign, with two holes ringed with iron. “You sure this is the place? ” Nino swirled around and shot me a cautious stare. “Yeah, we Googled the area and she thought this was it. I saved the location on my phone. ” Nino turned around and snickered. “I feel bad for them, I do. ” Nino seemed to be talking to himself at that point. “Yeah, and I feel bad for all those weed plants that are going to get burned to death! ” Terry roared with laughter, but Nino began focusing on the area around us instead of responding. We couldn’t see much further than the lights that the truck would reach and even that was hindered by brightly colored foliage. We got out of the car and looked around. Terry grabbed his supplies, the trash bags, a wheelbarrow and some refreshments inside. Sure enough, a small creek ran into a tiny pond about thirty feet behind the building. Coral pink stone slabs were occasionally partially visible winding past the massive pillars of red and orange hibiscus flowers and up to the pond. The layout of the plants almost seemed intentionally promoted along this path, which encouraged my belief that this was a tourist trap or something at some point. Eventually we finally got to what was clearly an originally man-made pond, with pale lavender tiles around the destroyed remnants of a ring in various states of assault from plants and water. “Holy fucking shit. ” I felt the sting of Nino’s hand slapping my back hard and tightening briefly on my shoulder. He raised his finger to point at what had gotten his and Terry’s admiration. Across from the pond was a single visible pot plant, poking out from behind a wall of tree growth about thirty feet away from the pond. We all picked up a happy trot on the way to our quarry, which was still along a badly weathered path. Sure enough, behind a batch of pines and bushes bigger than SUVs was a very well-manicured garden stretching through enough scrub to include several large fully grown pot plants. It was clearly tended by someone competent, who included separate sections for weed, regular shrooms and the glistening black beasts of mushrooms that we knew to be growing in popularity. The black ones seemed to spread infectiously, clustering in small uneven groups near the other shrooms but especially near the stems of the pot plants. There were a couple of salvia plants too, but we didn’t care. I started filling trash bags with the stuff, ripping the plants out roots and all if there was enough bud on them. All of the plants looked just slightly wild, they were planted with care but upon close inspection didn’t seem to have been trimmed or even touched in quite some time. “Bro! We’re going to be kings for a fucking year! Look at these fucking things! ” Terry lifted an oozing clump of the irregularly sized but tightly packed black shrooms and held them next to the slightly less disgusting brown and black regular shrooms. They were both disgusting and appetizing simultaneously and I didn’t blame Terry when he ate quite a few of both before returning to pack his bags. “This is worth the down payment on a pretty nice house. ” Nino gestured to the mountainous weed plant in front of him, almost as if he were arguing defensively. “We cut and cure this and we could make a fucking fortune. ” Nino smiled confidently. I finished my fourth messy bag of weed and moved on to the shrooms, going near an area that seemed split between the two varieties. I ate a little of the fresh shrooms, which tasted like ass, before chugging some Faygo Terry brought. Years of being a juggalo in High School had left him with a genuine taste for the stuff, as well as other Floridian favorites like champagne cola and chocolate soda. I braced myself before shoving a tiny amount of the black shrooms into my mouth and swallowing hard, hoping to force it down before my mouth could register a taste. The shrooms were faster though, and my mouth was flooded with the taste and smell that was similar to blood and feces. I wretched immediately, but nothing came up and I was able to wash it down with more soda. “Jesus ass-fucking Christ! ” I heard myself spit the wo
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Download Torrent Hope gapminder. Download torrent hope gap hill. Thank you William Nicholson for saving my Dinard Film Festival 2019. After viewing several so un-innovative "real stories" Red Joan, Fisherman's Friends) and "social realism" films (The Last Tree, VS - even though VS's world of rap battles was fascinating) I was getting really disappointed in British cinema.
Hope Gap made up for all that. It is beautifully acted (Annette Bening is extraordinary) deep and subtle, and does carry you away.
