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Reviews=Apollo 13 is a movie starring Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, and Kevin Bacon. NASA must devise a strategy to return Apollo 13 to Earth safely after the spacecraft undergoes massive internal damage putting the lives of the three astronauts
Writer=William Broyles Jr
Rating=254194 Votes
Directed by=Ron Howard
Apollo 13 movie cast. Apollo 13 crew. Apollo 12.

The famous Launch Status Check always gets my heart pumping

Its our thing we door/duel. Apollo 13 movie. Apollo 13 dokument cz. Apollo 13 full movie. Apollo 11 astronauts. Apollo 13 disaster. Apollo 13 ending. Apollo 13 wiki. Apollo 13 ans. Apollo 13 breath. Apollo 13 csfd. There was an epoch that started in the Cuban missile crisis, or maybe it was the Kennedy assassination; it ended in Watergate, or maybe it was in Apollo 13. It was the age of Rock'n'Roll and Viet Nam, Monterey and Da Nang. Anyway, the 60s were interesting times. I'm an electronics engineer that works in spacecraft control systems. The film was very good from the technical standpoint, no big blunders, just some slight exaggerations, to maintain the suspense. But I was a kid when it happened and I remember those times, I think the general attitude is missing. Modern kids, who listen to Alanis Morrissette, may not understand this, but people had some strange dreams in those psychedelic years. By the early 70s everybody knew the dream had ended, we would not colonize the Moon in this century, environmental pollution was (and still is) a lethal danger, global nuclear war was imminent, you get the idea. Depending on your point of view, you were afraid that either communism or capitalism would take over the world (my uncle died with a piece of shrapnel through his heart while fighting the communists in eastern Europe, so you know what was MY fear. Apollo 13" the film, was well made, both from the technical and the artistic point of view, but it missed the chance to capture the spirit of the final days of an age when drama was lived in real time.
Apollo 13 song. Yo Im high af and I just got inspired af to clean and I just cleaned literally my entire house living room dishes stove allat ??dont make sense ???¡é? King Pen carts thc and cbd needs to be legalized ????. Apollo 13 cast. Apollo 13 strain.

When the Apollo 13 mission took off to go to the moon, the television networks generally tuned out with the attitude that it was more of the same old stuff that the public had seen before and grown tired of. To the crew it represented much more of course, being Jim Lovell's final mission and his chance to finally make it to the moon itself, an aim he intends to see through despite having one of his crew replaced at the last minute by Jack Swigert. However the networks all tune in when a minor malfunction with the electrical system results in an explosion and the loss of oxygen, sending the unit out of control. With the crew retreating into the lunar module, the ground crew scramble to work out how to get them home despite the constantly lengthening odds.
At the time of release this was a fairly massive film that was talked up for all manner of reasons and not all of these are still as applicable today. One thing that wasn't really talked up was the writing and the convincing nature of the plot, not a real surprise considering that these aspects seem to be delivered without a great deal of spark or flair. I know that it is based on a true story but it is hard to fully accept all of the film as some of it seems so far fetched as to be a bit silly. I'm totally open to the idea that this could have been 100% accurate but if that is the case one has to wonder how simplified the material was because at times it feels like Lovell and his crew were just blasting their way to earth. The script is OK but never really gets that involving, instead keeping a consistent stream of memorable gruff barking but nothing that really gets close to realistic dialogue. This is not to say that it isn't engaging, because it is and it does have some degree of involvement and of course historical interest but it is not as good as it could have been. The direction is good even if the effects are not as impressive as they were a decade ago ? even some of the blue screen backdrops don't look that convincing. The decision to shoot some of film in the 'vomit comet' in order to convey the effects of weightlessness is a nice touch and does work pretty well, although naturally none of these shots can last very long and sometimes the editing of these shots with shots in the same scene set on the static set doesn't quite marry up. This is a minor complaint though and it does serve to make the film feel more 'real. The ensemble cast are mixed and many have little to work with ? ironically though those with the least important characters seem to have an easier time just barking out gruff dialogue. It is for this reason that the film's more memorable performances come from the ground, where a lot of the action occurs. Sinise is interesting and a key part of the rescue effort while Harris (who was in space in the much better The Right Stuff) gets the memorable lines. Of course it is Hanks who was the star at the time and he does OK; he has 'the' line but mainly his performance is not helped by the material. He conveys Lovell's longing for the moon but can only do this by staring out the window wistfully every now and again. Paxton and Bacon make up the trio and both are good without ever really having a chance to excel. The ground crew are mainly very good in their minor roles but somebody forgot to give the wives etc characters and Quinlan et al are left to just occasionally look at the TV/sky with either a touch of tears or a look of hopeful resilience ? unsurprisingly none of them really made much of an impression with this thankless task. Overall this is an OK film but not anything that special. It is a glossy historical piece that lurches between convincing telling to some rather extreme moments that feel like they have been over simplified to the point of doing the reality an injustice. The cast are impressive on paper but the lack of a strong script really gives them little to actually work with, although none of them are actually bad it is possible to see that they are reaching without much help. The effects are OK but are a little dated even if the novelty of the weightless scenes is still there, but what I would have given for more of a human touch to what is otherwise an enjoyable technical product.
