4.2/ 5stars

Black Christmas ?PutLocker?

  1. Columnist - Nyree Lynae
  2. Info: Motha Nyreesa .. Big Smile, Big Personality, Big Heart

Duration=92 minutes
2019 A group of female students are stalked by a stranger during their Christmas break. That is until the young sorority pledges discover that the killer is part of an underground college conspiracy
3,9 of 10 stars Aleyse Shannon I'll give this to the director Sophia Takal; she succeeded in making the biggest pile of leftist autism I've seen since Bad Neighbours 2. And it kinda hurts me that this is an official remake of the 1974 cult classic. If there's one or two props I can give this one it's that it does something new with the source material, that being said it's not what we wanted, AT ALL, from a remake of Black Christmas. The other prop is that it's only 92 minutes. Here's the premise, Imogen Poots and her sorority sisters get attacked on the last night of their last college semester. Now let's get to the giant turd surrounding it; the far left feminist DEBUNKED B.S including the myth of Campus Rape Culture, and the biggest offender is the character Kris. Throughout the movie I was wondering if she was meant to be a Parody or Satire of the type of leftarded snowflakes you'd find in a "Current year" college campus, and throughout the movie I wanted to enter the actual movie and shout, That's not the case in reality Ms. Gender Studies. I just sat there watching this, and thinking "maybe there'll be a twist with Kris that she's in league with the villain" or something else that could've saved this movie. I never really use this word, but this movie is WOKE, the type of woke that makes your eyes roll back into your head. Sophia Takal, the director and writer, and April Wolfe, the co-writer: neither of them are known for this type of stuff on social media, so what the Fck were they doing with this movie? Instead of Billy the original antagonist, it's instead (spoilers) a cult of fraternity boys killing sorority girls, because 'of course it is. I was tempted SO MANY TIMES to leave the cinema, it's probably the most integrity I've had in a while. And as for being a horror movie it's pretty weak in general. The movie even gets to the point of doing cheap jump scares, and they don't even work. People die in this so it's not really a spoiler, but there's one character who gets off and the death is basically the killer walking up behind her quickly and wrapping Christmas lights around her next, and it made me snicker how fast and odd it was shot, with a zoom in no less. You guys want a remake that's a thousand times better, watch the 2006 Black Christmas. Sure some stuff in that remake is random as hell and some stuff is very inferior compared to the original, but at least it doesn't pander to third wave feminism or wildly exaggerated leftist propaganda. Save your money and watch the 2006 remake. NOTICE: I predicted that IMDb moderators would have this review deleted already and they did, so this is a second posting. And to those IMDb moderators who had it deleted I'll say two things, one: DON'T DEFEND MISANDRIC PILES OF CRAP, and two: why should any user bother making a review on your site if you're just gonna delete it.
Natal sangrento watch full online. Natal sangrento watch full album. This movie is legitimately frightening, even for today! O_O So creepy. Natal sangrento watch full body. Natal sangrento watch full apk. Whats Guinevere Beck doing here. Natal sangrento watch full episode. Natal Sangrento watch full episodes. This could be the perfect time to start an online delivery platform???. Natal Sangrento Watch full. Guys this is fan made its not real. Natal sangrento watch full version.

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I was excited when they announced this movie but after seeing the trailer. not so sure. I mean I know this is another remake, but a cult? seriously? that does not look like Black Christmas (the 1974 & 2006 version) at all. This doesnt sound like a very fun movie. Natal sangrento watch full show. Natal Sangrento Watch full article. Olivias preformance here is truly amazing. Natal sangrento watch full time.

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Don't bother with this film, it's awful from the beginning and probably one of the worst films I've ever seen. Don't bother.

This is just a damn good movie and I loved it this movie is just full of thrill and funny

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My 33 year old son says he Passes on this Movie Black Christmas. Natal Sangrento Watch full article on foot. Natal sangrento watch full movie online. Natal sangrento watch full moon. Natal Sangrento Watch full article on top. Natal sangrento watch full episodes. ¦³¦Ï ¦Ð¦Á¦Ë¦Éό ¦Ì¦Å ¦Ó¦Ç¦Í Olivia Hussey ¦Å¦É¦Í¦Á¦É ¦Ó¦Ï ¦Ê¦Á¦Ëύ¦Ó¦Å¦Ñ¦Ï. I have to laugh at how much money these SJWs keep throwing down the drain. How many billions will it take till they get people are going to movies for entertainment and not 'reeducation. Key but can't complain, I guess there's worse things it's me not you way too different views that one mistake I thought no way I could lose but now I. Natal sangrento watch full form.
They should have introduced the new Charlie's angels through the old Charlie's angels that's why it flopped. I first saw this about 12 years ago when I was at university. I'd watched it with friends on campus then got the bus home pretty late. I love horror and wasn't particularly scared until I was lying in my bed in the student house staring up at the attic door. which was in the ceiling of my bedroom! Slept very badly that night.
Natal sangrento watch full hindi. IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS CRAP FOR LIKE 3 YEARSSSSSS. This is one of the rare films from a long time ago that still gives me the creeps. This was a REAL horror film. Natal sangrento watch full hd. I have the remake from 2005. I only bought it because of KATIE CASSIDY. I LOVED THE ORIGINAL. You're having a heart attack. Breathe Breathe His whole left side is shutting down ???????????? I literally have to step out of work for a coffee break; because I couldn't control laughing... Natal Sangrento Watch full review. Natal sangrento watch full shampoo. Actually scream 3 had 1 killer ?. Love how the phone keeps ringing during the end credits! Creepy and effective way to end a creepy effective movie in my opinion.
I was surprised how much I actually liked this movie. Natal Sangrento Watch full article on maxi. Natal sangrento watch full movie. How the hell is the second reboot PG-13.

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