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Creator Faleena Hopkins; Tomatometers 7,4 of 10 star; Genre Romance, Drama; Patrick Zeller; rating 38 Votes; release date 2019. When I listen to this I can't help thinking how we practically have no more megahits in our days. A song, that exists on its own and has its own magic, and makes us feel something special and good and all that. Mega. Beat wymiata. Sweet kisses in the moonlight.

海外からの書き込みの数がすごく多いですね. 日本人より多いみたい

I did not break down and buy a ticket. I was sent a digital screener link a couple of weeks ago inviting me to watch TROS because I'm in the WGA and get to vote on awards. Knowing that I didn't have to pay and endorse the project to watch it, I finally put it on New Year's Eve. The screener Disney sent had my name embedded on the screen for the entire movie. So I'd keep pausing and take pictures of Palps with my name in the shot. That was the most fun I had with this film. I had read spoilers and I really didn't care about "The Saga Ending! " because Rian destroyed the franchise with TLJ and there was nothing left to wrap up or truly care about. I knew JJ didn't have the OK to resurrect Luke and really make TLJ moot. But he sure tried to make TLJ moot and the most successful moment of the entire film was him (and Mark) telling Rian to go fuck himself on behalf of the fans. As you know if you've seen this, the film starts off bizarrely with a slow-motion action montage and little dialogue. This absolutely felt like they had a different opening before and scrapped it in a Frankenstein-edit just to get us in the story. It plays into what egoshoppe was posting about earlier in here from his source. The whole opening was a cobbled-together mess. It was just bizarre to drop into a montage, but okay... Things I liked about TROS: I enjoy Finn and Poe together with Chewie. There's real chemistry there and I wish those characters all got a better movie. I enjoyed how dark the Exogol bit was, but I wish they went further with that. I love the idea of a dark gothic Star Wars story. I enjoyed the Hell out of 2 moments. Luke catching the saber and telling Rian Johnson in no uncertain terms to "Go fuck yourself" That look on Mark's face had to be worth the price of admission for some of you who plunked down your money for this. Chewie getting the medal. Yes, I know it's "fan-service". But it worked. What didn't work was the medal coming from Maz (who Rian basically sidelined in TLJ). Her importance was so diminished by Rian that I honestly didn't understand why she even showed up this time around. I almost feel like R2 & C3PO should've given it to him. Although at this point with force ghosts handing people items, Luke should've given it to him. I'm glad Lando didn't give it to him since he wasn't in ANH and was like a guest star on THE LOVE BOAT or FANTASY ISLAND basically in this film. I liked new aliens and the worlds JJ dropped us into and I felt like he "gets it" more than Rian ever could claim to. I enjoyed Babu Frick. So that's what I liked. I pretty much disliked everything else in this film. The script is hot garbage. The dialogue is bad. Rian's script was worse mind you, but this in response to TLJ gives us some of the worst written films in a billion-dollar franchise in movie history. Add in how poorly written the PT was at times and we really don't have well written STAR WARS since the OT. ROGUE ONE is probably the highlight writing-wise of what Disney put out. Trying to shoe-horn in that Leia is now a Jedi Master trained after ROTJ by Luke didn't land for me. We're constantly being told stuff and not shown stuff in this trilogy. It's completely unsatisfying for an audience to just be fed exposition of events that we get only glimpses of or stuff that just happens off-screen. I also don't understand her giving it all up. I know they gave us some cockamamie reason, but it was crap. It didn't land. And let's be honest here -- You focused a big part of the film on an actress you didn't have available. Huh? No one thought, "this isn't really working and it's held together by digital chewing gum? " How they allowed Leia to survive TLJ after Carrie's passing is ridiculous. The audience knew she had passed. We were mourning her passing then. It would've made TLJ somewhat cathartic to deal with her passing in that film so we knew Leia was gone on-screen and off. Instead, we wait 2 years for some cobbled together footage that did not do Carrie justice. I'm floored by the decision making by Disney and I can see why really talented writers and directors would want nothing to do with Kathleen and her Lucasfilm cabal of idiots. Han showing up was the right beat story-wise with the wrong execution. If these stories were told better that could've been a sensational moment, but everything was so shitty at that point in the story it just felt like a moment that could've been something but wasn't. Basically, if you're going to turn Kylo back to the light, someone had to come to do it who held importance in his life. It should've been Luke. It should've been Leia. It should've been Anakin. Instead, you get Han who looks like he rolled out of bed, collected 10 million and was home by lunch. Also, the pretzel logic as to why it was Han who showed up in the moment is a mess. I've heard it was a dream. I've heard Leia force