Une soeur ∫Hd-720p



Writers=Delphine Girard
directed by=Delphine Girard
user Rating=7,8 of 10 stars
Actor=Guillaume Duhesme
It is one of short films who you discover, scene by scene, detail by detail, as perfect. From inspired storytelling to the performances and cinematography. At first sigh, a gem. In essence, an intense drama because you feel each nuance of dialogue and its minimalism is real powerful. A call. A woman in the car. And her, in so many senses, sister. Short, exceptional in each detail.
This was an excellent, very well made exciting short film, which makes you sit on the edge of your seat. The dialogues and the performances were all convincing and the ending was cathartic. But unfortunately this movie is kind of a copy paste of a great danish movie called "The Guilty. If that movie didn't exist I would give this one a 10/10 rating, but the plot is so similar to "The Guilty" that it couldn't surprise me despite it's great presentation. Still I think this is the best of the Oscar nominated live action short films this year this year (I haven't seen SARIA yet.
P.S.: I didn't spoil "The Guilty" watch that if you liked this. "A Sister" is an ideal short film in both its structure and content. The masterful use of camera combined with a powerful script and performances demonstrate all the essential qualities this cinematic medium has to offer. Delphine Girard's film couldn't be more timely and is one that will stay with its audience long after the final credits roll.
Une soeur Watch stream. Une soeur Watch stream online. Une soeur watch streaming. Une soeur Watch. Page Transparency See More Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Page created - March 11, 2011. Une nuit. Une voiture. Une femme en danger. Un appel. Met deze zin wordt de kortfilm ‘Une soeur’ van de Belgisch-Canadese Delphine Girard aangekondigd en treffender had het niet kunnen zijn. Haar hele film zit er in vervat. Een man (Guillaume Duhesme) en een vrouw (Selma Alaoui) rijden over een donkere weg en de sfeer is niet bepaald vrolijk. Wat er juist gebeurd is, weten we niet, al krijgen we aan de hand van hele korte flashbacks een sterk vermoeden. Wanneer de vrouw zogezegd naar haar zus belt, maar eigenlijk de hulpdiensten contacteert, begrijpen we dat er iets niet klopt. Wat zich dan ontvouwt is een complexe dialoog tussen drie personages die elk hun rol te vervullen hebben. De vrouw moet haar angst onderdrukken en haar bericht weten over te brengen zonder dat de man iets doorheeft. De operatrice van de hulplijn (Veerle Baetens) moet haar kalmte bewaren en de boodschap ziet te ontcijferen. Regisseur-actrice Delphine Girard baseerde haar scenario losjes op een waargebeurd verhaal, en is naar eigen zeggen sterk gefascineerd door de dynamiek in zulke moeilijke situaties. Dat weet ze heel mooi uit te werken, door een openingsscène die de kijker eerst op het verkeerde been zet, om dan vervolgens de spanning sterk op te drijven. De suspens in ‘ Une soeur ’ rust op twee vrouwen die vanuit hun eigen isolement een belangrijke taak te volbrengen hebben. Girard schreef een feilloos scenario en regisseerde een thriller die perfect geschikt is voor het kortfilmmedium. Ze houdt je als kijker moeiteloos vast. Een zenuwslopende situatie. Een sterke plot. Een claustrofobische setting. Overtuigend geacteerd. Soms is daarmee alles gezegd. Ter ere van de Internationale Dag van de Kortfilm kan je 'Une Soeur' zes dagen lang online bekijken via RTBF.
