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Howdy. After playing SMITE since season 1 and getting fed up with HiRez's lack of quality control, I decided to start making a little personal list starting about a year ago of all the in-excusable issues that HiRez lets arise as well as embarrassing events that scare new players away and situations where HiRez & it's employees behave unprofessionally. I figured, what better time to post it than on the day of the very first patch in which HiRez promised to improve patch quality. This way we could all see for ourselves how this delayed patch compares to a year of previous patches under the strict 2 week schedule. I would like to preface this by saying I love smite. It's the only game that has ever held my attention for so long and I genuinely enjoy playing it, which makes it all the more frustrating to see how HiRez has treated it so poorly. This list isn't perfect. There are lots of issues I've missed, lot's of issues that have since been patched that I didn't add an edit to, and even some of my personal issues in there, some of which are based off opinion (Like grind in adventures). This list also doesn't cover all the good that HiRez has done. Project Olympus, although it didn't actually deliver all of what was promised, was still a hugely positive step for smite and I'm looking forward to Project Olympus to show up again this season. Season 5 has, in my opinion, been one of the smoothest season launches so far. I don't cover anything related to balance in here as that's far too subjective, but for what it's worth I think season 5 is the funnest, most balanced state smite has been since I started playing. The full list is over 75k characters, so rather than fill the entire post and then having to continue into five comments, I've gone ahead and made a condensed version for this post (30k character limit). If you want to see the full list with all 350 entries, you can do so here: Do note, it was originally formatted for reddit, so it won't be very pleasant to look at. I tried to clean it up abit, but all of the links will be in reddit's format. I recommend taking this original version, copying all the text, then pasting it on a reddit format previewing site such as if you want the links and formatting to be nice and pretty. May 05/16 - New matches added to the season ticket are not only late (You can't vote on several of the matches as they've already happened) but also totally broken, as you can't vote on any matches, even ones that HAVEN'T happened yet. 05/27 - Today's MOTD (omnipotence) on Xbox is unplayable. Players are booted to the menu once they reach the load screen. This was apparently present the last time omnipotence was MOTD but was never fixed. June 06/01 - Music themes are currently about 50% broken. They only start playing at the beginning of a match about 50% of the time, and it seems like 50% of the time that they successfully start playing, they end up cutting out before finishing. The towerkill music rarely plays, I've never heard the backing, death, or enemy kill music successfully play. EDIT: Towerkill/player kill/backing/death tracks all now play properly. The intro music still doesn't play in Arena (Never has) and is also currently broken in Assault as of this post (5/15) 06/01 - There's a bug where the in-game store page will randomly change from the relic's upgrade page to the page showing all the relics. (When you go to upgrade a relic you click the relic, mouse up to the upgraded relic, then click purchase. At any random moment during this process the page may change to the store page that display's all the relics in the game, forcing you to restart the process. ) As far as I can recall this has been present since at least the beginning of season 4. EDIT: Still present as of this post (5/15) 06/06 - LOTS of things broken today. An avatar is missing, a global emote is missing, 7 skins missing, 2 skins that shouldn't be present are present, gem store is broken, clan store is broken, bundles which shouldn't be available are, while a bundle (Loki charms) that should be isn't. Apparently this was all present on PTS. /u/iKinley made a nice list of issues here 06/06 - Redeeming a Ruby in the new adventure only gives 1 gold instead of 3000. 06/20 - New update breaks the item store in assault. Players can't buy items when alive, and sometimes even when dead. July 07/06 - It appears the update broke Poseidon's 2. If it is at rank 1 the middle shot will heal enemies, minions, and even towers. 07/18 - Today's patch makes sovereignty, heartward, and witchblade only purchasable by physical gods. 07/18 - Freya's 2 when used with her new skin uses the tennis skin sound effect. (This was on PTS as well as on the actual patch stream, to which someone on stream commented saying it would be fixed before live) 07/18 - The "Don't forget to start an event quest" reminder is present on every queue, even after you've selected an event quest. (This was present in PTS) 07/18 - Evolved items sell for double the price of their unevolved state (Lono's mask is now worth a net gain of 566 gold after being stacked) EDIT: If it worked. Lono's is actually broken. It doesn't do the one thing it's supposed to do, give you 400 gold on completion. So, even with a bug where it sells at double the regular sell price, you are still losing gold if you buy it 07/18 - Hastened Fatalis was removed, but it still shows up in the store. 