Chui shao ren “For Free”



Xiaolu Xue; &ref(,0,76,113_AL_.jpg); 5,8 / 10 stars; Reviews=Chui shao ren is a movie starring Jiayin Lei, Wei Tang, and Xi Qi. Following a fatal accident, a Chinese expatriate working for a mining company in Australia discovers that new technology developed by the company may be a health; runtime=2 hour 14 minutes; country=Australia, China.

The whistleblower did not think this through

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It' has a beautiful meaning which everyone can relate to. I love this song?. 2019?在听.

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We sang this song at the funeral of our dear friend. Band together. Arms in arms. Holding our tear. Forcing our smile and sing. Rest In Peace bro, thank you for all the times and memories. The whistleblower outlast.

I thought it would be as simple as making bread or pizza dough. I can't see myself doing this, too much work, high risk of failure. Thanks for demistifying my afternoon snack. The whistleblower rotten tomatoes. The whistleblower's attorney said coup. 9, 412 views Kathryn Bolkovac is a police officer from Lincoln, Nebraska, who accepts an offer to work with the United Nations International Police in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina for a UK company, Democra Security (a pseudonym for DynCorp International). Duration: 112 min Quality: HD Release: 2010 IMDb: 7. The whistleblower on donald trump.
The whistleblower (2010. ????. The whistleblower. The whistleblower movie 2019. Love liza. thanks. Suteki na yatsu. soshite suteki na uta. The whistleblower 60 minutes. 其實聽完jj的之後 反而有種毛不易在唱人生般 可以了解到為甚麼會有人比較喜歡毛不易的 我覺得他唱出來的歌聲使人平靜 也讓人緩緩地回頭看看自己的人生 而jj則是讓人以不同的方式看看自己走過的那些路 而他走的那些曲折的路已經過了 感覺是在描述以前 很久沒有一首歌可以讓我既愛翻唱又愛原唱. It sounds a little like question by Chris Brown. The whistleblower 2014. The whistleblower report. The whistleblower complaint. The whistleblower 123movies. The whistleblower on netflix. Wanting was born and raised in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. She moved to Canada at 16 to study, eventually earning a degree in international business, and relocated to Vancouver where she began her musical career. In 2009, she became the first Chinese artist to be signed to the Nettwerk label; she is managed by Terry McBride. Info fr wikipedia.
The whistleblower movie clips. No, I only know may be best 3 of his songs. The whistleblower name released.

