Noël tragique PutLocker


Columnist: France Bleu Auxerre
Info Compte officiel de France Bleu Auxerre @radiofrance @francebleu #yonne #auxerre #chablis #vezelay #joigny #teamaja #aja ¢ª

  1. Country=USA
  2. description=A group of female students are stalked by a stranger during their Christmas break. That is until the young sorority pledges discover that the killer is part of an underground college conspiracy
  3. Runtime=92 Min
  4. &ref(,0,76,113_AL_.jpg)
  5. Director=Sophia Takal
  6. stars=Lily Donoghue

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I think it's possible I wanted to like this movie just because of all the negative reviews it was getting- just to go against the grain. It was pretty goofy, that's true, but dumb movies can be fun sometimes. I think people's issue with this movie is the "message" that white men are evil- and that's why it's getting called the worst movie of the year. For whatever reason, the feminist stuff didn't bother me, and without factoring that in, the movie is just the average horror crap we get every year. Oh, believe me, I agree it's ridiculous and implausible, but years of watching bad, low budget slasher movies already prepared me for that. I agree that going PG-13 made it less interesting too, but for whatever reason, I didn't hate it.
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C'était tellement mieux avec Guillaume Orsat en doubleur bordel, c'est sa première française. Noël tragique downloaded. The biggest offender of the latest incarnation of 'Black Christmas' is its lack of imagination. There's no mystique. There's no mystery. Considering its namesake, it doesn't even seem to attempt to try and retain any of the key components that makes the original film such a classic.
For starters, the film is incredibly flat. The direction and cinematography is dull and uninspired, and the film feels completely lifeless as a result, lacking in any mood and suspense almost entirely, and substituting with way too many cheap jump scares. The script is just as awkward, with unbelievably cringeworthy dialogue, unlikeable characters, with them making too many questionable decisions, and frankly, it asks a little too much for suspension of disbelief. As a remake, it misses the mark horrendously. As a horror film, it leaves a lot to be desired. It may not be a bad film, but it's an incredibly boring one.
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