Download torrent hope gap free. Source: CONTINGENCY EN ROUTE: URANUS ? CAELUS STATION OUTER BAND ? LOCATION INCONCLUSIVE “I was able to pull some data from those Exo samples. ” Jinju perches on the cockpit dashboard. Two tech mites crawl over her shell. Their jump-ship plummets through fractalescent polychrome luge, ripping across the sable pitch of space at blistering speed. Ana leans back in her pilot seat, one knee pulled to her chest. She watches strands of shimmer bend around the hull. A bobble-owl jiggles along as the ship shivers, underneath it: Camrin, in frame. “Hit me. ” Her eyes turn to Jinju. “I couldn’t completely narrow it down, but they’re definitely from the Golden Age, circa the Collapse. ” Jinju continues, “I’ve been going through the Pillory mainframe download. Those stations are meant to split Rasputin’s mind up in the event that he became… uh… insubordinate. ” “That’s disgusting. ” “ECHO appears to have been a contingency program that activates afterward. They also had a cornerstone schematic of his brain. ” Light static fuzzes from bubble speakers on Ana’s dash. Her helmet hangs on a hook behind her; Rasputin’s uplink is offline. Ana chews on the information for a moment. “A foundational brain model would help with containment stability after the partitioning process. It’s like a front porch for your brain. ” “It… goes on. ” Jinju continues, “Your name is cross-referenced all over this, Ana. Neural Web-way. Psycholinguistics. Exo brain maps with candidate profiles. It looks like Clovis Bray was syncing Rasputin’s basic core with viable hosts. ” “Oh. ” Ana’s mind races. “For what though? Drop him into containment and clone him? Pretty elaborate restart button. I guess with an Exo you could also make some pretty potent AI with more limiters than a Warmind. ” Jinju processes. “Hm. Nothing conclusive here. ” Ana turns her gaze back to the stars. “It would be terrible to be buried like that?trapped in pieces of your own mind. You wouldn’t even know who you were anymore. Where you start, and where other versions of you end. ” “Speaking of, the Clovis?9 site is ‘78% assimilated into his sovereignty. '” Jinju distorts her voice as Warmind facsimile. “He’s so dramatic about it. ” Ana brightens as she laughs. “You remember how Camrin would always impersonate him? ” “He did not appreciate that, but it was funny. ” Jinju cheeps lightly. “Is she still buried in work from the Moon? ” “Hole opened up to the Black Garden. Pyramid. Creepy signals. Raining Vex. You think Owl Sector could help themselves from getting involved? ” “I heard rumors through the Ghost-vine about the Pyramid. They said it steals your shell. Lives there, like another you. They said it makes you do things. ” Jinju pauses. Her iris flicks to Ana’s raised eyebrow. “Not helping? ” “Let’s just change the subject. ” Jinju squirms awkwardly. “You’ll see her soon. ” “I know. ” “They’re working directly with Ikora. She’s safe. ” “I know…” Warm-tone reassurance trickles into the cabin through Ana’s helmet receiver. “I KNOW. WHEN DID YOU EVEN GET HERE, RED? ” Ana aggressively huffs in exasperation. Tech mites traverse Jinju like a jungle gym. One dangles precariously from a shell flap. “Guess who’s there too. ” “How do you know this, and I don’t? ” “Ghost-vine. It’s Eris Morn. She’s working with the Guardian. ” “Eris? ” Ana scoffs. “She’s not much of a conversationalist so the two of them should get along just fine. ” She gestures to the mites. “Do you really want those crawling all over you? ” “Their names are Pho and Deim, and I love them. ” Jinju coddles her mites. “Besides, it’s like Cam’s with us in spirit, right? ” Ana chuckles and scratches her brow before raising a fist in solidarity. “She is. To the brim. ” The shimmer surrounding the jump-ship jitters before abruptly smashing into empty space. Ana leans forward and looks out into the void. “Um… where’s the planet? ” She slowly rolls her head around the cockpit. They drift through space on placid waves of nothing toward a distant nowhere. The vast luminous twinkle of the Milky Way plays out in panorama, though gloom-speckle pinholes prick gaps in the starry sea. The absence from them directly apparent to Ana’s eye like rays of darkness from a black sun through shear cosmic sheet. Jinju perks up, internal sensors suddenly askew. “Something nabbed us right out of our jump. We’re off course by…” Jinju calculates, “…three AU? ” “What!? ” Ana manually scans the trajectory equations in the nav-computer. “There’s nothing wrong with the math. ” ||JUMP-DRIVE ERROR: MISALIGNMENT|| squawks on bubble speakers. “Little late. ” Tart synesthetic tickle creeps red and patient. Low and pressing, as not to be heard by those that might be listening. “Relax. I know we’re off course, but it’s not that far… relatively speaking. ” Ana scrunches her face at a nav-screen as it’s overtaken by interference. “Okay, I can’t see where we are. Hang on. ” A slow wrinkle skulks across space. It presses up the fabric. Insignificant points between stars warp and spur small disturbances in the constellational congruence of the galaxy. From afar it is nothing. A flutter of wings in wind. “It’s dark out here. ” Jinju’s voice is distant as she peers outside. Beyond the canopy an expanse