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Braden Croft. Ratings=7,6 / 10 Stars. genres=Horror. audience score=31 vote. Actors=Julian Richings. summary=True Fiction is a movie starring Sara Garcia, John Cassini, and Julian Black Antelope. Avery Malone, a wannabe writer and lonely librarian, gets her big break when she's hand-selected to assist her hero, reclusive author, Caleb. I would like to start by acknowledging the following Redditors for their posts. They were a great source of inspiration and I will be building on theories and ideas elaborated therein. ★ Summary of the Emperor’s Goals & Contingency Plan by u/parasadi ★.. was the Emperor supposed to do by u/bennylima ★ Guilliman figures out why the Emperor kept Chaos a secret… by u/Vapurastin ★ There is nothing Good about the Chaos Gods by u/Krelious ★ Emperor the Human was scared of becoming Emperor the God by u/Pirat6662001 ★ All branches of the Imperium’s management are extraordinarily competent… by u/inquisitor_xeeleestp Without further ado, I would like to present my conclusions for your entertainment. TL;DR >! The Emperor orchestrated many events that shaped the current Imperium, to ensure the success of his contingency plan. Most significantly, he needed to be entombed as a near-corpse on the Golden Throne, gathering the psychic energy of Mankind within the webway as he slowly ascends to Godhood. The Emperor’s contingency plan, following the failure of his webway project, is to ascend to Godhood. This theory has been previously established by others. My post will provide arguments that identify how the Emperor orchestrated certain events to further his hidden agenda. This includes his own fate, and that of his sons. As a result of the Emperor’s lies and manipulation, the Imperium of Mankind has become a glorious and terrible machine dedicated to serving his will. I make two assumptions: (1) becoming a “God” is possible, and (2) the Emperor is actively pursuing this course of action. Given the nature of these topics, concrete evidence is hard to come by. Instead, I will look at his actions and their consequences - from novels, discussions, and the Lexicanum. From this I have identified five requirements that must be fulfilled before the Emperor can attain divinity: All citizens must worship Him and only Him as a God-Emperor. He must be in a state of near-death before using the Golden Throne. He must accumulate as much psychic energy as possible. The Imperium must survive with primarily mortal leadership and defense. The boundaries between reality and the warp must be weakened. As of the 42nd millennium, the first four have been completed. The fifth and final requirement revolves around the Imperium Nihilus. Please consider the following questions as I proceed: ? What is the purpose/function of the Golden Throne? ? Why did the Emperor personally fight Horus on the Vengeful Spirit? ? Why does the Emperor constantly require so many psykers to be sacrificed to him? ? What was the relationship between the Emperor and his sons? We must first examine some of the Emperor’s character traits. From existing descriptions and lore, the following can be inferred: A. Immortal: even if the Emperor’s body dies, his soul is so powerful that it cannot be consumed by warp predators, and he will reincarnate. The Emperor was “born” through a mass-suicide reincarnation ritual specifically designed for this. B. Perpetual: he can heal from any physical injury. Similar to Vulkan, but superior. The only known weapon capable of killing a perpetual is The Fulgurite, and even that was created by the Emperor himself. He has displayed incredible healing abilities and survivability. C. Far-Seeing: He has carefully set events into motion that occur thousands of years down the line. Calculated losses and sacrificing pawns are all part of his “bigger picture” plan - guiding mankind down that narrow path of survival. D. Detached: Over thousands of years, he has grown detached from mankind - he may no longer feel empathy towards individuals. Despite this, he is an expert in human biology and has displayed an acute understanding of human behavior. Now that we’ve covered the foundations, I will describe how the Emperor achieved each requirement, often at the expense of his subjects. Some sections may sound familiar, but I want to highlight them all as being part of a single greater objective. Requirement 1 The Emperor designed his twenty sons for specific, distinct purposes. The Primarchs were generally unaware of his true intentions, believing they were created to lead the Imperium into an age of enlightenment. For his seventeenth son, he had two goals in mind: (1) lay the foundations for the Imperial Cult, and (2) initiate the Horus Heresy. Lorgar accomplished both with resounding success. The Emperor knew his son would worship him as a divine being. Lorgar was genetically predisposed towards esoteric philosophy (a gift from his father), and was deliberately cast to a religious world to grow up. This would render him far more susceptible to faith and zealotry. Of his brothers, only Lorgar would be both curious and naive enough to seek out higher powers for reverence, rather than dismiss them. For a century, the Emperor turned a blind eye to the Lectitio Divinitatus and allowed him to spread this false religion. Yet when it came time to set the Heresy