The Wave キStreamingサ



An insurance lawyer goes out on the town to celebrate an upcoming promotion with his co-worker, Jeff. But their night takes a turns bizarre when Frank is dosed with a hallucinogen that completely alters his perception of the world
Score: 772 Vote
release year: 2019
Cast: Tommy Flanagan
Movie online the wave lyrics. Waves Wave motion transfers energy from one point to another, usually without permanent displacement of the particles of the medium. Learning Objectives Describe process of energy and mass transfer during wave motion Key Takeaways Key Points A wave can be thought of as a disturbance or oscillation that travels through space-time, accompanied by a transfer of energy. The direction a wave propagates is perpendicular to the direction it oscillates for transverse waves. A wave does not move mass in the direction of propagation; it transfers energy. Key Terms medium: The material or empty space through which signals, waves or forces pass. direction of propagation: The axis along which the wave travels. wave: A moving disturbance in the energy level of a field. Vibrations and waves are extremely important phenomena in physics. In nature, oscillations are found everywhere. From the jiggling of atoms to the large oscillations of sea waves, we find examples of vibrations in almost every physical system. In physics a wave can be thought of as a disturbance or oscillation that travels through space-time, accompanied by a transfer of energy. Wave motion transfers energy from one point to another, often with no permanent displacement of the particles of the medium ?that is, with little or no associated mass transport. They consist, instead, of oscillations or vibrations around almost fixed locations. The emphasis of the last point highlights an important misconception of waves. Waves transfer energy not mass. An easy way to see this is to imagine a floating ball a few yards out to sea. As the waves propagate (i. e., travel) towards the shore, the ball will not come towards the shore. It may come to shore eventually due to the tides, current or wind, but the waves themselves will not carry the ball with them. A wave only moves mass perpendicular to the direction of propagation?in this case up and down, as illustrated in the figure below: Wave motion: The point along the axis is analogous to the floating ball at sea. We notice that while it moves up and down it does not move in the direction of the wave’s propagation. A wave can be transverse or longitudinal depending on the direction of its oscillation. Transverse waves occur when a disturbance causes oscillations perpendicular (at right angles) to the propagation (the direction of energy transfer). Longitudinal waves occur when the oscillations are parallel to the direction of propagation. While mechanical waves can be both transverse and longitudinal, all electromagnetic waves are transverse. Sound, for example, is a longitudinal wave. The description of waves is closely related to their physical origin for each specific instance of a wave process. For example, acoustics is distinguished from optics in that sound waves are related to a mechanical rather than an electromagnetic (light) wave transfer caused by vibration. Therefore, concepts such as mass, momentum, inertia or elasticity become crucial in describing acoustic (as distinct from optic) wave processes. This difference in origin introduces certain wave characteristics particular to the properties of the medium involved. In this chapter we will closely examine the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves along with some of the properties they possess. We will also learn how waves are fundamental in describing motion of many applicable physical systems. The Wave Equation: A brief introduction to the wave equation, discussing wave velocity, frequency, wavelength, and period. Transverse Waves Transverse waves propagate through media with a speed [latex]\vec{\text{v}}_\text{w}[/latex] orthogonally to the direction of energy transfer. Describe properties of the transverse wave Transverse waves oscillate in the z-y plane but travel along the x axis. A transverse wave has a speed of propagation given by the equation v = fλ. The direction of energy transfer is perpendicular to the motion of the wave. wavelength: The length of a single cycle of a wave, as measured by the distance between one peak or trough of a wave and the next; it is often designated in physics as λ, and corresponds to the velocity of the wave divided by its frequency. trough: A long, narrow depression between waves or ridges. speed of propagation: The speed at which a wave moves through a medium. crest: The ridge or top of a wave. transverse wave: Any wave in which the direction of disturbance is perpendicular to the direction of travel. A transverse wave is a moving wave that consists of oscillations occurring perpendicular (or right angled) to the direction of energy transfer. If a transverse wave is moving in the positive x -direction, its oscillations are in up and down directions that lie