Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker gostream



liked it 217585 Vote / actor Carrie Fisher / Countries USA / Runtime 142 minute / Year 2019 / Description While the First Order continues to ravage the galaxy, Rey finalizes her training as a Jedi. But danger suddenly rises from the ashes as the evil Emperor Palpatine mysteriously returns from the dead. While working with Finn and Poe Dameron to fulfill a new mission, Rey will not only face Kylo Ren once more, but she will also finally discover the truth about her parents as well as a deadly secret that could determine her future and the fate of the ultimate final showdown that is to come.
No matter how many time I watch this when I see Lando, Leia and hear both Luke and that Darth Sidious laugh. I GET CHILLS. Cant wait ?. I. AM. ALL. OF THE SITH AND I. AM ALL OF THE JEDI 10/10 dialogue. Zvaigzdziu karai skaivokerio iskilimas. Glad I'm not the only one lost when watching this as far as plot's concerned... ¡ÈDew it¡É He did it. I just really, really like this. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. In this, I am not. Disappointed, I am.

Rey: Holds dual weilded red lightsaber Me: O Hold up replays the scene 8 times Everyone: O Hold up replays the scene 8 times. Snoke was never meant to be the real bad guy. Palpatine was still running the whole show. all the time. facepalm. Sabía que ni era el único que le parecía más épico la canción xD. In the king's man was that rasputin. There was that rumor that something in the Mandalorian would be part of RoS, I think it was really just the Force Healing (which I'd much rather prefer. Palpatines ¡ÈGOOOOOOODDD¡É kills me every time. Watching this video I realize the term True fans has no meaning anymore. La música de Star Wars, no hay nada más que decir, buenas noches... Why didn't the first pilot shoot her? Was he planning on running her over the whole time? ?.

No one's ever really gone. And they all lived happily ever after. The end. 4.- I don't care after watching previus part. I will wate for upload.
Yeah. Pretty sure I am going to skip this one. Porque el nuevo tráiler de star wars Suena epico. Porque es música basada en John fucking' Williams. As many have pointed out, nothing will EVER compare to the original trilogy. Plus for many who watched them in their younger years, the impact made in watching those movies at younger age also has huge impact on the way you look upon them too. Regardless the original can never be compared to. The prequel trilogy had its approach to explain all that led to the movies so many loved, and they did a good job and they were well done. The only flaw in the prequel was Jar-Jar being used too much, but as much as that was a slight annoyance, it didn't ruin the overall experience and they were fun enjoyable trilogy. Here is the truth to it all, even though the recent trilogy obviously connects to the original trilogy with characters, the truth of the matter is, these are truly more of a new trilogy and new direction of telling of the story, so in a way all the original Luke Skywalker story line told in episode 4, 5 & 6 had a start & finish. So in episodes 7, 8 & 9, the story still has Luke within the story, however he isn't the main focus of this trilogy. Think back to the prequel trilogy, who was that entire trilogy about? It wasn't really about Anikan Skywalker, but it was more about Obi-wan Kenobi showing his journey through all 3 prequels as he was the focus and biggest character in all 3 of those movies. What happens when you go to episode 4, Obi-wan (old Ben) is a small part and it was all about Luke now. Well this new trilogy basically did the exact thing, Luke had been reduced to small character and now was about Rei and all the new characters. If you watch these 3 new movies as more of a new direction of stories and still including old characters to connect together, then you are able to enjoy these movies much better. This final episode 9: Rise of Skywalker closes off this trilogy with connection to the original trilogy with lots of nostalgic visuals, or voices) and at the end you have a very exciting and enjoyable trilogy new series. Are there flaws, yes there are, but a big part is because of the constant comparison and/or expectations everyone has! Just enjoy these for what they are and understand nothing could EVER come close to getting the same feeling majority of people got when they saw the original Star Wars Trilogy and nothing will ever be able to match that! Luke, I am your father" can never come close to matching the feelings you had at that moment if you watched it for the first time, so instead of trying to capture something that can NEVER be recaptured again, best to enjoy these new set for what they are.
Disney choking the life out of Star Wars! Wish theyd stop. Žvaigždžių karai. skaivokerio iškilimas. Remember that he's a human too. 5:00 :DDDDDDD.

Just saw it a few hours ago and it's definitely real 100









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