into motion, the Emperor humiliated Lorgar and shattered his beliefs. Predictably, this drove Lorgar to search for new Gods. He acted as the catalyst for his brother's corruption, and the rest is history. As suggested by others, the Emperor orchestrated the Horus Heresy as a way to cull the Legions and scatter the Primarchs. Requirement 4 will touch upon this in greater detail. Years later, when the Emperor was forced to adopt his contingency plan, the now-necessary seeds of Lorgar’s Imperial Cult were breathed into life by Malcador the Sigillite. Ultimately, Lorgar was a tragic figure - an unwitting victim of manipulation, cursed to suffer for another’s ambition. - This next part shares some parallels with iconoclasm - a religious debate during the Byzantine Empire. They argued that worshipping icons was heretical to Christianity, because the *Ten Commandments* explicitly said to worship God and only God. Not false prophets or false idols. Iconoclasm was eventually discarded as a failed political tool, but its main argument is logical. In the context of Warhammer 40k, this theological issue takes a slightly different shape. In order to become a God, the Emperor requires all of his citizens to direct their massed veneration at him. Requirement 3 will discuss this further. Theoretically, if another divine figure inspired hope and faith in place of the Emperor, people might worship that instead. A significant roadblock in his ascension plans. **The Emperor needed Sanguinius to die at the end of the Heresy, before the living angel could become a beacon for mankind. ** To that end, the Emperor subtly ensured his beloved son would find Horus on the *Vengeful Spirit* before he did, and be struck down. The idea that “Sanguinius created a weakness in Horus’s armor through which the Emperor prevailed” sounds suspiciously like a false concession, given to appease his Legion and associate his memory with the Emperor’s divinity. Ultimately, Sanguinius’s power was independent of the Emperor, and so letting him live would have been an unacceptable risk. *** **Requirement 2** The Emperor wanted his body to be connected to the Golden Throne *in a state of near-death*. This might seem counter-intuitive, but is actually critical - for four reasons: ? People worship the God-Emperor as, well, a God. It would be very suspicious if he demanded thousands of psyker sacrifices daily to ascend to Godhood. But if his mortal body was on the “verge of death”? His loyal subjects would be desperate to sustain him. ? An excuse to remain on the Golden Throne, even during the worst crises. Remember, one justification for the Horus Heresy was that the Emperor “abandoned” his people and retreated into his palace. He must be attached to the Golden Throne to complete his ascension, and cannot risk a rebellion by refusing to leave. ? To convince the Chaos Gods that he is a decaying shadow of his former self, barely clinging to life, struggling to protect his people. He cannot allow the enemies of mankind to become aware of his plans - this duplicity keeps their guard lowered. ? To further detach himself from Humanity and the material realm, while still maintaining a connection to it. The Emperor was right - you can’t be both a human and a God, and right now he is neither. **I argue that the Emperor intentionally allowed Horus to damage his body before ending him at exactly the right moment. ** It is commonly claimed that at the height of his corruption, Horus was channeling so much raw Chaos energy that he could fight his father on even terms. I disagree with this version - for three reasons. First, it doesn’t explain why the Emperor was holding back during their fight before defeating him. We know the Emperor isn’t one for sentimentality - the whole scene with Ollanius (or that Custodian) reeks of theatrics. He annihilated Horus in a single instant of overwhelming power; an unsubtle display of their difference in strength. Second, it doesn’t take into account Horus’s personal limits. It has been established that an individual can only wield so much primordial power before being overwhelmed. Horus is no exception from his brothers, physically or mentally. Even blessed by all four Gods, he would’ve had to wield exponentially more power than his brothers to contest the Emperor. Ascended Primarchs are stronger than normal Primarchs - proven by Guiliman many times - but even they only receive a fraction of their patron’s power. There is a limit to the power Primarch can wield, just as there is a limit to how the power Chaos God can stuff into reals
