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Writer: Behind the Lens
Bio: BEHIND THE LENS goes behind the lens & below the line every Monday on Adrenaline Radio with interviews & guests talking film/tv in front of & behind the camera

Brief Spy Intervention is a movie starring Poppy Delevingne, Drew Van Acker, and Dave Sheridan. When the world's greatest spy meets the woman of his dreams, he abandons his adventurous existence and settles into the security of suburbia; Drew Mylrea; genre Action; Lane Garrison; &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZmEwNTA3YTItMzM1Ni00ZTI0LTg2MjAtMzEwNjNmZjZjOWE3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTk0MTU5NDM@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) Free movie spy intervention guide. Free movie spy intervention youtube. Free movie spy intervention online. Free movie spy intervention movies. Free movie spy interventions. Free Movie Spy intervention sur les. Free movie spy intervention full movie.
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The woman looks like a female version of Stephen Fry. This looks epic, i love Quinn. Black canary actually being black, not bad. Free movie spy intervention list. Free movie spy intervention program. Its called mutant horror ganre.

“ oh no imposters. That sucks.” DEAD

The OA is based on is based on 3 things: TL;DR:1. The modern ( popular) idea that the universe is organized by math. TL;DR:2. (physics) That there is a multiverse TL;DR:3. An ancient MesoAmerican belief that Epochs (living conscious times) dictate everything, including human behavior. TL;DR4 there are more than one plots occurring at the same time throughout the story. Huge thanks to Horghi! spoiler Intro I try to skip the points that have already been made by other viewers and bring a fresh perspective to something else I found going on in the story. The answer doesn't lie in finding the clues alone. Many clues are simply Easter Eggs and even little jokes. Some of them, though, are hints about where to look for patterns that may reveal the truth. There are 5 stories within stories inherent in The OA, which can be thought of as the Russian Dolls discovered by Nancy. Without recognizing patterns, the mysterious numbers, colors, symbols, sounds and even some of the names... all appear in seemingly random places. But its not entirely random. Everything, including the behavior of the characters, is a pattern. Just like deciphering codes, you must find a reliable pattern and notice when it changes. That's when you realize that the forking paths of multidimensional space time is clear and present as a real element in this story. The alternative perspective, that a misguided fantasy of one person is also true, and I'll explain how and why both can be possible at the same time. The answer is the only thing that is irrational and accepted at the same time... PHILOSOPHY PI PHI and The GOLDEN RATIO (ideological and mathematical perfection is one theme in this fiction) I know that sounds stupid on its own, but bear with me. It holds an answer to the question "is this supposed to be real", so I put it here first. This is a fiction, based on some exiting theories and one of them involves math. The story seems to pride itself on factual, even mathematical evidence. There is a philosophy that Pi, Phi and a series of numbers called the Fibonacci Series hold answers to the everything from beauty to the laws of nature. I knew the philosophy was there, (clue S1 E1 44:58) and began looking for Fibonacci numbers. (That was the wrong approach!!! ) It is the PHILOSOPHY of pi, Phi, Euler's formula and the Golden Ratio that matters, NOT THE MATH! Simply know that this story contends that there is a balance in numbers. That's where the viewer's quest begins! Now, Do You Wanna Talk Turkey? THERE ARE SEVERAL "NUMBER PLOTS" TAKING PLACE AT THE SAME TIME IN THE STORY For my number theory, go here For patterns of weird anomalies OTHER PATTERNS PERTAIN TO THE SIMULTANEOUS PLOTS Geometry The biggest clue to look to geometry for further answers lies in BBA's need to contain things in 3 dimensional objects. She draws a cube around the bad ass stripper with the math symbol tattoo picture of herself and smiles. Geometry holds answers. Now look carefully at any geometric picture representing pi. You will see the circumference of a circle, the diameter line and the line representing the radius it looks exactly like the series logo as it changes form. But if the story continues, I wouldn't be surprised if the symbols between episodes begin looking more like [this] () The Golden Ratio, as seen in a triangle. In a perfect dimension, things would not be irrational, they would be in order. Is this entirely about math? Is the OA is really the OA? Yes, sort of. The only thing I question is the word "angel". The OA is told she is the original. She is definitely " the original". An original can be traced to Mayan Astrology. I talk about that later on. What I see here is a morphing and evolving character shown in many ways, including the ( show logo) geometric symbol of Pi, looking, probably to bond or intermingle with or perhaps become Phi, Prairie just doesn't quite get it yet. Who would? PATTERNS Patterns of thought Is Nina/ Prairie "just crazy"? No. She is mistaken and misdirected on one plane of existence and supernatural on another, but to actually see that in action you must identify the CLUES and really SEE the PATTERNS of her world. Then you have to decide the STATISTICAL PROBABILITY of those things changing every time she interacts with others. You will notice changes, particularly in the PATTERN of thought and behavior of others, but also in the environment. The repeating PATTERN of thought and behavior in this story in season 1 ( which may end up being dimension 1, if the series continues) is that people CONSISTENTLY make mistakes because they have partial or wrong information or they are emotionally driven to choose unwisely. However, it is impossible to choose