Apollo 13 trailer. Apollo 13 square peg in round hole. 0:50 direct energy weapons confirmed. Apollo 13 movie summary. Brace yourselves, the conspiracy theorist are coming. Apollo 11. I can watch this over and over it's so good and brings back nothing but good memories as a kid. And never get tired of watching listening to Mrs. Borman give interview! Especially the part she exclaims, What, to the Moon! What a class act, and quite the hoot, too. The most accurate landing in the Apollo program. Apollo 13 streaming. Apollo 13 123movies. Apollo 13 imdb. 'A Successful Failure' They Said. Great Movie. must watch for sci-fi fans. Apollo 15. Apollo 13 mission astronauts. Follow your dreams. ????. Apollo 13 commander.
Forrest gump in space. Whaaaaat! Ok we are living in a matrix 4 real. This is to mutch ?. Apollo 13 rescue. Apollo 13 seedfinder. Apollo 13 movie netflix. Apollo 13 mars. I loved this movie. I think you showed just about every rocket EXCEPT the Saturn V lol. Apollo 13 launch scene. 24:31 ¡ÈHey guys! We landed on the moon!¡É. I just watched the Captain Philips one and I'm starting to think Tom Hanks like Disaster Movies.
And now we watch the Falcon Heavy launch to the heavens igniting the imaginations and possibilities of the generations to come. Sure you will, Jack. Apollo 13 shower. Apollo 13 behind the scenes.
Apollo 13 was launched at the 13 day on the 13 hour. coincidence. Apollo 130. One of the few times Movieclips didn't cut off the line. Apollo 13 houston we got a problem. Apollo 13 power up. I'm back! and this time not so tired that I can barely even write the damn thing. Well, okay, by the time it was done, I was pretty fucking tired. The -1 column was the last I had to do, and by the time I hit that I was fucking done. Anyway, this is a recap of Let's Make Big Moves, the TriState major. I covered all 64 of the Top Seeds, as well as the Top 64 placements. Note: If you are one of the listed players and want to contribute a quote, please let me know. Disclaimer 1: Not all runs are created equal. Some players needed to take on monsters to get their placement. Some less so. This is not meant to be an objective quality match-up of players. Disclaimer 2: If a player had a bad tournament that doesn't make them a bad player. It is easier to perform below your standard then above. Thus, one tournament can make a career, but it can't break it. There are many reasons players lose. As fans we have a responsibility to be good to players. They cry and sweat for us. The goal isn't to make players stress out about individual placements more, but to catch interesting story lines and data. Don't be a dick to players. Disclaimer 3: It is easier for a low seed to overperform and for a high seed to underperform. Seeds are a stand-in for expectations. The bad part of high expectations is that beating them is hard. One should consider equal levels of over-performance to favor higher seed players in terms of level of impressiveness. Disclaimer 4: An issue with seeding is just as good an explanation for some of these cases as bad play is. It is not always possible to tell the difference. How to Read This: Number indicates placement relative to expected placement. The number reflects losers round expected to lose in vs actual loss. If a player was seeded between 13 and 16, that means they were expected to go out at 13th place. Thus, if they got a +1 it means they got 9th place. If they got a -1 then it means they got 17th. +5 or More (Star Turn) (TG) MVD. PGRU 17. 31st Seed. 5th Place. (+5) - The notion that MVD needs a star turn is absurd. He's been a top player since Brawl. Yet, there's a reason he was seeded 31st. At LMBM, he broke his streak without a Major Top 8 since Low Tier City by nikita'ing Wishes, Dark Wizzy, are you into the blastzone. If your goal is to make it forget the last six months happened, that's one way to do it. (Nfinite) Toast. 66th Seed. 13th Place. (+5) - A Young Link main who has been on the radar as a potential top player. He made big moves (I will never apologize) towards that by nearly beating Tweek in winners before going on a run through losers including Fsharp, Wishes, VoiD (Sad SoCal Hours) and LingLing. I'm calling it now. I think Toast is Season 3 PGR. Toast on his results: "It had been eating at me lately that I would place well but not get pgr wins, so someone told me to always play like me at all times and to never forget who I was when playing, so I held it close to heart this tournament and felt more confident than I had ever been, and thus played like me. " +2 to +4 (Strong Tournament) (DA) Sinji. PGRU 25. 