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Une soeur Watch stream of consciousness

Une soeur Watch stream.nbcolympics. Une soeur Watch stream new albums. Une soeur Watch stream new. Une soeur Watch streaming sur internet. Une soeur Watch streaming. "Une soeur" or "A Sister" is a Belgian French-language live action short film that premiered back in 2018 and was nominated at the 2020 Academy Awards almost 1.5 years later. The director is Delphine Girard, apparently still a relatively young filmmaker, and her effort here makes me curious about what we can expect from her once she makes the transition to full feature films. I got to watch all the five nominated live action short films last night before the Oscar ceremony and this one here was the first they showed and also my favorite from the bunch. At approximately 17 minutes, it as also the shortest from the nominees I believe, but the outcome here is a perfect example of how quantity does not equal quality because the other four are inferior, some even drastically. Shame this one probably never really had a chance to take home the prize. But that does not make it worse or anything. When and after watching, I still thought it was merely good, but after thinking a bit about it, I'd say it is even great and one of the finest short movies from its year and also deserving of the Oscar win. This partially has to do with lead actress Veerle Baetens here, who plays an emergency phone hotline operator. I already thought she was amazing on "The Broken Cicle Breakdown" wow... can't believe this one is already almost a decade old. so I recognized her immediately. This film reminded me of a Danish film from not too long ago that was also fairly close to being nominated for an Oscar, but that was a full feature film, so there were plot twwists and everything. This one here is just very focused and essential story-telling that almost feels a bit like a documentary from a police investigation. Fittingly, I read an article not too long ago about a case where a woman called such a hotline to report a case of domestic violence I think and that she (or somebody close to her) is in danger, but she could not speak freely, so she disguised her call as if she was calling to order a pizza. The hotline operator understood and realized it is not a prank and managed to help her to become hero of the day.
This film is at least slightly similar to that but it as made way before the event I just mentioned (became public) so it did not inspire this film. I think the moment you realize what's going on, namely when you find out that the hotline operator just received the call you saw before that from the perspective of the woman in the car, you are immediately in the middle of this film. And you won't leave until it is over. It is that good and had me on the edge of my seat more than most full feature movies. Of course, you will need subtitles unless you are fluent in French, but this should not keep you from watching. It is really essential that you understand all the dialogues. I also liked how they elaborated on what happened before that, probably that the woman was abused sexually and then abducted. You would not know how it ends, if there is a big car chase scene, the guy loses it and maybe kills his victim and/or himself or whatever else could happen, but Girard took the most likely and most realistic way out without any spectacular final sequence. Or I should say any spectacular showy sequence because the moment the police stops them, he gets out of the car and surrenders. Felt very authentic and realistic. So did everything else about the end, for example how she asks the woman on the phone if she is supposed to step out of the vehicle now as well. She trusted her to make the right decision for her the way she did before that by basically saving her. And at the very end, when Baetens' character asked for her name, we find out how anonymous this job really is and how you have to deliver acts that are much bigger than a simple "hello my name is. and still it stays a really lonely profession. The attention to detail in this film is nice too. Just one example how she steps away from the noise at her workplace when she is about to talk to the guy. She definitely is a pro knowing what needed to be done to do her best to save a life. There is no guarantee of course. Early on, there is also a brief moment of comedy when we find out about a guy who has been constantly calling for nothing that warrants calling. And finally, I would like to say that I think the title is a good choice as well. Very simple, but hits the nail right on the head. She is her sister that night, not only because of how she has to pretend she is, but also because the two women have a special connection. In the truest sense of the word. I highly recommend this film. Very well done.