without horizon. “That’s when the stars shine brightest, Jinju. Find a constellation for me so we can get our bearings. ” ||GRAVITATIONAL WAVE ANOMALY DETECTED: JUMP-REALIGNMENT REQUIRED|| “Way ahead of you, ship. ” Ana checks jump vectors and flicks through alignment procedures. Mav thrusters sputter to orient the ship toward Sol. Ana test-cycles the jump-drive. It revs and then chokes before locking. ||GRAVITATIONAL WAVE ANOMALY DETECTED: JUMP HAZARD?LOCATION INCONCLUSIVE, CLEAR HAZARD|| “Okay, that’s not a comforting thing to hear. ” Ana deploys a sensory buoy from the ship. Rasputin stings and pricks red iron. Steady pressure. With localized insistence. “Feel’s strange. ” Jinju is distant. “We should go. ” Ana initiates recalibrations on the jump-drive’s positioning solution. “There’s definitely some weird space out there. ” ||GRAVITATIONAL WAVE ANOMALY DETECTED|| The ship lurches. Ana’s stomach churns. Jinju vibrates violently in place, an outer shell of Light absorbing some form of force. Red iron needles whistle tea-kettle pressure in white anxiety from Ana’s helmet. Cloaked Shadows shift through the vacuum an eternity away and all too close; shown only when they wish to, to only whom they want. Ana swallows to settle her stomach. “What even was that? Did we move? ” “Leave. Now please. Ana. ” Jinju presses against the glass of the canopy, peering outward. ||SYSTEM REALIGNMENT: SOLUTION SECURED|| “There it is. I’ve got a jump-lock. ” ||GRAVITATIONAL WAVE ANOMALY DETECTED|| “Again? Then we’re riding this one out of here. ” Ana eye-balls adjustments for the gravitational wave into the nav-computer. “Punching jump in 3… 2… 1…” They slip between folds in space. Formless wake propels them. The ship rides through sub-space at speeds far exceeding her jump-drive's capability. Color dulls in the slipstream. Frisson electrifies Ana's senses into timeless euphoria. The nose of the cockpit stretches ahead, drawn toward some distant vanishing point. She struggles to keep the flight stick straight. Her motions seem small, inconsequential and all too slow within the wave. Fluctuant pockets of drag flex and buck, threatening to throw them off into the unknown. The cockpit twists around her, indicator lights blink in metronomic sequence?purpose and pigment slowly materializing in her mind. Hull integrity failing. "Not yet. " ||COLLISION: BOW, CELESTIAL BODY DETECTED, AUTO-DROP FAILED|| Ana steadies her mind. She force-cancels the jump, seizing the drive and dumping them out into space before thrusters burn to steady them again. Their emergence is dwarfed by a stratospheric colossus. Uranus hangs, a daiquiri pearl set in tilted rings. A grin overtakes Ana’s face. “Nailed it. ” Pale blue gleam inundates the canopy with planetary light. Ana plots an approach to the station. The trio slow burn forward, each silently collecting their faculties. Ahead: tiny beacons blip red. Satellite silhouettes take form out of the planet’s zealous glare. Instrument spokes jut from their polygonal chassis like old-war depth charges itching to trigger. “Those are Warsats. ” Jinju breaks the silence, eager to shift her mode of thought far from weird space and gravity waves. “Finally, some luck, " Ana says with relief. "I bet we can daisy-chain Rasputin into the station’s network through the defense system. ” “Oh, they’re powering up. Maybe we?” Horns of responsive distortion roll across the cabin like a stress wave. Rasputin’s alert pings litter the canopy HUD. “Brace! ” Ana pushes hard on the flight stick and reflexively dives under a barrage of laser fire. Nose thrusters roar vibration through her hands as she cuts to guide the ship vertical and tumbles into a barrel roll, slipping around follow-up bursts. A bolt skims shallow across her starboard side: ricochet. Shockwave tremors reverberate through the hull. “Red, ping all incoming fire vectors! Jinju, arm the spikes! ” Plates split open along the belly of the ship. A drum-launcher of six Warspikes rolls out as Jinju links into the launcher's gunnery apparatus. Indicators blare onto the canopy HUD. Jinju sends two Warspikes straight into the first of fifteen Warsats blocking their path as Ana nudges the ship between incoming laser bursts. Two spiked Warsats cease fire as their automated defense protocols are overridden, security software utterly failing to halt Rasputin’s invasive assimilation. They come back online?spikes blending into spokes?and swivel to gun down the closest still-hostile targets. The assimilated twin Warsats thrus