39th Seed. 9th Place. (+4) - To me a case of underseeding. Sinji has only got less than 25th at one Ultimate tournament so far, and that was Smash Con. He got 25th on the PGR and he was seeded to be out before Top 32? At you kidding? He got wins on LingLing, Gen, and (tragically) Riddles while losing to Dark Wizzy and Nairo. A clear mistake. (R2G) Kameme. PGRU 19. 11th Seed. 3rd Place. (+4) - Finally, the EVO 2016 finalist makes Top 8 at a US S-tier. He came damn close (9th) at EVO, so this is great to see. He was lucky in that he avoided a seeded match against Tweek. But, this was no fluke. He beat Venia, Marss, and Maister while only dropping sets to two Top 10 players in Dabuz and Nairo. (TR) Zomba. 84th Seed. 17th Place. (+4) - Gotta check my notes here. Zomba is... a child. Yes. He is a 14 year old from Staten Island. Mains ROB/Link/Roy, and this is his first major. Also his Twitter is distinctly run by a 14 year old and is thus awful. But, his Smash game is pretty fucking good. He knocked out Uncivil Ninja and Raito in losers. There was some luck in that he got Elegant¡Çs empty pool. But, some of his wins were better than the pool leader he replaced. Oh god, this kid is going to be unstoppable in about a year. Apollo. Unseeded. 33rd Place. (+4) - A Tristate smasher who mains Duck Hunt, but I saw VoDs of him playing like Peach and Icies and some other wacky shit. A key participant of the insanity of the bonkers pool C5, where he outzoned Black Twins to win a big upset and benefited from Rfang going down earlier leading to two unseeded players escaping pools. AceAttorney. (+4) - I had a hell of a time researching them. "Ace Attorney Smash Bros" does not take you to a player page. Apparently a NJ Zelda main. Clearly they're pretty good since they beat MattyG and JW. (NRG) Nairo. PGRU 8. 4th Seed. 1st Place. (+3) - Guys, is Nairo number 2 in the world right now? He's had a near unbroken string of Top 4 finishes ever since Shine, consistently banished his demons, and now he's taken home the largest Ultimate tournament he's ever won. He beat WaDi and then narrowly lost to Dabuz in Winners. But that just seemed to activate "pitbull on cocaine" mode. He proceeded to crazy man through losers, taking out Sinji, Maister, MVD, Tea, Kameme, and finally getting vengeance on Dabuz in an overawing bracket reset grand finals. Fitting that his biggest win of Ultimate to date happened so close to home too. (Liquid) Dabuz. PGRU 7. 5th Seed. 2nd Place. (+3) - Dabuz right after Nairo, huh? Fitting. Yet again, being a Dabuz fan means heartbreak. He came back from a fairly lackluster season to get a lot of great wins here. Wins like Raffi-X and Uncivil Ninja are just the ball to the real lip of it. Kameme, Nairo, and Tea. His 3-0 over Tea banished a former demon of his using new Rosa tech he invented. But, his run ended tragically as Nairo manage to reset Game 5 of Grand Finals on last hit. After that Dabuz deflated. You could see his elusive first major tournament win slip through his fingers. Dabuz in Ultimate is like watching a Greek Tragedy. Tea. PGRU 15. 9th Seed. 4th Place. (+3) - Don't gotta lot to add. TeaPacMan Wakka'd through Marss, Samsora, and Light, while only losing to the top 2 finishers. We're all so used to Tea breaking ankles that it's almost not surprising anymore. (T1) ANTi. 59th Seed. (+3) - ANTi was once one of the best smashers, as his Meta-Knight pick reminded us, but he really has not gone all in on Ultimate. It was a nice run, including small but meaningful wins on Big D and Epic_Gabriel. Not huge names, but hardly nothing either. Sadly, he ran into fucking Maister not once, but twice, and didn't take a game in either set. Brutal. I'm pretty sure that's against the Geneva Convention. (DU) Bankai. 77th Seed. 25th Place. (+3) - NY ZSS and PKMN Trainer main. He got this +3 through a combination of NickC getting sick, the chaos of Pool C5 letting him dodge a ranked opponent in getting a small upset on his own friend Zan, the SoCal Toon Link Player. Zan¡Çs tweet on the subject is a tragedy in three acts. (lluZ) BONK!. 103rd Seed. (+3) - a Meta-Knight from Philly. His upset over Ned was probably the most wild upset of pools that didn¡Çt involve Pool C5. (SH) TheRed. 