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  1. &ref(,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg)
  2. directors: Chris Sinclair
  3. duration: 1 h, 45Minutes
  4. Documentary
Watch Full Length Free Burma ranger les.

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God bless white Americans keep sharing the gospels of God i will love to be thre too. Watch full length free burma rangers 2017. Watch full length free burma rangers movie. Nós brasileiros curtindo a vida com a bunda no paredão e nas igrejas gritando que só Jesus Cristo é o caminho e a salvação. Watch full length free burma rangers games. I heard about you guys today for the first time this week and ABC radio (Australian Broadcasting Commission) and found the story on their website and sent it out to friends. I'll be praying for you guys.
Nice circus you got going on there. The Free Burma Rangers ( FBR) is a multi-ethnic humanitarian service movement working to help free the oppressed in Burma, Syria, Iraq and Kurdistan. Their main area of work is throughout Burma (also known as Myanmar) but concentrate primarily on the heavily forested border region, delivering emergency medical assistance to sick and injured internally displaced people, or IDP's; a consequence of the long running campaign of violence by the military junta, the State Peace and Development Council, against Burma's ethnic minorities. FBR trains teams of men and women in frontline medical treatment and reconnaissance techniques. In addition to delivering humanitarian relief, a secondary role of the teams is to obtain evidence of military violence and human rights abuse. This information is then published in the form of online reports and / or released to larger international human rights groups, inter-governmental organisations such as the UN, and news agencies. FBR is one of a number of grass roots organisations (see Mae Tao Clinic Mae Tao Clinic & Back Pack Health Worker Team Back Pack Health Worker Team) which have emerged in response to the growing health needs of Burma’s persecuted ethnic underclass. FBR are not supported by either the Thai or Burmese authorities and their activity inside the Burmese border is clandestine. Mission statement [ edit] “ To bring help, hope and love to people of all faiths and ethnicities in the conflict areas, to shine a light on the actions of oppressors, to stand with the oppressed and support leaders and organizations committed to liberty, justice and service. ” ?? [1] History [ edit] FBR was formed in the late 1990s following an escalation of Burmese military activity against the Karen people. Villages were destroyed, people killed and more than 100, 000 people forced from their homes [1] in a program of violence which was designed to remove people from land in order to make way for developing business interests. [2] The history, character and on-going activity of the Rangers is closely linked to its American founder, Tha-U-Wah-A-Pah (the assumed Karen pseudonym, henceforth TUWAP of Dave Eubank): a Fuller Theological Seminary -educated Pastor and ex-member of the U. S. Special Forces. Having already spent a number of years as a missionary in Burma, in 1996, following a chance meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the National League for Democracy, TUWAP was inspired to initiate a ‘Global Day of Prayer’ [1] and help to strengthen unity between the majority Burman population and the various minority ethnic groups. [3] TUWAP was then in Burma during the Army Offensives of 1997, distributing medicine to those displaced by the conflict, and it was during this time that he decided to employ his broad mixture of skills to bring a unique brand of humanitarian relief to a greater number. In the words of the FBR leader, “[The situation in Burma] is a slow, creeping cancer, in which the regime is working to dominate, control, and radically assimilate all the ethnic peoples of the country. ” [4] In January 2013 footage obtained by the Free Burma Rangers and released to the world's media was instrumental in stopping continued Burmese military offensives against the Kachin Independence Army in the north of Myanmar. [5] At least one FBR team was present at the liberation of Mosul, Iraq, in 2017. [6] FBR Teams [ edit] Every year about 15 multi-ethnic teams, including representatives from the Karen, Karenni, Shan, Arakan, Kachin and other ethnic groups complete the intensive Ranger training. The training program is delivered with the help of other specialist organisations, including the Mae Tao Clinic and covers a diverse and comprehensive mix of practical relief, survival skills and socio-political awareness, including: ethnic issues ethics conflict resolution public health first aid advanced medical and basic dental care human rights interviewing and documentation reporting counselling Break down of full-time relief teams by ethnic origin Overview of FBR relief operations since 1997 Total teams trained: 300 Relief missions conducted: over 1, 000 Patients treated: over 550, 000 People helped: over 1, 500, 000 [7] Fields of operation [ edit] FBR teams operate in conflict zones other than Burma, such as the conflict involving ISIS in Syria and Iraq. [8] Free Burma Rangers and Rambo [ edit] The film Rambo 4 was released worldwide in early 2008, with Sylvester Stallone continuing his role as the eponymous hero. In it, a fictionalised Burmese military played the role of the 'evil oppressors' and, although the film didn't make it to Burmese cinema screens, it became a huge underground success amongst the Burmese population. [9] Research for the movie was obtained, in large part, from FBR field reports. [10] While there is a dearth of information about the atrocities taking place inside Burmese borders, the evidence which groups like FBR make available helps to build a case for the international community to take action against the regime. News and other related media [ edit] Mizara, S. 'Free Burma Rangers'. Stefania Mizara | photographer, photojournalist Samuels, L., 2007. 'Burma's other Struggle'. Newsweek, 5 October Burma Missionaries Fight for Ethnic Minorities YouTube: free burma rangers - YouTube. NB. Please be warned that some of the films contain disturbing images. See also [ edit] Burma Campaign UK References [ edit] External links [ edit] Free Burma Rangers Mae Tao Clinic Partners Relief and Development.