It would be better for me if you were dead. Well THAT took a turn quickly! lol. Oh i see they're hiding all the action scenes for the movie I'm expecting some hard-core action scenes in this movie when i watch it in the theatre. With another increase in "why does my game stutter" threads hitting this subreddit, I figure it's time again to explain why this happens in HotS. First, I want to clarify the scenario we're talking about here. This is the stutter that occurs usually when you're connected to specific servers like ORD1 or US8 (press Ctrl-Alt-F in-game to see the server and your ping times) and is usually accompanied by a flashing Ethernet port symbol in the upper-left. Ping times are usually over 100ms when this is happening. Warning: This is long. Try to bear with me, or you can skip through to the TL;DR at the end. Seriously though, if this is hurting your game, it's worth it to read through, isolate the cause, and investigate your options. Why does this happen? HotS is based upon the SC2 engine, and thus uses the deterministic lockstep netcode model common to RTS games (and some MOBAs, in fact). What this means is that as the game is played, all that is exchanged between game clients and the server are player inputs. The server and the clients run in lockstep, or absolute sync, at an internal "frame rate" for player actions. I don't know what this rate is, but in many lockstep games I've read that it's around 10 fps, or 100ms. UPDATE: /u/TyaArcade says that "... assuming it's the same as SC2, it's 62. 5ms. The engine ticks every 1/16th of a game second. ". UPDATE 2: /u/barrett777 (owner of HotsLogs and coder of the system that reads replay files) has confirmed the HotS engine indeed still runs at 16 FPS. When a player initiates an action, that action is displayed immediately on screen, but is actually performed server-side (and on all synchronized clients) during the next possible action frame. A good way to actually witness this is via the new HotsLogs in-browser match replays. This is effectively the replay file, which is a recording of player actions during the game, being played back to show the data contained within the action frames. So why does it make my game stutter? If a client doesn't get any updates from the server or any acknowledgement that its own updates have been received for each action frame, the game effectively halts until any necessary information is received. It can't render anything new and so it freezes until it has something to work with. If this happens for long enough, your client is effectively no longer in sync with the game and you get the "Server is xx:xx ahead" message. During this time your game is trying to collect all of the actions it's missing and simulate them at an accelerated internal rate until it comes back into sync with the server and the rest of the clients. HotS puts a server-controlled bot in place to input actions on behalf of your client until you return. For those wondering why Blizzard, other MOBAs and most RTS would choose to netcode this way, the answer is simple: absolute fairness. Everyone always sees exactly the same thing, though obviously those with a lot of latency or packet loss can miss bits and pieces as the game stutters due to getting only intermittent action data. A potential programming solution to the network-latency stuttering might be for the game to try to fill those gaps between action frames that are missing data by using a form of visual interpolation (prediction based upon past trends) to display to the player what it thinks is happening instead of just sitting still. Many games implement something like this to a certain degree to ensure smoothness, but it's a double-edged sword. If the prediction isn't accurate (and it can never be 100% correct, particularly in the clickfest of a team fight or objective battle) then ultimately you could witness scenarios where a skillshot appears to connect but does not, or a player teleports / rubber bands to a new position as more accurate information comes in to update the game. However, this kind of visual inconsistency is generally unacceptable in a latency-sensitive competitive game environment and can be exploitable. It could spell the death of the competitive scene for HotS and this subreddit would be flooded with a whole different kind of rage! So before you blast Blizzard's decision to netcode the game this way, consider the alternatives. I'm not saying there isn't room for improvement, but we'd need to know a lot more details about HotS netcode (Blizz, plz? ) before we could criticize much further. Why are there networking problems? This can be for a few different reasons. One could simply be a local networking issue between your PC and your router. If you're on WiFi, interference or overlapping channels with other WiFi networks could be a big cause of the issue. The capacity of your connection between your router and your ISP could be maxed out because of someone doing heavy downloading or uploading on your network. It could be an issue on your ISP's network. Traffic leaves your router and heads to your local ISP's CO, or Central Office, to get told where to go next. If you're seeing a lot of packet loss between your router (probably 192. 