49th Place. (+3) - Snake main who is apparently PR¡Çd in Massachusetts. Got wins on Vivi and Diabeo. Also helped contribute to sending False packing from the tournament. So props for that? (US|RIP LGBB) Mr. Mojo Risin¡Ç. (+3) - Okay okay so. This guy is seemingly Tristate, seems to use Donkey Kong a lot, and is distinctly a fan of the Doors. He¡Çs on the list for upsetting the Sonic player UR2Slow and because Rivers decided to go to MagFest and DQd. TonyZTank. (+3) - HE IS THE ONE RESPONSIBLE. Okay so, Pool C5 turned into a massive cluster fuck with both its leads, Rfang and BlackTwins getting upset. Tony here upset Roach, before losing immediately then somehow managed to get out of pools in the slot that Rfang and Blacktwins weren¡Çt fighting over, then break and Raptor? Fucking chaos. Who is this guy? Sonic main from Nebraska? I asked RFang on twitter and Rfang said ¡ÈBro I don't fucking know either lmfaoo. All know is he might be the greatest sonic to ever do it¡É. Cosmos. PGRU 11. 16th Seed. (+2) - That¡Çs more like it! Cosmos fell off from his Season 1 Top 15 status hard in Season 2. Cosmos is relentlessly likeable so it was kind of hard to watch. 9th is still not where he used to be. Especially with Raffi-X and Larry Lurr as his biggest wins. Not bad, but it was his close set with Dark Wizzy, who is probably presently Top 20, that gave me hope. Is Season 3 the season Cosmos recovers from his anime girl induced bout of madness? (3D) Gen. PGRU A51. 27th Seed. (+2) - One of Tristate¡Çs best talents who never travels. I wonder who he¡Çll face!? Venia. Suarez. Sinji. Laid is slightly out of state, right? And he even faced one foreign it¡Çs Maister. Fuck. Oh well, at least he did well. Maybe that means he might travel more? (djb) Laid. 46th Seed. (+2) - The Lucina from New England. The lord of the Side-Bet Discord. As near as I can tell, he didn¡Çt get any upsets himself. Just benefited from Rivers ditching for Magfest and LeoN getting upset by Epic_Gabriel. But, he somehow made an 8:1 bet on Nairo making a reverse sweep on Maister, so he probably made more money than some of the people who actually placed. Riddles. 34th Seed. (+2) - Someone on twitter asked over the weekend what players people just love watching. Besides NickC (obviously) the most common answer is Shut-... That only grows more true with each passing tournament. Not only did he dominate the crew battle, but he went on an epic run at LMBM. After losing in pool
Apollo 13 astronauts. Apollo 135. Apollo 13 views of the moon. First | Prev Interlude: A Conversation This is the story of Vladimir Chebyshev. It is a story of loneliness. It is a story of coming together. It is the story of a man who in his younger days would, while his classmates played hockey, sit on a tree branch with a translation dictionary and memorize foreign words. At breakfast before taking a bite of an egg, he would recite, "§ñ§Û§è§à, egg, oeuf, ?ÃÁ, huevo, ???. " He amused himself by putting together multi-lingual sentences. "²æ suis sad, " he might say. The other kids overheard this and they bullied him. "Where are you from? " they'd ask. "Why don't you go home? " They pretended not to understand his responses, only answering, "We don't speak foreign. Get out of here. " The worst was the day he wore a new winter coat to school. His mother had bought it for him the weekend before on a trip to Moscow. Above the heart, the coat had a Russian flag. Vladimir wore the coat proudly with his chest upthrust. He spoke many languages, but he was Russian. Now his classmates would see this and they would know. What his classmates did was rip the flag from the coat, pull the coat off his body, and hold him upside-down with his head in a snowbank until he passed out. When he came to, he was alone and cold. He put his torn jacket back on and searched the snowbank for the flag, but it was gone. Vladimir played with the frayed ends of sewing thread that had held the flag on the coat. "I'm not Russian, " he said. "I'm from nowhere. " He put his face in his hands. When the bell rang to signal the end of lunch hour, Vladimir had finished crying. But a restlessness had settled into him. He wouldn't be going back to class. That's where the Russian children of Ryazan went, and Vladimir was no longer Russian. This left him with the question of what a nowhere