Average rating 3. 80 ? 849 ratings 91 reviews | Start your review of Une soeur ASSORÉTA Un blurb diceva di Bastien Vivès "un autentico genio del fumetto francese " Ullallà! ho abboccato e ho preso* questo suo ultimo libro Ok, le vacanze al mare, il caldo, la figlia sedicenne di una amica di famiglia in casa, ok, gli ormoni a palla dell'adolescenza PERÒ come si fa a passare in poche paginette da una tavola (il tratto poi è approssimato, bah, non mi è piaciuto) con un timido tredicenne bravo a disegnare Pokemon (con un primo piano dell'adorabile Pikachu) ad una scena alla deep.. Comprei este livro e sentei na praça de alimentação. Dez páginas depois, os gritos dos garçons, os choros das crianças, o blablabla dos comensais e transeuntes foram levemente se apagando. Meu cenário não era mais uma praça de alimentação de shopping. Era uma praia francesa onde um menino de treze anos conhecia as primeiras experiências do amor. Existem leituras que tem esse poder. Nos deslocar do nosso lugar, nos submergir dentro de um outro universo, tal o seu poder. Há cinco anos atrás eu me.. Recensione su Chibiistheway Una storia di formazione e prime volte molto sincera e semplice, anche nel tratto. Una boccata d'aria fresca Zeer goede strip die gezien de onschuldige titel minder onschuldig is dan ik had verwacht. Een kameraad van me bestempelt het als een stripklassieker en het is goed mogelijk dat de toekomst hem gelijk zal geven. Antoine ha tredici anni e come ogni estate va con la famiglia nella casa che hanno sull'Île-aux-Moines, in Bretagna. Lo attendono pigre giornate di mare, a disegnare o cercare granchi col fratellino rompiscatole ? ma che in fondo ama e verso cui è protettivo ?, quando all'improvviso arriva Helene, sedici anni, loro ospite per una settimana assieme alla madre, e tutto cambia velocità. Una sorella è la storia di un incontro tra due ragazzini molto diversi che però stabiliscono subito una.. L'estate al mare, i primi turbamenti, la scoperta del sesso, forse l'amore. Nessun dettaglio di questa storia è particolarmente originale, eppure mi è piaciuta. I disegni semplici, nei toni di un grigio leggero conferiscono alle tavole un'aria di rievocazione, di malinconico ricordo. I due ragazzi protagonisti mi fanno tenerezza, ognuno con le proprie fragilità esposte e le incertezze dell'adolescenza. Il continuo senso di inadeguatezza trova una pausa in un rapporto esclusivo, che li lega e li.. Une jolie écriture, un dessin toujours aussi subtile et délicat. Contrairement à ce que j'ai pu lire je ne trouve pas l'histoire si dérangeante tant elle casse en douceur des codes imposés: celui de la jeune fille forte et leadeuse et du garçon peu sur de lui; de l'adolescente plus âgée qui s'éprend tendrement d'un plus jeune. C'est par ces petites choses que cette histoire est belle et touchante et nous amène dans une parenthèse d'un été enchantée. Storia di un'innocenza (perduta), dei primi turbamenti dell'animo (ma soprattutto ormonali) e della scoperta di una (non) sorella. Una stella in più perché tutti abbiamo vissuto un'estate come quella dei due protagonisti di 'Una sorella', e ancora ce la ricordiamo con quel misto agrodolce di nostalgia e struggimento. Uma história maravilhosa sobre descobertas. Descoberta da amizade, do amor, da sexualidade. Aliado a um traço simples mas genial. Bastien Vives è costantemente un esempio di come fare fumetti. Perché il suo approccio visivo è riassuntivo anche in maniera estrema (la mancanza degli occhi per molte inquadrature anche ravvicinate dei volti), ma sa essere al contempo sempre suggestivo ed efficace. E qui l’assenza di colore coniugata con un’ambientazione semplice e scarna, dimostra la potenza misurata del suo modo di intendere le tavole. Ma soprattutto: Vives rende le emozioni, e in particolare l’amore, in un modo personale ed.. Une histoire sensible qui m'a bien plu. La relation des deux frères, les vacances en Bretagne entre l'ennui, les après-midi interminables à faire des puzzles et l'envie de grandir, le parfum d'interdit de la première cuite, tout ça est décrit avec subtilité. Les personnages m'ont paru très réels et leurs sentiments aussi. La fin est simple, originale et émouvante comme le reste du livre. On peut évidemment être choqué par l'initiation à la sexualité d'un adolescent de 13 ans mais j'ai trouvé que.. O trânsito de Antoine pelo mundo infantil e adulto é feito de modo sensível e delicado, se alternando entre o universo de Titi, o irmão com quem desenha Pokémons nas toalhas de papel dos restaurantes, e o de Hélène, a garota mais