a correct path if nature itself is unbalanced. That is the nature of the dimension in this story. You must assume that people make wrong choices and assumptions because nature itself demands it. Patterns of Trust Trust is one of The OA's most obvious characteristics. She is extremely trusting in others, despite many breaches of that trust. When she returns as The OA, she requires that her confidants leave a door open. This is more than symbolic. As Steve pointed out "That's how people get ripped off". Every night, when the doors are left open, things go as planned. Then there is a pattern shift. A door is closed by a parent. The meeting is discovered and the group is torn apart. Notice that The OA never opens up to people that are less trustful. She never touches Nancy, although Nancy continues to try touching her. As a result, Nancy decays into a frantic paranoia. Color Codes Purple and red appear in strange places. A purple scarf on HAP, purple on Prarie, purple on BBA etc. But the significance of color has more to do with symbiotic relationships when you are looking for pattern. When people share purple with something, pay attention to that. There is usually something very significant happening when people share color with The OA AND the environment. More on color theory here. FALSE FLAGS Let's identify a few patterns that are NEVER present in this story. Not once has the story tried to fool you by withholding important information and then hitting you with the all too predictable GOTCHA. There is an almost unnatural ( to us) pattern of honestly coupled with unnatural inaccuracy and poor judgement until the very last episode, as though ( just as Prairie suggested) the entire dimension was in chaos. No one has turned out to be hiding their identity all along, for example, so theories that involve spies are just out of context. In Series 1, you must accept what you see at face value, without trying to add hidden agendas that can't be found. The clues are there for a reason, and the reason is to show how human perception alone is not reliable. Lies False statements by anyone in this story are pretty rare. To find one always indicates a pattern shift. Look very closely at any statement YOU BELIEVE are lies. They may not be. edit*** ( thanks to BerlinghoffRasmussen, who found the following lies, I am adding them as examples)*** example 1. The two times BBA tries to lie, it is very comical and absurd. She is very intelligent, yet can't seem to pull of a single lie. It is bizarre and draws your attention. example 2. Prairie DOES lie to BBA when she claims to be Steve's Stepmother. ( One COULD argue that she becomes more of a parent and mentor to him than his real mother, but I won't go there. To us, it is a lie). This fact is pointed out to us again when BBA says on the phone "you know how I know, She Lies! " That lie is a very unusual occurrence for The OA and therefore, is a pattern shift. She is a crazy truthful girl the entire time and suddenly she tells that lie and touches BBA. Something happens at that point between mething supernatural. Pattern shift/ strange event. example 3. Prairie did NOT lie to Gilchrist. Notice when The OA first walks in and runs into Gilchrist. He says he thinks he knows her. Her response is strained and then she lights up and she says, "Yes, I'm a parent". Why does she laugh after that? I believe it is because she really said "Yes, I'm apparent", thus avoiding a lie. Doubters, see the 2 definitions of 'apparent'. ***end of edit True dishonesty is a big deal when it happens It only appears twice in this story, and it wasn't HAP. Even HAP told the truth the entire time. There is a pattern shift in understanding "what actually is" or "truth" when The OA holds Abels hand and suddenly a dishonesty ( Nancy's lie about the note) is revealed and enlightenment occurs in Abel, despite the pattern of misunderstanding all around him. Try also to consider the possibility that there may not even have been a note until The OA held Abel's hand. Either way, the fact at that moment was that there was a note. What matters here is that a pattern change occurred when Abel saw the truth. Also, pay attention to the OA's face as she tells Abel that she thought he would "understand". She looks like she feels a little bad about intervening. Enlightenment and understanding ( shown with a mask of enlightenment on Abel as the camera fades in to the cafeteria tables) is the result of touching The OA. Without touching the OA, misinterpretation and a lack of knowledge are inevitable in this dimension. Everyone misinterprets everything Steve misinterprets French's motives for avoidance. The awkward selfie girl misinterprets Prarie's are too many instances of misunderstanding to count here. Nearly everyone misunderstands and misrepresents everyone until the OA intervenes. This is an age of confusion. That may sound too irrational to swallow but trying desperately to force the story to fit pre conceived notions, like adding a deviant character simply wont work. The Nature of the Dimension Just as it is in MYAN MYTHOLOGY, the "evil" at work is not about individuals. It is the dimension itself which is drowning in CONFUSION. When we add our own notions to make sense of it, we essentially prove ou
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Well that just got weird really quickly. Free Movie Spy intervention en séance. Free Movie Spy intervention de jean. Free Movie Spy intervention. Wtf i thought this came out already. I feel like Ive seen this trailer with different actors o.o. Free movie spy intervention system. Omg. I'm that girl. I'm Asian looking for Asian guys but their parents disapprove or the parents force a gay guy on me. Same thing happened to me recently. A guy was proposed, turns out he didn't even like women. I was sure I was going to get engaged in the near future but nothing. Oh my lord. Plus in our culture we are considered sluts if we ask a guy out.
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