True Fiction Free watch dogs. What if he said come in and turn on the lights so that they could see he was bleeding and needed help. True Fiction Free watch the trailer. True fiction free watch review. Chriskurk, I am intrigued... True Fiction Free watching. True fiction free watch sites. True fiction free watch series. True fiction free watch download. True fiction free watch 2016. True fiction free watch youtube. How his brain is not mush is beyond me. I am a nurse and I have seen the aftermath for users who are not so lucky and it's not pretty. It's something to see a young man wind up an invalid and soil himself for the rest of his life because he played with drugs. It's russian roulette. As you know, Chabon's Instagram Q&A requires Instagram to view, and is a bit awkward to access, especially through a web browser. So for this week at least, I decided to take some free time I had to transcribe many of the questions he was asked along with the answers he gave. Also, note that there was a character limit for the questions, so some are heavily abbreviated or lacking spaces. I did not transcribe every question and answer, I'd estimate at least half, but probably less than 2/3, usually making the decision based on what would be of interest here. Notably, there were many questions that would have been very spoilery to answer, which he generally replied to with a magic 8 ball, crystal ball, or something similar, though other questions were omitted as well. The questions and answers are mostly in the order they appeared, but the order may have broken down towards the end some. Questions from people on instagram will be in bold, while Chabon's answers will immediately follow in normal text. Finally, I will point out that Chabon's answers occasionally had what I'd personally consider light spoilers, such as occasionally seemingly deconfirming theories, so be aware of this if you are particularly spoiler-averse. What aspect of this script were u most pleased with, and what aspect would you re-do? Thx! The script's no really there for me to be pleased with. It's just a blueprint for the work of the immensely talented actors, directors, director of photography, production designer, costume designer, properties master, etc., all of whom collaborated to make something we all loved. As for changing things, changing is kind of all you do when you're writing a production script like this. It changed, and changed, and changed, then it was time to shoot it, so we shot it. So is Starfleet on Picard's side again officially? It sure seems that way to me! Did Frakes actualy make the pizza? And was it any good? There waas a professional pizzaiolo who schooled him and prepared many practice and candidate pizzas, but when you see Frakes on camera prepping a pizza, that is actually Frakes prepping a pizza. He put one on the oven, too. And, yes, they were quite delicious. Who was the fine actor who portrayed Captain Vandermeer? His name is Vincent Teixeira. Is the Ibn Majid a Emmet Till type? No, it was a *Curiosity*-class cruiser. So we have Emmet, Ian, & Enoch. What are the EMH and EHH's names? Emil, and Mr. Hospitality. We saw Seven ask about Hugh but not see her reaction, will it be addressed onscreen later? The whole rest of the episode, on the Cube, was her reaction, right? Why did you change the Hobus star for the Romulus sun? #Memeoryalpha says "Hobus" is not canon. As a rule, I don't argue with Memory Alpha, but I might have gone with it if I didn't dislike the name "Hobus" quite so much. Have you written "Et in arcadia ego 1&2, too? And will they also be longer episoes (about 44 min. )? I co-wrote part 1 with @ayeletw, and wrote part 2. They both run a bit longer. Why did Seven's eyes turn black? Side effect of the hack she used. Meant to signal that this was an unconventional "queening. " Why did you choose the name Rios? My last name is Rios and as you happy! It started out as "Chris Diaz, " but then it turned out that some other show on some other network (that had recently been canceled) had a character by that name, so I drew up a list of two-syllable Hispanic surnames, and gave it to @santiagoc, and he selected "Rios. " What do you think about the fan theory that Discovery's Control is a Borg progenitor? It has the virtue of making sense. But I don't think it's much fun. What kind of version of "Arroz con Leche" sings Rios? The version that his mother taught him (which, coincidentally, was the version that @santiagoc's mother taught *him*. ) In the prequel novel worf is captain of the enterprise. Will that be a canon? That is a question I could not possibly even begin to answer, for so many reasons, the most salient among them being that I have no idea! Is the positronic neuron definitely Data's or could it be B4's since he was in a drawer in Daystrom? There is no reason, that I'm aware of, for doubting the stated providence of the neuron. What's behind Rios obsession with mermaids? Like his tattoo, statues, his ship name...? Excellent question, and one I would love to explore someday. How do true names work? Are they given by the parents or chosen by the person? Neither. quite. When Romulans become sexually mature, they undergo a traditional ritual, incorporating fasting, the *zhal makh*, and the interpretation of dreams, during which they "discover" (the Romulan word means something closer to "unveil") their true name. Alot of seasons plot converged in this episode. Did you want the season storyline to be longer? That answer is a hard one. My first impulse was to say something like, God, no! Because the season was so long, and we all worked so hard, and the story took so many twists and turns... On the other hand, I loved every minute of it and was sad when it was over. Are the Zhat Vash all women (or mostly women a la Admonishment crew we saw) Males are not expressly forbidden, but in practice only rarely qualify. Do Seven and/or the ExBs still need to regenerate? Yes. I am slightly confused. We're all the Borg/XBs on the Cube ejected/killed? Not instantly, of course, except those fatally injured by the extreme violence of the ejection itself. Do you think re-assimilation could