4.5/ 5stars

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Canada; Synopsis Against the backdrop of the 2016 United States presidential election, Fox News' anchor, Megyn Kelly, finds herself embroiled in controversy, after questioning the Republican front runner, Donald Trump, on his misogynistic comments. But, on July 6, 2016--as the network's former anchorwoman, Gretchen Carlson, sets in motion a maelstrom of events for refusing to exchange sexual favours with Fox News mogul, Roger Ailes--other journalists, like the ambitious producer, Kayla Pospisil, come forward. Now, three wronged women are about to reveal the toxic world of sexual harassment in a workplace environment, bent on bringing down the powerful CEO. However, are Megyn, Gretchen, and Kayla the only ones who didn't get along with the boys?; Charles Randolph; Audience score 47059 votes; Jay Roach; Genre Drama.
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Bombshell Watch streaming sur internet. Bombshell Watch stream of consciousness. Bombshell Watch stream new. Bombshell Watch streaming. When you get into trouble - life-ruining, headline-making trouble - there's only one person to Pope. Olivia is a professional Fixer who makes problems go away before anyone even knows they exist.
Bombshell watch streaming. Bombshell watch stream. Watch bombshell streaming. Bombshell Watch. You have to take this movie with a grain of salt because Hollywood will tell lies with the truth so you believe the lies. Watch Fox News now and nothing has changed, you still see legs. Roger Ailes did somethings he should have not done for sure. My example is the part in the movie where Megyn Kelly canvasses Fox News to get women to come out and tell what happened, never happened. I saw a Megyn Kelly interview where she did ask women if anything ever happened and she said she could find no one. The Margot Robbie character is completely fictional. Roger Ailes is not a good guy for sure but it would be nice to know what is true or nor true.
Bombshell Watch streams. Bombshell Watch stream. Watch bombshell online stream. Bombshell left me cold. Not just because of the horrible things that happened to the women depicted in this film, but the fact that it wants you to ALSO sympathize with Fox News. This was driving me insane. This movie is a no win scenario, sort of like last years Vice, in that depending on your political beliefs, it's going to affect your feelings one way or another. So unfortunately for me, I wasn't very happy with it. Good things first, the acting is great all across the board. Theron, Kidman, and Robbie all did a great job and they had some very powerful scenes. I also liked the chaotic nature of the tone and how they used different narrative techniques. That's where the film stops being good for me because everything else was so hard to empathize with. It's trying to be triumphant about these people that overcame the impossible and took down one of the most corrupt monsters in the media business, but it fails to mention how in a way, the wolves turned on themselves. Megyn Kelly should NOT have been the lead character. I don't sympathize with someone who once said, Santa Claus and Jesus are white. This film is a result of the #metoo movement, but then that created the biggest question in my mind which is, why was this film written and directed by men? These depictions of women recounting their experiences of being taken advantage of or assaulted SHOULD NOT have been made by two white guys. This was the film to make a change in the studio system. Women should have written AND directed this film. This could've been the one that pushed the boundaries on a subject matter that's so important in our media culture, and it barely scratches the surface. it could've gone so much deeper, I could feel how nervous it was for even being made. I also believe it chose the wrong people to tell this type of story. Fox News is such an easy target, where's the film on the victims of Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer? Or is Hollywood too afraid to open that can of worms? Bombshell is a huge missed opportunity that despite it's good intentions, fell flat for me. It tries to tell the story of human beings fighting against the system that abused and humiliated them, but fails to acknowledge the already corrupt people that put people like Roger Alies in power to begin with. The cheeto man that's President of the United States came from these people for crying out loud. Maybe I'm not giving it enough credit for trying to be educational about toxic workplaces. But it's hard to take your film seriously when it's about FOX NEWS! 5/10.
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