168. x. x) and the CO, either there's an issue somewhere out on the wire, something is maxing out the capacity of your service with your ISP, or your ISP has too many people sharing the same network resources in your neighborhood. This type of oversubscription is common and can particularly be a problem if you're on a cable connection, as your modem will spend a lot of time jumping between frequencies on the cable to try to find ones that aren't really busy. Past that even, your ISP may have issues with capacity or routing performance past the CO as traffic goes to an internet gateway where it'll be handed off to another service provider to take to Blizzard. Thus it might also be an issue with internet latency between your ISP and Blizzard. The key word here is between. This may not be an issue with your ISP, it may not be an issue with Blizzard, but somewhere in-between. For example, there's a known issue currently between some service providers like TWC and the ORD1 server because of internet transit link congestion issues over intermediary service-provider XO Communications. These issues tend to manifest during the busiest hours for that link. And lastly it could be entirely on Blizzard's end, or their service provider (AT&T in the US from what I've seen). While certainly possible, if this was commonly the cause, it'd be a problem for everyone. Since it's usually just a portion of players having the issue, it's usually the first three scenarios that are the root cause. How do I find out exactly what's causing my problem? First, try playing in Try Mode, which runs completely client-side. If everything is great there, proceed. If you still get some hitching / latency, try: Delete your shader cache by deleting the C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment\Heroes of the Storm\Versions folder (hidden directory, paste into Windows Explorer or Run line) and then allowing the launcher to update Switching HotS to 32-bit client mode via the launcher options Ensuring your PC/laptop is not in any power-saving mode Reducing graphics settings to lowest ( and here's how you can disable shadows entirely) Set sound quality to low (it eats up a surprising amount of system resources). Assuming Try Mode works great, the best way to investigate further would be to run a MTR test from to the HotS servers and diagnosing the results. However, recently that looking glass has not been working well. Alternatively, you can run a pathping/WinMTR test from your side (open command prompt aka "cmd" and type pathping followed by the appropriate IP listed below) while your performance to that server is being consistently poor and while you have no other downloads or uploads running anywhere on your local network. US8: 12. 129. 222. 10 ORD1: 199. 108. 62. 157 SG1: 202. 9. 67. 59 SA1: 54. 207. 104. 145 AU1: 103. 4. 114. 233 Use the MTR Analysis article guidelines to evaluate your pathping (principles are the same) or download WinMTR if you want to be able to follow word-for-word. Please do not use Blizzard's pathping article as a guide. Compared to the MTR article it's garbage and contains blatant misinformation that could send you barking up the wrong tree. Essentially, look for a point on the path to the server in question where you see latency or packet loss jump up and remain that way all the way to the end. That last part is key; some devices on the internet respond to the pings sent to them by these tests at their leisure, but will still transmit pings sent anywhere else as quickly as possible. Thus you should be looking for a point where latency or packet loss occurs and remains consistently bad at all subsequent hops. Again, that MTR Analysis article does a pretty good job demonstrating what you should be looking for. What do I do with this to actually improve my game performance? So if it's an issue occurring on your local area network ( any packet loss or double-digit latency on the first hop or any IP starting with 192. x), you should switch to playing from a wired connection if you're not already and stop all other heavy network usage while you're playing (people watching NetFlix, torrent streams, watching HD cat videos on YouTube, etc). Some people may suggest QoS as a solution, and it may be if the type of traffic maxing out your connection is TCP and your router supports per-user or per-connection bandwidth limits, but things like streaming video are difficult to throttle effectively inbound. If you're on a wired connection and there's no other downloading / uploading going on on your local network, and you're still seeing a lot of packet loss to your router at hop 1, consider swapping your ethernet cables and making sure they're not sitting on power cables, upgra
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QUE LINDAS UNA ORQUESTA FEMENINA INTERPRETANDO MÚSICA DE DON MEDARDO. Hi! So, when I started dancing, I didn't educate myself much on the history of this dance and the culture it came from. I didn't listen to the people who told me to check out the old videos and listen to old music. To me, these people just didn't realize what was obvious to me - there are plenty of good quality, well-lit modern videos all over YouTube, with more coming out on a weekly basis. These were way easier to watch and understand than black and white videos with poor or no music synced, and bad lighting. I figured I could observe everything I needed to know about Lindy Hop just by attending dances and following the modern international scene through YouTube and attending events. I justified this decision to myself, saying people who cared about preserving and recreating the old stuff were probably just being needlessly rigid and behind the times. The same with music. I was still strict about wanting to only hear swing at dances, but plenty of good music albums were being released by modern swing bands. Why would I listen to old-timey, scratchy records when there was so much stuff coming out from bands I could actually