in the y?z plane. Light is an example of a transverse wave. For transverse waves in matter, the displacement of the medium is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave. A ripple on a pond and a wave on a string are easily visualized transverse waves. Transverse waves are waves that are oscillating perpendicularly to the direction of propagation. If you anchor one end of a ribbon or string and hold the other end in your hand, you can create transverse waves by moving your hand up and down. Notice though, that you can also launch waves by moving your hand side-to-side. This is an important point. There are two independent directions in which wave motion can occur. In this case, these are the y and z directions mentioned above. depicts the motion of a transverse wave. Here we observe that the wave is moving in t and oscillating in the x-y plane. A wave can be thought as comprising many particles (as seen in the figure) which oscillate up and down. In the figure we observe this motion to be in x-y plane (denoted by the red line in the figure). As time passes the oscillations are separated by units of time. The result of this separation is the sine curve we expect when we plot position versus time. Sine Wave: The direction of propagation of this wave is along the t axis. When a wave travels through a medium?i. e., air, water, etc., or the standard reference medium (vacuum)?it does so at a given speed: this is called the speed of propagation. The speed at which the wave propagates is denoted and can be found using the following formula: [latex]\text{v}=\text{f} \lambda[/latex] where v is the speed of the wave, f is the frequency, and is the wavelength. The wavelength spans crest to crest while the amplitude is 1/2 the total distance from crest to trough. Transverse waves have their applications in many areas of physics. Examples of transverse waves include seismic S (secondary) waves, and the motion of the electric (E) and magnetic (M) fields in an electromagnetic plane waves, which both oscillate perpendicularly to each other as well as to the direction of energy transfer. Therefore an electromagnetic wave consists of two transverse waves, visible light being an example of an electromagnetic wave. Wavelength and Amplitude: The wavelength is the distance between adjacent crests. The amplitude is the 1/2 the distance from crest to trough. Two Types of Waves: Longitudinal vs. Transverse: Even ocean waves! Longitudinal Waves Longitudinal waves, sometimes called compression waves, oscillate in the direction of propagation. Give properties and provide examples of the longitudinal wave While longitudinal waves oscillate in the direction of propagation, they do not displace mass since the oscillations are small and involve an equilibrium position. The longitudinal ‘waves’ can be conceptualized as pulses that transfer energy along the axis of propagation. Longitudinal waves can be conceptualized as pressure waves characterized by compression and rarefaction. rarefaction: a reduction in the density of a material, especially that of a fluid Longitudinal: Running in the direction of the long axis of a body. compression: to increase in density; the act of compressing, or the state of being compressed; compaction Longitudinal waves have the same direction of vibration as their direction of travel. This means that the movement of the medium is in the same direction as the motion of the wave. Some longitudinal waves are also called compressional waves or compression waves. An easy experiment for observing longitudinal waves involves taking a Slinky and holding both ends. After compressing and releasing one end of the Slinky (while still holding onto the end), a pulse of more concentrated coils will travel to the end of the Slinky. Longitudinal Waves: A compressed Slinky is an example of a longitudinal wave. The wave propagates in the same direction of oscillation. Like transverse waves, longitudinal waves do not displace mass. The difference is that each particle which makes up the medium through which a longitudinal wave propagates oscillates along the axis of propagation. In the example of the Slinky, each coil will oscillate at a point but will not travel the length of the Slinky. It is important to remember that energy, in this case in the form of a pulse, is being transmitted and not the displaced mass. Longitudinal waves can sometimes also be conceptualized as pressure waves. The most common pressure wave is the sound wave. Sound waves are created by the compression of a medium, usually air. Longitudinal sound waves are waves of alternating pressure deviations from the equilibrium pressure, causing local regions of compression and rarefaction. Matter in the medium is periodically displaced by a sound wave, and thus oscillates. When people make a sound, whether it is through speaking or hitting something, they are compressing the air particles to some significant amount. By doing so, they create transverse waves. When people hear sounds, their ears are sensitive to the pressure differences and interpret the waves as different tones. Water Waves Water waves can be commonly observed in daily life, and comprise both tran