child does during the day. He didn't know. While he considered this, he wandered the streets. His path took him to downtown Ryazan. He passed by the elderly going to pray at Assumption Cathedral, he stopped at a food counter near the Plazma corporation and listened in on the engineers, and he took a seat outside the Ryazan Kremlin where the civil servants came and went in their pea coats and big glasses. In none of these groups did Vladimir see himself. All he saw was Russians, the grown-up versions of his classmates in nicer clothes and more confident attitudes. Resignedly, he took a seat on a bench outside the commercial center and allowed his mind to eat his future. There was nothing in Ryazan for a citizen of nowhere. All Vladimir had to look forward to was an argument with his mother for staying out so late, a reprimand from his father for letting his new coat get ruined, and, tomorrow, more fights at school. Before long the sun went down and the cold defeated his coat. Winter had decided it was time for him to go home. But just as he was leaving the commercial center, a white light behind him caught his attention. It was a huge plasma screen mounted on the wall that was showing footage of the 1972 Soviet moon landing. Valentina Tereshkova bounded out of the LK lunar lander and, in bold black font below her, the subtitles gave her famous line: "We are more than Earth. " The shot panned up from the lunar regolith to the marble in the sky -- Earth. From there, the view dissolved and showed the launching of the Apollo rocket that carried a docking module to connect with the Soyuz 19 space station. President Brezhnev's words showed on-screen: "The planet is big enough for us to live peacefully on it, but too small for nuclear war. " There followed a montage of important moments in the history of space exploration. The sunbaked surface of Venus as seen by Venera 13 in 1981. Bruce McCandless walking through space without a tether in 1984 -- a malfunction of his maneuvering unit would have seen him become the first human meteor. The launch of the Antariksa space station by the Indian space program in 1993. The first joint mission between the Chinese and American space programs in 1998, immortalized by video of Chen Quan, tethered to a Fenghuang orbital vehicle, taking Paul Lockhart's hand and pulling him over to a handhold. Video of the first Spear spacecraft being assembled outside the Antariksa station in 2012. The Spear's propulsion flare dwindling away to nothing as it carried Yungsen Andrews and Dilpa Liu to Mars in 2015. Dilpa's words showed on-screen: "One solar system, one planet, one human family. " Something moved in Vladimir as he watched this video. He recognized the footage on-screen, but never before had he seen it together like this. He saw people of many nationalities, many of which were historically at odds, working together to achieve the monumental and unthinkable. They wore flags on their spacesuits, but of what meaning were those flags? The montage continued. It showed the manned trip to Venus in 2033. There was quick, sad footage of the Jupiter disaster. And last of all there was the Peterson couple sitting down to dinner in the Puck spacecraft with the dim orb of Pluto reflecting the distant sun outside their window. Words appeared and faded all across the screen: Cosmonaut. Engineer. Physicist. Biologist. Project Manager. HR Rep. Translator. Politician. Chemist. Mathematician. The video closed on the following question: "What can you do for Earth? " Vladimir did not return to school the following day, nor the day after that. He never set foot in a formal scholastic institution again. Rather he enrolled himself in the school of personal dedication, which had as its premises his bedroom and offered as course material every book on languages that Vladimir could find. You see Vladimir had realized that he need not be a citizen of nowhere. The better choice was to be a citizen of everywhere. After he left school, Vladimir retreated to his bedroom and his books. His parents didn't understand this newfound purpose. His mother felt she'd failed him as a parent, while his father felt that it was Vladimir who'd failed them as a son. "What is the use of languages? " his father asked during one of their weekly arguments. "More and more people speak English every day. You might as well become a professional juggler. Go