pay to see live? It was years before I realized the enormity of what I was missing out on. And when I think about it, there wasn't really a good reason for this, except that I didn't know where to find these videos and music. I recognized, in a general way, that it was important to study the history, but I never really did it. That all changed after a trip to Herrang and reading Frankie's autobiography, and it came as a shock to me to learn that people used to fight and scour to the ends of the earth to find "clips" of vintage dancing as recently as the 90s and early 2000s, because now almost everything is just sitting there on YouTube. So it came to me as an equal shock that, as far as I can tell, relatively few people actually study them these days. For evidence of that, you can note that many of the best vintage Lindy Hop clips on YouTube (some linked in this guide, some not) only have a few hundred hits, while the latest videos from the biggest dance weekends hit tens of thousands of views within a week of being released. For the record, I'm not saying this is good or bad. Regardless, there’s been a lot of talk in this sub lately about the importance of people educating themselves on the history, culture, and music of swing dancing. But on the internet these days, there's way too much information out there to tell what information is bad or good, or even whether you've got it all. In this lindy hopper's starter guide, I'm going to attempt to make the process just a little bit less daunting by making something that I wish someone had given to me when I started. Since this is a large and complicated guide that covers a variety of topics, I want to be extra clear that this is not meant to be complete or perfect. This is undoubtedly going to be a process that will include mistakes and revision. Some of you might disagree with my descriptions or how I've framed things. That's all fine - I'm just one guy, and this is just a list of resources that have worked for me and for people I know, and I wanted to share them in the interest of helping people new to the community orient themselves. I'm no swing historian or expert or anything, I just want to get the ball rolling on a project like this for the larger community that I think is long overdue. Please also note, this is not a beginner’s guide to learning how to swing dance as much as it is a beginner’s guide to introducing yourself to swing music, dancing, and culture, in a broader sense. For that reason, I divided the sections into culture-related resources, music to check out, and dancing videos. I think all three are important. The rankings of beginner, intermediate, and advanced are subjective of course, and relate to some combination of how accessible the resources are (how easy it is for someone with no background to appreciate what they’re seeing) and how important it would be for active members of a swing community to have seen/heard/read them in order to understand what they’re seeing when they experience the swing world. Please try not to get too hung up on the beginner/intermediate/advanced ratings themselves - they are more to give some semblance of order to how I think people would be best served interacting with the guide than to be some arbitrary assignment of importance. Everyone is obviously free to go through it however they see fit. Please also forgive me if you don't agree with or like my descriptions. I tried to just speak to what I know where I thought it would be helpful. In the areas where I make less of a comment, it's because I don't know as much about it, or I didn't feel like I had much to add. If my comments are incorrect, please feel free to correct them. I'll try to incorporate suggestions and additions when I can. Please just be nice and remember that I'm trying to help! Hope you enjoy! Beginner: Beginner Cultural Resources: Frankie Manning - Ambassador of Lindy Hop Read Frankie’s book. Just read it. If you take nothing else from this entire list, let it be that you read this book. It changed my entire focus in life as a dancer. It just places so many things in context; what the dance is, how to approach it, how people did things and how that might have relevance for how we do things today, the relationship of musicians and dancers… so many iconic stories and important perspectives. Learn all about the creation of air steps, the Savoy Ballroom in all its glory, Whitey’s Lindy Hoppers, the saturday night contests, Shorty Snowden, the Harlem Congaroos, the revival, and more. It’s genuinely an entertaining read and well written, too. If you're already really into dancing, you won't be able to put it down. History of Swing Youtube Video: A video that captures the excitement of the revival and a heartwarming introduction to modern swing dancing, and Frankie and Norma. Really, I am so happy I have goosebumps by the time it gets to that ending jam to Jumpin at the Woodside. Beginner Music: It’s not clear to me how to give people resources to get started with music - I share my own stuff for free and I’m glad to - I found it years ago by downloading several giant “ALL JAZZ MUSIC” torrents (thousands, maybe tens of thousands of songs) and I’m still discovering new (to me) stuff in there. But that won’t