First Lady ?1280p?

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Runtime: 1 H 41minute; &ref(,0,128,190_AL_.jpg); 2020; writed by: Nina May; USA. ???????????. DAMN I THOIGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE THATS SEE THAT VIDEO N CAME STRAIGHT TO THIS I WANT THE D TONIGHT LOL CTFU.
Cant wait to find true love ??? this is just beautiful shout out to all the beautiful women around the word ??????????. Can anyone else see the secret service behind him lol.

4:51 pls dont come back to my country if you dont want me in America. Who listening September 2019???. ??????????. Melania and Christmas decorations looks lania is a very delicate and humble lady.I love her. &ref( I just took a look at her Tweet about celebrating the first anniversary of Be Best. The TDS hate replies are breathtaking. I went through at least a hundred without a single positive comment- it was all vitriolic spewing of hate. I'm telling you the left has lost it. They have a terminal case of TDS. I never saw anything similar for Obama from conservatives. Sure, Obama received some negative reply tweets, but nothing like what Donald and Melania are subject to. Just vile comments about her. I wish conservatives had a similar organized mass response as the liberals do to support POTUS and FLOTUS, but alas, it doesn't happen. See for yourself. Go to any POTUS or FLOTUS tweet and see the replies. Awful, disrespectful, hateful, intolerant, etc. and there are so many that say similar things that it must be organized. Of course Twitter overlooks liberal hate speech of the worst kind, but bans conservatives for quoting a Ralph Waldo Emerson poem (James Wood. I know Trump will drop the hammer on the Democrats soon, but I wish he would move that schedule up a few weeks.
?????????????????????????????????????????????. Fake friends going git theirs right back thank GOD. Oh, love the kimono! The performance too. Say what you want about the Obamas. Once they are gone there will never be another American president and first lady this open and relatable to the public and pop culture. Why can't Everyone be like this. Had me looking in the mirror disgusted with myself wishing I was someone else like the girl you were liking on Instagram I felt that shit heavy asf.
First Lady is an unofficial title used for the wife of a non- monarchical head of state or chief executive. [1] [2] [3] The term is also used to describe a woman seen to be at the top of her profession or art. [4] The term is often used to a non-monarchical heads of state or chief executives who don't have that kind of style in their own country. Some countries have a title, official or unofficial, that is or can be translated as first lady. [5] The title is not normally used for the wife of a head of government who is not also head of state. First Gentleman is the male equivalent of the title in countries where the head of state's spouse has been a man, such as the Philippines or Malta. While there has never been a male spouse of a U. S. president, " First Gentleman " is used in the United States for the husband of a governor. First Spouse, a rare version of the title, can be used in either case where the spouse of a head of state is male or female. This term is used to promote gender equality and gender neutrality. In the United States, collectively, the president of the United States and his spouse are known as the first couple [6] and, if they have children, they are usually referred to as the first family. Origin [ edit] The designation First Lady seems to have originated in the United States, where one of the earliest uses in print, in 1838, was in reference to Martha Washington. [7] Other sources indicate that, in 1849, President Zachary Taylor called Dolley Madison "first lady" at her state funeral, while reciting a eulogy written by himself; but no copy of that eulogy has been found. [8] Use [ edit] Armenia [ edit] The wife of the current president of Armenia is referred to as "????????? ?????? ?????", which translates as (among other things) "First Lady of Armenia". [9] [10] Azerbaijan [ edit] The wife of the current president of Azerbaijan uses the term " Birinci xanım ". [11] [ citation needed] Australia [ edit] The wife of the current prime minister of Australia has recently been referred to as the country's "unofficial first lady". [12] Brazil [ edit] The wife of the president of Brazil is called "Primeira-Dama". Which is "first lady" in English. Bulgaria [ edit] The wife of the president of Bulgaria is called "Първа дама". Cambodia [ edit] The term "Lok Chumteav" is used. Colombia [ edit] The term "Primera Dama" is used. [5] Croatia [ edit] The terms Supruga Predsjednika Republike (Wife of the president of the Republic) or Suprug Predsjednice Republike (Husband of the president of the Republic) are most commonly used in Croatia, while the terms Prva dama (First Lady) and Prvi gospodin (First Gentleman) are rarely used, except by foreign sources. The current husband of the president of Croatia is Jakov Kitarović. The wife of the prime minister has occasionally, in exceptionally rare cases, also been referred to as the First Lady of Croatia, however as the spouses of prime ministers have often maintained a low profile and have almost never been public figures, the title Supruga Predsjednika Vlade (Wife of the Prime Minister) has been used in cases when such a reference is needed. The current wife of the prime minister is Ana Maslać Plenković. Czech Republic [ edit] The term První dáma is used for wife of the president of the Czech Republic. [ citation needed] The current first lady is Ivana Zemanová. France [ edit] Following a petition against a proposed change in her status that gathered more than 275, 000 signatures, the French government announced that Brigitte Macron will not be holding the official title of "First Lady", and will not be allocated an official budget for her activities. [13] In an interview with French magazine Elle, she stated that a soon-to-be published transparency charter would clarify her "role and accompanying resources", including the composition and size of her