cure Picard's sickness? That depends on how you define "cure. " Has any message you wanted to express come out differently from what you hoped for? I learned long ago that as a writer you have no contorl over the (often quite surprising) "messages" people find in your work, and that's a good thing. The more diverse the interpretations, the more complex the story you told. If you included one DS9 character in this series of Picard... who? (Except Sisko) Why "except Sisko"? I love Sisko! Do Picard and Clancy have a history? Seems like she enjoys telling him to pie down(smiley emoji) I know that they first came into outright conflict during the period of Romulan evacuation/rescue. Whether there was prior beef between them is less clear. Thanks for doing this Q&A, reminds me of Ask Ron Moore. Do you have a favorite DS9 ep? "Far Beyond the Stars, " @IraStevenBehr and @HansBeimler, s06e13 If you could include any fictional character into the Star Trek universe, who would it be an why? All our choices are deliberate, my friend! This is a Star Trek story, and partly a Federation story, but it is not so much a Starfleet story, and was never going to be. Hello. Will there be more references to South American countries culture in the show? Rios is of Chilean ancestry--or, let's say, that's the part of his ancestry that he most strongly claims. So where there is Rios, there is South America. Did you consider having a familiar admiral like Ross or Necheev in Clancy's position? No, we didn't. Was a conlang person brought in for Romulan? Absolutely. The Romulan language heard throughout this season was created by the gifted and indefatigable @trentpehrson. Trent is an amazing thinker about language, as became clear when we saw his approach to Romulan. As far as I understand, he took the existing Vulcan language, created rules on sound linguistic principles to arrive at a language called Old Vulcan, and then employed a simiar set of rules to evolve Old Vulcan in a distinct direction that became Romulan. (Anticipating th question of some fans, yes, we considered Dian Duane's non-canonical "Rihannsu"", and Trent and I looked at it, but we both felt, and #kirstenbeyer and I decided, that a language organically connected to the canonical Vulcan language was infinitely preferable. ) Did you consider leaving 7 a permanent Borg Queen, making an "ultimate" sacrifice? I don't think we ever did, no. Does folks on set ever laugh together at the memes us fans lovingly make about Trek? I would say, routinely. With pleasure Have you started any writing for season 2? Yes, the writers are all staying home to write! Did Hugh and Geordi keep in touch over the years? Surely they did. How legal is snakeleaf? It is my belief that the Federation has an enlightened and intelligent drug policy, which recognizes the futility and destructiveness prohibition, and is based instead on sound principles of harm-reduction and treatment. Still can't figure out where Elnor went off to when Hugh got I'm sorry about that. I know it's a bit confusing. We had to make some tough choices in cutting (editing) that episode (as you always do) and one casualty alas was some dialog in which we understand that Hugh has fallen prey to a strategem of Narissa's, and had told Elnor to remain hidden. It seemed to work okay without it, but... A Seven & Elnor based show with guest guidance from Dr. or Janeway.. any interest there? Minus the Janeway, I pitched this very idea half in jest, half in earnest, to my partners many times as we were making the show this season. I've never found relationship between Janeway and Seven to be quite as compelling as I understand that many other fans of VOY do. Love the show! Why didn't the Zhat Vash appear when Soongian androids kept popping up? First
Do you remember the night the stars went out? I know you don’t but I have to hope that I'm not the only one. She told me the world would forget. That they would make us forget. But I remember. That night is carved into the rawest corner of my memory, nailed there like a body to a beam. Every time I close my eyes, I see their faces. I know they are real, no matter what everyone else says. The stars didn’t go out all at once. Instead, each white light was snuffed out individually, as if an infinite field of candles was being blown out one at a time. Lizzy was the first to notice. “Dad, ” she called out from the window, “the sky is going out. ” I glanced up from my screen. “That’s nice, kiddo. Does it look like rain? ” Lizzy plopped her small frame down onto the window nook. “Not like rain, ” she said. “Just dark. I think the stars are out of batteries. ” Laura looked over at me from the couch, a perplexed smile tugging at her lip. I winked back at my wife. Our daughter was a treasure, always saying strange little phrases, her imagination a perpetually whirling engine even at eight years old. The twins, Casey and Connor, were curled up next to Laura. She was reading them a story, her latest children's book about a treehouse and a talking dog. That moment, that was the last truly good memory of my life. All of my children took after my wife, the same clever brown eyes, the same wild, dark hair like spilled ink. Looking at them all together in our cozy living room that night, any night, it made my heart swell with a fierce, immovable love. I cared for them all equally but I