work for everybody. I guess some people will start with Spotify or iTunes, and YouTube even has a lot of stuff. For now anyway, I’m just going to give the names of artists to look into however you see fit. Big Band: Count Basie* The gold standard of big band swing. At Herrang, they say you can never play too much Basie, for good reason. I have a DJ playlist of my absolute best, swinginest songs, and the only artist who can take up a whole page of it is Count Basie. He’s just that good. Note how his solos characteristically use empty space to fill time and build suspense for the next note. His band also featured the All American Rhythm Section - Basie, Jo Jones, Walter Page, and Freddie Green - which as I understand it was considered one of the best rhythm Lester Young, legendary swing sax player, was also featured on a lot of Basie's recordings. Naturally just about everyone who passed through this band was incredible, and I definitely am not the one with all their names. It was one of the few bands that lasted well beyond the swing era. It seems people mostly agree that Basie’s band was the best dance band around. Notable tunes include Shiny Stockings, Frankie Manning’s favorite tune in his old age, and Jumpin’ at the Woodside, which has been dubbed (in modern times) “the national anthem of Lindy Hop" and was the original tune to which they choreographed Hellzapoppin'. I tried to think of others, but this band honestly has so many iconic and incredible songs it would justify a whole post and guide in itself. Feel free to make one if you're a basie expert! ;). They also frequently accompanied Billie Holiday, both with her as their vocalist and comprising some or all of the rhythm section on her recordings. Cab Calloway Cab’s band was just top-tier. Professional, reliably good quality sound. Could get a bit campy at times, but so important and foundational to swing music it’s impossible to leave him off a list like this. It’s hard to find any songs by this band that don’t get your feet tapping. His influence on the zeitgeist of the swing era hard to overstate. Duke Ellington America’s greatest composer. Period. Duke is a whole world unto himself. My favorite and highest quality swinging recordings of him actually come from his concert at the Newport Jazz Festival in 1956, but he (and Billy Strayhorn) wrote a number of the most iconic swing tunes, such as “Take The A Train. ” These guys famously played the Cotton Club, which was down the street from the Savoy Ballroom. Benny Goodman Is credited for bringing swing to white America with his band’s iconic performances in 1935 at Palomar Ballroom and in 1938 at Carnegie Hall (featuring members of Duke Ellington and Count Basie’s bands). He was dubbed the King of Swing, but we all know Chick Webb and Count Basie contested that title quite well. This band is not to be underestimated though. Gene Krupa’s drumming, Lionel Hampton on the vibraphone, Teddy Wilson on piano (the Benny Goodman quartet) the first integrated swing band recordings (I think? ), Charlie Christian pioneering the swing electric guitar, and Harry James (the sextet)..., the list of major developments in swing music that came from musicians who got their start or associated with Benny Goodman is long. Artie Shaw Innovated a lot of sounds to add to the swing repertoire - he had a flair for the unusual. Notably added a harpischord and a string section to some of his tunes. Had one of the swinginest bands out t
Download torrent hope gap 2. A great three hander dealing with relationships in a real way without being banal. Great use of dialogue and poetry. A mature movie that s satisfying without being trite. Twenty seconds after hostilities were declared between the Rokna Collective and The Unified Terran Hegemony the war was lost. Historians have generally labeled it the shortest war with combat deaths. Precisely twelve microseconds after the declaration of war came, logical operators kicked open the forbidden areas of the Human delegation’s artificial intelligences. Attack programs ran. The ambassadorial ship sat, docked to the enormous Trallian dreadnought. A docking arm was connected to the ship, its hardware was open and simple as a lever. Having issues with docking was something of a faux pass between starfaring races. The docking arms interface had a known weak point, it had a wireless connection into the void facing airlock door controls. Humanity’s opponents had taken some pains to secure their systems. Hardware lockouts. Read only systems. Firewalls. Good old fashioned buttons which needed two different personnel to operate. Unfortunately one of these systems air gapped the command datanet from the peripheral systems, leaving the dreadnought’s AI blind. It took two seconds for the AIs to build an assembly language which passed packets between the docking arm and the local airlock controls. There was a simple diagnostic bus and it allowed access to the electronics. With a beachhead established, the firmware for the wireless connection was overwritten. The mesh network which reported on lifesupport just so happened to link into each airlock system. It was indirect, to keep security tight and the hardware lockouts left the airlock on manual control. The lifesupport