Movie online the wave 1. Hast mein Leben gerettet ich musste des Buch bis morgen lesen habe es aber noch Buchheimer mal angefangen. Movie online the wave free. Synopsis Todd Strasser 's The Wave is a novelization of a teleplay by Johnny Dawkins based on a short story by Ron Jones. The book recounts a true incident that took place in a California high school in 1969. The central character, a history teacher with the fictionalized name Ben Ross, undertakes an experimental class project in an attempt to help his students understand how the German people could have allowed the Holocaust to occur. The students had posed the question and expressed a strong interest in exploring the issue after viewing a documentary on Nazi atrocities against the Jews. Demanding strict, militaristic obedience to his commands in the classroom, and using chants and slogans to stimulate morale, Ross creates an environment where power comes from the experience of unity, and conformity to group pressure takes precedence over independent thinking. To his surprise, the students are completely captivated by the experiment, which is christened "The Wave"; they seem to actually revel in the rigid discipline and regimental drills which are central to the undertaking. Interestingly, the individuals who become the most fanatically devoted to the system are those who had been outcasts in the normal school social structure; as part of The Wave, these students discover a sense of acceptance and power they have never before been able to achieve. The Wave, which had begun as a simple class project, soon spreads throughout the school. There is a sinister aspect to it that develops as it grows, however. Many students conform mindlessly to the system, while others are pressured ruthlessly to join in. Fear and near-coercion becomes an integral part of the proceedings, as The Wave takes on the characteristics of a cult. Fast-moving and simply written, The Wave explores a phenomenon of vital significance in world and social history, the insipid power of group dynamics which, when used wrongly, can seduce people to act in ways totally in opposition to their professed standards of morality. The book is especially valuable in the canon of young adult literature because it stimulates deep thinking and discussion on a subject of critical relevance, yet it is written in a manner that renders it inviting and accessible to even the most reluctant reader. Summary Ben Ross, in his second year of teaching history at Gordon High School, is surprised when his normally apathetic students react passionately?after viewing a grisly documentary on the Holocaust in his class. The students are particularly?troubled by the lack of action on the part of the majority of the German population who were not members of the Nazi party; they cannot?understand why these citizens did not try to stop the atrocities committed by Hitler, and how they could have claimed that they had not?known what was going on. Intrigued by the students' questions, Mr. Ross decides to try an experiment with his class to give them "a taste of what life in Nazi Germany might have been like. " In his original estimation, Mr. Ross's project would take only one or possibly two class periods at most. He opens the session the next day with a discussion about discipline and how it relates to power and success. Mr. Ross then runs his students through some exercises emphasizing posture and coordination of movement, timing them as they practice racing to their desks as a unit from different starting points. The students are inexplicably hooked by the activity, quickly learning to work as a whole, and even taking the initiative to devise ways?of increasing their efficiency in completing the task. Ross then ups the ante, requiring students to stand rigidly by their seats when speaking, and to always begin?communication by addressing him by name. Adopting these disciplines into his teaching approach, he proceeds with his lesson by drilling the students in a snappy, lockstep question and answer format. Amazingly, the usually lackadaisical students are spellbound by the process. Describing the feeling they get... (The entire section is 1, 601 words. ).
This song legit gets better and better Every time I listen. So they die at the end? ok. ??Enjoy the BEAT DROP ?? ?1.[ 0:58.

I had one thought this entire time underground