have to admit I appreciated that Lizzy took after me the most. She’d inherited my curiosity and love of mischief but balanced with a solemn grace that all came from Laura. Lizzy was my little troublemaker and I was entirely wrapped around her finger. So when she sweetly demanded that I come look at the stars going dark I indulged her, dropping down on the padded nook and looking up. The sky did hold strange shadows, lakes of darkness in a starry field. As I watched, one of those stars went out. It was like God pinching out a wick between thumb and forefinger. Then another followed and another and another. “Laura, please come here, ” I said. She settled next to us on the nook, gently holding Lizzy close. “Oh my God, ” Laura whispered. The stars were going out faster now; every blink left more of the sky empty. There was still plenty of light from the streetlamps in our neighborhood but it was uncomfortable to watch a sheet of blackness stretched out in a canopy above us. “Just some cloud cover, ” I mumbled. Lizzy looked up at me. “Are you sure? ” “Of course, ” I lied. We all tried to get back to our regularly scheduled night. Lizzy joined Laura and the twins in the den, sprawling her tiny form out on the fluffy ottoman I knew she loved first among all furniture. Laura went back to reading and I went back to my laptop to work on my report. I angled myself away from my family so that I could see out the window whenever I glanced up from my screen. The darkness was a distracting bell and kept dragging my eyes towards the sky. My fingers kept tapping rapidly on the old wood table. Tap tap tap. Nerves were getting the best of me. There was something so troubling about the way the stars went out, their lights suddenly dead, quick as a cut throat. After a few minutes staring up at the nothingness in the sky, I couldn’t resist, I had to check the news, social media. My laptop had no signal. I pulled out my phone but couldn’t access the Internet, even with data. “Hey, Laura, ” I called out to the den, trying very hard to sound relaxed. “Can I use your phone for a second? ” She padded into the room in her socks. “What’s wrong? ” Laura whispered. I considered laughing off my concerns but I knew she’d see right through me. “I can’t get on the Internet, ” I told her, glancing back at the kids. “Can’t reach anything on my computer or phone. I’m hoping it’s just a technology issue. ” Laura tried her phone. She was shaking her head. “Nothing, Mike. No signal. ” We couldn’t go online or make calls. There was no way of knowing if the stars were going out for anyone else. Was the whole world going dark or was it just our neighborhood trapped under some dark signal that was erasing the sky? I looked into the den and watched Lizzy and the twins. The three of them were now together on the couch, clumped all on one cushion even though there was plenty of room to spread out. Casey was trying to steal her brother’s Cheerios from a plastic cup. All three were fixated on the television, unaware of the growing concern nibbling at their mother and me. The lights flickered. Shit. They flickered again and went out for a moment before coming back. Lizzy looked away from the TV. “Are we going to have a power out? ” She sounded excited. The last time we lost electricity was over the summer during a thunderstorm. We sat around the living room surrounded by the glow of candles and flashlights and played board games the whole night. Lizzy and the twins built a pillow fort. They were all thrilled to stay up past their bedtime. The blackout was a novel thing, a welcome adventure more than an inconvenience. But I didn’t think they’d be excited if we lost power that night. My pulse skipped every time the lights flickered. Laura stayed with the kids while I gathered up candles, flashlights, matches and batteries. Just in case, I thought, praying that the lights would not go out like the stars even though a terrible certainty in me knew they would. It was the strangest conviction, strong enough to be a memory but lacking all detail. The power cutout while I was rummaging in the cabinet under the sink. I already had a pile of candles of every shape and size, matches and flashlights and extra batteries. It was more than we could possibly need during a blackout but something in me pushed me to gather more, to in case. “Daddy, it’s dark, ” Lizzy yelled out. “Where’s the lights? ” “They’re coming, ” I said, heading back to the living room, flashlight beam bobbing on the floor. I looked out the kitchen window on my way. The sky was black. Every star was out. The entire neighborhood was dark. There wasn’t a light to be seen anywhere I looked. Whatever was happening, it wasn’t just us, and that gave me some small comfort. Laura and the kids had already started construction on an impressive hybrid blanket-pillow fort. I placed candles in a circle around us, on the coffee table and TV stand and even an empty bookshelf. A bright camping lantern sat like a miniature sun on the rug. I passed out flashlights so we each had one, even the twins. They immediately began making shadow puppets that dodged around the wall. We sat there in the living room, the five of us, stacking pillows into towers and walls. The blankets stretched into a canopy above it all. Candles sketched shadows on the cloth. Casey and Connor made up a story to tell us with their