projected Han there and killed herself in the process (are you fucking kidding me? ) Again, it's not on the screen. Anywhere. Who makes movies like this? Palpatine's inclusion was horrific. It completely negates the OT and it turns the character into Voldemort. He's no longer a cunning manipulative Sith user. He's now the spirit of evil incarnate who apparently was another bad Dad. All the Dad's in the movie series suck. Great message guys. Ugh. I love the actor. I love the character. He had no business being in here. Rian fucked the franchise in TLJ so badly. I get why JJ pulled Palpatine out of mothballs, but it was a terrible choice in the end. This movie really felt like it was going to the Harry Potter series as much as possible. I never really linked Harry Potter with the OT, but this DT is more heavily influenced by Rowling than Lucas in my opinion. The movie is about everyone being together, building your family from friends and yet the ending is Rey by herself with a droid? Huh? Did you even pay attention to your own theme? If you needed to do that stupid Lars Homestead bit, at the very least send Poe and Finn with her. Send Chewie with her. Fucking R2 and 3PO at least lived there for a day or two. You're trying to shoe-horn in this message that she's not alone and she has a family made of friends and then end the film with her alone with a droid who belonged to Poe. It's like the movie wasn't aware of what story it was trying to tell. The ending should've been on Naboo at Padme's tomb. If you're going to bury something (and burying lightsabers is ludicrous to me) bury them with the mother neither of them ever got to know. Let them rest finally together as a family. That said, I don't even understand why they have to bury anything. They all disappear. Finn is heavily underused. I long for the movie where Luke meets Rey and Finn and trained them both with the ways of the force. Boyega deserved better. He was primed and ready for this and was just misused completely. His character becoming a Jedi and liberating kid slaves who are being turned into stormtroopers would've been a space epic -- A modern BEN HUR or SPARTACUS. How in God's name did they not see this? They set it up in TFA for crying out loud! Unbelievable. Anyone who thinks Rian deserves another shot needs to remember what he did with Finn when he had complete creative control to do anything with these characters in TLJ. He could've told his story about a kid slave rebelling and then deciding getting out wasn't enough -- he had to destroy the machine that took him from his family. Instead, they send him to a casino with Rian's pet project to make sweeping broad statements against our world and not the world of Star Wars. Again, he could've made his back-patting progressive statement entwined in a story about a kid slave deciding he would risk his life so no other kids would be slaves. Instead, he makes Rose the smart one and she wants to save horses. Are you fucking kidding me? Poe actually shined a bit as a character here and again, I can't believe we're 3 movies in and still don't have a real grasp on him. The Leia slapping him, Holdo dressing him down plot from TLJ set his character back in huge ways. He's quasi-interesting and Isaac is an engaging dude and fits the universe. Another big waste. It felt like they were porting young Han and Q'ira over to Poe and Zorri Bliss. Why? It's too late to introduce that stuff. It should've been set up in the first or second film and then paid off in some capacity here. It's a joke to introduce their backstory that existed before he became the misogynist whipping boy in TLJ halfway into the final film. Then they want people to pump their fists and cheer when she shows up at the end. We've known her for approximately 3 minutes of screen time. Not to mention the running thing is he wants to kiss her. After Rian neutered him for being a man in the last film? Huh? Rey. Sweet Rey. Look, Daisy is a talented actress. She had the chops, in my opinion, to pull off something great with this. But the character had no struggles and we're 3 MOVIES IN!!! I would've liked to see her actually struggle between the dark and the light. Galadriel had more development in 10 seconds when Frodo offered her the ring. I would've loved for the story to test Rey's character at something other than lifting rocks. Have someone die that means something to her and drive her to the dark side. Use Finn to bring her back. Have her make a personal/selfish choice at some point in the story to build some kind of arc/lesson around. Just do something with her. She floats through a trilogy of films on gossamer wings. I'm shocked they didn't pass her limp body hand by hand over their heads at some point. Then when you could've had her do something triumphant, they let Ghost Luke lift the X-wing out of the water. At that point in the story it was imperative she does these things herself. Who made these movies? Ghost Luke lifting the ship took all the starch out of her character's journey. Again, someone else did something for her. Someone else
星野さんがシブイ年の取り方していてカッコいい. BUCK-TICKケンザイ!最近はアニメゲゲゲの鬼太郎のエンディングながれていた時は驚きました.惡の華さくらを何回も聞いてました. This is basically how i felt in seventh grade when i got my hair cut, started dressing like the stereotypical rebel, and stopped caring about most people's opinions. まさにカリスマ.