Movie online the adventurers 2017. How is this a horror. 5:12 yes go to the building with glass youll be safe. Movie Online the avenue. The Wave Author Todd Strasser Language English Genre(s) Young Adult Novel Publisher Dell Released 1981 Pages 143 blog comments powered by SETTING: Time: 1960s, during the Vietnam War, Third Wave happened in 1967 Place: Taking place at and around Gordon High School CHARACTERS: Laurie Saunders: editor-in-chief of The Gordon Grapevine. Small, petite, doesn’t smoke. Has a habit of chewing pens, senior, first for but later against The Wave Amy Smith: Laurie’s best friend, later known that she is jealous of Laurie, likes The Wave because it makes her feel equal to others Ben Ross: bad with technology, show kids a movie on the Holocaust the first day, starts the Wave, a lively and enthusiastic teacher, some teachers criticized him for his lack of professional propriety, no suit David Collins: football player, Laurie’s boyfriend, planning on entering engineering Robert Billings: “class loser, ” in the shadow of his more successful brother Jeff Billings who majors in medicine while playing Minor League Baseball Christy Ross: wife of Ben Ross, likes to play tennis, generally opposed to The Wave, convinces Ben Ross to stop it, music teacher Principal Owens: at first, curious about The Wave, later, completely against it Mr. Gamboni: Boring French teacher, the first teacher we meet Brad: Kid in Mr. Ross’s class who incessantly makes fun of Robert Billings Brian Ammon: Gordon High School’s quarterback, isn’t really big, worries about beating Clarkstown Carl Block: investigative reporter, comical Alex Cooper: music reviewer, comical Andrea: ballet dances who agrees with Mr. Ross that discipline is important to success Eric: a football player Deutsch: a junior football player who has always wanted Brian’s position as quarterback, later, gets in fight with Brian Mr. Saunders: Laurie’s dad, works at a semi-conductor company, loves golf Mrs. Saunders: Laurie’s mom, ran the county’s League of Women Voters, always able to tell whether Laurie had a problem, a “worry-wart” George Snyder: feels that he’s part of something great Norm Schiller: coach of the football team, also a biology teacher Jeanie: The Grapevine’s fashion reviewer PLOT: CHAPTER 1 ? Starts with Laurie in the Grapevine office. No one is there. The period is almost over, so she decides to leave. On the way, she sees her friend, Amy, in Mr. Gabondi’s class. The bell rings and they leave. ? View changes to Ben Ross, who is trying to thread film. He is appalled with the grades his students have been getting, mostly low B’s and C’s, and the lack of completed homework assignments. Didn’t like students to arrive late and not turn in homework. CHAPTER 2 ? Ben Ross shows a movie of the Holocaust to his students, it shows emaciated Jews, and inhumane cruelty of the Nazis ? Mr. Ross explains how the Nazi started their administration, how the “Final Solution of the Jews” worked, and the crematoriums, ? Amy Smith asks why the Germans killed the Jews. However, Mr. Ross cannot give an answer that will satisfy the students. CHAPTER 3 ? View changes to David Collins, Laurie, and Amy who are eating lunch. The see Robert Billings eat at a table and other girls walk away. Amy and Brian come; Amy and Laurie leave to work on The Grapevine Newspaper. ? Amy and Laurie talk about David in the newspaper room, Laurie becomes aware of how much Amy and Laurie compete with each other, Carl Block and Alex Cooper barge in and jokingly reprimand them for locking the door and for Amy smoking a cigarette. They don’t have their article for the next edition done. CHAPTER 4 ? View changes to Ben Ross. Ben Ross goes home and reads books about Nazis that he got from the library. He is disappointed by the fact that he could not give adequate answers to his students. He decides on starting an experiment that would re-create the experience of Nazism in his class. ? Christy Ross comes home at eleven o’clock and sees Mr. Ross still up. CHAPTER 5 ? Ben Ross starts his experiment, he writes “STRENGTH THROUGH DISCIPLINE” on the board. Mr. Ross first starts by improving the students’ posture. There is already a difference in behavior as they start to stop making jokes and reacting to them. ? Next, he has the students race into their seats after they run out of them. He times them, and they get successively faster each time. During this, Robert Billings gradually assumes a leadership role as he helps the students get faster, and is used as a model for proper posture and appropriate behavior. ? Mr. Ross lastly teaches the students to answer question properly. “Mr. Ross, (answer)”and the class goes on to answer questions about the Holocaust until the bell rings. Laurie Saunders is the first and only person to answer in the improper form ? On their way out of class, Brad, David, Brian, Laurie, and Amy talk about how the class was. At first, several kids do not take this very seriously. However, David, who wants to help his football team, and Robert, who finally broke free of his loser ship, do. ? View changes to Ben Ross at home. Ben Ross talks to his wife about how changed his students were, and how his students stayed after the bell. CHAPTER 6 ? Ben Ross is late to class the next day. He finds all the students in proper posture. Ben Ross decides to continue with the experiment. He adds “COMMUNITY” to the motto. The new motto becomes “Strength through discipline, strength through community” Mr. Ross has the students recite this. Laurie at first does not but succumbs to peer pressure. ? He calls the movement The Wave; he makes the symbol