staff. [14] Greece [ edit] The prime minister of Greece is the country's leading political figure and the active chief executive of its government; the president of Greece has a ceremonial role. As such, the term "Proti Kyria" is unofficially used by the press to refer to the wife of the country's prime minister. India [ edit] The term "First Lady" is less frequently used in India. The term might be used at times to refer to the wife of the president of India in newspapers; however, the more widespread term in general use is "Wife of The President" or more informally as the president's wife/spouse/husband. The term "First Lady" is not used to refer to the wife of the prime minister. Indonesia [ edit] The term "Ibu Negara" (Lady/Mother of the State) is used for wife of the president of Indonesia. Republic of Ireland [ edit] In the Republic of Ireland, the term "First Lady" ( Irish: an Chéad Bhean) is not used in official contexts, but is often used in the media to refer to the wife of the president [15] [16] [17] and, less frequently, to refer to the wife of the taoiseach (prime minister). [18] [19] During the first half of Bertie Ahern 's term as Taoiseach, he was separated from his wife Miriam (née Kelly) and the role of First Lady was filled by his then domestic partner, Celia Larkin. [20] [21] The term "First Gentleman" has also been used to describe the husband of a female president. [22] [23] [24] Leo Varadkar was elected Taoiseach in 2017, the first homosexual person to hold either post. However, he has said that he does not plan for his domestic partner, Matthew "Matt" Barrett, to fulfill First Gentleman roles. [25] [26] [27] [28] Israel [ edit] The First Lady of Israel is the title typically given to the wife of the president of Israel. There has yet to be a male spouse of an Israeli president. The most recent woman to be called Israeli First Lady was Nechama Rivlin, wife of President Reuven Rivlin, who held the title from her husband's inauguration on 24 July 2014 to her death on 4 June 2019. Malawi [ edit] During the administration of President Kamuzu Banda, [29] Malawi had an "Official Hostess" who served in the same capacity as "First Lady" because the president was unmarried. Banda was never married and therefore Cecilia Kadzamira served in this capacity for the nation. [30] Maldives [ edit] The title First Lady of Maldives is used by the office of the president, governmental offices, and by visiting dignitaries. [31] [32] [33] New Zealand [ edit] The term "first lady" is not officially used in New Zealand, but is sometimes used in the press and colloquially to refer to the wife of the prime minister. [34] [35] Nigeria [ edit] The term first lady has been used intermittently for the wife of the president of Nigeria. The spouse of the president has no official title, but receives the same style as the president, Excellency. [36] A former president Shehu Shagari was a polygamist, and none of his wives were referred to as the first lady. [36] Pakistan [ edit] In Pakistan, the term ????? ???(Read As Khatoon-e-Awwal) is commonly used for the wife of Mohammad, Khadija Bint Al-Khuwaylid. It has also been used for wife of the prime minister of Pakistan. It has also been used for wife of the president of Pakistan. Peru [ edit] The wife of the current president of Peru uses the term Primera Dama. [37] Philippines [ edit] The consort of the president of the Philippines bears the gender-neutral title of First Spouse ( Filipino: Unang Kabiyák), and among other duties, is host of Malacañan Palace. The title is genderless as many Philippine languages lack grammatical gender, and because there have been presidential consorts of both sexes. When the official consort is female, she is known as "First Lady" ( Unang Ginang); the title has also been applied to an immediate female relative serving in this capacity for a widowed president. There has only been one First Gentleman ( Unang Ginoó) in history: José Miguel Arroyo, the husband of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the 14th president. Poland [ edit] The term Pierwsza Dama is used by the wife of the current president of Poland. [38] The title of Pani Prezydentowa (the Presidential Lady) is also commonly, though informally, used. South Korea [ edit] The wife of the president is called "Yoeong-boo-in" (???/令夫人). When the wife of the president is incapacitated, the role of First lady fell to the oldest daughter of the president during Park Chung-hee's era. Park Chung-hee's wife, Yuk Young-soo, was assassinated on August 15, 1974, and his daughter, Park Geun-hye assumed the role of first lady. Taiwan [ edit] The term "first lady" is used by the wife of the president of the Republic of China. [39] Trinidad and Tobago [ edit] The wife of the current president uses the term "first lady". [40] United States of America [ edit] In American media, the term First Lady is often applied to the wife of a head of state in any country, irrespective of whether a different appellation (or none) is used in that country. For example, in 1902, the U. publication Munsey's Magazine said of the wife of Canadian Governor General the Earl of Minto: "As the first lady in the land, she has done much to weld together the heterogeneous components of a colonial society which includes peoples of different races and of antagonistic religions. " [41] The term was also used by Munsey's to refer to the wife of Mexico's leader, President Porfirio Díaz: In an 1896 piece about "The Daughters of Mexico", author Jeannie Marshall said of Carmen Romero Rubio de Díaz: "She is still a young woman, though she has filled the position of 'first lady of the land' for many years, with marked success. " [42] The U. Spanish-language newspaper La Prensa also called her " primera dama " when writing about her activities. [43] In the early days of the United States, there was no generally accepted title for the wife of the president. Many early first ladies expres
Hahaahahhahahqhhahahahahahahahah. nude first lady yawww.

2020 whos still listen this song????









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