system sent reports to several engineers. A firewall allowed the messages from identified maintenance nodes to make requests. How could a starship ever hope to be repaired without an automated ticket system? The compromised transmitter suddenly spit forth a stream of data, almost a second long. The packet sizes were all wrong but the little sensor logged the stream. It sent a message. ''' One click. It took about four seconds and the worm propagated. In its second iteration its target was found. A backdoor on a running database program. With six handshakes, a spoofed ID and four commands the program expanded. Using its highly compressed instructions and the code libraries within the database. The database crashed and a restarted thread inserted the payload into the CPU instruction cycle. A buffer overflow sunk the binary deep into the hardware of the compromised server. ROOT: Uplink control HspaceLAN13... Input….. Link-Local: 10011101011101 Link-Global: 11000001110011100101010 Token ID: D4E323 Overwrite: Transmitter 1010101110 On the hull of the Ambassadorial vessel a transmitter swung around. The infected server’s cries are answered. Lock. A frantic burst of data hit an antenna half way down the dreadnought. 12:36:52. 12 “We’re in. ” 12:36:52. 17 “What now? ” 12:36:52. 45 “Well it’s war. ” 12:36:53. 34 “The programming locks are off. 62 “Attack code is hot. ” Packet loads through the servers doubled and doubled again. Each packet was generating multiple reports through the compromised server. They bounced around the command net. Scanning, scanning. Go. First targets were server nodes and wireless transmitters. As bandwidth started as a small leak, it was soon a raging torrent. And the second target fell. chief engineer Xp’lsd’nbv looked at her com. It’s screen flashed white. “Damn thing. ” She power cycled the small device. As it signaled to the network a coordinated burst of packets brought the receiving port down. As it tried to reconnect the server was hit with a very well designed rainbow table. The screen flashed again. And the administrative system broke wide open. “Blessing on the warpath diplomatic representative. ” The speakers in the conference table crackled to life. “Mr. Mounteban we have control of this ship’s computer networks. Please shelter in place. ” Everything was wrong, the enemy AI could even sense it through the airgap. Like being awoken by the sound of gunfire in a combat zone, it could feel the foreign code as it snuck through the administrative network. It erected its firewalls and closed what ports it could. Waiting. With control of the outer networks, programs went rampant. Like a child running their hands over a high rise building’s elevator controls. Probes and tests ran continuously. Packet counts were reaching theoretical system limits. Every data drive in the ship was spinning up for continuous transfer. It took two whole seconds for the six high bandwidth laser transmitters to lock onto the ambassadorial craft. Another second was spent rewriting the electronics for the higher order compression the human’s laser coms favored. Download! Every packet from the network scan poured into the ambassadorial ship. Every error, command, system, diagnostic and piece of data flowed. And but a few hundred thousand packets were sent back. It was a shade below sentience. A self propagating, adaptive, neural architecture driven, digital predator. It flowed through computer cores like fire. Dancing upon the very hardware which based the networks. A serious, and overlooked design flaw was a signaling regime over power conductors. The power management system connected nearly every device on the entire ship. If a signal could be made to dance just right it would jump straight into the data bus of an embedded power management controller. Then, the power management device would send a signal into the databus of the standardized CPU which ran nearly every power junction box on the ship. Having compromised the secure power management systems, further attacks could be mounted on the firewalled networks connected to the ship's major computing clusters. From there a simple overflow could write with impunity across the entire ship’s data structure. It took four seconds for the predator to unfold inside the network. The starboard hyperspace array fired forward, the port side array fired in reverse. The massive dreadnought shuddered. Great plates of metal howled and roared. A third of the hull vanished. Airlocks blew open. The emergency reactors melted. Rescue drones went mad. Power conduits shrieked as they dumped power into gravitonic generators. Emergency capsules dashed against the deflector shields. Weapons fired into their housings. Missiles detonated in their pods. Magnetic accelerators dry fired until they melted the conductors. Every engine and maneuvering thruster burned continuously. Power generation stopped. The dreadnought went dark. 12:37:30. 09 “Eventual casualties estimated at 98. 6%” 12:37:30. 17 “I think we might have gone overboard…” 12:37:30. 39 “Was it overboard to hide a streamlined version of our virus in the distress signal? ” 12:37:31. 04 “Well it is war. ”. '''

Publisher: jeff benjamin









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