and the salute. He forces the students to do the salute. ? View changes to David and Eric in football practice. David spreads The Wave to the football team, thinking that it will unite them and make them better at football. They steadfastly agree. CHAPTER 7 ? View changes to Laurie and her parents. Laurie describes The Wave to them. Mrs. Saunders disapproves it stating that it was too militaristic. Saunders feels that it is okay, because it helps the kids pay attention. ? View changes to Ben Ross and his wife. They have a conversation on The Wave; Christy Ross is generally incredulous and opposed to The Wave, while Ben constantly tries to defend it. CHAPTER 8 ? David Collins and Laurie Saunders have a tradition of running into each other in the morning. This morning they got into a minor argument regarding whether The Wave was a good thing. David thought it would help the football team, but Laurie was not so sure. Laurie changes the subject. ? When they get to Mr. Ross’s class, he is passing out Wave membership cards. He has the people with “x’s” on the back be monitors. He then adds another sentence to their motto. It now reads, “Strength through discipline, strength through community, strength through action. ” He states that discipline and community is useless without action. He encourages them to recruit new members. ? At the lunchroom, Laurie nervously speaks against The Wave. When Robert Billings counters, however, she takes it back. CHAPTER 9 ? The next day, Ben Ross notices that his class size is noticeably larger. He also notes that they are able to perform faster, and they cover more material; however, there is not much analysis, as if The Wave was getting rid of their sense of reasoning. Ross’s stream of consciousness continues as he notes how Coach Schiller talked to him today and tries to figure out the cause of the spread of The Wave. ? View changes to Laurie inside the school publications office. Laurie and The Grapevine’s reporters are in an editorial meeting. They decide to write an article on The Wave. ? Laurie goes home. Saunders talks to Laurie about The Wave. She talked to Robert’s mom and described the Laurie the change she saw in him. Laurie’s mom tells her not to be so affected by The Wave. Laurie starts to have second thoughts on whether The Wave is a fad or not. CHAPTER 10 ? Principal Owens and Ben Ross discuss The Wave. Principal Owen does not want the movement to go too far, while Ben Ross tries to defend it. The principal reminds Ben Ross that the experiment is dealing with young, impressionable kids and should not be done to the extreme. CHAPTER 11 ? Laurie goes to the publications office and finds a letter from an anonymous junior who was almost forced to join The Wave. ? View changes back to Ben as he leaves his meeting with Principal Owens. He sees students putting up posters and banners. Robert then asks Mr. Ross if he could be his bodyguard, to which Mr. Ross tentatively agrees. CHAPTER 12 ? Laurie spots a fight between Brian Ammon and another person later to be identified as Deutsch. She bumps into David, who argues over The Wave. Laurie believes it is getting rid of the individuality of the people, while David states The Wave helps the school unify. Laurie states that David is too idealistic, while David counters that Laurie just does not like not being on top anymore. Laurie calls David stupid, and David breaks up with her. ? Alex, Carl, and Laurie decide to publish a special edition of The Grapevine, which is going to be about The Wave. ? View changes to Laurie at home. Saunders comes into her room and comments a fight after school. A Jew said something critical of The Wave and he was beaten up. CHAPTER 13 ? Laurie goes to the game on Saturday, and she wants to sit with Amy. However, she is stopped by Brad, who commands her to do The Wave salute before entering the bleachers. Brad actually does not want to make people salute, but the rest of The Wave forces him. ? Sunday afternoon, The Grapevine staff meets at Laurie’s house and makes the newspaper, which includes the letter from the anonymous junior and a report on the Jewish sophomore who was beaten up. ? Laurie states that it runs against everything the country was founded on, getting rid of our Freedom of Speech an

Who knew that they had self driving cars back job Bea??

The wave movie online. YAY TOGO IS FINALLY GETTING HIS MOVIE. The wave movie online 2008. These types if disaster movies always freak the shit outta me tbh. I still enjoy 'em though.

Anyone know who made the score from 1:18 onward

Hey guys! Pull out your crayons, it's Colouring Time! D. The wave online movie. Movie online the wave songs. Movie Online The. I just came here for the music. Now THIS is how you do a trailer. Needed to hear this song at this Exact moment, everyone I know is doing me and my son dirty, including my Whole family. I'm in tears right now. This song touched my Soul ?? She's amazing, Thank you Bea Miller ???. Movie online the wave 2016. Movie online the adventurers chinese. Movies online the war of the worlds 1950.