velha e sexualmente mais madura (embora essa maturidade logo venha a se revelar postiça, ocultando todos os dramas e hesitações da adolescência). De forma sub-repitícia, Vivès consegue fazer de sua narrativa não apenas uma história sobre Antoine, mas sobre a própria.. Una característica historia de iniciación, en la que sobre todo se destaca el trabajo de Vivès con el punto de vista. Sus ilustraciones se preocupan especialmente por los espacios (simbólicos también, pero sobre todo físicos) que se van construyendo entre los personajes. El personaje principal habla bastante poco, pero siempre sabemos a dónde se dirige su mirada, y casi siempre, también, qué es lo que está pensando. Desde su perspectiva, como la delinea Vivès, se puede sentir la proximidad tensa.. Delicadeza e sutileza ímpares! Vivès tece um retrato da adolescência real e tocante, seus traços que muitas vezes não revelam os olhos deixam um distanciamento sutil e sedutor e, quando o faz, são em momentos de maior impacto como se apenas naqueles momentos os personagens estivessem realmente vivos. Recomendo! Un petit sentiment d'inachevé mais j'ai beaucoup aimé cette bulle de vacances. Una delicia. Bastien Vivés es un autor maravilloso, a mí me tiene enamorado con su talento sobrenatural para captar los deliciosos matices de la gestualidad humana (sobretodo la femenina) la química de las relaciones amorosas, y la excitación del despertar sexual, pero en esta ocasión diría q se supera. Delicatesen de 10. Très chouette lecture d'été:) Bon, d'après le résumé Goodreads, je ne m'attendais pas tout à fait à cette histoire (découverte de la sexualité chez un adolescent de 13 ans avec une la fille de 16 ans d'une amie de sa mère en visite), mais j'ai tout de même vraiment apprécié. Des dessins simples mais très évocateurs. Et j'ai adoré la fin. Belle lecture! Wow. Me encanta el arte de Vivès, y esta historia en particular, un amor de verano adolescente, me gustó mucho. Todo chico debería tener una amiga mayor que te cambie la vida como a Antoine el protagonista. No le pongo las cinco estrellas porque los dibujos son un poco más descuidados que en otros de sus trabajos... aún así, es genial lo que logra con unos simples trazos. This broke my heart in a way it selden broke before. The story is just an out of the park baseball-hit. Vives is a half-god. It is a disgrace last man has stopped in english & in dutch! Please, someone: pick this up! Une lecture agréablle et une histoire incroyablement touchante avec ce jeune garçon qui se laisse porter par l'été et par ces sentiments pour la jeune fille qui accompagne sa famille cet été, une ado de 3 ans de plus que lui, simplement honnête et ainsi forcément attachante. Tender coming of age story Mooi, sober getekend, herleid tot het noodzakelijke. En herkenbaar ook: de lange zomers die je als puber doorbracht met je ouders en familie, het gedwongen gezelschap, de nieuwe vriendschappen en voorzichtige experimenten. Teder verhaal. Il y a quelques beaux passages au début, mais il y a aussi beaucoup d'autres profondément gênants, qui vous mettent mal à l'aise compte tenu du jeune âge du garçon. Ça ne m'a pas vraiment donné envie de lire d'autres bd de cet auteur. Cavalgando o sucesso, edita-se um pobre desenho para um pornografico argumento 2, 5/3 Sur les réseaux, tout le monde parlait du "Chemisier" de Bastien Vivès mais quand je l'ai demandé à la bibli notre superbibliothécaire qui s'occupe de BD m'a dit qu'il ne l'avait pas acheté et n'envisageait pas de le faire. Il m'a donné ses raisons (que j'ai trouvées convaincantes) et m'a conseillé "Une soeur", ce qui me permettrair de savoir ce que je pense de Bastien Vivès. Décision sage, car je pense que je vais en rester là, pour ce qui est des BD de Bastien Vivès. À mon avis, "Une.. Ótima história de dois adolescentes que se relacionam durante as férias de suas famílias na casa de praia. Bem escrito e desenhado. "- Y a beau avoir plein de monde, j'ai toujours l'impression d'être toute seule. - Même quand t'es avec nous? - Non, avec vous c'est chouette. " Superbe lecture! Je ne savais guère à quoi m'attendre et j'ai vraiment apprécié. L'histoire est simple et complète. Une famille en vacances, deux garçons, un de neuf ans et un de treize ans. Une amie des parents débarque un peu à l'improviste avec sa fille de seize ans. Et BOUM naissance de l'âge du sexe pour le jeune garçon, absolument touchant et dénué de toute vulgarité. La découverte du sexe est très bien décrite avec douceur et légère

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