God bless you! in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen

God bless you Dave, your family and the Karen people... This was published 4 months ago A member of the American-backed group Free Burma Rangers, which is working to rescue the injured and displaced people near the frontline of the conflict in Syria, was killed overnight by a drone strike apparently controlled by Turkish forces. Free Burma Rangers leader Dave Eubank confirmed that one of the longest serving rangers, Burmese national Zau Seng died instantly after a mortar was dropped from a drone about 10 metres from their vehicle. Zau Seng from Burma (far right), of the NGO Free Burma Rangers, pictured last week after the group rescued wounded north of Tel Tamr, Syria. Dave Eubank is second from left. The group had been assembling at a forward casualty collection point to extract and treat the wounded from nearby fighting. The conflict in northern Syria has faded from the headlines, but Turkish proxies are continuing their advance south into Syria, aiming to grab territory from Kurdish-backed forces after Donald Trump withdrew the American military last month. The conflict continues despite the announcement of a permanent ceasefire by the Turkish and Russian presidents on October 22. Loading Seng was an assistant medic, and was acting as the Free Burma Rangers' cameraman "to record these attacks from Turkey and from [pro-Turkish militia] the FSA [the Free Syrian Army]", Eubank said in an audio message from Tel Tamr hospital, where his colleague died. He had a wife, Lunu, and baby whose first birthday came on the day he died, Eubank said. Another Free Burma Rangers operative, Mohammed, was wounded in the same attack. "Zau was standing for freedom and showing the world what was really happening, " Eubank said. The attack happened about 4 kilometres north of Tel Tamr. A statement on the Free Burma Rangers website said, "The fighting continues and so we will continue providing medical care and telling the truth about what is happening here. " Loading Kurdish media source Rojava Information Centre said the Turkish forces had attacked health workers "throughout its invasion". Trauma points and ambulances run by a group called the Kurdish Red Crescent had been struck several times, the information centre said, particularly in early October as the city of Ras al-Ain was being over-run by Turkish-backed proxy forces. Eubank told The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald two weeks ago that the United States' withdrawal from northern Syria had created the conditions for Turkey to invade and create political and humanitarian crisis. "All we can do now is stand with the people, meet their humanitarian needs, but we need more than that: we need political and economic might to stop this onslaught and the United States has plenty of power to do it, " Eubank said. Dave Eubank, founder of the Free Burma Rangers, stands on top of a building used as a trauma staging area. Credit: Kate Geraghty Most Viewed in World Loading.
Watch Full Length Free Burma ranger france. Watch full length free burma rangers season. Much more than documents. Discover everything Scribd has to offer, including books and audiobooks from major publishers. Cancel anytime. 0 Up votes 0 Down votes 37 views 6 pages Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 6 Search FBR Go H O M E A B O U T F B R R E P O R T S R E S O U R C E S F E A T U R E S C O N T A C T U S Free Burma Rangers > Reports Email report FBR REPORT: Burma Army Kills Villager and Burns Homes While 3000 Flee Ongoing Attacks in Kachin State Kachin State, Burma 30 November, 2011 Update From Kachin FBR Relief T eam Ove r 20 Villages, 3000 Pe ople, Flee ing Burma A rmy A ttacks People flee Burma Army attacks converted by November 30th, 2011 - Kachin State detail November 30th, 2011 - Kachin State overview The Burma Army has killed a villager and over 20 villages have fled attacks and mortar fire in Momauk Township, Kachin State. Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 73 under Division 88 has been attacking villages, wi th troops from Divisions 33, 44, 66 also ent ering the area. At least 400 Burm a A rmy soldiers have been i nvolved in the attacks, using 120m m and 60m m m ortars and machine guns. Fighting in the area has increased and the Burm a Arm y is building at least four new camps, using forced labor. Over 3, 000 people have been displaced. People flee Burma Army attacks converted by.
I love it ?. God Bless you... Is there a fund setup to support his surviving family? Thank you. Why isn't this all over the news, I only know of this because of Infowars. Watch full length free burma rangers movies. Thanks for your service. And then they say were the bad spect to this man. Keep doing. Although it's in the name, the Free Burma Ranger team's work isn't limited to the country Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. They seek to free the oppressed by offering help, hope, and love in multiple conflict areas. To find out what happened when FBR took their tactics to Mosul, catch this must-see film in a theater near you on February 24th and 25th ONLY! You can get your tickets at! 382 5.
Watch full length free burma rangers full. God bless the Free Burma Ranger. From Shillong Meghalaya. Watch full length free burma rangers online free. I think David is Jesus himself.
Great job, love to the kurds. Oh my God. These are my favorite videos on youtube. Thank you Lord for helping Dave and the team. To God be the glory. Watch full length free burma rangers video.
YouTube Free Burma Rangers. Watch full length free burma rangers news. To the Syrian people and those who sympathize with it: Since America is the most powerful country in the world, people who suffer from(corruption, injustice, war,etc.) must use that and put pressure on them to boycott their goods to force them to intervene to solve the problem in a radical and beneficial solution, not just silence, and hashtag to boycott and ensure that it delivers the trend International organization and to maintain its survival in it Let everyone know about it to participate in it, so that its effect is strong and its results are wonderful, and the hashtags be restored whenever it is deleted, and urged people to boycott through the media as well.
I love you, Suu! Love all of you, Eubanks. Love it. Watch full length free burma rangers episodes. Watch full length free burma rangers live. After we do this for their people they wanna kick us out of their country. Amen, good work in Jesus Name. Thanks Joel for bringing these stories and examples of people like Dave who are living the surrendered and free lives that God has called us to. He demonstrates a whole new level of listening to God, obeying God and loving others! Dave, thanks for living it! Joel, thanks for sharing it.
Brave family God bless you all.

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