Bless you for making this video? I've been a fan for 6-7 years and it's nice to see how far they've come. They are truely one great band??. 2019 October. 20年前なのに今のジョンローレンスサリバンのような服を着ている. I (22f) have been best friends with L(28m). So a few months ago a friend of mine died in a hit and run. The thing that made things worse was the guy who killed him was a friend of mine too. I really had a hard time at work and with this happening I was a complete mess. But I'm not really one who likes to talk about my feeling so I bottle it up or I cry in my room. Now L's father was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago and the family got the bad news a month ago that it's not going to take long anymore. L had a complete breakdown and I comforted him as much as I could. Really going out of my comfortzone and talked about emotions with him because he wants to. I even got out of work for a few days to go on a city trip with him. Stayed a few days at his place and cooked for him every time he texted me or called me to tell me he's lonely. He texted me quite a lot. But he's my best friend and he was losing his father. Now his father died and I was over at his place even more. Taking care of him. I was at the funeral and the coffee table making sure everything was alright and everyone had everything they needed. L wanted to just get drunk for the night after that. So in the evening I invited a few of his best friends at his place to drink. He runs out of beer so we go to my place since it's around the corner and I had some shots. He gets absolutely obliterated I told him he could take the couch if he wanted to and I went upstairs (I was quite drunk too). Now 3 minutes later he texts me to ask me if he can join me in my room. He repeatedly tells me he's not going to make a move. But it's just my only safe haven where I don't hide my feelings and emotions. I also am dating someone and even though we're going through a rough patch I feel like that would be disrespectful. He asks again but I fell asleep so I didn't see that text until the morning. I wanted to ignore what happened the next day because I felt kind of awkward about it. But he kept asking questions about it. That's when I got stern with him. I told him that even though we are best friends that he needs to respect my boundaries. He always had a hard time understanding that he went too far. Like when he was downloading a movie on my computer he suddenly opens a project of mine and then he started criticizing it. Or when he called me a slut because I occasionally like to kiss a hot guy when we go out. While he was juggling 5 girls, at least 1 girl per week. I told him this and I was not accepting any push back. I told him these are my boundaries and they are not up for debate. Now I feel kind of like an asshole for telling him this now. I could've shut up for a few more weeks because I've been holding this for a while. But he seems to think he can say and do anything now and I should be okay with it because he's more hurt than me. But he just doesn't realise that I'm still hurting too. Am I the asshole for going hard on him now or should I have waited it out for a few weeks.
A adam duddy love this song memories of a long time ago. My friend of 5 years has always been reliable and open hearted. He has been close enough that we celebrated his 30th together with a small group of friends. He is part of my regular dnd group and is always the most involved. He is bright and generally pretty chill. He has a girlfriend and enjoys movies. He is gainfully self employed. I didnt know his past that well and didnt really know anything until a mutual friend found a website with a photo of him and the following information. I have re-named him Will for anonymity. Will pleaded guilty to 20 charges of making and possessing almost 1, 800 indecent images of children [over 4 years until 2013 when will was 21-25] including one extreme picture portraying intercourse or oral sex with a dead or live animal. An officer posing as a parent [and Will] engaged in discussions about going to sexually abuse the 10 and six-year-old, "children" of the officer Chat logs found on Will’s computer also showed he’d spoken to a 13-year-old girl about kissing and said it was a shame she didn’t live closer as they could’ve met. At Court on Tuesday he admitted downloading the images and sharing them with other web users and, as some of them were of the highest level of indecency. He was released on unconditional bail. I met him under two years later. This information will destroy my small friendship circle. We are all close friends and I dont think everyone can move past this. Ome of us has recently moved abroad and that alone was a strain. I am going to speak to him as I do not want to only hear the words from one unofficial website and cannot find court documents. Do we stay friends? Do I tell our friends? I dont want to pose more questions as I just need advice. I am spinning and dont know what to do.
Atsushi sensual forever <3. A very fitting song fora Film that was a thinly disguised Film Noir movie. 懐い!!!この時のツアー行った?サンキューです!. コメントしてる日本の方々ほぼ俺と同世代…中学の頃ハマっててtabooからsix/nineあたりまでは聴きまくってた…懐かしいなぁ…群馬の誇りじゃのぅ…. Gosh he has this marvellous charming aura ????.
Legend ?.

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About The Author: Warner Theatre
Biography: Historic art deco Warner Theatre is located at the foot of the Berkshires in Litchfield County CT!









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