Gotchaaa! Someone send it. Sooooooo GOOD HUH

J'adore comme d'habitude ?. On t'aime Jen reste comme tu es ??. ?妍希??在的,是真漂亮,五官美,特?耐看. The whistleblower book. Day 163 this is part 3 And it's too cold outside, so I have to do this inside Here with Task Force, here with Deep Milwaukee And we're just talking about this Frank enzyme Bradley right now And we're trying to see if that's the same person that was in the global Intelligence files there WikiLeaks in 2012 And if people don't remember those leaks, they came out, and there are several embarrassing leaks about numerous companies around the world Now, what I put forward to the group was that these were targets These were Andrew McCabe type targets The way infiltration works is you put your person in--kind of like Amy Dacey at Sony--you put your person in right below them, and then you come out with some thing about Amy Dacey telling--Obama jokes--that are off-color and get her fired And then your person goes up, and then becomes a Sony director That is Andrew McCabe's MO throughout his whole career So that's why I say that's probably what he was doing with the Global Intelligence Files I know it's an FBI operation because it was this guy named Sabu who was the handler, who was running around recruiting people to to hack the Global Intelligence files at Stratfor Now, that's the deniability: they're not really hacking, but they say if they get caught oh it's that 20 year old guy that got--recruited by that 30 year old guy, not this team of hackers So having said that the Task Force did a lot of research on this on this Bradley guy And this ENSYM company that's mentioned prominently Now, it's it's not enzyme with a Z it's enzyme turn the Z around to an S And I think its SYMA TF: YMA I think it's actually [ENSYMA (ENSYMA ENGINEERING)] yeah Now, give me some of the background on this guy he's he's a graduate at George Washington TF: yeah master's degree George Washington in public administration G: Well his business is in he worked for CERN TF: a DoD gun license in Texas G: He said he worked for a secret Intelligence agency TF: Yes Secret Government company And I'm gonna guess that's gonna be like a DynCorp or Leidos or Conceras or something like that TF: And he said that he was working on viruses--admitted to that, but he will not go into the details of that G: And his wife has a company called Global Logistics So is she running stuff all around the world to CERN, like Californium, as well as bioweapons? It's kind of although the whole ratline thing that we've been talking about through the whole series, potentially TF: Right, [google redacted] AND HIS WIFE WAS A PART OF THE AIR FORCE NATIONAL GUARD AND SHE HAS A LOGISTICAL BACKGROUND, [/google redacted] she has a degree from Harvard, she does a lot of it a lot of Education behind her, a lot of different companies that she's involved in, a lot of logistics, it's kind of similar stuff that we've seen many many times G: Throughout the whole seriously So--this and the reason why I say Tewksbury, Massachusetts it could be that that's a wink If you have this new guard an old guard--the whole War of the Roses in England was new guarda nd old guard Richard the third, I always think of as Dick Cheney, you know, "Now, as winter of our discontent, made ready by the summer of York" If that's the old guard, if Cheney--Bush all those guys Rumsfeld, and then on the left side Podesta and Manafort etc are the old guard, The new guard could be--Pompeo, Mattis, Dunford, potentially Kelly, potentially the DIA guys like Flynn and Tony Shaffer are the new guard If you wanted to really embarrass the old guard, and say, "hey we know your tricks. By the way, this guy was an expert (or not an expert).. he was carrying around a lot of Blackberry enterprise servers as well as BlackBerries. Is he the replacement for Imran Awan, for secure encrypted communications? " Again, anytime I see that it's kind of like, "well why do you have a burner phone--why do you have 18 burner phones in your backseat? ", sir? --That kind of thing It's kind of another signature, that says, "hey this person could be involved in illegal activity" The best way for the old guard to catch the new guard to embarrass the old guard is to catch them in a city about ready to do something-- The Boston Marathon is coming up on the 17th in Boston: is this another repeat of the Boston Marathon? Remember Graham Fuller yeah I did the Gladio plan Gladio B, now, is this Gladio C Again, the Clockwork Orange thing--let's let's make a lot of terrorist incidents to get funding and keep our power--is that what's happening? And the fact it's in Tewksbury was one of the key battles of that War of the Roses, where the new guard won and made our current Queen So any last thoughts on? TF: the only other thought was he called the police saying that he thought someone was breaking into his room at the hotel--they had guns in this hotel, which makes absolutely no sense to me if you have a--a storage full of AR-15s and weapons and gas masks and stuff like that, you call the police on yourself TF: Especially if you're part of some secret Government program G: Unless the new guard was trying to embarrass you TF: Right, or the new guard made the call G: the new guard made the call that was embarrassing you {{ 911: just an observation: Maybe Agent Pettiworth et al thought YOU and Jason were part of the new guard and not just concerned citizens? }} {{ 911: youtube is very incapable of transcribing TF, its annoying as f}} TF: They said [that/not? ] for the police to go into the house. It was coming out in the paper is that he made the phone call and that seems kind of ridiculous to me. Maybe the new guard made the phone call G: Unless he had a remote camera, where he could see people going in to TF: even then he would go back himself. I mean you wouldn't call the local cops G: Right. So it looks like maybe that may be Andy's coming in to cover for him or something But it looks like it we could have averted something happening I think of Claude D'estre every time I think of the Boston Marathon And [thinking] "Claude you would look at awful lot like that guy who was six feet away from the bomb, and is this another Colorado CIA School of Mines operation? " So we'll see we'll see what happens But I think people are going to connect the dots on this one And certainly there's a very active Q, would you say Deep Milwaukee? There's a an active Q discussion on this right now? DM: Not Q but the anons G: Ok not Q but the Anons So there you have it.
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. The whistleblower identity. 2019 anyone. This song's meaning so deep. I just love this song. Chinese is very interesting language... The whistleblower eric ciaramella. The whistleblower 2020.