puppets. A rabbit chased a bird around a tree made from a tiny arm. Laura and Lizzy clapped. I kept glancing out the window hoping the stars would return. Maybe it’s just a storm, I told myself. Cloud cover and a power outage. But if that was the case, why was it so quiet? No rain, no wind, no sounds at all, really. It was like we were cut off from the rest of the world, living under glass. Even though I couldn’t stop replaying the stars dying out in my mind, I did start to relax and stopped checking the large window in the living room every thirty seconds. I was with my family, we were all bundled together in a nest of blankets and cushions and the twins’ shadow puppets were surprisingly agile for the work of a pair of five-year-olds. Flashlights dipped and wove across the wall. Casey and Connor’s hands operated as well individually as they did when they came together. Watching their perfect coordination I wondered, not for the first time, if the rumors of twins sharing a casual kind of telepathy might be true. “There’s someone looking in the window, ” Lizzy whispered. My eyes snapped to where Lizzy was staring. I didn’t see anything in the window except for a reflection of my family, the dark room, and our candles. Lizzy was shaking her head. “They’re gone but they were just there. I promise, there was someone looking in the window. ” I shivered. “It’s just our reflections, Liz. ” She shook her head harder. “No, no. I saw them. They were quick but they were there peeking in at us. ” “What did they look like? ” Laura asked. She was trying to be calm but I heard a strain in her voice. My wife was afraid. “Laura? ” I asked. Even in the low light, I could see she was tense, shoulders pulled close. “I saw it, too, Mike, ” Laura said. “There was a face in the window. ” “See! ” Lizzy beamed, fear overridden, at least for the moment. “Told you. ” I turned back to the window, straining to see past the reflection of our room. I couldn’t see anything odd but I believed them. There was something very wrong about the night. Something that tentional. Manipulated. “What did the face look like? ” I asked. “Stretched, ” Laura said. “Wrong. I think you should close the curtains. ” I stood up, keeping an eye on the window like I was watching a coiled snake. Cupping my hands against the glass, I leaned in and tried to see outside. I was terrified I’d find a face staring back at me from the other side of the window but the street outside was empty and dark. There was a strange rusty tint to the night, however. I looked up to the sky and froze. The stars were still for one. It was a star I didn’t recognize, red and distant. My head ached when I looked at it directly and a greasy nausea turned in my stomach. Worst of all, looking at the red star made me My focus began to narrow to one tiny, scarlet pin prick in the sky, like the hole left by a needle going into a vein. “Daddy? ” Liz
Watch true fiction online free. Also, Im terms of this series tying to Apocalypse, Im thinking that the Night Stalker is the son of satan and hes stopped by a time traveling witch. We assume that Michael was the first son of satan, but we saw that when he was stopped, a new antichrist emerged. What if the witches have been doing it for centuries and the night stalker and Michael are just another two in a long list.

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A totalitarian world government that only benefits the people at the top whilst the rest of us are tagged and quarantined with radio frequency identity tags to make us easier to control. THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE IS STRONGER THAN THE PEOPLE IN POWER. I have spent the last 2 years of my life putting solid, hardcore and factual information together that proves we have been lied to about all main historical events. What makes you think this coronavirus outbreak is any different? If we don't take action and stand up for ourselves were all screwed. Its the events of the past and action of our governments that have shaped the present. We must understand the events of the past if we are ever to understand why the world is the way it is today. THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW First watch my introductory video on freedomgate = Freedom Gate is split into 7 categories: 1 = PIZZAGATE 2 = THE 5G NETWORK IS THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA 3 = TRUTHGATE PART 1 = WHAT IS ALTERNATIVE NEWS PART 2 = 911 (PARTS 1-3) PART 3 = THE TRUTH ABOUT THE WARS IN THE MIDDLE EAST PART 4 = WHO REALLY CONTROLS THE WORLD 4 = ASCENSIONGATE 5 = IRISGATE 6= CORRUPTIONGATE 7 = MEDIAGATE Breakdown of my work available as PDF or videos. PIZZGATE Pizzagate is real. my presentations prove that there is enough evidence for law enforcement to open up an investigation. Please look at the material in your own time. 