Anyone else shocked at after ending or just me ? i did not see that coming. Watch online movie breaking the waves. Surfing in the desert. Utah’s only Wave is made of stone, but it’s still, like, epic, bro. Mother nature is usually pretty cagey about her creative process. She wants us to believe all the earth’s features are just coincidental products of natural processes. But she tipped her hand when she made the Wave, just across the Arizona border. It’s a little too down-the-middle, beauty-wise, with its baroque bands of red, pink, yellow and white Navajo sandstone arcing precipitously up, down and around ancient stone chutes. A little over-designed if she’s trying to maintain an air of indifference. Read more... The Wave is the common point on the map where world’s geologists, psychedelics, couples taking engagement photos and Victor Vasarely groupies get together and try to keep their mouths closed. It’s like a hurricane, freeze-framed. If you forget your camera, no one will believe you. HOW TO RIDE THE WAVE: LOCATION & ACCESS The Wave is in the north section of Coyote Buttes, between Paria Canyon and Vermillion Cliffs National Monument. Turn off US-89 about halfway between Kanab, Utah, and Page, Arizona ? if you can get a hiking permit, that is. The Wave’s overwhelming popularity caused the BLM to limit foot traffic to 20 people per day, so while the hike itself is a fairly straightforward 2. 6 miles each way, getting the required permit can be tricky. Half the daily permits are issued by lottery for dates four months out (chances of drawing for April?November are 4?8%; December?March gets up around 25%); the other 10 are given to walk-ins at the GSENM Visitor Center in Kanab for the following day ? also by lottery if more than 10 people apply. Consider yourself warned: Riding the Wave requires either dumb luck or patience and planning. More info on permits here. GEOLOGY On its résumé, the Wave refers to its stripes as lithified eolian laminae, but that just means rock layers made of windblown sand. As Jurassic wind patterns changed, different sand dunes blew across the southwest desert, cementing into the striations that now look like a topographic map writ large. The water drainage that carved the two main chutes dried up a long time ago, so now wind is the Wave’s primary erosional force. Maybe you care about all that, maybe you don’t, but keep in mind how many millions of years it took to make before you climb on something you shouldn’t. Oh, and the Wave doesn’t have a monopoly on Coyote Buttes North’s picturesque. Leave some time to explore nearby dinosaur tracks, Melody Arch, Top Rock, Fatali’s Boneyard, Sand Cove and the Second Wave. Access world-class longform canyoneering in Paria Canyon’s Buckskin Gulch. Same trailhead as the Wave but a different (self-paid and unlimited) permit. And if you don’t draw one of the coveted North permits, Coyote Buttes South is bigger and less crowded, with plenty of its own amorphous Jurassic earthwork. Some people even prefer the Wave-less (placid? ) South section. See Paw Hole, Cottonwood Cove, teepees, fins, etc. Coyote Buttes North and South are areas to wander, not trails to hike, so bring a GPS and either hire a guide or do some homework. South permits are easier to come by, but apply early anyway. Four-wheel drive recommended. PHOTOGRAPHY Professional photographers, don’t even bother. At the Wave, even an idiot with a flip phone will take pictures that belong on a gallery wall. (Just kidding, pros. We can tell the difference. Do your thing. ) If you’re hiking Coyote Buttes North, you literally won the lottery, so you’re gonna feel pretty giddy to rush straight to the Wave. But take a breath; first consider the theropod footprints in the soft morning light. Save the Wave for midday, when it’s all lit up, then hurry up and try to shoot everything else before you run out of light or energy.
Movie Online The waves. READ THE BOOK FIRST I REPEAT READ THE BOOK FIRST Note:I'm not hating on the movie. I liked the movie. I reccomend to read the book and then watch the movie. When people only know this song cause of after ??♀??. Semoga kita selalu di lindungi oleh Allah SWT. Movies online the avengers 1978.