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The whistleblower's name is eric. The whistleblower cbs. The whistleblowercomplaints. The whistleblower tv show. My favorite, heart touching song. I will practice this song If i got Karoke of this song. The whistleblowers. The whistleblower twitter. The whistleblower cincinnati. The whistleblower 2010 trailer. Méi yǒu yì diǎn diǎn fáng bèi ???? ????? ??? ???????????? ??? ???? ???????????????????????????? 也没有一??? yě méi yǒu yì sī gù lǜ ???? ???? ????? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???????????????????????????????? 你就??出? nǐ jiù zhè yàng chū xiàn ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ??????????????????? 在我的世界里 zài wǒ de shì jiè lǐ ??? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ??????????????? ??我惊喜 dài gěi wǒ jīng xǐ ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ????????????????????????? 情不自已 qíng bú zì yǐ ??? ??? ???? ??? ????????????????????????. 可是你偏又?? 在我不知不?中 kě shì nǐ piān yòu zhè yàng zài wǒ bù zhī bù jué zhōng ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? 悄悄的消失 从我的世界里 qiāo qiāo de xiāo shī cóng wǒ de shì jiè lǐ ????? ????? ???? ????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???? ? ??????????????????????????? 没有音? méi yǒu yīn xùn ???? ????? ??? ????? ??????????????????? 剩下的只是回? shèng xià de zhǐ shì huí yì ????? ????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ??? ????????????????????????????. 你存在 我深深的?海里 nǐ cún zài wǒ shēn shēn de nǎo hǎi lǐ ???? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???? ????????? ???????????????????? 我的梦里 我的心里 我的歌声里 wǒ de mèng lǐ wǒ de xīn lǐ wǒ de gē shēng lǐ ???? ???? ????? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???? ??????????? ?????????? ????????????????? (???. ??得我?曾? 肩并肩一起走? hái jì de wǒ men céng jīng jiān bìng jiān yì qǐ zǒu guò ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??? ????? ???? ????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ????????????????????????????????????????? 那段繁?巷口 nà duàn fán huá xiàng kǒu ??? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ??????????? ? ?????????????????? 尽管你我是陌生人 是?路人 jǐn guǎn nǐ wǒ shì mò shēng rén shì guò lù rén ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? 但彼此?是感?到了 dàn bǐ cǐ hái shì gǎn jué dào le ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ??????????????????? ?方的 一个眼神 一个心跳 duì fāng de yí gè yǎn shén yí gè xīn tiào ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????????????? ???????????? 一?意想不到的快? yì zhǒng yì xiǎng bú dào de kuài lè ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????????????????????????????????? 好像是一?梦境 命中注定 hǎo xiàng shì yì chǎng mèng jìng mìng zhòng zhù dìng ???? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ???????????????????? ?????????????????????? (??? * 2 ?????. 世界之大 ?何我?相遇 shì jiè zhī dà wèi hé wǒ men xiāng yù ???? ????? ??? ??? ???? ??? ???? ???? ????? ???? ?????????????????? ?????????????????? ?道是?分 ?道是天意 nán dào shì yuán fèn nán dào shì tiān yì ???? ???? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???? ???? ????? ??? ????????????????????? ????????????????????.
Okay. Day 228 part 1 A lot of you probably know now that I'm at the phone booth right here on the corner of 25th, and 7th Avenue I know this is difficult I know a lot of this is complex, and none of us have all the answers So we just have to keep pursuing the evidence I I can't stress that enough But if you were going to do a national surveillance system, let's say you're James Clapper, and let's say 2, 000 the first thing you would want to do is--there's no phone book here no phone book here--but you would want a national registry you would want a phone book of everyone in the United States You don't have an inventory of all the people you're tracking you're going to miss people So that's just the basics that's coming in after 9/11 national registry that's what obviously the homeland security watch lists are all about The next thing that I think people couldn't really believe this was kind of like the Snowden disclosures but really in 2004, 2005, 2006 you had the James Risens, and the Rus Taises, and the Bill Binney's, and the--Thomas Drake's of NSA NSA say we're going to collect it all they're collecting it all So so AT&T is every phone call, and then cell phones morphed into that with prism, and and all your text So now I have to focus plus I have NSA data ok which is collected all But if you really want an effective system that can not only be a monitoring system but also now an offensive system, you then add this the sky you add satellite You add satellite that's the NGA system If I want to hit this phone booth right here with a drone it doesn't it's not enough to know when I made a phone call I mean I might have geolocation on all these phone booths, so you had it that's up that's great, so you could drone this phone booth But what if what happens when the person you're trying to track starts moving around in a mobile atmosphere in a mobile situation that's where you need the NGA data So I think I've said this maybe going back about a hundred days that if this is the same kind of thing that is So hard to accept that the NSA data was being combined with the NGA data for a more effective system for the United States Now that can be used by people for a deplorable system, And they did use it in a way if you see that note yesterday or the day before from Julian Assange to Imran Khan He was saying "hey do you realize that the national database of Pakistan has now been drawn off by someone some third party from MI6? " That's Julian Assange writing that--why are they doing that? Because they have a group of deplorables that they want to get rid of, That are saying, "hey these ratlines are here. Karachi is being used as a drug ratline. Faisalabad: we're making watered-down drugs to send them to the United States for the VA system" Whatever! Julian Assange is writing that email, warning the president I believe at the time--Imran Khan. So so that that these things do happen These national systems do happen, And you just have to get your mind around the