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01:05:40 - 5G Network Giants - Vodafone and Telefonica PART 3 0:00 - World Health Organisations View On Health Risks Associated With Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposure 07:10 - Telefonicas View On On Health Risks Associated With Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposure 13:13 - Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited (CTIL) 25:15 - International Commission On Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 54:37 - The Case of Eileen Cooper 56:56 - Human Health Effects of EMF: The Cost of Doing Nothing PART 4 0:00 - Microwaving The World: The Electromagnetic Pollution 1:34 - 7 Ways EMF Technology Seriously Threatens Entire Populations 3:30 - Frequency 05:50 - Transhumanism 11:52 - The Synthetic Agenda 32:32 - Artificial Intelligence Used In The Telecommunication Industry 34:45 - Stop Stingray Surveillance 38:45 - The True Dangers of Airport Security Scanners 50:13 - Accountability TRUTHGATE PART 1 = WHAT IS ALTERNATIVE NEWS? 0:00 - Truthgate Introduction 04:16 - What Is Alternative News? 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Game Information Game Title: Final Fantasy VII Remake Genre: Japanese role-playing, action, dystopian, science fiction Platforms: PlayStation 4 Media: E3 2015 Trailer | PSX 2015 Trailer State of Play 2019 Trailer | 'A Symphonic Reunion' | E3 2019 Trailer | TGS 2019 Trailer | TGA 2019 Trailer Theme Song Trailer | Opening Movie Inside FF7 Remake Episode 1: Introduction | Episode 2: Story | Episode 3: Combat and Action Final Trailer Developer: Square Enix Business Division 1 Info Developer's HQ: Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan Publisher: Square Enix Price: Standard - $59. 99 USD Digital Deluxe - $79. 99 USD contents Release Date: April 10, 2020 More Info: r/finalfantasy r/finalfantasyvii | Wikipedia Page Review Aggregator: OpenCritic - 88 | 94% Recommended [PS4] Score Distribution MetaCritic - 87 [PC] Fantastically arbitrary list of some past Final Fantasy games - Entry Score Platform, Year, # of Critics Final Fantasy VI * 94 GameRankings SNES, 1994, 11 critics Final Fantasy VII 92 PS, 1997, 20 critics Final Fantasy Tactics 83 PS, 1998, 12 critics Final Fantasy VIII 90 PS, 1999, 24 critics Final Fantasy IX 94 PS, 2000, 22 critics Final Fantasy X 92 PS2, 2001, 53 critics Final Fantasy X-2 85 PS2, 2003, 45 critics Final Fantasy XI 85 PC, 2003, 25 critics Final Fantasy XII 92 PS2, 2006, 64 critics Final Fantasy XIII 83 PS3, 2010, 83 critics Final Fantasy XIV 49 PC, 2010, 26 critics Final Fantasy XIII-2 79 PS3, 2012, 53 critics Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn 83 PC, 2013, 32 critics Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII 66 PS3, 2014, 62 critics World of Final Fantasy 77 PS4, 2016, 78 critics Final Fantasy XV 81 PS4, 2016, 109 critics *Final Fantasy VI marketed as Final Fantasy III in North America Critic Reviews Website/Author Aggregates' Score ~ Critic's Score Quote Platform Eurogamer - Aoife Wilson Unscored ~ Recommended An expansive remake that treads carefully upon this most cherished of games, though some blunders will linger long in the memory. PS4 AngryCentaurGaming - Jeremy Penter Unscored ~ Buy This one has been a difficult game to review. There's a masterclass people expect from Square games and I don't know if this hits it, but I do know that I enjoyed what I played and don't feel ripped off for buying a copy to give away to one of you guys. So to me, I would say it is worth getting if you understand these caveats that are here. If you don't like some of these caveats, I would say there's no reason in pushing back and maybe waiting for a bit. PS4 GameXplain Unscored ~ Loved I love Final Fantasy VII Remake. Midgar feels so real, so full of life that I could almost picture myself there. The story still holds up as one of gaming's all-time greats, even with just this slight section, and the new action-based mechanics make battles more exciting than I thought possible. Cloud, Barret, Tifa and Aerith are incredibly well-realized, and the voice talent behind them is utterly superb. If the rest of the episodes are as good as this first one, the entirety of this series may yet dethrone the PS1 release... Mechanically, visually, and even narratively, FF7 and its remake are two almost entirely different games and both deserve a spot in your collection. PS4 - Stephen del Prado Unscored ~ B+ A staggering reimagining of a genre touchstone, FFVIIR makes improvements upon the original in many areas but is similarly harmed by some uneven additions. PS4 Ars Technica - Sam Machkovech Unscored ~ Unscored You get to do a lot in this game's runtime, which is why its 35-plus hours feel as hearty as classic JRPGs of twice that length. PS4 Kotaku - Jason Schreier Unscored ~ Unscored Final Fantasy VII Remake is not what I expected. It’s a grand, ambitious, beautiful experiment, a bold new take on a game that millions of people remember fondly. It sometimes feels shackled by the weight of two decades worth of expectations, but it handles those restraints with aplomb. I certainly can’t wait to see what’s next. PS4 Polygon - Carolyn Petit Unscored ~ Unscored Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a flawed, but fascinating, reimagining of a classic PS4 Skill Up - Ralph Panebianco Unscored ~ Unscored I loved this. I loved this a lot. I loved almost every part of it. Even the parts that weren't great, I was still enjoying myself and the parts that were great that were just... Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a game that can and will be torn down by many people for its business model and its minor shortcomings, but it will also be held up by many others for the sheer love and joy of it all. PS4 Cultured Vultures - Mike Worby 100 ~ 10 / 10 Better than players could have ever hoped for, Final Fantasy VII Remake strikes a fantastic, resonant chord that will leave long time fans and newbies alike wholly satisfied. PS4 Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury 100 ~ 5 / 5 stars I don't necessarily see FFVII Remake as a replacement to the original game, as remakes generally are. It's a complement to it, where the developers have built on the world and characters in such a way that it's like two sides of a single coin - for me, at least, without one, the other doesn't exist. PS4 Game Revolution - Jason Faulkner 100 ~ 5 / 5 stars Final Fantasy VII Remake is a video game experience we only get every once in a while, and it’s one of the best titles I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing. PS4 GameSpew - Richard Seagrave 100 ~ 10 / 10 Final Fantasy VII Remake is the best JRPG from Square since Final Fantasy VII. PS4 GameSpot - Tamoor Hussain 100 ~ 10 / 10 Square Enix tells a smaller, more personal Final Fantasy 7 tale and marries it with a smart mashup of action and RPG gameplay to deliver a must-play experience. PS4 TheSixthAxis - Tuffcub 100 ~ 10 / 10 An utter joy to play from start to finish, packed with memorable scenes, moustache-twirling baddies, and epic battles. The first part of Final Fantasy VII Remake isn't just polished, it's opulent. PS4 Glitched Africa - Marco Cocomello 98 ~ 9. 8 / 10 Final Fantasy VII Remake could have gone south very quickly but instead, Square Enix has crafted an authentic experience that brings the world of Midgar and its cast to life in new ways. The story has never been told in a better format, the combat is fun and addictive and the promise of more to come makes this first chapter so much more worthwhile. If this is the start of things, I can’t wait to see where it goes from there. PS4 IGN Italy - Biagio Etna - Italian 95 ~ 9. 5 / 10 Final Fantasy VII Remake is an extraordinary game: not only as a magnificent reinterpretation of a classic, but also because of the courage instilled in its writing and perfect conception. A great title from Square-Enix, you have to give it some respect. PS4 Wccftech - Francesco De Meo 93 ~ 9. 3 / 10 Final Fantasy VII Remake is a masterful modernization of the series' classic formula. The game is an extremely solid JRPG that looks, sounds and plays great, despite some pacing issues and linearity. That said, the unexpected story twists may sour the experience a bit for those who expected a faithful remake. PS4 PowerUp! - Leo Stevenson 92 ~ 9. 2 / 10 It might have taken years and years but we finally got the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. It might not yet be complete but it's incredible and has been well worth the wait. PS4 Attack of the Fanboy - Dean James 90 ~ 4. 5 / 5 stars Taking one of the most genre defining and well loved games of all time and rebuilding it from the ground up was a tall order, but Square Enix pulled it off with modernized gameplay and a fleshing out of the world and many characters compared to the original. While only featuring a portion of the story fans know and love, Final Fantasy VII Remake still manages to feels like a complete game, yet still part of a larger narrative to come, and will have fans waiting anxiously for the next entry as soon as they finish. PS4 AusGamers - Steve Farrelly 90 ~ 9 / 10 For now, this is the best Cloud gaming experience money can buy. PS4 Destructoid - Chris Carter 90 ~ 9 / 10 I kind of agonized over rating Final Fantasy VII Remake. It's going to garner a lot of discussion from people who are both blown away by the new treatment and disappointed by it, and those feelings are not mutually exclusive. In the end ? after thinking on it for some time and removing nostalgia from the equation entirely ? I came to the conclusion that this world is full of powerful characters and a setting that's worth remembering: remake or not. PS4 Easy Allies - Brad Ellis 90 ~ 9 / 10 Final Fantasy VII Remake is an ambitious retelling that feels right at home in the modern era. Written PS4 Gamers Heroes - Blaine Smith 90 ~ 90 / 100 Much like its predecessor, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is far from perfect. Its linear design and difficulty spikes may be off-putting for some, but stick through the rough bits and there's another incredible story and wonderful world waiting. PS4 GamesRadar+ - Heather Wald 90 ~ 4. 5 / 5 stars A beautifully crafted and entertaining reimagining of a classic that brings renewed life to its story and characters PS4 God is a Geek - Mick Fraser 90 ~ 9 / 10 Final Fantasy VII Remake is simply stunning, and a breath-taking masterclass in recreating something beloved for a new ? and old ? audience. PS4 PlayStation Universe - Timothy Nunes 90 ~ 9 / 10 Putting the few slight issues aside, Final Fantasy VII Remake stuns with how it expands on the original. At the same time, it takes its own risks and creates its own footsteps. Final Fantasy VII Remake is beautiful, engrossing, and hard to pass up. This game is meant for both fans and newcomers, no matter how learned, and the sheer level of time and effort put into this reimagining truly shows through and through. PS4 Press Start - Kieron Verbrugge 90 ~ 9 / 10 At the end of it all, even under immense scrutiny and in spite of some disappointing shortcomings, there's no getting around the fact
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