?? ????. Wait the hair accessories and bracelets spin. The Wave Theatrical release poster Directed by Roar Uthaug Produced by Are Heidenstorm Written by John Kåre Raake Harald Rosenløw-Eeg Starring Kristoffer Joner Ane Dahl Torp Jonas Hoff Oftebro Edith Haagenrud-Sande Fridtjov Såheim Thomas Bo Larsen Music by Magnus Beite Cinematography John Christian Rosenlund Edited by Christian Siebenherz Production company Film Väst Distributed by Nordisk Filmdistribusjon Magnolia Pictures Release date 28?August?2015 Running time 105 minutes [1] Country Norway Language Norwegian Budget $6 million [2] [3] Box office $12. 8 million [4] The Wave ( Norwegian: Bølgen) is a 2015 Norwegian disaster film [5] directed by Roar Uthaug. It was Norway's official submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 88th Academy Awards but failed to be nominated. [6] [7] [8] The movie depicts a future event in Møre og Romsdal in which the Åkerneset [ no] crevasse collapses, creating an avalanche resulting in an 80 meter tall tsunami that destroys everything in its path. A sequel titled The Quake ( Norwegian: Skjelvet), directed by John Andreas Andersen, was released on 31 August 2018. [9] Plot [ edit] Kristian Eikjord ( Joner), an experienced geologist, is having his final day of duty in the famous Norwegian tourist destination Geiranger, and is scheduled to move to Stavanger with his family. After a small farewell feast with his colleagues at the Åkerneset monitoring station, sensors on the mountain indicate groundwater has disappeared. The team tells Kristian not to worry, they will check it out. Later, Kristian and his children are leaving while his wife Idun ( Torp) works at the local hotel for a few more days. Waiting for the ferry, Kristian has an epiphany after observing surrounding events and rushes back to the geology center, leaving his children Sondre (Oftebro) and Julia (Sande) in the car. There, he convinces them the waters are having a profound effect on the crevasse. He heads up by helicopter with Jacob, where they find the instrument-connected wires have snapped. Kristian's former boss Arvid ( Såheim) agrees to enter a higher state of alert, but refuses to press the evacuation alarm based on the current evidence. Having done what he can, Kristian returns to his car, but finds the children were impatient and went to the hotel. There, he apologizes and Idun tells the children to sleep at the hotel for the night, but Julia wants to say goodbye to their house by spending one last night there. Kristian drives home with her to stay there one last time. Meanwhile, Sondre is bored in his hotel room and heads down to the basement with headphones to skateboard. Instrument calculations indicate contraction changes in the crevasse, thus Arvid and Jacob head there to check the "C-pumps" (used to measure specific conditions), they find the readings are accurate and not a malfunction. Kristian reviews his old documents and finds contractions can be a sign of an upcoming avalanche, due to water pressure changing within the mountain. Kristian dials the station and orders his colleagues to evacuate Arvid and Jacob from the crevasse immediately and sound the outdoor warning alarms to alert the residents of Geiranger that there is an imminent threat of a tsunami. Moments later, the avalanche happens; Arvid decides to sacrifice himself, linking Jacob to their zip-line after his foot is trapped, falling to his death shortly after. As feared, the rockslide crashes into the fjord and creates a gigantic tsunami approximately 80 meters high roaring towards Geiranger. With ten minutes on the countdown, Kristian rushes to Geiranger with Julia to pick up his wife and son, but Idun orders them to ascend to safety. She and her colleague Vibeke desperately attempt to evacuate the hotel patrons onto a waiting bus, but Sondre is nowhere to be found. Time is quickly running out, but Idun refuses to leave him. Two Danish tourists (Maria and Philip Poulsen) are following her on the search. Kristian and Julia are stuck in traffic trying to get up the mountain, and realizing their altitude is dangerously low, they start running uphill on foot, yelling for everyone else to do the same. During the rush, a man forgets to set the car's brake, causing it to roll backwards and trap Anna's leg (Kristian's former neighbor). Kristian sends Julia up the mountain with Thomas (Anna's husband) and Teresa, their daughter. With seconds until wave impact, Kristian seats himself and Anna in a van in a desperate attempt to survive. The tsunami engulfs the vehicle into a chaotic underwater maelstrom. Idun finds Sondre, but the tsunami approaches too quickly. Rushing back downstairs to the basement's bomb shelter, the wave strikes the hotel violently and washes Maria away, forcing Idun to close the shelter's door after convincing Philip that Maria is already dead. Kristian realizes he miraculously survived the maelstrom, but finds Anna next to him dead, having been impaled by a large piece of debris. After Kristian finds Julia alive, he leaves her with Thomas and his daughter, while he heads back to Geiranger to find the rest of his family. The town has been wiped off the map, and he finds the evacuation bus, filled with dead passengers, including Vibeke. Realizing Idun and Sondre are not among them, he heads to the ruins of the hotel. Down in the