fact that they would have an ability {{ points to sky}} to know where you are 7 by 24 Now if you look in that in that email, they're also talking about biometrics--that they can put things called tags. They can put tags on your car to follow you that way like those cars going back, and forth They can put tags on your house so they can always know where you are in your house But because the thing that I think people have the most trouble with is there's tags that they can put on your clothes, And that will Luminese to satellite at a certain frequency, And I published a thing from the from the Navy about three years ago that talks about that all the different frequencies is a very scientific paper, And I know that's hard for people get their mind around I know that's difficult So but if you look at that happening in 2009 Basically Malik is being told--one of the key people in that email, Malik--is being told and Golani is being told about this system, saying, "doesn't this upset you? " This email from Julian Assange in the nhadra NADRA email "doesn't just upset you this is the national database, " And it doesn't appear to upset them at all? They want that system, because there's a powerful group running the police force in Pakistan which Imran Awan is going to be the son of that person running that system in Pakistan is going to be Pir Mohammed Shah, And he's in our series if you go back Now some other people tell me George--all this is in James Corbett 45 podcast, 45 started 13 minutes p-tech p-tech p-tech, And well unbelievably I'm such a James Corbett fan: I haven't listened to the PTECH yet I've just taken information in about PTECH on in writing But they say this has been the strategy over 30 years to Imran Awan brothers in Washington are just the last iteration of that The Skype Glasgow Scotland I don't know if it's Craig Murray or not but it keeps calling me call me, And I really appreciate it But the idea here is the same kind of mind mind-altering paradigm shift that happened when Snowden did his disclosures with the NSA data is the same thing you have to get your head around for the NGA data That's why I've been saying there's going to be the - NGA leakers it looks like one of them finally came forward down to Georgia, And now they put honey booboo they inserted honey booboo if you believe that honey booboo or whatever reality wins wins or reality winners or whatever her name worked there for two weeks, And then came away with all the data that explains the satellite surveillance system over the last 15 years-- Go right ahead believe honey booboo, and reality winner That's what's happening here that's what the NADRA that's what the NADRA email is all about: Is putting together those two things, And everyone says "well you just pulled Molly McCauley out of nowhere she died a day before Seth Rich" So what Again I'm just doing time correlation, And when I see reporters do things that are not normal, like not covering something as high-profile as that-not--waiting till Saturday tonight to put this stuff out I dropped my attention it's like the radar I said Okay. I need to find out more I need to go walk under footsteps, and find out more But I do know that the Awan brothers were bringing people in to work at NGA I do know that Hillary Clinton has the joint spectrum Center in Columbus Ohio in her phone book I do know that they set up all these proprietaries 12 different houses for people to come, and go So it would be--these are the footprints that you would need for an operation like that To say hey you guys were really successful in 2009 a 2010, putting in a national satellite based tracking system for Pakistan We're going to hire it out to you guys Now people say well why wouldn't we do that with Americans? Because Hillary Clinton at the time is Secretary of State, and she has right over foreign policy not over domestic policy But through the liaison loophole, as I mentioned before, she can bring in the contractors to do that exact thing Now the fact that we I went to the Lorton home one of the twelve homes at Imran awan own, and I found the Blackberries, and I found the laptops with the government markings where Andrew Taggart said, "I called the FBI that came, and got him they're going to be over at the Capitol police evidence cage" -- all that turned out to be true okay So I'm not saying that the Golani that was in the house, and the Malik that was in the house, and the Imran was in the house there at that same Lorton address where the people running this operation But it sure is funny--with in terms of correlation that's all I'm saying, if you were going to bring people in to do an operation, to run that sort of operation a liaison operation in in Virginia, you would need all the things we've been talking about You'd need a car company you'd need the houses you'd need--the limousine services you'd need all the all these things that would support an operation like that it's a very large operation It's almost like having a mini NGA shadow NGA for your deplorable system, And from now, and I'll just call it the deplorable system I'm going to not only be able to track my trucks, for my ratlines, but I can also track my enemy's track my targets with this system, And that's what I think actually we have, And I know this is going to be just like Snowden a lot of people are going to say this is crazy this is nuts But the powerpoints are coming The whistleblowers are coming, And this is what's going to happen, And it Molly McCauley I think it's going to be one of the victims of it.
