

This waning trust in the news, combined with a Pew Research Center report showing young people all but abandoning traditional news for social media, means that the mainstream news media is competing for shrinking, niche, partisan audiences.

Part of the problem is that most mainstream news media outlets are partisan, with few labeled as center or objective, according to AllSides. The only way these outlets hold onto their remaining audiences is by keeping them in a constant state of outrage, addicted to the feeling of righteous indignation in an echo chamber of their partisan beliefs. But many people don’t want to live in perpetual outrage or be filled with constant anxiety, worrying that the country (and the world) are doomed.

To preserve some sanity, many people choose to stop watching the news completely and opt for blissful ignorance, comfortable with their unchallenged, partisan beliefs. Other people switch to alternative media sources, solely get their news from social media or stop consuming mainstream media altogether.

But alternative media is often just as partisan. Ignoring the news does not make people informed citizens. Social media is even more partisan, with more misinformation. And going back to partisan media just repeats the cycle.

このニュースに対する信頼の低下は、若者が従来のニュースをほぼ放棄してソーシャルメディアを利用していることを示したPEW RESEARCHのレポートと相まって、メインストリームのニュースメディアが縮小するニッチで党派的な視聴者を奪い合っていることを意味している。




[ Andrew Selepak (opinion contributor): "OPINION: Are we finally getting sick of the media outrage machine? The numbers don’t lie. " (2023/12/26) on The Hill ]

Simply being able to say the things you want to say with impunity is not, actually, “the whole point of free speech”. The whole point of free speech is to allow us humans, limited creatures who will never be able entirely to grasp or have full access to the truth, to at least move in its direction. By giving a voice to the voiceless, and by allowing unpopular and even deeply offensive views to be aired, we might somehow muddle our way through to some kind of shared understanding. 

But we have to want to reach that shared understanding for free speech to be effective, otherwise we risk not moving towards the truth but ever further away from it. Free speech is not some kind of passive structure from which truth and goodness automatically flow, but rather a kind of energy. And like any form of energy, it needs to be harnessed correctly in order for it to be useful. Think of it like steam — crucial in powering the first trains that opened up the world to commerce and ideas, but less helpful when it’s scalding your face after you take the lid off the kettle too quickly. 

Without the right infrastructure in place, the much-vaunted “marketplace of ideas” does not help us reach truth and common ground, but instead becomes an amplifier of meaningless noise. Amid this cacophony, the very principle of freedom of expression can be exploited — as, for instance, Donald Trump’s lawyers have done when wheeling it out as a defence of his spreading false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election. They have argued that the indictment of the former US president was “an attack on free speech and political advocacy”. 

As former UK Supreme Court justice Jonathan Sumption wrote on Friday, our approach to free speech is “still largely moulded by attitudes born in the Enlightenment”. But we cannot simply take 18th-century arguments and hope they can be applied in the same way today. Our discourse is not taking place in coffee houses — if it were, it might allow us to see the humanity in others and to better understand their perspectives.

Instead, it is largely taking place on the outrage machine of social media, where the algorithms and incentives are built in such a way as to encourage us to behave — and treat others — as two-dimensional avatars rather than real human beings. 


しかし、言論の自由が効果的であるために、我々はその共通の理解を達成したいと思わなければならない。そうしないと、真実に近づかず、真実からますます遠ざかってしまう危険がある。言論の自由は、真実と善が自動的に流れ出すある種の受動的な構造ではなく、一種のエネルギーである。そして、他の形態のエネルギーと同様に、それが役立つためには正しく利用しなければならない。 これは蒸気のようなものだかんがえればいいだろう。世界に商業やアイデアをもたらした最初の列車に動力を供給するのに不可欠だが、やかんの蓋を急いで外した後で顔に火傷を負う場合にはあまり役に立たない。 

適切なインフラが整備されていないと、評判の高い「アイデアの市場」は真実や共通点に到達するのに役立たず、むしろ無意味なノイズの増幅器になる。この不協和音の中で、表現の自由の原則そのものが悪用される可能性がある。たとえば、「2020年選挙で不正投票が行われた」というドナルド・トランプ氏の誤った主張を広めたことを弁護するためにドナルド・トランプ氏の弁護士がそうしたように。 彼らは、元米国大統領の起訴は「言論の自由と政治的擁護に対する攻撃」であると主張した。 

元英国最高裁判所判事ジョナサン・サンプションが金曜日に書いたように、言論の自由に対する我々のアプローチは「依然として啓蒙主義で生まれた態度によって主に形作られている」。 しかし、我々は18世紀の議論を単純に受け入れて、それが今日同じように適用できるとは考えられない。我々の議論はコーヒーハウスで行われているわけではない。コーヒーハウスであれば、他の人の人間性が見え、彼らの視点をより深く理解できるようになるかもしれないが。


[ Jemima Kelly: "Opinion Technology: Free speech can’t flourish online -- Social media is an outrage machine, not a forum for sharing ideas and getting at the truth" (2023/11/12) on Financial Times ]

でも、悲観することはない。怒りを大衆動員に使うのは以前からのこと おそらく紀元前からのことで、昨日今日に始まったことではない。