bomb shelter, the water level rises and deforms the door, which is blocked by heavy debris. With the situation worsening, Philip panics and pushes Idun and Sondre underwater in a frenzied attempt to breathe. Unable to calm him down, Idun is forced to drown him. Kristian finds his son's backpack in one of the rooms, and feeling hopeless, he furiously bangs some exposed pipes with a metal rod. The noises are heard by Idun and Sondre, who then respond in like. Kristian tracks the noise to the bomb shelter, but as he dives, further damage occurs to the hotel, causing water to flood where they are taking refuge. He removes the heavy debris and reunites with Idun, but as he returns with Sondre, he runs out of air (after giving some to his panicked son). Idun heads back for him and begins a desperate attempt to revive him. While it seems Kristian has drowned and Idun accepts his death, Sondre gives one last frantic effort at revival, which pays off. The family is reunited at Ørnesvingen, and the film closes saying the events are likely to occur in the future, but the exact date is unpredictable. Cast [ edit] Kristoffer Joner as Kristian Eikjord, a 40-year old experienced geologist [2] Ane Dahl Torp as Idun Eikjord, Kristian's wife Jonas Hoff Oftebro as Sondre Eikjord, Kristian's son Edith Haagenrud-Sande as Julia Eikjord, Kristian's daughter Thomas Bo Larsen as Phillip Poulsen, a Danish tourist Mette Horn as Maria Poulsen Fridtjov Såheim as Arvid Øvrebø, Kristian's former boss Herman Bernhoft as Georg Arthur Berning as Jacob Vikra Silje Breivik as Anna, one of Eikjord's neighbours Laila Goody as Margot Valldal, Arvid's assistant Eili Harboe as Vibeke, Idun's hotel colleague Production [ edit] Development [ edit] Norway is a rockslide prone area (created by the Caledonian orogeny) and The Wave is based on a rock-slide tsunami incident which destroyed the village of Tafjord on 7 April 1934, killing 40 people. [2] Prior to that, a similar incident in 1905 triggered a tsunami killing 60 people, and 31 years later, another 74 lost their lives. [11] Uthaug has always been a fan of Hollywood disaster films such as Twister and Armageddon and had long wanted to make a disaster film in Norway. [2] According to him the challenge was to combine the elements of the American genre film with the reality of the situation in Norway. [2] All the actors performed their own stunts, something the director said was "utterly nerve-racking. " And for a climatic scene, in which Joner tries to rescue his family from a flooded hotel, he trained with free-diving instructors to be able to hold his breath for three minutes underwater. [2] Release [ edit] The Wave had its international premiere at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival on 16 September 2015. [12] Box office [ edit] The film sold around 800, 000 tickets in Norway, [2] and grossed a total of US$8. 2 million at the Norwegian box office becoming the highest grossing film of 2015 in Norway. [13] Awards and accolades [ edit] At the 2016 Amanda Awards, The Wave received the award for Best Norwegian Film in Theatrical Release, as well as the awards for Best Sound Design and Best Visual Effects. [14] In addition, the film was also nominated in the categories of Best Norwegian Film, Best Director, Best Cinematography, and Best Music. [15] At the Kanon Awards for 2016, The Wave won for Best Male Actor in a Leading Role ( Kristoffer Joner), Best Producer, Best Editing, and Best Production Design ( Lina Nordqvist). [16] Critical reception [ edit] The film received positive reviews from critics, with praise aimed at the performances of the cast (mostly the two protagonists), cinematography, score and visual effects. [17] [10] Deborah Young of The Hollywood Reporter called the film "an exotic edge-of-seater [that] plays on the beauty and terror of nature" and "a thrilling ride", [3] while chief international film critic Peter Debruge of Variety described it as "an equally impressive tsunami-peril thriller. " [17] The review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reported that 83% of critics have given the film a positive review based on 108 reviews, with an average rating of 6. 64/10. The site's critics consensus states: "Well-acted and blessed with a refreshingly humanistic focus, The Wave is a disaster film that makes uncommonly smart use of disaster film clichés. " [18] Metacritic reports a weighted average score of 68 out of 100 based on 26 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews". [19] The special effects were lauded b
This trailer is so boring to watch. I can't imagine 2 hours of this. And yall called this trash when he was recording on live smh SLAT ?.

This vid was posted exactly 3 years ago as of the day I'm watching this

If the others killed power with an electro magnetic pulse Couldnt they just generate more I dont think its possible to just completely kill electricity. Die Hände in die Höh. The last scene reminded me of the lost world movie scene. My heart bursts with pride! I've followed u since u posted YouTube covers ?even back when u did keek videos that's how I found u andi was in awe with your talent and voice ? So proud of where you've came xx.
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Coauthor: tu morenita
Info: tranquila y tropicana









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