07/18 - An item called "S4 shaman's ring" shows up under attack speed in the store, but cannot be purchased. Same for T2 of Hastened Fatalis. 07/23 - Console players who roll the holiday chest receive a coupon for the warlord chest, which is not available and immediately lose the coupon. 07/24 - Today's steam news post "Presting Weekend | July 28 - 30" Has 3 sentences, one of which is a link. The link is improperly formatted, and users in the comments have to provide the correct link. 07/30 - Celtic recall effect (Unlocked normally during the Celtic event at the Morrigan's release) can be obtained out of the hero's chest, EVEN IF YOU ALREADY HAVE IT. 07/30 - Players can get the DEFAULT ANNOUNCER PACK from the hero's chest. August 08/01 - All players have lost all of their personal honor with today's update. EDIT: Fixed in 8/3 hotfix 08/03 - Today's MOTD was broken for everyone for several hours (never goes beyond god pedestal) 08/14 - Just gonna point out that the triumphant chest reset timer has been off by 24 hours since the patch they were introduced in (July 18th, 2017). EDIT: Still present as of this post (5/15) 08/16 - So Stone of Gaia was banned from the new adventure because they wanted people pushed off ledges as often as possible. Except they also changed stone of gaia's passive completely in this update, so it doesn't do the thing they said they banned it for on the patch notes anymore. Yet it's still banned... "Communication issues" EDIT: It was banned for the entirety of the adventure. 08/16 - Players can no longer reroll gods in assault. 08/16 - The remaining time to tip countdown is now broken. It's always stuck at 0:00 08/29 - Weekly chests can no longer be opened. The game says you have ever item inside and won't let you open. 08/29 - Shortly after today's patch came out, after winning a match players would receive a large, random amount of gems/favor (Once example was 900 gems and 400 THOUSAND favor) players would shortly after lose MORE gems and favor than the wrongly received amount, some losing all of their gems/favor. September 09/02 - Dropkick bundle (A bundle for a child cancer charity) went up 50 gems over night with no warning. 09/03 - Solid hornet, a LIMITED SEASON 2 ranked skin, is still available, in season 4. Some on Reddit are saying it's meant to be exclusive now, in which case, I dunno, maybe make an announcement or something. EDIT: Skin is still available and also still labeled limited as of this post (5/15) 09/06 - Just tried out the confetti fountain skin. It's not only incredibly stupid, but it's a client side only cosmetic. Good lord HiRez. That entirely defeats the purpose of cosmetics. EDIT: Fountain skins are still clientside only as of this post (5/15) 09/12 - Today for a short period of time, all players who bought the odyssey chest would get every single voicepack in the game out of a single chest. 09/30 - Here's one I missed. On the 21st, a Reddit user made a post on the smite subreddit asking why SPL was no longer being streamed on YouTube. An official HiRez employee with username /u/notthetvshowjag responds saying "SPL will be on Twitch only. " To which the original poster asks, "When/where was that said? " to which the HiRez employee responds "I said it. Just now. " Kind of incredibly unprofessional and dickish if you ask me. The employee later explains they were only sarcastic because they were originally anonymous before being tagged a HiRez employee, but that still leaves the fact that the stream was removed from YouTube for over a week with ZERO communication to the community of why or if it will ever come back. October 10/09 - I've been really bad about keeping track of season ticket not updating in a reasonable time, and about 70% of this list would solely be the season ticket not updating in a reasonable time if I logged every single one. Anyways here's a quick rundown on today's current Season Ticket: The last 4 games of the Week Ten CSL are still live (Occurred on 10/5 and 10/6) There are 2 matches visible on the ticket for week eleven CSL. There is no week 11 CSL (According to the smitegame esports website). All 9 matches of the week 1 Brazil league are currently live. According to the smitegame website we are currently still in the summer split for Brazil SPL with week 1 being 5/09 & 5/10. (I believe the matches for week 1 of this split occurred on 10/3) 10/10 - Today's update broke in game lobby text chat both before and after matches. 10/10 - Today's update makes boosters unusable. 10/23 - Today is the first day of "The Reaping"
Free Stream Chinese portraits. Free Stream Chinese portraitiste. Wow! that was awesome. Anybody saying anything negative about this painting doesn't understand that this man has so much talent coming out of his ears that he can't hear you... Free Stream Chinese portrait gallery. Free stream chinese portrait series. Vodlocker, solarMovie, ganool and divxstage... Free stream chinese portrait for beginners. Probably most foreigners do not know, the Chinese anthem was not written for the communists. In fact, it was written several years before the communist PRC ever existed. The composer and the poet wrote it in the World War II, calling for the fight against Japanese invasion. Therefore, if you have ever read the lyrics carefully, you will find this song never truly carried any communist ideology in it.