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The whistleblower korean. It's day 171 And just to be sure I checked into the plum book And made sure my brother wasn't in there, and he wasn't So the plum book if you don't remember is a listing of jobs available in the public sector These are civil servants jobs, starting at the presidential appointees, down to Senate confirmation, to just presidential appointees without senate confirmation, and then of course the all ubiquitous SES a Senior Executive Service, which is sort of a sort of a union if you will, at the top executive levels inside the Government What I'd like to do sometimes is take these names or different keywords and go through the plum book And just show people the number of occurrences And I realize this is kind of the hard work of research And maybe not particularly interesting for all the catfights on Twitter etc catfights on YouTube But it is kind of the stuff that makes or breaks hypotheses and kind of moving the ball forward So anyway if you remember before I just took the occurrence of the word homeland And I saw 39 occurrences over here 39 occurrences in the plum book And my theory here is that the DHS or the Department of Homeland Security is sort of used as a wedge or a funnel for the DoD to kind of insert people into a kind of a national control mechanism--a U. S. control mechanism So the same techniques used overseas to gain control of kind of a an undercurrent or or a party or a union like the SEIU let's say And then you would take over that labor union like let's say Poland way back when when Poland was being overthrown, you would use that Union to do all your communications protect your communications until the time of overthrow Is that the same thing the DoD is doing in the United States with SES? Is sort of theory So if you don't remember Lisa Monaco would just go down a list here this is really the first occurrence She's really kind of brought up as a--a young, hard-charging young female attorney as a DHS expert And then if you remember the kind of the PR shots in the White House Here's Lisa Monica of course Susan Rice and Samantha power they all sit on the couch together all day like that and go through their papers So these are kind of glamour shots obviously this is not a very realistic working situation here in the White House So and I understand a certain amount of this this is a this is good PR... She's from the University of Chicago and then got a pedigree at at Harvard So moving along in the plum book She's not even Senior Executive Services you can see over here she is--just presidential appointee So we'll go quickly through the different appointees in Homeland Security And most of the folks are not listed there this--kind of a Ditto kind of thing career incumbent they're Korean come But they're--they're ditto there and then career incumbent Again, this Thomas F Atkins interesting So I just what I do on these is I drill down on two or three just to get a feel for people to get a feel rather than just end the discussion, and not do any more detail detailed research on the SES books So here's Thomas Atkin--was once the former acting secretary of defense I don't know if that is when who who was the Secretary of Defense he was acting for But he's got his own group now, he's left in 2012 I'm trying to think of what shake-up happened inside me Department of Defense at that time Senator from Nebraska I believe was the Senator then became the Secretary of Defense But anyway he's got a new company now, he's broken away from else he's joined this other group Here he is the assistant secretary of defense here cyber then Homeland Security And then of course the obligatory time at Raytheon--gotta know where those cruise missiles are at all times Then of course a visiting fellow here at the Homeland Security Institute and here we go back to the Coast Guard And this seems to be the Coast Guard seems to be that kind of a key inflection point for kind of entering people into DHS Seems to be quite a bit of emphasis there Border security and so forth Operations Group And the my only question is--I look at all these different resumes, and I see all these add all this expertise But the simplest questions that can't be answered in Washington About what's going back and forth on Imran Awan's server? What are the terabytes going back and forth Imran Awan's server? A lot of this emphasis starts on FEMA I noticed there's a similar emphasis with the Army with FEMA on some of these resumes So he kind of comes up the ranks for FEMA here So I'll just quickly go back here, look at some other resumes Vacant Career incumbent Vacant Matthew Gula that's the GS position So Jeh Johnson of course we all know Mayorkas was kind of the guy who was kind of drummed out of the service because of dirty dealings And Erin Walls she's GS so we won't talk about her And again, when he gets to the ES positions Again, you see there's just a lot of vacancies And again, John Roth was the Inspector General of Homeland Security for another career incumbent Just not a lot of data The only one person really would get any data as the Coast Guard guy And is that because that I don't know Americans have an affinity for the Coast Guard? Here's John Roth we still don't have an Inspector General for Homeland Security Again, that's another position, yet another Inspector General position, that's not filled with the Trump administration I don't know if that's by design or on purpose but Again, here are the whistleblower protection Ombudsman vacant vacant So you've seen really there's only one here Again, Ditto Only one position we've seen So far in the ES Again, vacant of who actually runs these things and Now, here this is a million homeland security So those are all the occurrences of the word Homeland Security And my takeaway would be we need to know these names And we need much more scrutiny on if you're going to be in Homeland Security if you're gonna be an expert you're gonna be the assistant secretary of defense you're gonna have all this border security, and all this knowledge, and all these consultancies, all these groups, all this expertise, you have to apply it to the most pressing need in the country right, now, which is the Awans Terabytes to Pakistan Hundreds of suspicious payments Thousands of suspicious logins If you don't apply your expertise to the most pressing problems, what good is the expertise.
The whistleblowers complaint.

Columnist: Derek Winnert
Biography: Derek Winnert is a leading UK film critic and author, and a member of the London Critics Circle.









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