speak your languages in the city square and see what it gets you. " Vladimir insisted on his new path, and at age 16 his parents kicked him out. Vladimir fled as far as he could go without leaving Russia. With what little savings he had he boarded the train to Vladivostok, there where Russian culture intermixed with the cultures of China, Japan, and Korea. He was lucky enough to find work at a Japanese noodle shop as a dish boy not long after arriving. The meager income he earned there was enough to sustain his continued development as a speaker of many languages. Such was the shape of Vladimir's life for many years. He progressed from dish boy to line cook, his linguistic facility deepened, but little else changed. We rejoin Vladimir on a day of personal triumph and widespread calamity. The year was 2047. At this stage in his life, Vladimir worked as a sous chef at a Korean restaurant in Vladivostok's Morgorodok district. He lived not far away from the restaurant and he spent his every free hour at study. He had no girlfriend, no friends, and he hadn't spoken to his parents in years. In his mind, this monkic existence was well justified. He told himself that he was earning a sense of belonging in the only community that mattered -- the interplanetary community. When he got home from work on the night of January 6th, before even taking off his dirty kitchen clothes, he sat himself on his one wooden chair next to his one table on which rested his beat-up laptop and his books on German, English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Thai, French, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Hausa, and Hindi. The email he'd been waiting for was in his inbox -- a job offer from the International Space Program. He'd done it. Now, at last, his hard work had paid off. He'd earned his passport as a citizen of everywhere. He wrote up an enthusiastic acceptance email and was about to head off to shower when he happened to flip over to a news site. UNIDENTIFIED SPACECRAFT TOUCH DOWN IN SWITZERLAND The Draque had landed. The day was Januray 6, 2047. It would be known for the rest of time as C-Day, the day of Contact. That first day, Zurich burned. On the outskirts of Switzerland, the headquarters of the International Space Program burned along with it. Wordless, Vladimir read the news article to the end. Once he'd finished, he put his face in his hands. He fell asleep with his cheekbones resting against his tear-slick palms. In Vladivostok, on those rare evenings when Vladimir was off work and, rarer still, didn't feel like running through Hindi grammar structures or practicing Cantonese tones, he would sit on the banks of little lake Yunost and study the water. He admired the flatness of the lake at rest. He was excited by the passage of wind across the water's surface, the way it would tease wavelets up and send them on their way. As the wavelets traveled, they merged and gained in strength. It was only the lake's smallness that kept the wavelets from growing to great size. This minor fascination of Vladimir's gave him an odd perspective when the Nethn announced their arrival to Earth by dropping tidal detonators into the Pacific Ocean. Four-meter waves crashed along the coast and Vladimir's first response was a sort of sympathetic awe. He was caught up short to see what became of little wavelets when they were given free reign. However this feeling lasted only a short while, followed as the great waves were by the complete obliteration of everything Vladimir knew and loved. His home and his restaurant were washed away. Even lake Yunost was no more, joined as it now was to the ocean. In the wake of the destruction, the residents of Vladivostok fled to whichever city would take t
Yo I'm intrested, how much for the clouds. ¹óßÚλ?ÁåÆô?Ū. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. Apollo 13 lem. Apollo 13 date. Apollo 13 ost. Apollo 17. Apollo 13 views of the moon in 4k. Apollo 13 juin. Terrible video quality, poor audio, and only occupying part of the screen. 2:45 Looks good flight were at down in the middle. OR you could just watch the movie apollo 13 starring Tom hanks???¡é?.
  • Reporter: The Wolf Knight
  • Info: Jedi de la maison Stark apportant la justice la nuit, quiconque s'en prend à ma mère patrie ?? aura affaire à moi. Force et honneur ?

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