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The HomeStory Cup XX Survival Guide HomeStory Cup returns this Thursday and celebrates its 20th edition! Thanks to the amazing support from the community, HomeStory Cup not only continues but is also bigger and better than ever! Join TakeTV, 32 of the world's best players and an incredible line-up of talent at the Tropical Islands Resort in Germany from the 21st to the 24th of November. Some of you probably already packed your swimming trunks, ready to show off your sixpacks, but if you plan to enjoy the show from home, here is everything you need to know: Prize Pool $25, 000 SC2 Tournament: 1st: $8, 000 2nd: $5, 000 3rd: $3, 000 4th: $2, 000 5th/6th: $1, 300 7th/8th: $900 9th-12th: $400 13th-16th: $250 $3, 000 Best Game Bounty provided by HuK $1 Water Slide Competition: 1st: $1 Format RO32 Group Stage 4 groups with 8 players each BO2, Round Robin Top 2 advance to winner bracket Third and fourth advance to lower bracket RO16 Playoffs 16 players from the group stage BO5 double-elimination winner bracket, loser drops downto lower bracket BO5 single-elimination lower bracket Finals No map advantage Player from winner bracket has to win a bo5 Player from the loser bracket hast to win a bo5 + bo3 All games will be played on the new patch, but on the current/old maps. Players and Groups Group A Group B Group C Group D Trap Reynor Stats Serral Solar INnoVation soO Special Elazer PartinG Zest ShoWTimE TIME HeRoMaRinE Lambo uThermal Cure Harstem Bunny PtitDrogo souL Mana Clem Kelazhur TLO SortOf Zanster Bly Taeja Denver Hellraiser MarineLorD Casters, Talent and Guests Dennis "Take" Gehlen Dan "Artosis" Stemkoski Simon "Lowko" Heijnen Kevin "RotterdaM" van der Kooi Yoan "ToD" Merlo Benjamin "DeMusliM" Baker" Evan "Winter" Ballnik Jared "PiG" Krensel Aleksey "WhiteRa" Krupnyk Dmytro "Dimaga" Filipchuk Giacomo "Socke" Thüs Philipp "Monchi" Simon R3Z with HeyKappaKappaHey Ben "MrBitter" Nichol Kim "Bunny" Phan Hyunseon "Hajin" Park And even more! Schedule and Group Stage Matches Thursday Start: 10:30 AM CET | 4:30 AM EST | 6:30 PM KST Friday Start: 10:30 AM CET | 4:30 AM EST | 6:30 PM KST Saturday Start: 11:00 AM CET | 5:00 AM EST | 7:00 PM KST Sunday Start: 11:00 AM CET | 5:00 AM EST | 7:00 PM KST Day 1: Match 1: Trap vs Cure Match 2: TIME vs Solar Match 3: Trap vs TIME Match 4: Cure vs TIME Match 5: Reynor vs INoVation Match 5: HeRoMaRinE vs INoVation Match 7: INoVation vs PartinG Match 8: PartinG vs HeRoMaRinE Day 2: Match 1: Stats vs soO Match 2: Stats vs Zest Match 3: Stats vs Lambo Match 4: Bunny vs Lambo Match 5: Serral vs Special Match 6: Serral vs ShoWTimE Match 7: PtitDrogo vs Special Match 8: Special vs ShoWTimE You will probably see more matches on the main stream than shown here, since conferencing will be used to show you more than one match per round if the games are short. Streams English Main: TaKeTV English B: BaseTradeTV German: NarutO Polish: Emil French: OGaming Russian 1: ZergTV Russian 2: Medoed Korean: Crank Chinese: SCboy Spanish: Jim Rising YouTube videos with Take Stage & Venue Housing Food Traveling to HSC by public transport Ways to have fun Social Media TaKeTV on Twitter TaKeTV on Facebook TaKeTV on Instagram Partners MIFCOM Sennheiser MAXNOMIC Panasonic Boehringer Ingelheim Global Data Science Special thanks to: Blizzard Matcherino For the first time you can get HSC in-game items or merchandise at Matcherino while supporting the next HSC! Get your banners, portraits, hoodies or mugs! Feel free to ask any questions you have here or on the TakeTV Discord server where you can also discuss the event in the HSC XX channel. Of course you can also check out the Liquipedia page and read the [FAQ] (). That's it, this HSC will be truly special. See you guys in twitch chat and enjoy the show!
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War with china. When i see A24 or fox searchlight. You get pure cinema. Is that only me thinking kristen Stewart looks like Ellen's sister. Beautifully done. It's sad to see these comments. Searching for the national anthem just to hate on the country? As if another country is so much better. We all have our flaws. The U.S.' democracy really is great, isn't it? Come to the U.S. and many will have flawed views on China from the media and schools, and vice versa in China. At the end of the day, we're all just people. The Chinese are not bad, people are bad, and people are everywhere.
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