Inception 2010 year HDTV no login 1280p no sign up

2010; Creators - Christopher Nolan; 1955413 Vote; duration - 148 Min; &ref(,0,128,190_AL_.jpg); genre - Sci-Fi, Thriller
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Yes it is clever, but the plot is predictable and not nearly as hard to articulate as people are making out.
The special effects are fantastic and the story line is interesting but there is no way this film should be up there with the likes of the Godfather and the Matrix. The actors have been cast well and the musical score is fantastic and really adds to the suspense and impact of some of the scenes. DiCaprio in this movie again shows why he has rightly taken his place as one of Hollywood's biggest names. Yeah its good film and you should go see it, but it is not as great a movie as many believe.
While not a bad film i am a little bemused how it has such a high rating. I think 7 out of 10 is about fair as it is pretty far from being original. While watching, it continually reminded me of other movies. From any recent James bond film to 'Total recall' to 'The Matrix' to 'Strange Days. Its all been done before! And to be given a higher score than such greats as 'The Shining' One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest' or 'Deer Hunter' is just plain wrong. Maybe a certificate over a '12a' would of helped it, but i'm still not as i can think of several films in the past 5 years that would of benefited from a higher certificate. Hollywood needs to realise you cant please all of the people all of the thats OK! Don't make what would of been a good 18 certificate movie in to a '12a' or '15' just because it appeals to more all, movies are an art form and art is subjective AND objective.
Inception Rated 4.7 / 5 based on 262 reviews.









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